SECURITY —.- INFORMATION —~ COPY T! 7 L .“.i RM A52E01 . ——. . .-. .- . .—— ..-. -. - .—-- -“ RESEARCHMEMORANDUM EFFECTS OF THREE TYPES OF BLUNT TRAILING EDGES ON THE AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A PLANE TAPERED WING OF ASPECT RATIO 3.1,WITH A 3-PERCENT-THICK BICONVEX SECTION By DuaneW. Dugan Laboratory Ames Aeronautical Moffett Field,Calif. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS 2/’ 9 %0’4? WASHINGTON Jdy 22, 1952 ‘ TECHLIBRARYKAFB,NM Il!lllllllullllllillllllll “-’-— il14i7nz G lC F NACARM A52E01 NATIONAL A. DVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS . RESEARCH MEMORANDUM EFFECTS OF THREETYPESOF BLUNTTRAILING EDGESON TEEAERODYNAMIC! -- CHARACTERISTTC!S OF A PLM?ETAPERED WINGOF ASPECTRMTO 3.1} WIm A 3-PERCENT-TEICK BICONWEX SECTTON By DuaneW. Dugan SUMMARY . . Effectsof wingtrailing-edge bluntness upontheaerodynamic characteristics of a wing-body conibination havebeenexperimentally investigated at Machnumbers ranging from0.6. to 0.925andfroIu 1.2 to 1.7forReynolds numbers of 1.5and3.8million.Modifications were madeto therearhalfof a basicplanetapered wingof aspectratio3.1 hatinga s-percent-thick, circular-arc, biconvex section.Threet~es of trailing-edge shapeswereused;nsmel.y(1)constant thickness aft of midchord, withzeroboattail angle;(2~ constant thickness frommidchordto seven-eights chordfollowed by constant slopeto one-half maximumairfoil thickness at trailing edge,withboattail angleequalto trailing-edge angleof bastewing;and (3)one-half msximumthickness at trailing edgefairedby meansof a tangentto thebiconvex surface, withboat@ilamgleof 2°. . Resultsof theinvestigation showthatemployment of blunttrailing edgesreduced or eliminated unstable p-itching-moment chmacteristics exhibited by thebasicwing-body conibination at lowliftcoefficients and subsonic speeds.In particular, at thesupercritical Machnumbers O-g1 and0.925, “neutral or slightly positive staticlongitudinal “stability of thewing-body configuration wasattained by usingtrailing-edge bluntness. Increases in lift-curve slopemeasured throughzeroliftwerealso obtained, although at thecostof increased minimumdraganddecreased ;1 maximum lift~ag ratios. ... Comparison of theaerodynamic characteristics of thethree modified wing-body cotiinations indicates thatforthegivenbasic~ thetrailing-edge thichesswhichgivesthemostimprovement in pitchingmomentcharacteristics withtheleastdecrease in maximum lift-drag ratio .-- — . — 2 -, ._.A ,-+.-. — , .- ~-% . NACARM A52E01 in thesubsonic speedrangeis lessthanone-half maximumairfoiltihicknessjandthatutilization of a Wge boattail angleis undesirable. X ,. . INTRODUCTION Previous experimental investigation of theaerodynamic characteristicsof a wing-boiQ _eonibination,employing a planetapered wingof aspect ratio3.1witha s-percent-thick, circular-arc, biconvex section(reference1) has sho’wn undesirable pitching-moment characteristics nearzero liftin thesubsonic Machnuniber range,particularly forthesupercritical Machnimibers 0.9and0.925. (Thecritical Machnumberforthis wingis approximately O.83.) Thephenomena werebelieved to be dueto significant changesin chordwise loadings causedby theinfluence of the terminal shockwave. Resultsof investigations of airfoils at highsubsonicspeeds(references 2 and 3) demonstrated theachievement of more satisfactory pitching momentsthroughchangesto theairfoilthickness distribution whichmovedthepointof maximumthickness rearwar d, thereby confining the adverseinfluence of theterminal shockwaveto a smaller portionof theairfoil.In addition, ithasbeenpointedoutin reference4 thatadvantages, including greaterlift-curve slope,lowerprofile drag,anddesirable structural features , arepossible at s~ersonicMach nuu.ibers withblunttrailing-edge airfoils.Consideration of such evidence ledto thepresentinvestigation of theeffectsof trailingedgebluntness on theaerodynamic properties of the s-percent-thick biconvex-profile wingof reference 1. In thisinvestigation, no attempt wasmadeto compareaerodynamic characteristics of thevariouswingsoh thebasisof equivalent strut- “. turalcharacteristics. !l%erefore, theterm“optimum thickn~ss” as used in thepresentreportis basedsolelyon theaerodynamic Characteristics of a givens-percent-thick wingmodified to obtainvarioustrailing-edge shapesandthicknesses withoutregardto the structural strengths Which differed fromonemodification to theother. Furthermore, becauseof the small.thickness ratioof thewingandtherangeof Machnumbersof this. investigation, andbecausethemodifications to thebasicwingdidnot reducemsxinmmthiclmess nor include changesin theprofileforwardof themidchord, no reduction in minimumdragat supersonic speedswas anticipated fortheblunttrailing-edge wings. — ‘–-. .— -.-—... ‘_... NOTATION .“! .— NACARM fi2EOl ‘3 . 10CS3wingchord,feet lengthof body$including portionremovedto accommodate sting,inches . lift-dragratio maximumlift-dragratio M free-stream Machnudber P. staticpressure, poundsper squarefoot .free-stream % pressure at baseof blunttrailing+dge wings,po~ds per squarefoot -wingbase-pressure coefficient 9. free-stresm dynamic pressure, poundsper squsrefoot R Reynolds nuniber basedon themeanaerodynamic chord,C r radiusof body,inches r. msximnnbodyradius,inches s totalwingarea,including areaformedby extending leadimg andtrailing edgesto planeof symmMmy,squarefeet x longitudinal distance fromnoseof body,inches Y dist=ceperpendicular to planeof symetry,feet a angleof attackof bodyaxis,degrees dragcoefficientdrag ()T liftcoefficientlift ()F pitching -moment coefficient referred to quarter pointof /. pitching moment meanaerodynamic chord qsE , ) ( CD . . 4 NACARM A52E01 .1.. dCL -z .- slope of lift .—. — curve measured at zerolift, per degree . curve measured at zerolift slopeof pitching-moment ,.. APPARATUS WindTunnelandEquipment Theexperimental investigation was conducted in thelines 6- bY 6-footsupe&onicwindtunnel;In thiswindtunneltheMachnunibe~ can be variedcontinuously andthestagnation pressure canbe regulated to maintain a giventestReynolds n~ber. Theair is driedto preventthe formation of condensation shocks.Furtherinformation is presented in reference 5. ‘- Themodelwas stingmountedin thetunnel,thediameter of the stingbeingabout82 percentof thediemeter of thebodybase. A balancemountedon thestingsupport andenclosed withinthebodyof themodelwasusedto measuretheaerodynamic forcesandmomentson themodel. Thebalancewas thek-inch, four-component, strain-gage balancedescribed in reference 6. . Models A plananda frontvtewof themodelsandcertain modeldimensions aregivenin figure1. Thebiconvex profileand thethreetrailing-edge modifications areillustrated in figure2. Thebasicwingof circularuc biconvex section(wing1) was constructed of solidsteel,andwas modified by addingbismuth-tin alloyaftof themidchord pointsto obtain ~S 2, 3, =d 4* Wing2 has constant thickness frommidchord to trailing edge;wing3 has constant thickness frommidchord to the 8T.5-percent chordpoint,followed by constant slopeto one-half the maximumthickness at thetrailing edge,witha boattail angleof 6.88° (sameas included trailing-edge angleof wing1);winghhas a traiMngedgethickness equalto thatof wing3,but eqploysa constant slope fromtrailing edgeto a pointof tangency on thebiconvex surface with a boattail angleof 2.02°. Thebodysparwas alsoof steelandwas covered withaluminum b formthebodycontours.Thesurfaces of the bodyandwingswerepolished smooth.Otherimportant geometric characteristics of themodels~e tabulated as follows: “. ‘“ . , ..” -.). .: 0 NACARM A52E01 . . .. wings Aspectpatio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6..3.1 Taperratio .. o..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,0.39 thickcircular-arc biconvex Airfoilsection(streamwise) . . 3-percent Includedangle atnose,degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.88 Boattail angle,degrees wing2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . .* . .0 wings. . . . **. .. ..9.. *. . . 6.88 wingk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.02 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Wtalarea s~ squarefeet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meanaerodynamic chord~, feet . . . . . . . . . . . . Dihedral, degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caliber. . . .. ............ .... .... TuiSt,degrees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S . Sueepback of 25-percent+hord station, degrees. . . Incidence, degrees.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distance, wing-chord-plane to bodyaxis,feet . . . . . ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● . . . .2.425 . . .. 0.94-4 . . . . . .0 . . . . None . . . . .0 . . . . ~.4 . . . .“..0 . . . . . .0 ● Body Fineness ratio(basedUponlength1, fig.1) . . . . Cross-section ahage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Msximumcross-sectional area,squarefeet . . . . . Ratioof msximumcross-sectional areato wingarea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~05 . circw . . 0.1235 . . 0.0509 TESTSAND PROCEDURE Theaerodynamic characteristics of themodelswithwings2, 3,andk of a@Le of attack)wereinvestigated fora rangeof Mach (as a function numbersfrom0Y6to 0.925andfrom1.2to 1.7,andReynolds ntmibers of 1.5~d 3.8UiOL Data forthemodelwithwing1 wereobtained fromreference 1 for comparison. In a few instances, as no~d in the figures, datafora Reynolds nuniber of 1.5millionwerenotobtained for wing1; thesubstitution of dataobtained at a Reynolds numberof 2.4milliondidnot invalidate comparison withthemodified wings,inasmuch as no appreciable difference couldbe obsemedbetweenthedataobtained for wing1 at R-1.5millionandthoseobtained at R=2.4miUion in theMach numberr-e concerned. In addition to forcemeasurements, wingbase-pressure measurements weremadeby meansof a staticorificeinstalled in thetrailing edgeof eachof themodified wingsat approximately the50-percent-semispan position of theright-hand wingpanel. . .— J— -HE===& 6 NACA RM A52E01 .— -. .— Reduction of Data ThetestdatahaveMen reducedto stand=ml NAcAcoefficient form. of theseresultsandthecorrec Factors whichcouldeffecttheaccuracy arediscus sedin thefollowing paragraphs. tionsapplied -= Tunnel-wall interference. - Corrections to thesubsonic resultsfor effectsof thetunnelwallsresulting — fromlifton themodelweremade according to themethodsof reference 7. Thenumerical valuesof these coi?rections (whichwereaddedto theuncorrected data)were: . &fJ= O.m CL .— . ACDu 0.0100 CL2 No corrections were= to thepitching-moment coefficients. Theeffectsof constriction of theflowat mibsonic speedsby the tunnelwallsweretakenirito account by themethodof reference 8. This correction was calculated forconditions at zeroangleof attackandwas applledthroughout theangle-of-attack rang4. At a Machnmher of 0.925$ thiscorrection amounted to a 3-percent increase in theMachnumberover thatdetermined froma calibration of thewindtunnelwithouta modelin place. . For thetestsat supersonic speedszthereflection fromthe-el wallsof theMachwaveoriginating at thenoseof thebodydidnot cross themodel. No corrections wererequired, therefore, fortunnel-wall effects. Streanvariations .-Testsat subsonic speedsin the6- by 6-foot supersonic windtunnelof thepresentsymmetrical. modelstn boththe normalandtheinverted ppsitions haveindicated no streamcurvature or inclination in thepitchplaneof themodel.,Nomeasurements havebeen made,however, of thestreamcurvature in theyawplane. At sfisonic speeds, thelongitudinal variation of staticpressure in theregionof themodelis notknownaccurately at present, buta preliminary survey has indicated thatit is lessthan2 percentof thedynamic pressure. No correction forthiseffectwasmade. A surveyof theairstreamat supersonic speeds(reference 5)has shownstreamcurvature andstreaminclination onlyin theyawplaneof themodel. Theeffectsof thiscurvature and inclination on the measured characteristics of thepresentmodelsarenotlumwn,but ae judgedto be smallaccording to theresults ‘of“reference 9. Thesurvey alsoindicated thatthereis a static-pressure variation in thetest section of sufficient magnitude to affectthe dragresults.A correction ~w . —. . 1 1 ‘--- HACAFM A52E01 7 was addedto themeasured dragcoef f’icient, therefore, to accountfor thelongitudinal b~cy causedby thisstatic-pressure variation. ~is correction ~ied fromas much, as -0.00U7 at a wh n-r of ~.3 to +0.0006at al&ch numberof 1.’7. Suppo rt interference .-At subsonic speeds,theeffectsof suFPofi interference on theaero@namiccharacteristics of themodelssrenot lmown. For thepresenttailless models,it is believed thatsucheffects consisted primarily of a changein thepressure at thebaseof themodel fuselage.In an effortt6 correctat leastpartislly for thisswport titerfe~ence, thebasepressure of themodelfuselage was =asured and thedragdatawereadjusted to correspond to abase pressure eqti to thestaticpressure of thefreestream.Thesecorrecti- wereof tie orderof 2 percentof themeasured dragat zerolift. At supersonic speedsztheeffectsof s@Port fi~rference of a body-sting configuration s~-to thatof thepresentmodelsare k!hown by reference 10 to be ccmfinedtoa changeinbasepressure.Thepreviouslymentioned adjustment of thedragforbasepressure, therefore, was appliedat supersonic speeds.Thecorrections in thesecasesr~ed, in general, from6 percentof themeasured dragat zeroliftat M = 1.2 Thecorrected drag,consequently, is forebody to 15 percentat M= 1.7. drag. RESULTS ANDDISCUSSION . . Figure3 showstypical. basic-data plotsof aerodynamic ch=acteristicsobtained in thisinvestigation forwing4. Becauseof the slight as-try in thedragpolarsnearzeroliftfor thelowerMachnumbers> thevaluesof dragat positive liftwereusedin mibsequent figures. Subsequntfiguresdo not,in general, showtestpointsin orderthat comparisons maybe mademoreclearlyin respectto thevsmiouspropertiesof thefourwings. A comparison of theaerodynamic characteristics of thefourwingsispresented in figuresk, 5$ 6, =d 7. In figure8, thewingbase-pressure coefficients of themodified wingsarecomp=ed at severalsubsonic and supersonic Machnumbers.Figure9 showsthe valationof lift-curve slopemeasured throughzeroliftwithMach nuniber foreachwing. Theeffectof Machn&er uponliftat seversl anglesof attackis givenin figure10;the sameis donefordragin figureU, andforpitching momentin figm?e12. LiftCharacteristics . Ap reciable increases in lift-curve slopemeasured at zerolift (fig.97 h therangesof Mach;~ers investigated wereobtained by , --.<* 8 NACARM A52E01 substituting blunttrailing edgesfortheclosedtrailing edgeof the basicwing(wing1),’ psx?ticularly at thesupercritical Mpchnumbers 0.9 and0.925,. Thisis attributed to reduction of separation at allspeeds testedandto theadditional reduction of theadverse effects of the terminal shockat thesupercritical speedsthrough therearwar d shiftQf theshock.Of thethreetypesof blunttrailing edgestested, that represented by ting4, whichhasa finaltra-iling-edge thickness of onehalfmaximum airfoil thickness fairedby meansof a tangent to the biconvex surface, demonstrated themost” satisfactory lifting properties in regardto lift-curve slopeandvariation of liftwithMachnumber. Thissuggests thedesirability of usingthe~mallest possible boattail anglein attaining thefinal. trailing-edge thickness whichtheresults indicate shouldbe lessthemmaximumsection thickness. Figures 9 and10 showa markedscaleeffecton theliftcharacteristicsofwing1 at anglesof attacklessthar”u” in thesubsonic, supercritical spee’d range,an effectnotobserved forthemodified wings.The decrease of lift-curve slopemeasured through zeroliftforwing1 at the highersubsonic speedsandlowerReynolds numberindicates thata cotii~tionof boundary-layer qndterminal-shock effects causeslos~of lift. Increasing theReynolds nuuiberto 3.8 million, or shifting theposition of theterminal shockrearwardbychanging thethickness distribution .@ thatof wing2, 3, or 4, reduces theeffects of separation andof recompression, resulting inmoreliftat smallanglesof attack.Thatthe sameeffectis notobserved at somewhat largerangles(asat a = 4°)is attributed to thechangein thenatureof theflowat theseangles (fig.10(a) ). As first&scribedinreference 3, an expansion at supersonicspeedsaroundthesharpleading edgeredirects theairto the surface of thewing,at whichpointan oblique shockturnstheflowso thatit follows thecontour of thesurface, withtheresultthatseparationis eliminated overa considerable distance aft-oftheleading edge.. Pitching-Moment Characteristics . Improvement of thepitching-moment characteristics of thebasic wingby employing blunttrailing edgesof thetypesrepresented by wings2 and4 is apparent in figure5, particularly at thetwohighest subsonic Machnunibers andlowerReynolds”num~er. Wing3 produces pitching-monent properties generally lesssatisfactory in respect to staticlongitudinal stability thanthoseof thebasicwingat 1.7million Reynolds niimber andlowersubsonic Machnumbers; at thehigherReynolds nuniber, thesecharacteristics areslightly s@eriorto thoseof wing1 at subsonic speeds, hutremainlessdesirable thanthoseof theother twomodified wings.At supersonic Machnumbers, theinfluence of trailing-edge thickness in-dete~ining pitching-&oment characteristics is slight. _,=— --’ “=-- 2C P NACARM A52E01 9 Themiti@tionof Machnuniber effectsuponpitching-moment through theuse of blunttrailing edges-is shownin figure.12 wherethevariation of pitching momentwithMachnumberat severalanglesof attackis prein this sentedforeachof thefourwings. Wings2 and4 appearsuperior thickness of wing3 respectwhereaswing3 doesnot. (Thetrailing-edge is thesameas thatof wing4, but theboattail angleof theformeris morethanthreetimesthatof thelatter.)Thedataindicate thatthe useof fullbluntness is scarcely moreadvantageous thanthatof half bluntness as typified by ting4 in reducing theMachnumbereffects justdiscussed. Theaberrant variations of pitching momentwithliftof wings1 and 3 in thesubsonic speedrangeat thelowerReyTlolds nuber} in contrast to thenmreconsistent trendsat thehigherdynamicscale,as shownby figure5, merita briefdiscussion. ,Inthecaseof thebasicwing(wing1),therapidincrease in positivepitching momentat smallliftcoefficients at the supercritical Machnumbers0.9and0.925andthelowerReynolds numberbanbe ex@ained as follows:Assumethatat zeroliftlaminarflowexistsoverbothupper andlowersurfaces of thewing,but thattransition to turbulent boundarylayerflowoccursaheadof theterminal shockon theuppersurfaceat smallanglesof attackdueto thepressure peakin thevicinity of the sharpleadingedge. Thepressure distribution overtheuppersurface, then,wouldresemble thatobtained experimentally at supercritical speedson a circular-arc airfoil withturbulent boundary layer,whereas thepressure distribution overthelowersurface wouldbesimilarb thatobtained withMminar flowin theboundsry layer. Suchpressure distributions srepresented in reference 11 fora biconvex airfoilat 0° and showthattheterminal shockwaveproduces a greater incidence, pressure risein a shorterchordwise distance in thepresence of a turbulentboundary layerthanin thepresence of a laminar boundary layer. !Ihis, then,wouldaccountfor thedevelopment of negative liftoverthe resrof wing1 at supercritical speedsandthelowerReynolds mmber~ andexplainboththeincreased positive pitching moment(fig.5(a)),and thedecrease in lift-curve slope(fig.9(a)). Exsm@esof suchpressure distributions overan airfoilidentical to thatof wing1 canbe seen foranglesof attackof 2° and4° in reference 3. At thehigherReynolds nuniber of 3.8 million, it canbe deduced fromthedataforwing1 thatturbulent boundary-layer flowoccursover theloweras wellas theuppersurface at smallanglesof attack,with theresultthatthen~gative”lift described aboveis largelyreducedor eliminated. . . Thepitching-moment characteristics of wing 3 at lift coefficients nearzerofor supercritical speedsat thelowerReynolds numberare contrsry to thoseof wing1 (fig.~),andthusrequirea different ‘ 10 . emanation. A clueto theparadoxis givenby thediscontinuity in the profileof wing3. In thiswing,theupperandlowersur?aces aftof themidchord pointcontinue par&fiel tc-thechordplaneas farrearward as the87.5-percent-chord Positionj at which-~intthey cl.iange direction “by an angleof 3.4.4°. Sucha profileis conducive to separation behind thediscontinuity at lowReynolds numbers.Thatseparated flowdoes prevailoverbothsurfaces at therearof wing 3, not onlyat zerolift but alsoat smallanglesof attack,in thesubcritical speedrangeis indicated by themorepositive pitching momentsof thiswingcompared to thoseof wings1,~~d 4. However, as supercritical speedsareattained, thesupersonic eqansionaroundthediscontinuity on theuppersurfaceis probably of sufficient degreeto reattach theflowthereandproduce greatlyreduced pressures at even small” anglesof attack,as studyof thedataandschlieren observations of reference 3 indicates.Thelower velocities on thelowersurface of thewingat smallanglesof attack preclude thepossibility of as complete reattachment, withtheresult thatmorepositive liftis developed overtherearof thewingat supercritical speedsthanat lowersubsonic speeds.Sucha phenomenon would e-lainboththerapidincrease of liftandof divingmomentwiththe adventof supercritical. speedsat thelowerReynolds mmiber shownby the datapresented in figures10(a)and1.2(a), respectively. At thehigherReynolds nuniber, theflowovertheupper“marsurface‘ of wing3 wouldnotbe e~cted to differsignificantly fromthatat the lowerRe~lds numberJon theotherhand,theextentof theseparation on thelowersurface aftof thediscontinuity” wuld be e~ectedto be largelyreduced.‘l’he tendency in thiseventwouldbetowardlesslift anda decrease in divingmoment.Comparison of theliftandthepitching momentsof wing3 at thetwoReynolds nunibers (figs.10 and12,respectively) showsthisto be thecase. .% T \- .“. .. -. : . . In viewof thescaleeffectsnotedforwings1 and 3 in thesupercritical rangeof speeds,thelimitations to thedirectapplication of thesewings,sayto missiledesignwherethe dimensions arecomparable to thoseof themodelshereinvestigated, areobvious.Thetestconditionsat the-twosupercrikical M&:hnumbers0.9”and0.925,andat the lowerReynolds nuniber of 1.5millionareequivalent to flightof the testmodelsat thesesamevaluesof theparameters at approximately &0,000feetabovesealevel. Wings2 and& wouldnotofferthesame drasticproblemof controlat smallliftcoefficients in thesubsonic supercritical speedrange. DragCharacteristics . As couldbeeqected,theminimumdragof eachof theblunttrailing- e~e wingswas considerably greaterthanthatof thebasicwing,bothat subsonic andsupersonic speeds.Forwing2 thedragincrements were . -. NACARM A52E01 ‘“~ 11 threeto fourtimesas largeas forwingk at zeroliftandat small anglesof attack(fig.11);in general, thedragof wing3 resembled thatof wing4 exceptat supersonic speedsandthehigherReynolds ?nxiber wherethedragof wing3 exceeded that”of wtng2 in thehigher Machnumberrange(fig.U(b)). The influence of thetrailing+dge shapesof themodified wingsin — creating additional dragthroughthedevelopment of lowerbasepressures is shownin a qualitative way in figure8. Thedecrease of basepressure ‘“ coefficient withincreasing supersonic Machnumbershownin figure8 is I reflected in thediminishing difference betweenthedragcoefficients of themodified wingsandthoseof thebasicwingas theMachnumber increases beyond1:2 (fig.11). Thephenomenon of decreasing basepressurecoefficients withincreasing angleof attacknearzero,shownfor wing2 in figure8 forsubsonic speeds,servesto explaintheunusual shapeof thedrag-pol~curvesof thatwingnearzerolift(fig.6). Figure6 showsthattheincrease of dragwithliftis lowerforthe modified wingsthanforthebasicwing,as couldbe deducedfromnoting the greaterlift-curve slopesof thef&aer. At liftcoefficients of the orderof 0.5,thedragcoefficients of theblunt-trailing-edge wings axe generally lowerthanthatof thebasicwing. .MaximumLift-Drag Ratio Figure7 showstherelative magnitude of themsxtiumlift-drag ratiosof thefourwingsfor subsonic and supersonic Machnumbers.It is uncertain justhowmuchof thedifference obsewedbetweenthevalues of theratiosat the twoReynolds numbersis dueto scaleeffectandhow muchis dueto thelackof complete definitiveness in thefairingof the individual lift+ag curvesnearthemaximumvalues.Theadvantage of, usinglessthanfullbluntness is obviousin respectto theachievement of thelargestpossible lift-drag ratios. Thedataindicate .someslight s~eriorityof wing4 overwing3 in comparing theirrespective liftdragvalues. At thehighestMachnumberof thepresentinvestigation (M = 1.7), thereis an indication thatat leastforwings3 and4 thevaluesof maximumL/Dareincreasing withfurtherincrease in Machnumber;from reference 1, wing1 showedno suchtendency up to a Machnumberof 1.9 anda Reynolds numberof 2.4million.Thisincrease in (L/D)- is no doubtassociated withthedecrease in basedragwithincreasing supersonic Machnuniber shownin figure8. It is possible thatat Mach numbers higherthan1.7theorderof thevaluesof (L/D)m forthe Ji? -~ NACARM A~2EOl monblunt andforthemodified wingsmightbe reversed.Furtherinvestigationat higherMachnunibers thanherepresented is required before definite conclusions canbe reached. A. — .— . CONCLUDING REMARKS Fromthedataobtained in thisinvestigation of thee$fects of blunttrailing edgesupontheaerodynamic characteristics of a plane tapered winghavinga 3-percent-thick, circular=c~biconvex section, ithasbeenfoundthatunstable pitching-moment characteristics exhibited by theabovewingat smallliftcoefficients in thesubsonic rangeof speedsconsidered canbe reduced or eliminated. mis was accomplished ”(atthecostof increased dragtidlowermaximum lift-drag ratios) by theemployment of trailing edgeshavingthicknesses equalto themaximumandone-hslf themsximumthickness of thewing. Increases in lift-curve slopemeasured through zeroliftals~resulted forall Machnumbersinvestigated (0.6-to 0.925,and1.2to 1.7)whentheoriginalwingwasmodified by %luntness at thetrailing edge. .-, .—.— -. Comparison of theeffects of fullbluntness on theonehand,and ofhalfbluntness on theother,uponpitching moment, lift-curve slope, andupondrsgindicates thattheopt@mmthi~ess fortheblunttrailing edge,disregarding structural considerations, is something lessthanonehalfthemsximwn thickness forthetypeof winghe= considered. Testsof a rectangular wingof aspectratio4 witha 4.-percent-thick cfrctiar-arc biconvex section modified in thesamemanner-as wing4 of thispresent investigation (reference 12)showthatemployment of a trailing-edge “ thickness 0.3thatof themaximum airfoil thickness gaveno increase in minimumdragoverthatof thebasicwing. Thisphenomenon, in conjunction witha-greater lift-curve slope,produced a somaihat highervalueof msximumlift-drag ratioin thesribsonic speedrange.!Ihe improvement in pitching-moment characteristics wascomparable to thatobtained with trailing-edge thicknesses 0.6and1.0timesthemaximum air?oil thickness. Needforfurtherinvestigation of theeffects__of trailing-edge thickness uponaerodynamic characteristics is indicated. Thefairing of thetrailing-edge thickness to thecircular-arc profile by mans of a straight linetangent to thecurvedsurface appears to be superior to theinclusion of a discontinuity in slopein theprofile. “, .- Dataobtained in thisinvestigation indicate thatthemsximumliftdragratiosfortheblunt-trailing-edge wingsareincreasing invalue withincreasing Machnrmiber in theneighborhood ofM = 1.7. Testing at speedshigherthanthisappears desirable to investigate thistrend. AmesAeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Committee forAeronautics Moffett Field,Calif. %..u...~ -— -+....-...,JU . . NACARM A52E01 . .- ~ 13 R3mERmcEs 1. Reese,DavidE., Jr.,andPhelps,E. Ray: Lift$Drag,andPitching Momentof Low-Aspect-Ratio Wingsat subsonic andSupersonic SpeedsPlaneTapered Wing,ofAspectRatio3.1With3-Percent-Thick, Biconvex Section.NACARM A50K28,1951. 2. Eggers,A. J.,Jr.: Aerodynamic Characteristics at Su%criticsl and Supercritical MachNumbersof TwoAirfoilSections HavingSharp of Msxinrum Thickness. Leading EdgesandExtre~ RearwardPositions NACARM A7C1O,1947. Lindsey, W. F.,Daley,BernardN.,andEumphreys, MiltonD.: The FlowandForceCharacteristics of Supersonic Airfoils at High Subsonic Speeds.NACA!CNMU, 1947. 3. 4. Chapman, DeanR.: Reduction of profileDragat Supersonic Velocities . . by theUseof AirfoilSections Havinga BluntwailingEdge. NAcARMA9m, 1949. 5. Frick,Clmrles W., andOlson,RobertN.: FlowStudiesin the Asymmetric Adjustable Nozzleof thehnes6- by 6-footSqersonic WindTunnel.NACARMA9E24,1949. 6. Olson,RobertN.,andMead,MerrillH.: Aerodynamic Studyofa Wing-Fuselage Conibination ~lo@ng a [email protected] of an Elevenas a Longitudins3. Controlandthe Effectsof Csmiber andTwiston theMaximumLift-Drag Ratioat Supersonic Speeds.I’tACARMA50A31a, 1950. . 7. Glauert, H.: TheElements of Aerofoil andAirscrew Theory.The University Press,Cambridge, England, 1926,ch.XIV. 8. Herriot, JohnG.: Blockage Corrections forl%ree-Dimensional-Flow Closed-Throat WtndTunnels, withConsideration of theEffectof Compressibility. NACARM A7B28) NACARep.995$1950. (Formerly HenryC.: Aerodynamic Studyof a Wing-Fuselage Combination 9. Lessing, ~lo~ng a WingSweptBack630 - Effectof Sideslip on Aerodynamic Characteristics at a MachNuniber of 1.4WiththeWingTwistedand Cambered.NACARMA50F09,1950. 10. Perkins, EdwardW.: ~rimental Investigation of theEffectsof SupportInterference on theDragof Bodiesof Revolution at a MachNumberof 1.5. NACA~ 22$)2, 1951. — ,“ 14 NACARM A52E01 -~ o! theInteraction.of_ _ .,___ 3 11. Liepnann, HansWolfgang:Investigations .=.+ Boundary LayerandShockWavesin Transonic Flow. AF Tech.. — Rep.5668,1948. . 22. Cleary, JosephW.,andS*vens,GeorgeL.: TheEffectsat.Transonic Speedsof Thickening theI&ailing Edgeof a WingWitha h-PercentThickCircular-Arc l!drfoil. NACARMA51Jll, 1951. “. . —- -. .. . .— .. ..- ... --- .- .. ...—-— 1. – .:+ .=+. -. . . . * Equation of fuselage dimensions radii: shown in Inches. II I -,( F-— . —— + r,:2.38 -T- I - 2-—r {\ —-— ‘-----,— ------ - x w /9. 47’ 5.68 + -+595 1- I w k—-15.21- ~1=59.50 1 Figure 1.- Plan and front views of the models. o / 2 3 Percent Figure . . I 60 40 0 2,- Profiles ‘ of basic chord, and 80 /00 100 x ~ b/unt trailing-edge wings. , . ● 1,2 /.0 .8 , .6 .4 .2 0 :2 ;4 76 .R .“ O 4 8 12 /6 Angle 20 of (0) Figure 3.- The variation of the oerodpamic numbers for M=O.6 ottock, Q CL w u characteristics Reynolds numb~, wifh /iff /.5 million, coefficient at various Mach Wing 4” .- /2 g 1.0 .8 .6 6’ -G a 3 ~ ~ .4 ./? 2. go + -.2 -.4 Y6 Y8 o Y04 T08 +2 ,/6 Plfchlng-moment (b) Figure ;20 for M=O.6. coefffclenf, Cm CL VS cm 3-Continued. 1 4,, m I 1 1’ J , .) , . . , * .- 0 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 for M EQ6. Drag coefficient, CO (c) figure . c’ VS CD 3-Continued. .-. I I I Lift (d) Figure , # . s cot?ffi’’ient, CL ‘/D 3- KS CL w x . ~ Concluded I$J P ‘ . I -8 . -4 0 4 8 20 for M=0.6. A&e o;60tMck, u, a%grees. “ w (a) Rewelds number. ).5 million. Figure 4.- Variation of fiff coefficient with angleOf a~tuc~ wingsI, 2, 3,and4. I R .’ “1 i -8 -4 0 4 8 /2 for M= 0.6. Angle of attock, a, degrees f6 20 (b) Reynolds numbe< 38 roil/ion, Figure 4- Concluded ~ “ . I “1 :,, — 1. /. .* .4 I J#l I I i I i .2 0 ‘.2 -. II -. ~1 -. (For bicomw profi/e at 111 M=L2, 1.4, 1.~ Pitching-momentcoefficient. Cm (a) Reynolds number, [5- rnjllion. figure 5. - Comparison of pitching-moment characteristics of sharp -and blunt t’raifing-’edge wings, 1 .- lz 1.0 .8 -* o 4 .4? Z4 76 -R :;4 o ;04 .08 712 716 -20 T24 -28 -32 for Al=. 6 Wdng-moment coefficient, cm (b) Reynolds m.mhw, 3,8 million. Figure =%=’ 5- cancluded. ., I ,. 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 0 -.2 Winf -.4 ‘.6 -.80 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 !+ 1 ‘1 0.9 -- .24 Etmt .2u . ..z? kW’ M’U. - (For biconvar profile at b Drag coet%ienf, CD (o) Reynolds nmber, 1.5 mifion Figure 6.- Voriotionof drag coefficimt with iift cmffiaent for wtngs ~ 2, ~ and 4. 0? Iv cm liiiiii .U ii iiiiiiiiiii iii iiil .6 A ,7- I 1A M M MT / - , 1~ , , 1 1 1 I I I VI I i .2 n “m < ! w.* I I 1111 .- 0 .04 .08 .12 .16 .2C u .24 ‘- ‘.28 #----Drug coerrfcw?r, ‘.52 I I I HII ~/~9~ —=—__—J— wif193 win94 ~------- For y=O.6 ——— ~–-–-— - GD (b) Reymfds numlwr, 3.8 miflim. F@ure 6.- Concluded. ,, 2 I t ,,! , . ,1 .1 1: ii’ .::’. 1 . , ! # — wing 2 ~ Wiflg4 ~ 7 R=I.5 x/Oe 7 — 0 ‘O .2 Figure .4 .6 7. – Variation .8 of [O L2 Mach number maximum wings ~” 2, lift-drag 3, and /.4 L6 /.8 with Mach M 2.0 w ratio 4. number, 2.2 M= 0.6 M=O. 8 hf=o, 7 /4 /2 /0 8 6 4 2 00 -.2 -,4 -.6 M=(9.9 -8 0 72 -.4 Y6 -.8 0 -.2 -.4 -.6 Af=/.2, 1.4, /.7 -.8 F5=3 /4 /2 /0 8 6 4 2 00 -,2 -.4 -.6 o -.8 Pressure @ Figure -.2 -.4 -,6 coefficient, Reynolds (% - ~)/q numbe~ %.- Comparison of wing base pressure coefficients o -.8 -.2 -.4 -.6 ~ /.5 ‘million. for three types of trolling-edge” ‘;8 ~ M “bluntness. $ I 1 I M=O. 7 0 -.2 -.4 -.6 ~*oa925 -.8 * , i! win92 ~/4 z /2 ; ~–––– win93 ~------- wln9-4 ~–-–-– 10 .S8 G 06 24 2 0 0 ‘,4 ‘.4 -.6 -.8 0 %s5wfe (b) -,2 -,4 -.6 coefflclent, Reynolds Figure number, 8.- 0 -.8 (~-~) 3.8 Concluded. ~q million. ?2 -.4 -.6 -.8 NACARM A52E01 30 . ,. 4 --;4 .6 .8 LO /.2 /.4 16 Mffch number /.8 2.0 (b) Reynoldsnumbe~3.8 mj//jon. F7gure 9. Variation of /ift -curve s/ope with Much numbe~ wlhgs 1, 2,3,and4. . . I ,1 , , 1 .5 .4 /, . .3 1 1 \ \\\ I # 2“ \ Q.. - .1 0 / + 4 .6 .8 f.O 1.2 L4 1.6 Mach number (o) Reynolds number, 1.5 miilion. Figure IO- Vortbtionof iift 1.8 ,20 .4 i.o L6 1.8 (b) Reynoids numbe~ 3.8 miiiion. — . .8 i.2 1.4 2.0 Mach number coefficient at sew?roiongies of attack with Ma& number, wingsi, 2,3, and 4. .03 .02 — I — .0/ 1. . @ @o — . — — %. \\ ●✎✼ . +??’ — } “1 // — — .0/ o — ~ –––”– w@3 ~ ------- w~n94 ~–-–-– I Q“r?” .8 LO 12 (7;4. 1.4 [6 [8 2.0 .4 .6 .8 Mach number LO Mach (0.) Reynolds Figure 11. - number. 1.5 1, 2, + 1.2 L4 16 18 number million. Variation of drag coefficient ut seveml angles of attack wings i,,, W9 I ~. win9~ with #a& 3, and 4. 1. 1 7 ,,1, ,,. number, 2.0 .03 . .02 / ---- -- / --- __ + ~ ~ . - .0/ u=o” 0 c! I t ‘ #-/ N ) \-. _ .02 ./’ -.--~ \ \ :: . \ 0 v Wing I ~ wh9P ~–––– % 2 — wing3 ~ wlllg4 ~–-–-– ------- .01 a=z” 0 .6 .8 1.0 f.2 .L4 Mach number A. L6 [8 2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Mach (b) Reynolds number, 3.8 Figure 1~ - -w 1.2 1.4 /.6 1.8 2.0 number million, Concluded. w LAJ w .03 & .04? .0/ 4° o -.01 be$ -.OE -,03 . 2“ -. -. 1° -. --- .4 .5 ,6 .7 ,8 .9 Mach number (Q) ReY@dS number, [5 milfion. Figure i2 - Voriation of pitching-moment LO .4 .5 .6 Ma& ~) Repolds .7 .8 .9 i.O numbw nutnbe~ 3.8 million. cotw%lcien}with Moth number, wi~gs ~ 2, 3, ond 4. ~
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