Week of April 6 - April 10

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Week of
April 6 - April 10
Good Afternoon, Jackson!
Our construction crew has been busy at work getting
Phase Two underway.
What you need to know:
Sidewalk areas downtown will remain open
A mid-block crosswalk adjacent to the post
office has been left open to help make it easier
to walk around
There are no planned service interruptions this
Current work:
Last week the pavement between Jackson St.
and Mechanic St. was milled off and a layer of
millings was spread onto the roadway for
stability while the work proceeds
Fencing was installed around the perimeter of
the work zone to separate the pedestrians on
the sidewalk from the construction in the street
Way finding signs to direct pedestrian traffic
through the work zone have been installed on
the perimeter fencing at various locations.
Additional way finding signs will be added
shortly at allies and cross-streets to provide
additional direction to local businesses
Work started on the water main and sanitary
sewer replacement at Mechanic St. will take
several days as the existing pipes and
manholes being replaced are approximately 17
feet deep
This week, the contractor will be changing
Cortland St. and Pearl St. to one-way
streets with barrels and barricades
Work to add additional parking and signage will
finalize new traffic patterns as one-way streets
are created through the rest of the construction
Work on Michigan Ave. will move forward with
the water main and sewer installation from
Mechanic St. proceeding west after the
intersection work is complete
Our construction crew is working hard to make this
project as efficient and smooth as possible. Thank
you for your patience and understanding as we
continue to make Downtown Jackson better!
If you have questions or need additional information,
you can call the Engineering Office at 517-7884160 or visit digjackson.com.
Thank you and have a good week,
Troy R. White
City of Jackson Engineering
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