SANTA CLARITA VALLEY SCHOOL FOOD SERVICES AGENCY REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 25210 Anza Drive • Valencia,CA91355. (661)295-1574 MINUTES March 17,2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Santa Clarita Valley School Food Services Agency was called to order at the Santa Clarita Valley School Food Services Agency office at 8:33 a.m. by President Marcia Dains. III. CALL TO ORDER ROLLCALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Marcia Dains (C) President Ms. Ronna Wolcott, (N) Clerk Ms. Lynn David, (S) Presiding Officer Dr. Chris Hamlin, (Sg) Member Mr. Jim Gibson, (C) Alt. Member Present Present Present Present Present STAFF PRESENT: Ms. Lynnelle Grumbles, CEO & Board Secretary Ms. Susan Weiss, Director, Finance & Administration Ms. Jane Crawford, Director, Food Services Ms. Laurie Kudroff, Executive Assistant to the CEO Present Present Present Present HEARING SESSION 1. The Cafeteria of the Month selected for February 2015 was West Creek Academy - Lydia Allevato, Site Team Leader, & Sherry Hou (NA 2) were present at the meeting. Sue Bett, Assistant Principal, was also present. Ms. Bett expressed her thanks to the ladies for being an exceptionally terrific team. They are friendly and welcoming for all of the students. Dr. Hamlin recognized and congratulated Lydia and Sherry for their leadership at the school and at the Agency and for doing an outstanding job with the students and staff. Ms. Crawford expressed her gratitude to this exceptional team - Ms. Crawford presented the team with a badge that say's "I'm A Lunch Lady, What's Your Super Power?" and a framed Cafeteria of the Month picture. Arrived at 8:40 a.m. Left at 9:40 Hearing Session A break was taken from 8:40 - 9:00 A.M. I. AGENDA The motion was made by Ms. Wolcott, seconded by Dr. Hamlin and carried 4-0 to approve the Agenda. Approval of Agenda M· 63 Ayes: 4 Vote: 4-0 DainsIWolcotUDavid/Hamlin II. MINUTES 1. Dr. Hamlin made the motion; seconded by Ms. Wolcott, motion carried, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 17, 2015. Minutes Regular Meeting M· 64 Ayes: 4 Vote: 4-0 DainsIWolcotUDavid/Hamlin EXHIBIT: A III. HEARING SESSION (continued) 2. There were no advance requests to address the Board. Hearing Session (cont.) 3. Questions were asked about Agenda item #14-15-09/C2 Personnel Action Report (Exhibit C). Questions were answered regarding the 39 month rehire list and temporary assignment extra time. Discussed the importance of keeping the Board members informed of situations and school changes that affect food services (specifically labor hours). Ms. Crawford reported she will investigate the labor hours & bell schedule changes at West Creek Academy. IV. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Dr. Hamlin made the motion, seconded by Ms. David, to approve all of the items on the Consent Calendar; motion carried 4-0. 2. B Warrants (February) #14-15-09/C 1 3. Personnel Action Report #14-15-09/C2 a) New Employees b) Transfers c) Status Change d) Temporary Assignment e) Leave of Absence f) Resignation g) Terminated 4. Purchase Orders (February) #14-15-09/C3 5. Travel/Conference #14-15-09/C4 6. 2nd Reading AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures #14-15-09/C5 7. There were no items removed from the Consent Calendar CONFERENCE CALENDAR 1. Ms. Weiss reviewed the Financial Report for February 2015. At the request of the Board, Ms. Weiss will review the total cash over/shortage on the Year-To-Date (YTD) profit loss spreadsheet and report back to the Board at the next meeting. 2. Ms. Crawford reviewed the Participation Report for February 2015. Two reports were included - one without pre-school enrollment numbers and a separate pre-school enrollment report. The overall participation for February 2015 was lower than last year (down -1.72%). February lunch figures are down by -0.92%. ADP decreased from 10,881 lunches per day to 10,482. Breakfast participation increased for February 2015 (up by 0.21 %). We averaged 4,410 breakfasts per day. A /a carte student spending per day decreased from $0.112 to $0.094. It was noted more students are buying food in the lunch line rather than a la carte (specifically at Castaic Middle School). It was noted combined student enrollment is down 398 students as compared to February 2014. 3. The Board participated in the 151 Reading of the following Revised Board Policies/Administrative Regulations/Board Bylaws: a. BP 3550 - Food Service/Child Nutrition Program b. BP 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment c. AR 5141.27 - Food Allergies/Special Dietary Needs d. BB 9321 - Closed Session Purposes and Agendas 2 Consent Calendar M· 65 Ayes: 4 Vote: 4-0 Approved DainsIWolcottiDavid/Hamlin Financial Report-Feb. '15 Participation Report-Feb. '15 1st Reading Revised BP 3550, 4030/AR 5141.27/BB 9321 EXHIBIT: A CONFERENCE CALENDAR (continued) All revisions were ok and these items will be brought back to the April 2151 Board meeting for a 2nd Reading and approval. 4. Ms. Grumbles read the SUPER Co-Op Report for the Board. Report highlights were: • Work to complete the 2013/14 year administrative tasks with DJ Co-Ops continues and communication remains positive. Past year fees owed to DJ Co-Ops for carry-over inventory at processors were negotiated. The invoice should arrive very soon; • The SUPER Co-Op Governing Council met on March 10, 2015, at Gold Star Foods. The group worked with John Purcell, owner of K12 Services, Inc., for improving the RFP for Commodity and Non-Commodity Food Products. Discussion for the future might involve working with a local university business school (UCLA) on this project. • Efforts are being made to streamline the current RFP for next year. Recommendations are: eliminate Volume rebates; include estimate usage for top 25 products, continue the bracket pricing option, and include an optional value added section to improve pricing for member districts. The RFP for the 2015/16 SY will go out during the next 30 days. A bidder's conference webinar will be used to communicate changes with potential bidders. • One additional district, San Luis Coastal USD, in San Luis Obispo, was added as a SUPER Co-Op member district for the 2015/16 SY. • Pre-planners for brown box and processed product orders for the 2015/16 SY are due to USDA between now and the end of April. • Ms. Grumbles reported there are 10 member districts participating in a USDA unprocessed Fruit & Vegetable Pilot project. A contract amendment with Gold Star Foods (GSF) for distribution of the Fruits & Vegetables will be necessary to move product under the project. The Board sees a possible conflict of interest with this arrangement since GSF is already a distributor. Some California Fruit & Vegetable providers are: Fresh Innovations, Bolthouse Farms (Fresh Logistics) and Ag Link (local to the Central Valley/Modesto area). • The Board was invited to attend the annual meeting of the SUPER Co-Op Governing Board, Distributors and State Administrators which will be held on May 29,2015 from 10:00AM - 12:00 Noon, at the Saugus USD, Bramlett Room. 5. Ms. Weiss asked for input from the Board regarding the Agency's annual employee banquet. Many ideas and suggestions were discussed. It was decided to form a banquet committee and to downsize the festivities this year. The Agency was informed that a permit is required to hold a raffle. It was noted to send advance notice to employees of the event changes. 3 Cont. Calendar (cont.) 1s1 Reading Revised BP 3550, 4030/AR 5141.27/88 9321 (cont.) SUPER Co-Op Report Discussion: Employee Annual Banquet EXHIBIT: A VI. ACTION CALENDAR 1. Dr. Hamlin made the motion, seconded by Ms. David, to approve the renewal of RFP# 11-12-31012012 for distribution of foods for the 2015/2016 School Year from Gold Star Foods; motion carried 4-0. Ms. Grumbles stated this is the fourth year for this renewal (maximum is five years on a renewal for services). M - 66 Ayes: 4 Renewal ofRFP#11- 1231012012 forDistribution of Foods, 2015/16 SY-Gold Star Foods Vote: 4-0 Approved DainslWolcottiDavid/Hamlin 2. M-67 Ayes: 4 Renewal ofRFP#13-1401012014 forUSDA Foods Distribution fortheSUPER CoOp,2015/16 SY-Gold StarFoods Vote: 4-0 Approved DainslWolcottiDavid/Hamlin Ms. Wolcott made the motion, seconded by Ms. David, to approve the renewal of RFP# 13-14-01012014-1 for distribution of USDA "brown boxes" for the SUPER Commodity Co-Op for the 2015/2016 School Year from Gold Star Foods; motion carried 4-0. This is year two of a five year agreement. 3. After some discussion and recommendations, Ms. Wolcott made the motion, seconded by Ms. David, to approve the 2nd Interim Budget Report for the 2014/2015 School Year; motion carried. VII. CORRESPONDENCE M-68 Ayes: 4 2nd Interim Budget Report 14/15 Vote: 4-0 Approved DainslWolcottiDavid/Hamlin AND BOARD INFORMATION 1. A copy of the Driftwood Dairy prices (Year-To-Date) was included for the Board. Driftwood DairyPrices 2. A copy of the Resolution from the Newhall School District designating Mr. Paul Cordeiro as the Alternate Official Representative to the SCVSFSA Board of Directors was included for the Board. NEWAlternateBoard Member:NewhallSD 3. Ms. Crawford read the Agency Report. STAFF: It was reported preparations have begun for the summer programs and for the 2015/2016 School Year. Employee re-assignments were implemented on Monday, March 16, 2015. The remaining 10 positions are pending negotiations, regarding the effects of labor hour reduction. Negotiations meetings with CSEA are currently scheduled for March 18 and 25, 2015. OTHER CONCERNS: It was reported there are two remaining Kids' Cooking events. Participating schools are: AgencyReport School Pinetree Elem. Live Oak Elem. Date 3/19/15 3/27/15 Teacher Tiffany Storch Jolie McDonald Grade(s) 3/4 4 Theme Western Sports Report from the Legislative Action Conference (LAC): Attended by Ms. Grumbles, Ms. Weiss and Ms. Crawford; visited with Mark Railsback, Communications Director from Congressman Steve Knight's office; and also with Congressman David G. Valadao (21st District, CA) - discussed child reauthorization, regional indexing for school meal eligibility and reimbursements, entitlement for USDA Foods for every breakfast served, Target 1 sodium level reductions, and reduction of whole grains to 50%. 4 EXHIBIT: A VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND BOARD INFORMATION (continued) Procedure for Selling Adult Meals to Non-Agency Site Employees: A meals procedure has been prepared for selling adult meals to nonAgency employees. This procedure will soon be posted at the school cafeterias and also discussed with Agency employees at the April Site Team Leader meetings as implementation is phased in. National School Breakfast Week: Celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday in conjunction with National School Breakfast Week was successful. The events were held at Castaic Elem., Leona Cox, Meadows and Mountainview and were well attended by students in Kindergarten through second grade and their parents the theme was "Green Eggs and Ham". Update on the Super Snack Program (aka "Supper Program"): Ms. Crawford reported that a preliminary interview was conducted by the California Department of Education (CDE) for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Once the Agency's application is completed and submitted, the approval process takes approximately 30 days. Upon approval, CDE will then schedule a site visit before the program can begin. Ms. Crawford reported she has been in contact with the Administrators at both Canyon Springs and J. Michael McGrath Elementary Schools. Ms. David asked that Josh Randall (Sulphur Springs USD) is kept in the loop for all communication. April 21 st Board meeting To accommodate the CEO's schedule on April 21st, it was requested to change the time of the April 21 st Board meeting to 8:00 A.M. The Board was agreeable to this time change. Agency Report (cont.) VIII. ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING (April 21, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. - time change) 1. 2015/16 1st Budget Workshop 2. 2nd Reading BP3550 & 4030/AR5141.27/BB9321 3. 2015/16 Meal Prices and Application Package 4. Layoff Resolution for open positions ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING IX. CLOSED SESSION Ms. Wolcott made the motion, seconded by Dr. Hamlin, motion carried, to adjourn the Regular meeting and go to a Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION 11:30 AM. M· 69 Ayes: 4 Vote: 4-0 DainslWolcottiDavid/Hamlin X. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Ms. David made the motion; seconded by Dr. Hamlin, motion carried, to adjourn and reconvene to the Regular meeting. There was no report from the Closed Session. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 11:45 AM. M· 70 Ayes: 4 Vote: 4-0 DainslWolcottiDavid/Hamlin XI. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Hamlin made the motion, seconded by Ms. David and carried 4-0, to adjourn the Regular meeting. M· 71 Ayes: 4 ADJOURN: 11:46 AM. Vote: 4-0 DainslWolcottiDavid/Hamlin 5 EXHIBIT: A Date April 21, 2015 j21CUUk" L~4A~ Ms. Marcia Dains, President 6 EXHIBIT: A
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