CONTENTS - Diocese of Brentwood

Introduction ........................................................................................ 2
Memorandum on appointment of teachers in Catholic schools ........... 3 - 5
Procedures for Appointment of Headteacher (Steps 1 – 9) .................. 6 - 8
INTERVIEW: Timetable - example ....................................................... 9
INTERVIEW: Presentation Topics (suggested) ...................................... 10
INTERVIEW: Presentation and Assembly Assessment Sheet……............ 11 - 12
INTERVIEW: Questions for Headteacher (suggested) ..........................
13 - 16
INTERVIEW: Interview Notes ………......................................................
BLESSING: A Blessing for a Leader….....................................................
Part 2:
Job Advertisement – example ....................................................... 20
II: Job Description – example............................................................. 21 - 23
III: Person Specification – example..................................................... 24 - 26
IV: Request for Reference – example ................................................
V: Websites ………………………………...................................................... 28
The appointment of a Headteacher to a school is certainly the most important task facing any governing
body. So much depends upon the leadership and management capabilities of the person appointed and
his, or her, skills in working with governors and staff.
First and foremost, it is imperative that the successful candidate has a clear vision of the Catholic school's
role in the mission of the Church in the local parish, in the diocese and in England and Wales. In order to
gain this vision and be able to articulate it, the new Headteacher must not only be a practising Catholic, but
must have spent some time in reflecting upon the distinctive nature of Catholic schools and how their
ethos is maintained and developed.
Our Catholic schools are communities of faith, even though some of our staff, or pupils, may not be fully
committed to the Church. The principal task of the Headteacher is to lead the school in "incarnating" the
faith in the educational enterprise. It is up to the Headteacher to ensure that Jesus Christ is present and
visible in the school, because He is present and visible in the Headteacher’s life. All that we try to achieve
in the education of children is focused upon their finding their proper place and vocation in a world given
to them by God. We awaken the Holy Spirit in them to recognize the Father, Who reveals Himself in His
created order. We develop in our pupils an awareness that their destiny should not only prepared for in
terms of their life in this world, but also for their life with God in eternity. All this needs to be at the heart
of the new head teacher’s aspirations, personally and professionally.
Of course, the Headteacher does not do this alone. The vision is shared and developed corporately with
staff, governors, parents and pupils. Staff development and performance management should be
underpinned by opportunities for staff members, collectively and individually, to grow in understanding of
and commitment to supporting this community of faith within which they are working. The Headteacher as
leader and manager of staff must ensure these opportunities, and this should be evaluated as part of the
Headteacher's performance management.
Whilst our task in Catholic schools is principally educational, the Headteacher must be alert to the needs of
staff and pupils to develop their faith and spiritual lives as would be appropriate to each one, and ensure
that provision is in place. This requires sensitivity, patience and Christian love, which should be one of the
hallmarks of our Headteachers and our schools. The leader of the school community must also be aware of
his, or her, own requirement to grow in faith and understanding in order effectively to discharge the
responsibilities of Headteacher in a Catholic school over time.
All this may seem impossible for anyone to achieve, but the successful Catholic Headteacher is a person of
Hope, knowing that God is achieving, through him, or her, by His grace, what He intends for each pupil. It is
God's work in which we are invited to participate and the Headteacher's communication, by regular prayer
and the sacraments renders the impossible possible.
Mgr. George Stokes
March 2015
Memorandum on Appointment of Teachers
in Catholic Schools
Throughout this document the term ‘Catholic school’ means all Catholic schools and colleges, including
schools in the trusteeship of a religious order. This includes maintained schools, academies in England,
independent schools, sixth form colleges and non-maintained special schools.
Purpose of the Guidance
Its purpose is to help and guide Governing Bodies1 to fulfil their responsibilities, including statutory
responsibilities, to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school in relation to the
appointment of staff.
The Governing Bodies are the employers of the staff, to whom they should give clear guidelines about the
Catholic character of education and life in their school.
As employers the Governing Body must ensure that the appropriate contract of employment and
associated documentation, as published by the Catholic Education Service (“CES”), is issued. It is because
the contracts reflect the Bishops’ requirements that the Catholic character of schools is preserved and
developed that the Bishops expect all schools to use CES model contracts of employment for their staff.
The CES model contracts ensure, in the context of the role within the school which the employee is
employed to perform, the preservation, maintenance and development of the Catholic character of the
Appointment of Teachers in Catholic Schools
The preservation and development of the quality and distinctive nature of Catholic schools depends on the
faith, practice and commitment of the teachers in the schools, working with their Governing Body. The
Catholic Church understands the vocation of a teacher as a form of ministry within the Church. All
teachers in Catholic schools are employed to participate in the Church’s teaching office, exercising this
ministry in accordance with the Church’s teachings. This requires teachers to be witnesses in word and
deed to the Divine Teacher, Jesus Christ.
To find Catholic teachers who combine personal conviction and practice of the faith with the required
professional qualifications and experience, especially in specialist subjects, is always a high priority.
The recognition of the role that Catholic teachers play stands alongside the value we place on teachers of
other Christian denominations, other Faiths and other teachers who contribute to and support the Catholic
ethos in our schools. We recognise the great contribution they make in helping to ensure that our pupils
are equipped to communicate with and participate in contemporary society.
Governing Bodies, as the employers of staff, have a duty to ensure that the Catholic character of the school
is maintained and developed. The Bishops’ expect that Governing Bodies will employ Catholic teachers
who combine personal conviction and practice of the faith with the required professional qualifications
and experience, in order to ensure this.
Appointment of Leaders in Catholic Schools
As a minimum requirement the Bishops expect that the posts of Head Teacher or Principal, Deputy Head
Teacher or Deputy Principal and Head or Co-ordinator of Religious Education are to be filled by practising
Whilst these posts have traditionally been used in schools, other senior leadership posts, and terminology,
have come about in practice, often as a result of collaborative working arrangements between schools.
Terms which are being used more frequently, and which are not defined in legislation, include: Executive
Head Teacher, Associate Head Teacher and Head of School. The principle to be applied is that this
minimum requirement will apply to the most senior leadership post i.e. the person with overall
responsibility for the day to day management of the school, and the person who is the second most senior
person in the leadership team.
The Bishops also expect that certain posts that directly affect the Catholic Mission of the school are to be
filled by practising Catholics. This would include, for instance, the Chief Executive or equivalent of a Multi
Academy Trust Company. Lay Chaplains also come within this description, but schools must in any case
follow any specific procedures set down by their diocese before the appointment of any Chaplain.
Other Leadership posts that directly affect the Catholic Mission of the school should, wherever possible, be
staffed by skilled practitioners who are committed Catholics.
All staff must respect and support the aims and objectives of a Catholic school.
Appointment of Leaders of Religious Education
Religious education is the core subject in every Catholic school and informs every aspect of the curriculum.
Primary: The Governing Body must ensure that Religious Education is properly organised, co-ordinated,
taught and resourced. The Governing Body must ensure that the school has a Co-ordinator of R.E. and that
the Coordinator should have at least parity in status and remuneration with those of the other core
curriculum areas.
Secondary: The Religious Education department in our secondary schools is of particular importance and
should have at least parity of status and resourcing with any other core subject department. Governing
Bodies are urged to give the highest possible status to the department and to the person leading that
department, and this should be reflected in their status and remuneration.
Representation at Short Listing and Interview
Interview procedures approved by Governing Bodies for teacher recruitment must be open to scrutiny.
They must be clear, objective and transparent.
The Diocesan Bishop is entitled to be represented at all proceedings relating to the appointment of senior
leaders and teachers of religious education.
Governing Bodies must facilitate the attendance of the Diocesan Director (or his or her nominee), either by
affording them advisory rights or otherwise. These may be in relation to all appointments at the school or,
more usually, to the appointment of the senior posts to which the requirement to be a practising Catholic
are applied.
Governing Bodies must give sufficient advanced notification to the Diocesan Director of a vacancy for any
senior post to which the requirement to be a practising Catholic is applied before taking any action,
including appointing an acting Head Teacher or Principal, acting Deputy Head Teacher or Deputy Principal,
or advertising the vacancy. It is particularly important to agree all meeting and interview dates with the
Diocese in advance, to allow Diocesan Officers to be involved from the beginning of the process, including
drawing up job descriptions and person specifications.
Furthermore a Diocesan representative may be invited whenever senior posts with pastoral responsibilities
are being considered.
For appointments to which the requirement to be a practising Catholic are applied, the Governing Body
will meet to draw up a shortlist of candidates, conduct interviews and make an appointment. The
Governing Body may appoint a selection panel to undertake these functions. These appointments may
need ratification by the full Governing Body.
In addition, the appropriate Diocesan Officer must always be invited to the interview of Heads of Religious
Education and School Chaplains.
Delegation of Power of Appointment
When the Governing Body delegates its power and right of appointment of staff to a committee and/or to
the Headteacher or Principal, it is essential that the terms of reference for such delegation are made
Induction and Continuing Professional Development
The Governing Body should ensure an appropriate induction programme, emphasising the distinctive
nature of Catholic education, is in place and that continuing professional development for all staff helps to
sustain this understanding.
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon
Chairman, Department for Catholic Education and Formation
11th September 2014
The higher we are placed the more humbly we should
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Notification and initial meeting
 Chair or Clerk notifies Diocese and LA of vacancy.
 Agrees date for initial meeting.
Preliminary Meeting
 Governing Body decides on:
 Job description
 CES contract
 Selection criteria/person specification
 Selection panel
 Equal Opportunities Policy
 Pay
 Advertisement: where; when; display/lineage;
content; closing date
 CES application form
 Dates for:
- shortlisting; interviews; visit to school
 Appointment by full governing body (ratification)
 Other materials to be sent to candidates/applicants, e.g. SDP, Mission
Statement, Inspection Summary Reports, LA information, etc.
 Selection process (see Shortlisting Meeting Part 2)
 Confidentiality
See Appendices for the following:
 Job Description – example
 Person Specification – example
 Job Advertisement – two examples
 CES Contract
Shortlisting Meeting (Part 1)
 Consider applications against person specification
 Decide A or B
 A
 B
Shortlisting Meeting (Part 2)
 Agree:
 Confidentiality
 Selection procedures
panels? (agree membership)
elimination stages?
 Role of advisers
 Tasks/presentations by candidates
 Areas of questioning
 Use of references
when? - how?
 Responsibility for dealing with faith practice and personal references
 Responsibility for organisation of day and communication with interviewees
 Arrangements to visit school
 Venue/s for interview/s
See Appendices for the following:
 Request for Reference – example
Pre-interview Briefing
 Finalise questions
 wording; who is asking; batting order
 Remind governors of need to adhere to timetable
 Agree arrangements for de-briefing
 Agree arrangements for signing of contracts
 Panels agree which candidates to recommend
 to be eliminated
 to be discussed for second stage
 Confirm candidates would accept the post if offered
 Sight of CES contract
 Confirm candidates understand CES contract
See Appendices for the following:
 CES Contract
End of Interviews
 Governing Body:
 Hear advisers
 Make decision
 Agree arrangements for debrief
 Call back successful candidate and offer post
After Interviews
 Complete notification of appointment documentation as soon as possible
 Ensure CES contract and related documentation issued
(name of school)
Sample Timetable for Interviews
Start End
Location Governors
08.40 09.10 Reception – Meet Governors / Refreshments
/Candidate Briefing
09.15 09.55 Data Analysis (40 mins) - All Candidates
09.55 10.10 Break (15 mins)
10.15 10.35 In-Tray Exercise (20 mins) - All Candidates
10.40 11.05 Candidate 1 – Govs – Finance & Premises
Candidate 2 – Govs – Leadership & Community
Candidate 3 – School Council Interview (20 mins
+ break)
11.05 11.20 Break (15 mins) Candidates
Break (15 mins) Panel
11.20 11.45 Candidate 2 – Govs – Finance & Premises
Candidate 3 – Govs – Leadership & Community
Candidate 1 – School Council Interview (20 mins
+ break)
11.50 12.15 Candidate 3 – Govs – Finance & Premises
Candidate 1 – Govs – Leadership & Community
Candidate 2 – School Council Interview (20 mins
+ break)
12.20 13.20 Lunch (1 hr) – Candidates & Panel
13.30 14.20 1st Interview – including 10 min presentation
14.30 15.20 2nd Interview – including 10 min presentation
15.30 16.20 3rd Interview – including 10 min presentation
Panel Meeting
Governor’s Ratification Meeting
(name of school)
Presentation Topics
Candidates are asked to give a ten-minute presentation on the following theme:
1. Given the many challenges facing Catholic education at the present time and the constant need to
improve, how would you contribute, as Headteacher, to the task of ensuring that (name of school)
continues to become an even better school?
2. Identify the challenges facing Headteachers in Catholic Primary Schools in the next three years.
3. What strategies would you use to move (name of school) forward?
4. How will you move this school forward and what are the immediate building blocks you will put in
5. How will you ensure that this school continues to maintain its Outstanding status?
6. Share with the panel your vision for this school over the next three years under your leadership.
An African proverb states that
it takes an entire village to raise a child.
For Catholic schools, this village is anchored around home,
school and parish to provide the light, strength and example of a living
faith community.
Angelo Bolotta
(name of school)
Presentation Assessment Sheet
The grading system recommended is on a 5-point scale of A to E
A = Excellent B = Good C = Average
D = Below Average
E = Poor
Observation time
Planning and Preparation
How has venue been prepared for worship?
Music as children enter
Quality of welcome
Focus: Candle, Bible, Crucifix [how are these referred to]
How is the theme of worship introduced and developed?
What Scripture texts are used and how?
Is it linked to Feast day, Come & See or Sunday reading?
Links with previous act of worship
Opportunities for Prayer:
Opportunities for pupil engagement/participation:
Drama and dance
Hymns [are they scripture based]
How are pupils who are not Catholic included?
Attentiveness/interest/behaviour of pupils
Opportunities for spiritual/moral growth
Staff attendance/engagement
How children leave
How is the Word of God proclaimed?
What opportunities for prayer and quiet reflection are offered?
Is there a sense of awe and wonder and genuine respect?
What is the quality of relationships?
Are children interested?
Is behaviour orderly and respectful?
Are children at ease with silence/quiet moment?
Year / Key
Sample – School A
Presentation Title:
To move (name of Catholic School) to outstanding, what are the building blocks that need to be in place?
(10 minute presentation)
Interview questions
1. Why do you want to be the Headteacher of this catholic School?
2. How would you go about developing a highly successful senior leadership team?
3. This post requires the applicant to lead, develop and enhance the teaching of others. Give the panel
the key features that you expect to see when good quality teaching and learning is taking place.
4. What do you think makes for a successful inclusive Catholic School?
5. What is the ideal relationship between the School and Parish?
6. What kind of strategies have you used to involve parents in school life and
learning in your current post and how did this improve children’s learning?
7. Given the significant changes to the curriculum from September 2014, how would you organise the
assessment, recording and monitoring of pupils’ educational and personal progress across the
8. Tell us about what you have done in the last 12 months to actually improve safeguarding in your
school. How did this action rise?
9. What roles should governors play in the school? Are there any limitations in these roles, to your
way of thinking? What would make you feel that governors were interfering in school affairs?
10. If you are successful what are your training needs?
Sample - School B
Interview Day
Outline of Interview Day
Welcome and refreshments
Lesson observation and feedback to teacher
Lead an ASSEMBLY (on theme of choice 12 minutes)
In tray exercise
Prepare a presentation suggested title:
Leading (name of school) Outstanding Catholic School into the future (10 min)
Write first letter to Parents
Meet School Council
Formal interview
Formal Interview Questions
1. Why do you want to be the Headteacher of this School?
2. From your visit to this school, are there any areas you would wish to make an immediate impact if
you were appointed to this post? How would you make these changes?
3. How as a new Headteacher would you respond to any teaching that is less than outstanding?
4. Could you tell me about how you dealt with a situation where you had safeguarding concerns about
an adult in the school?
5. What do you think makes for a successful Catholic School?
6. How would you ensure that the governing body is equipped to play an effective part in the
leadership and management of the school?
7. In what practical ways will you ensure parents know how the school cares for children?
8. What is the difference between leadership and management, and how should that difference be
manifested in a Catholic School?
9. What is the ideal relationship between the School and Parish?
Further Interview Questions
1. Some Headteachers are more successful than others. Why do you think this is, and how would you
ensure you stay in the ‘successful’ category?
2. The role of the Headteacher is one with many pressures. In a very busy week, how will you ensure
that due attention is given to school improvement?
3. In the short term, if appointed, what steps do you propose taking to get to know the school – that
is, the teachers, the pupils and the building itself?
4. Target-setting to raise standards is a key strategy for overall improvement. Can you describe how
effective target-setting would work in the school?
5. If you discover a teacher is not performing well, what strategies would you implement to improve
confidence and professional skills in that teacher?
6. What do you consider to be the ideal relationship between school, home and parish?
7. How would you build in current links between school and parish?
8. What would you see as your greatest personal challenge in taking over the school? How you would
cope with this?
9. How would you characterise your management style?
10. As Headteacher, how would you attempt to influence classroom practice?
11. What approach would you take to ensure the maximum contribution from parents in the education
of their children?
12. How would you ensure that the school adheres to the principles of best value?
13. What experience do you have of school finance? What do you feel is an acceptable level of
underspend? Why do you think this is?
14. The Headteacher and governing body both have responsibility for running the school.
would you draw the line between their responsibilities?
15. Could you please tell me about your experience in respect of budget planning, monitoring and
16. The task of handing on the faith is both a privilege and a responsibility. How would you ensure
that children leave this school literate in their Catholic faith?
17. How would you ensure that every pupil is receiving his/her full R.E. entitlement?
18. Spiritual development of children across the curriculum. What do we mean by this? What are the
key stages in spiritual development?
19. How would you describe and manage the ethos of the school?
20. What do you consider to be the prime role of governors?
21. What are the essentials for a behaviour policy in a Catholic school?
The Catholic school headteacher
should live as witness to
the often-hidden presence of our Trinitarian God in all that surrounds us.
The headteacher should be a messenger of the joyful hope that
our God will not forget His promise to us.
Eric Rieckers
(name of school)
Interview Notes
A Blessing for a Leader
May you have the grace and wisdom
To act kindly, learning
To distinguish between what is
Personal and what is not.
May you to hospitable to criticism.
May you never put yourself at the centre of things.
May you act not from arrogance but out of service.
May you work on yourself,
Building up and refining
the ways of your mind.
May those who work for you know
You see and respect them.
May you learn to cultivate the art of presence
In order to engage with those who meet you.
When someone fails or disappoints you,
May the graciousness with which you engage
Be their stairway to renewal and refinement.
May you treasure the gifts of the mind
Through reading and creative thinking
So that you continue as a servant of the frontier
Where the new will draw its enrichment from the old,
And you never become a functionary.
May you know the wisdom of deep listening,
The healing of wholesome words,
The encouragement of the appreciative gaze,
The decorum of held dignity,
The springtime edge of the bleak question.
May you have a mind that loves frontiers
So that you can evoke the bright fields
That lie beyond the view of the regular eye.
May you have good friends to mirror your blind spots.
May leadership be for you a true adventure of growth.
J O’Donohue
Part 2
Headteacher – Job Advertisement
(Name of school)
(Address and contact details of school)
Mission Statement
The community of (name of school) follows the example of Christ, accepting and respecting everyone, as we
learn and grow together, safe in His Love.
The governors are seeking to appoint an inspirational, enthusiastic and dedicated person to lead our school
community and continue to drive forward and improve the expectations of our children.
We are looking for:
 A practising Catholic with a strong faith and a deep commitment to Catholic Education and the
Catholic ethos of the school
 A person who values all children as individuals and ensures that all children are confident and able
to achieve their full potential
 A proven track record of outstanding practice and achievement with high expectations of best
practice in all areas of the school
 A leader and innovator who encourages, enthuses and motivates the school community through
excellent communications and interpersonal skills
 Experience of school finance and budget setting would be an advantage
 Someone who will maintain and develop the partnerships between our school, our parents, our
parishes, Diocese and the wider community
We can offer:
 A happy working and learning environment
 The opportunity for collaboration with another local Catholic Primary School
 A Good school that is striving to become Outstanding
 A full commitment to Continuing Professional Development for all staff. The Governing Body has a
strong history of supporting the Headteacher in personal and professional development
 Support to improve the high standards of learning and achievement at our school
Visits to the school are strongly encouraged & warmly welcomed. Please contact the school office for an
appointment on (phone number).
The start date will be September 2015.
Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday 20th March 2015 at Noon
Shortlisting date: Thursday 26th March 2015.
Interviews will be held on Friday 17th April 2015
The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all
staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We follow safer recruitment practice and appointments are
subject to satisfactory DBS certification and references.
(Name of school)
(Address of school)
Mission Statement
The community of (name of school) follows the example of Christ, accepting and respecting everyone, as we
learn and grow together, safe in His Love.
Headteacher – Job Description
The Headteacher will have overall responsibility for ensuring the achievement of the highest possible
spiritual and educational standards in the school. The Mission Statement summarises the ethos which is at
the centre of our Catholic school and the person appointed is expected to approach the post of
Headteacher in the light of this statement. The Headteacher will be expected to maintain and develop an
atmosphere and structures where pupils and staff are valued and enabled to fulfil the school’s high
Catholic Ethos
 To reflect and develop the Catholic ethos and identity of the school.
 To maintain an ethos in which all individuals feel valued and where personal endeavour and
responsibility are fostered.
 To maintain high personal moral standards and to set an example of these standards to others
whilst demonstrating high quality leadership of the school.
 To ensure that the vision of the School is reflected in strategic and development planning, and in a
performance management structure, which is supported by consistent and coherent procedures
and protocols.
 To ensure that the teaching of Religious Education is the core of the curriculum.
 To be responsible for maintaining and developing a broad, balanced and cohesive curriculum
suitable for all of the children and meeting national guidelines.
 To ensure that the curriculum is regularly reviewed, evaluated and applied.
 To ensure that the assessment requirements of the curriculum are appropriately carried out.
 To ensure that children receive high quality education designed to promote excitement, enjoyment
and enthusiasm in learning, leading to the pursuit of excellence.
 To ensure equality of opportunity for all, through the school’s policies, procedures and practices.
 To ensure that the progress of each child is monitored and recorded so that the most appropriate
decisions can be taken with regard to the next step in his/her education.
 To ensure that the activities in which children are engaged are conducted in a caring, disciplined,
safe and healthy environment.
 To ensure all children are valued as individuals and ensure that all children are confident and able
to achieve their full potential.
 To maintain a school environment and pastoral programme in which the needs and value of
individual children are recognised and which also contribute positively towards their spiritual,
social, cultural and moral development.
Responsible for the appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff and all related personnel
To ensure levels of performance necessary to achieve the agreed aims and objectives of the school.
To lead, motivate, encourage, support, monitor and evaluate to ensure continuing school
To ensure that all staff have access to regular advice and have a training and development plan in
place appropriate to the needs of the school and to their stage of development.
To be responsible for the annual performance management cycle for all teachers and to report to
the Governing Body on the professional development of all teachers in the school.
To ensure all staff are valued as individuals and receive courtesy and respect at all times.
 To contribute, where appropriate, to the teaching programme of the school and to encourage the
development of outstanding teaching practice.
 To contribute to and ensure monitoring of classroom practice and the appraisal of the overall
quality of teaching in the school at regular intervals.
 To ensure that safeguarding is of paramount importance in our school.
 To ensure the commitment of the Governing Body to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children and young people is at the heart of the school and to ensure that all staff and volunteers
share this commitment.
Health and Safety
 To undertake Health and Safety policy making and management throughout the school.
 To ensure the maintenance of high standard of care in the school environment, including the
grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and learning materials.
 To ensure that health and safety, the wellbeing of staff and children and safeguarding, emergency
and contingency planning are carried out to the highest standards.
Governing Body
 To advise, assist and inform the Governing Body in the fulfilment of its responsibilities,
demonstrating an understanding of the statutory role of Governors in a Catholic Voluntary Aided
 To have a firm commitment to working in partnership with the Governing Body.
 To assist the Governing Body to formulate a strategic plan for the school and to secure its
implementation with the collective support of the school staff, parents and children; to ensure all
necessary resources are in place to support the plan.
 To plan effectively and to assist the Governing Body in the development of school based indicators
as a basis for monitoring and evaluating educational performance and the use of resources.
 To have management responsibility, with the Governing Body, for the allocation of the delegated
budget to all areas of school life.
 To ensure the day to day financial management of the school is conducted in accordance with the
Financial Regulations approved by the Governing Body.
 To ensure that all financial returns are submitted on time as required by the LA.
 To have overall responsibility for the management of the School Private Fund.
Parents, Parish & Community
 To encourage and develop positive co-operation between the school, home, parishes and the wider
 To ensure that parents have timely access to appropriate information about the school and the
 To maintain accessibility to parents, particularly at the end of the school day, where possible.
 To ensure participation in the activities and liturgy of the parishes, including supporting the
sacramental programmes.
 To maintain effective relationships with the parishes, the Diocese, the LA, the local community and
other agencies.
Personal Development
 In co-operation with the Governing Body to have a responsibility for their own personal
development plan.
 The leader of the school community must also be aware of his, or her, own requirement to grow in
faith and understanding in order to effectively discharge the responsibilities of Headteacher in a
Catholic school.
 To take overall responsibility for the organisation, management and conduct of the school in
accordance with the Articles of Government and the statutory Conditions of Employment of
 To understand the appropriate levels of responsibility and accountability to the Governing Body,
the Diocese, the LA and their representatives.
(Name of school)
(Address of school)
Mission Statement
The community of (name of school) follows the example of Christ, accepting and respecting everyone, as we
learn and grow together, safe in His Love.
Headteacher – Person Specification
Catholic Ethos
A practising and committed Catholic
Secure understanding of the distinctive nature of
the Catholic School and Catholic education
Understanding of the leadership role in the
spiritual development of children and staff
Understanding of the role of the school in the
parishes and wider community
Qualified teacher status
Experience as a successful Headteacher, Deputy or
Assistant Headteacher
Experience in Catholic education
Substantial successful teaching experience
Demonstrate a commitment to the safeguarding
and wellbeing of both staff and children, with a
knowledge of the procedures and guidance
A working knowledge of school planning,
evaluation and assessment
Evidence of continuing professional development
relating to school leadership and management and
curriculum / teaching and learning
A willingness to continue their professional
 Ability to articulate and share a vision of primary
education within the context of the mission of a
Catholic school
 Evidence of having successfully translated vision to
reality at whole school level
 Ability to enthuse, inspire and motivate children,
staff, parents and governors to achieve the aims of
Catholic education
 Evidence of successful strategies for planning,
implementing, monitoring and evaluating school
 Evidence of participation in the
faith life of the community
 Experience in leading acts of
worship in Catholic schools
 Postgraduate level qualification
 CCRS or equivalent
 Experience of teaching in more
than one school
 Experience of teaching in more
than one Key Stage
 Evidence of continuing
professional development
relating to Catholic ethos,
mission and religious education
 Experience of working with
other schools / organisations /
 Experience of leading or coordinating continuing
professional development
opportunities for others
 Ability to identify own learning
needs and to support others in
identifying their learning needs
 Knowledge of the role of the
Governing Body in a Catholic
Voluntary Aided school
 Ability to analyse data, develop strategic plans, set
targets and monitor / evaluate progress
 Knowledge of what constitutes quality in
educational provision, the characteristics of
effective schools and strategies for raising
standards and the achievement of all children
 Demonstrated experience of working and liaising
with a school Governing Body to enable it to fulfil
its responsibilities to the school
Teaching and  A secure understanding of the requirements of the
Curriculum Directory for Religious Education and
primary curriculum at a national level
 Understanding of the characteristics of an
effective learning environment and the key
elements of successful behaviour management
 A secure understanding of assessment strategies
and the use of assessment to inform the next
stages of learning
 Experience of effective monitoring and evaluation
of teaching and learning
 Secure knowledge of statutory requirements
relating to the curriculum and assessment
 Knowledge and experience of a range of successful
teaching and learning strategies to meet the needs
of all children
Leading and
 Experience of working in and leading staff teams
 Ability to delegate work and support colleagues in
undertaking responsibilities
 Experience of Performance Management and
supporting the continuing professional
development of colleagues
 Understanding of effective budget planning and
resource deployment
Accountability  Ability to lead, model and manage positive
behaviour, good order and assertive discipline in
the school
 Experience of whole school self evaluation and
improvement strategies
 Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in
writing to a range of audiences – eg staff, children,
parents, governors, parishioners and clergy
 Ability to provide clear information and advice to
staff, governors and parents
 Secure understanding of strategies for
Performance Management
 High quality teaching skills
Qualities and  Strong commitment to the mission of our Catholic
 Commitment to their own spiritual formation and
that of children and staff
 High expectations of children’s learning and
 Strong commitment to school improvement and
raising achievement for all
 Ability to build and maintain good relationships
 Understanding of successful
teaching and learning in
Religious Education across the
key stages
 Successful experience in creating
an effective learning
environment and in developing
and implementing policy and
practice relating to behaviour
 Successful involvement in staff
recruitment / appointment /
induction, whilst understanding
the needs of a Catholic school
 Understanding of how financial
and resource management
enable a school to achieve its
education priorities
 Experience of presenting reports
to governors
 Ability to remain positive and enthusiastic when
working under pressure
 Ability to organise work, prioritise tasks, make
decisions and manage time effectively
 Empathy with children and parents / carers
 Good communication skills
 Good interpersonal skills
 Stamina and resilience
 Confidence
 Positive and supportive faith reference from the
Priest where the applicant regularly worships
without reservation
 Positive recommendations in professional
references without reservation
Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the
Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one's
Pope Francis
(School Headed Notepaper)
Request for Reference
(Name and Address of Priest):
Dear Father
(Name and address of applicant)
Post applied for: Headteacher (name of school)
(Name of applicant) has applied for the above post and has given your name as a referee. I enclose a copy
of the job description and the person specification.
I should be grateful if you would complete the questionnaire and attach any further information you may
wish to supply, and return it to me in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope by (date).
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely
Clerk to the Governors
Job Description
Person Specification
Reference Questionnaire
Stamped Addressed Envelope
The Catholic Education Service ‘Contract Generator – Schools’ can be accessed from the CES
The National College for School Leadership (NCSL) provides ‘A guide to recruiting and selecting
a new headteacher’ (June 2012):
The Catholic Teachers Gazette advertises vacancies in Catholic Schools in England and Wales:
March 2015
God has created me for some definite service; I have
my mission… I am a link in a chain, a bond of
connection between persons. He has not created me
for nothing.
Cardinal John Henry Newman