DRIVER EDUCATION Summer 2015 June 8 – July 14 Section I – 7 a.m. – 10 a.m. Section II – 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Summer Driver Education classes to be held at: St. Charles East High School 1020 Dunham Road • St. Charles, IL 60174 For more information call: Steve Smerz – East High School (331) 228-5722 or [email protected] Kristy Harrier – North High School (331) 228-6268 or [email protected] SUMMER SCHOOL DRIVER EDUCATION PROGRAM Enrollment in the Summer School Driver Education Program is limited; to reserve a space for you, fill out the registration form and return it before May 8, 2015. Placement will be determined after all registration forms are received on May 8th. Registration forms received after May 8th will be placed in openings if they exist. You must include payment to cover the summer school tuition and lab fee of $400 (in district) $500 (out of district) with your registration. Checks should be made payable to CUSD 303 Summer Driver Education. The Summer School Driver Education Program will run from June 8th through July 14th, 2015. There will be two class sections offered: Section I will be from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and Section II will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students will meet for classroom every day Monday through Friday and will drive every other day at their assigned times. Class will not meet on July 2nd or 3rd. Both sections will be held on the St. Charles East High School campus. The first class meeting for students enrolled in the Summer School Driver Education Program will be held after school on Wednesday May 20, 2015. Students will complete their permit application and take the Rules of the Road test on that day. Students will attend this meeting at their regular school either St. Charles East (room B118) or St. Charles North (room 445) at 2:30 P.M. Private school students should call and arrange an appointment at either East or North to take care of this. The students will need to bring the following to class with them on May 20th at 2:30 P.M.: 1. 2. 3. A black ball point pen Glasses or contacts (if applicable) A check or money order made payable to the SECRETARY OF STATE in the amount of $20. This $20 check will cover the state fee for the student’s instruction permit and first license. CASH is not accepted. Students from private schools must submit the Driver Education Eligibility Form with their registration form. This eligibility form must be completely filled out and have the signatures of the student, a parent/guardian and school administrator from the school they are attending. Please read through the enclosed material. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Harrier at St. Charles North High School at (331) 228-6268. Transportation to the Summer School Driver Education Program must be provided by the students and their Parents/Guardians REGISTRATION INFORMATION To register, all students must have the following: A completed registration form, including Summer School Discipline Agreement and a completed Emergency Medical Information form. Checks, money orders or credit cards will be accepted. A check or money order made payable to: CUSD 303 Summer Driver Education. To register by mail, please send the above to: Kristy Harrier St. Charles North High School 255 Red Gate Road St. Charles, IL 60175 To register online follow the instructions for the Summer Driver Education Program registration process. Summer Driver Education Dates Class will run Monday-Friday, June 8 - July 14, 2015. Class will not meet July 2-3. Two Sections Section I Section II 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Registration Dates May 8, 2015 Mail or online registration deadline. Registrations received after May 8th will depend on available openings Class Minimum Minimum class size will be 12 students unless otherwise stated. Sections not having a minimum enrollment may be cancelled. Sections will be offered contingent upon number of students enrolled. Fee Schedule Academic Fee (district student) Academic Fee (non-district student) $400 per section $500 per section There is a $35 fee for checks returned for nonsufficient funds and a $50 processing fee for refunds. SUMMER SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AGREEMENT In order to promote a safe and respectful learning environment, we have highlighted the following policies from the District 303 Discipline Policy. The guidelines of that entire policy are in effect during Summer School and students are expected to behave in a manner that contributes to a safe environment conducive to learning as outlined in that policy. Students and parents understand the following: General Behavior Expectation We understand that students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the vision, goals, and beliefs of Community Unit School District 303. Dress Code/Grooming We have read and agree to abide by the dress code set forth in the District 303 Student Handbook which includes the following: Student dress and grooming must not disrupt the educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency at school. “Clothing” includes what you are wearing as well as accessories such as rings, earrings, necklaces, purses, backpacks, chains, and shoes. Refer to the student handbook for specifics regarding clothing which is prohibited. The only modification to the District 303 Discipline Policy is the following: Attendance Regulations We have read and agree to abide by the attendance regulations set forth during Summer School. We understand the importance of being present and on time for class. Absences must be prearranged with both your behind-the-wheel and classroom instructors. In the case of an emergency or illness, your parents must call St. Charles East High School at (331) 228-5722 and leave a message for both instructors as soon as possible. If a student will miss more than two days, please DO NOT register for the Summer School Driver Education Program. Classroom and behind-the-wheel students are allowed only two absences due to the number of hours required by the State of Illinois. Any absences must be excused and your parents must make arrangements by telephone and/or in writing with the student’s instructor(s) prior to the dates that the student will be gone. All missed lessons must be made up. Time for make-ups during the summer program is usually very difficult to arrange due to the number of students in the program. If time is not available for make-ups, students may not meet the state requirements for the course and will not pass. If more than two absences occur, it will result in an automatic drop from the course with a failing grade, no refund of fees and loss of the student’s instruction permit. We agree to abide by the District 303 Discipline Policy and have read the policies set forth in this brochure. Student Signature ______________________________ Date __________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature _____________________ Date __________________ EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION The following information is furnished so that my son/daughter may receive proper care in the event of an injury: Student Name ________________________________________________________ Birth Date ____________________________ Student ID # _____________________ Guardian/Parent _______________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________ Home Phone__________________ Cell _______________ Work________________ Family Physician _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________ Phone ________________________ Family Dentist ________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________ Phone ________________________ Medical conditions _____________________________________________________ Medications taken and why _____________________________________________ Allergies _____________________________________________________________ Please Note: Medications will not be administered during Summer School hours due to limited access to a nurse. Emergency Contact (if parents cannot be reached) Name _______________________________________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Cell __________________________ Work __________________________________ Insurance Coverage/Medical Release I realize that my son/daughter must be covered by our family accident/health insurance coverage for all treatment expenses. I/we give permission for the above named student to participate in organized activities, realizing that such activity involves the potential for injury. Parent Signature _______________________________ Date: _________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Date: _________________ DRIVER EDUCATION REGISTRATION FORM Student Name (please print) _____________________________________________ ID# ___________________________________ Birth Date _____________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ Zip Code ______________________ Parent Cell Telephone ______________ Parent Work Phone ____________________ High School Attending: East North Other _____________________ Current Grade in School (2014-15) ___ Freshman ___ Sophomore ___ Junior ___Senior Enrollment will be open to any individual in the graduating class of 15, 16, 17, and 18 who will have turned 15 prior to June 8th. Students are scheduled by their year in school, birth date, and according to the number of class spaces available. Special Circumstances School Sports Camp: Type __________________ Time ____________________ Location _________________________________________________________ Car pooling with (student name(s)) ____________________________________ Other (please explain) _____________________________________________ Summer instruction for students consists of classroom and behind the wheel (BTW). Students will drive BTW on alternating days. Classroom will meet everyday. For example: one week students will drive on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and have classroom everyday. The next week they will drive on Tuesday and Thursday and be in classroom every day. __________________________________________ Mark your first and second class time choices below. Students are not required to take both sections. (If registering online designate your section preferences on the memo line) _____ Section I (7 a.m. – 10 a.m.) ____ Section II (10 a.m. – 1 p.m.) Fee: $400 (In District) $500 (Out of District) Amount Paid ____________ Check #__________ Cash _________ Credit Card Type/Number __________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________ Printed Name ________________________ Cardholder’s Signature ___________________________ Date ____________ Mail registration form to: Kristy Harrier Summer Driver Education Program St. Charles North High School 225 Red Gate Road St. Charles, IL 60175
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