As part of the Secretariat for Leadership Development, the Department for Youth and Young Adult Ministry seeks to form lay leaders to effectively serve the Church of Pittsburgh in the following areas: Catholic Youth Ministry Campus Ministry •Facilitating a systematic process that produces competent Youth Ministry Leaders • Provides leadership formation and consultation to high school and collegian campus ministry leaders • Chaplaincy Coordinator for high school and collegian chaplaincies • Facilitates communication and collaboration between Campus Ministers, Programs, and Campus Administrators • Supports the Newman Connection throughout the diocese •Attending to Youth Ministry Leaders with resources, training, and support •Parish consultations to assist in the development of comprehensive Catholic Youth Ministry Catholic Committee on Scouting • Religious emblem/awards training for adult counselors • Convocation • Retreat Diocesan Events and Programming • Diocesan Youth Council (D.Y.C.) • Saint Timothy Awards • “Delegation Leader” for the biennial National Catholic Youth Conference (N.C.Y.C.) • “Diocesan Contact Person” for NET Ministries • ”Diocesan Liaison” for the Youth Rally and Mass for Life sponsored by the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. • Monthly Youth Ministry Leader Formation • Spring Break College Commissioning Young Adult Ministry • Engaging young adults and encouraging a dynamic life in Christ that infuses the Church with energy and enthusiasm • Empowering the Young Adult Leadership Team to make connections and foster communities Diocesan Events and Programming • Young Adult Symposium and ongoing leadership development for regional and parish-based Young Adult Ministry • License-holder providing guidelines for hosting RENEW Theology on Tap • World Youth Day and pilgrimage experiences Catholic Youth Ministry (C.Y.M.) Sports • Basketball and Softball • Play Like A Champion TodayTM - Sports as Ministry, Coach Clinic get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Email: [email protected] Phone: (412) 456-3140 Fax: (412) 456-3141 [email protected] [email protected] Gary W. Roney Director Pat Waskowiak Secretary Holly Joy McIlwain Associate Director Michelle Ubinger CYM Sports Coordinator Deacon Alexander C. Wroblicky Director, Office for Campus Ministry Deacon Frank Szemanski To oversee the ongoing development of the diocesan pre-ordination formation program for prospective deacons as well as post-ordination formation experiences for men already in ordained ministry as deacons. Department for Diaconate Formation Diaconate formation involves a program of education, training, spiritual growth, personal development, ongoing conversion, and discernment. The formation experience is designed to be powerful and challenging at the same time, practical and relevant. It requires significant time, trust, discipline, self-surrender, obedience, and true effort. Shaping and guiding diaconate formation are several key Church documents, including Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons and the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States. services •Administration of the nomination, application, and vetting of prospective candidates for the diocesan Deacon Formation Program. This is a multi-phase process over the course of nearly a year. •Development and administration of the Propaedeutic Period, a year-long preliminary experience for prospective deacon candidates, exposing them to the nature of diaconate ministry and the four pillars of the formation program. •Development and administration of the Deacon Formation Program, a four-year journey through personal, academic, spiritual, and pastoral formation, including classes, workshops, days of recollection, an annual retreat, and a supervised pastoral experience each summer. •Coordination with faculty, formation advisors, and spiritual directors for the Propaedeutic Period and Deacon Formation Program. •Oversight of the evaluation of candidates throughout the formation program. get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Phone: (412) 456-3124 Fax: (412) 456-3187 D IO CESE O F PIT TSB U RGH D EACO N FO RMAT IO N PRO GRA M •Planning of liturgies to mark significant steps in the program, from the start of the Propaedeutic Period to candidacy, installation as lectors, installation as acolytes, and, finally, ordination. •Organization of a mentor program for newly ordained deacons in the first two or three years of ministry. •Coordination with the Department for Post-Ordination Formation in planning prospective workshops that would be of particular value and interest to deacons. •Planning and implementation of an annual weekend retreat for deacons and spouses. office for deacon personnel The Deacon Formation Program in the Secretariat for Leadership Development is administered in conjunction with the Office for Deacon Personnel in the Secretariat for Clergy. The Office for Deacon Personnel deals with all day-to-day issues involving permanent deacons in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Deacon Stephen J. Byers Director Email: [email protected] Diocese of Pittsburgh Deacon Formation Program 412-456-3124 [email protected] Do you have a heart for others? Amy Hirsh Secretary Sister Cindy Ann Kibler, SHS Coordinator for Pre-ordination Pastoral Experience The Department for Pre-Ordination Formation cares for the formation of men in all stages of seminary training, collegiate through theology, in anticipation of possible reception of Sacred Orders. department for pre-ordination Formation Ongoing conversion is the vocation of any disciple of Christ. The seminarian pursues ongoing conversion in the priestly formation program in a particular way, considering how he might be serving the Church as a diocesan priest. The pursuit of holiness is a call to perfection in the ways of the Lord. The seminarian grows in his understanding of faith, hope, and love and comes to understand how the priest, configured to Christ, is called to be Head, Shepherd, and Spouse of the Church. The governing documents of priestly formation speak about the areas of formation a seminarian must address in his discernment and preparation for the priesthood. Saint Paul Seminary emphasizes an integrated formation which considers the following pillars: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation. The two most current magisterial documents governing priestly formation in the Catholic Church are Presbyterorum Ordinis (1965) and Pastores Dabo Vobis (1992). Human formation Intellectual formation The purpose of human formation is to develop the personal and interpersonal qualities that will allow each seminarian’s personality to develop after that of the Good Shepherd. The diocesan priest leads people to Christ and His Church. Therefore, his personality, attitude, and disposition are to serve as “a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of humanity” (Pastores Dabo Vobis, 43). Human formation is foundational for the life of grace, but also for the other pillars of formation. The purpose of intellectual formation is for the seminarian to grasp the Catholic intellectual and liturgical tradition, to be able to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Christ, to communicate the mystery of God to the people of today, and to be equipped for the continuing pursuit of truth. Spiritual formation Spiritual formation strives to establish a foundation within the seminarian for a lifetime of priestly ministry in the Church. This foundation is an intimate relationship with the triune God, the source of all love and truth, a relationship nourished by Scripture and Tradition, celebrated in the sacraments—most particularly in the Eucharist— and marked by a sincere devotion to Our Lady, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church. To this end, the spiritual formation program challenges the seminarian to grow in loyalty to the Church, the sacrament of salvation. get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Phone: 412-456-3048 Fax: 412-456-3187 Email: [email protected] Pastoral formation The priestly formation program at Saint Paul Seminary introduces the seminarian to pastoral formation in a number of ways, but most particularly through the apostolic works program. The students are exposed to an array of pastoral opportunities which will both enhance their gifts and challenge them in areas of needed growth. Each seminarian assists in an assigned ministry for normally two to four hours a week, supervised by onsite supervisors. Vocations web site: Very Reverend Brian J. Welding Director Reverend Joseph Freedy Vocations Director Very Reverend Thomas W. Kunz Spiritual Director Reverend Nicholas S. Vaskov Director of Pastoral Formation Sr. Cindy Ann Kibler Apostolic Works Coordinator Reverend Brian W. Noel Adjunct Spiritual Director Debra Kubiak Secretary “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoeverwants to be first must be servant of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as ransom for many.” (Mark 10:42-45) department for post-ordination Formation The ongoing formation for priests and deacons includes two major areas of focus as defined in the United States Catholic Conference document The Basic Plan for the Ongoing Formation of Clergy. The first treats ongoing formation in a “synchronic” way, noting that there are elements or dynamics of ongoing formation that are the same at every moment of priests’ and deacons’ lives. The second area proceeds “diachronically” or longitudinally, identifying the different formational tasks appropriate in the different ages and special moments of priestly ministry and life. Specific attention is given to the newly ordained, priests in transition, priests entering their first pastorate, priests in midlife, and priests in the third age. More recent initiatives consider the formation of an entire presbyterate. Services Provided: •Oversees the staffing of an office for the ongoing formation of clergy. •Serves as the liaison for priests or deacons that might be assigned by Bishop Zubik to graduate studies. •Ensures resources, programming and training through human, intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral on-going pastoral formation and leadership development of clergy. •Plans, designs, communicates and evaluates clergy convocations convened by the diocesan Bishop. •Plans, designs, communicates and evaluates on-going formation for clergy in collaboration with members of the Post-Ordination Formation Board. This advisory board is made up of several priests and deacons that are appointed by Bishop Zubik. •Coordinates annual retreats for priests and deacons in collaboration with Deacon Steve Byers, Director of the Department for Diaconate Formation. •Provides information and assistance to those seeking a sabbatical or mini-sabbatical. get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Phone: (412) 456-3052 Fax: (412) 456-3187 Email: [email protected] •Collaborates with the Delegate for Retired Priests to coordinate programs for clergy anticipating retirement from active ministry. •Networks and partners with other institutions outside the diocesan structure in order to ensure and provide similar services. •Partners and collaborates with other diocesan secretariats for the development of clergy as leaders. Some of these efforts are evangelization, catechesis, worship, justice and peace, diversity, and lay leadership. •Through the mechanisms of diocesan communications, communicates the values, purposes, and activities of the ongoing formation of priests to the People of God. Reverend Joseph M. Mele Director Lori Rectenwald Administrative Assistant Clare Giuffre Secretary The Department for Lay Ministries exists to coordinate the Hiring Process; oversee certification; facilitate authorization and provide formation for the following Lay Ecclesial Ministers department for Lay Ministries DIRECTORS/COORDINATORS OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MASTER CATECHISTS •DRE perceiver interview •Development of Course Outlines •Guidance/support for candidates seeking employment •Assistance with disseminating openings through current lay ministers and the diocesan website •Direction/Support for Pastors with Hiring •Assistance with the process of using a parish search committee for hiring •Provides above services in collaboration with the Dept for Religious Education •Formation of Master Catechists Lay Ecclesial Ministries •Interim Hiring Handbook for seven of the ten Lay Ecclesial Ministries groups (Catechetical Administrator, Directors of Music Ministries, Elementary School Principal, Parish Business Manager, Parish Social Minister, Pastoral Associate, Director of Youth Ministry) •Facilitation of LEM Commissioning & Authorization PASTORAL ASSOCIATES & BUSINESS MANAGERS •Convenes and administers the Certification Board (an Inter-Secretariat/Department) body responsible for evaluating and recommending the certification processes for all lay ministers (altar servers through youth ministers) •Inservice & enrichment opportunities for Pastoral Associates •Provide human, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral formation for LEMs •Liaison with Business Managers Association •Facilitation of pastoral field experience for LEMs •Certification process & interviews with Pastoral Associates & Business Managers utilizing National Standards •Enhance training of field supervisors, increasing competencies for pastoral leadership PARISH SOCIAL MINISTERS EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT •Co-sponsor inservice and enrichment opportunities with Department for Human Life and Dignity •Diocesan Supervisor for Pastoral Ministry Practicum with Duquesne University •Oversee vetting process •Administer Diocesan Tuition Assistance (Master’s Degree) for Pastoral Ministry •Part of the planning team for the Institute for Pastoral Leadership get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Phone: 412-456-3110 FAX: 412-456-3184 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Sharon T. Hachman Director Susan Heastings Secretary “Let us listen to what all the Faithful say, because in every one of them the spirit of God breathes.” - St. Paulinus of Nola department for Parish Advisory Councils As a critical component of growing The Church Alive, the Department for Parish Advisory Councils provides tools, consultative services and formation opportunities to assist the central leadership bodies of the parish to chart a vibrant Christ-centered mission for their parish communities. Through two primary resources, One Body, One Mission: the Pastoral Council Guidelines, and Means for Mission: the Parish Finance Council Guidelines of the Diocese of Pittsburgh parish leaders are equipped with the fundamental theological framework and practical strategies to enhance the life, mission and growth of the parish community. INDIVIDUAL PARISH OR MULTI-PARISH CONSULTATION Consultants are a select group of Parish Pastoral and Finance Council Instructors who have been recruited, screened and prepared for their distinctive role by the diocesan Department for Parish Advisory Councils. They are equipped to provide a limited and focused number of services to assist a pastor and his pastoral council in implementing some particular aspect of One Body, One Mission and Means for Mission. The formation is comprised of three sessions: One weekday evening session will be held for both council members together One all day Saturday sessions for each council separately One Evening of Recollection or Retreat usually offered in Advent and the Easter Season. Certificates are earned by those who complete each of the above sessions. ACQUIRING CONSULTATIVE SERVICES: The Pastor or his designee contacts the Director of the Department by phone at 412456-3047 or by email at [email protected] to determine goals for the consultation. An interview with the pastor is conducted to determine the service(s) needed. Based on the parish’s need and the abilities of the consultants, a PPC Consultant is recommended to the parish for the agreed upon service. AN ONLINE E-TOOL FOR ADVISORY COUNCILS AND PASTORAL LEADERS: EQUIPPING FOR LEADERSHIP Additionally, on a monthly basis we will e-mail an electronic newsletter which will highlight specific trainings, events and resources. Leaders can receive emails with weekly updates to “Follow Us” by submitting an e-mail in the upper right hand corner of the e-tool webpage found at: PARISH PASTORAL AND FINANCE COUNCIL INTRODUCTORY FORMATION: Newly appointed members of parish advisory councils attend an introductory certification course that highlights the vision and methodology of planning for mission within the parish. get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Phone: 412-456-3047 Fax: 412-456-3184 Email: [email protected] Our Department has developed an interactive e-tool that will share pastoral planning resources, leadership updates and a weekly blog with your leadership team. It can be accessed directly at the above web address. Ms. Sharon A. Bogusz Director Susan O’Neill Secretary The Department for Pre-Ordination Formation cares for the formation of men in all stages of seminary training, collegiate through theology, in anticipation of possible reception of Sacred Orders. The Office for Priestly Vocations The Vocation Office sponsors discernment programs for men of high school, college, and post-college age. High school vocation group events are for young men in high school who desire to know Christ and his plan for their lives and who are interested in learning more about the priesthood. Specific events include a Come and See Weekend at Saint Paul Seminary, a Fall Retreat at Camp Allegheny, and the annual Quo Vadis Days. These retreat and discernment days allow the young men to meet seminarians and talk to them about their vocational journeys and include prayer, discussion, brotherhood, as well as recreational components. College discernment groups are for men currently enrolled in college studies who want to know more about a vocation to the priesthood. The group meets monthly for prayer, a shared meal, and discussion around a topic relevant to discernment. A Christmas Discernment Retreat is hosted each year for college and post-college men interested in discerning more deeply a call to diocesan priesthood. This weekend retreat, which includes prayer, Mass, and discussion, is led by the Vocation Director, Father Joseph Freedy, along with Bishop Zubik, the seminary faculty, and seminarians. get in touch 2900 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Phone: 412-456-3123 Fax: 412-456-3187 Men older than college age who wish to learn more about the priesthood are invited to participate in the post-college discernment group. Similar to the college discernment group, these men meet monthly for prayer, a shared meal, and conversation on a vocational topic aimed at assisting their discernment. The post-college men are also invited to the Christmas Discernment Retreat. Reverend Joseph Freedy Director, Office for Priestly Vocations Email: [email protected] Web: Amy Hirsh Secretary
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