Cairo Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Draft Minutes

Cairo Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Draft Minutes
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 9:35a.m.
The April 14, 2015 meeting of the Cairo Library Board of Trustees took place at the
Cairo Library, 15 Railroad Ave., Cairo, N.Y. 12413. In attendance:
 Dean Lavin, President
 Allen Veverka, Vice President/Assistant Treasurer
 Dot True ,Treasurer
 Catherine Hempstead, Secretary
 Debra Kamecke, Library Director
1. Meeting Called to Order
Dean Lavin called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.
2. Previous Month’s Minutes
Motion made to accept the minutes, with corrections as discussed, by True,
seconded by Veverka. Unanimous ayes.
3. Treasurer’s Report
 Trustees Account: $826.97
 Money Market Account: $24,360.89
 Operating Account: $144,365.65
 Health Account: $1,477.30
Several thank-you cards were received expressing “the outpouring of loving
generosity we’ve experienced from the library and community has meant
everything to us and would have meant the world to Mom”, “the Otego United
Methodist Church expresses their appreciation for the Cairo Public Library’s
contribution in memory of Helen Groves”, “the Otego Harris Memorial Library
Trustees thank the Cairo Public Library for the generous donation of $25.00 in
memory of Helen Groves”.
Veverka made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Hempstead seconded.
Unanimous ayes.
4. Library Bills
True made a motion to approve the library bills. Hempstead seconded. Unanimous
5. Director’s Report
The report was given by the Director. Discussion ensued regarding circulation is down ,
as is in most libraries. Program attendance and the use of the library has increased.
7. New Business
a. Window blinds/ shades: Discussion regarding $435.00 to purchase shades for
three(3)upper windows in the community room. Money to be used from the endowment
fund. Motion made to accept by Hempstead, seconded by Lavin, unanimous ayes.
b. .Article regarding libraries in the Rotarian magazine discussed and shared by
True. Suggested it be read at the next Town Board Meeting.
c. Teleforms: Director reports time spent daily by staff attempting to contact library
patrons to notify of materials that have arrived for them. For an annual fee of $232.00
this task can be completed by an automated program. This fee will be reduced annually
as it is used. This is to free up the staff to attend to other library tasks. Motion made to
accept by Hempstead, seconded by Lavin, unanimous ayes.
d. Tax Cap Form: Discussion regarding whether to apply. There is only a nominal
fee vs. extended time and paperwork to apply. This will not be done at this time.
f. Workshop for Director, et al: There is a workshop in Poughkeepsie, June 16,2015
from 9a.m.-4p.m. regarding Personnel Issues, Payroll etc. This put on by an
Independent Presenter at $149.00 per person. Two (2) people were approved to go.
Dean Lavin and Catherine Hempstead have agreed to attend. Motion made to accept
approval to attend ,by True and seconded by Veverka. All ayes.
G .Bullet Aid (Line Items): Lavin and Veverka will meet with Director of Buildings
and Grounds in the near future to discuss a CO2 sensor, occupancy sensor,
dehumidifier. Money can be applied for through the MHLS.
Old Business
a. RFP for accounting services: Resolution to continue using Murray and True for the
remainder of 2015, April 1,2015 through December 31,2015. Discussion regarding the
RFP’s which were placed in the local paper did not have any responses. Motion made
by Hempstead to continue with the current CPA firm as stated, seconded by Lavin, all
ayes. True recused herself.
b.Update on community Meeting Schedules: Lavin and Veverka to set date to meet
with the Highway Dept. and the Fire Department. Kamecke and Hempstead to set a
date to meet with the Seniors at the Acra Community Center in the near future.
Hempstead has placed several calls to the Cairo Durham School to locate the contact
person for the PTSO. Will continue pursuing that, so a meeting can be scheduled .True
and Kamecke are planning to meet with the Cairo Historical Club and True is scheduled
to meet with the American Legion Members tonight.
c. Purchasing Policy: This was reviewed. Veverka made a motion to pass this
resolution, seconded by Lavin, all ayes.
d. Monthly Cairo Town Meeting reporting schedule set up for the next two months
are as follows:
May- Veverka
Town Liaison
Present, nothing to report this month.
Friends Report
Report given by Kamecke. Reminders regarding fundraisers in April were reviewed.
Public Comments
Vote for Adjournment
Motion made by Hempstead, seconded by Lavin, all ayes. Meeting ended at 11:22 a.m
Next meeting scheduled for May12th at 9:30 a.m.