+ REFLECTION CHURCH OF DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, 12 APRIL 2015 • SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 4: 32-35 1 Jn 5: 1-6 19 PASIR RIS ST 72 SINGAPORE 518771 • www.divinemercy.sg Ps 118: 2-4. 13-15. 22-24 Jn 20: 19-31 “Lord, open my ears to your word. Open my eyes to your glory.” The Gospel writers were wonderful theologians. They told us so many powerful stories about Jesus, like the feeding of the five thousand and the raising of Lazarus from the dead. As they told these stories, they sought to convey deep theological realities like the Incarnation and the concept of being born from above through Baptism. These stories and the teachings behind them are so simple that a child can make sense of them, but they are also so profound that we will never be able to plumb their depths. In today’s story about Thomas, John is telling us that the life of faith can be like a roller coaster—even for those who lived with Jesus and knew him personally. At first, the apostles didn’t accept the testimony of the women about the empty tomb. Forgetting Jesus’ promise that he would rise, Mary Magdalene thought that someone had stolen his body. The disciples on the road to Emmaus proved themselves slow to believe the Scriptures. And Thomas refused to believe unless he could see. So here’s the lesson: even though our faith goes up and down, Jesus remains with us. He is always ready to draw us back to himself. He blesses those who do not see but still believe. One way to smooth out the ups and downs of our faith is to let the word of God dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16). When you read and meditate on the Bible, you discover that the written word of God opens your heart to Jesus, the living Word of God. It inspires you, and it forms you. Over time, you become what you read as what you read fills you with faith that Jesus is the Messiah. Mon 13 Apr: Easter Weekday/ Martin I, pp, martyr Acts 4: 23-31 Ps 2: 1-3. 4-7a. 7b-9 Jn 3: 1-8 Acts 4: 32-37 Ps 93: 1ab. 1cd-2. 5 Jn 3: 7b-15 Wed 15 Apr: Easter Weekday SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER A GENTLE REMINDER He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless. - Matthew 22:12 Let us show reverence to God by wearing the proper attire in Church. Mass & Prayer Times Weekday 6:30am, 6:15pm Every 1st Saturday of the month 7.30pm Syro-Malaba Mass (Chapel) General Office 7.30pm Tagalog Mass Opening Hours 7am, 9am, 11.30am, 5.30pm Confessions 15 min before Mass. Public Holidays 8am only Raymond Tan/Luke Teo/Maria LIm Tel | 6583 3378 • Fax | 6583 1694 Email | [email protected] Mon | 2-7pm • Tue - Fri |11am- 7pm Closed for lunch | 1pm - 2pm Sat | 12.30pm - 5.30pm Sun | 9am - 1pm Closed on public holidays Every 3rd Saturday of the month Sunday Divine Mercy Devotion Daily at 6.45pm (Chapel) Saturday at 5.00pm (Main Church) Prayer for Priests Every Thurs 5.15pm followed by 6.15pm mass To offer feedback, email us at [email protected] Subscribe to our e-bulletin Visit our website at www.divinemercy.sg Launch our Facebook Jn 3: 16-21 Acts 5: 27-33 Ps 34: 2 & 9. 17-18. 19-20 Jn 3: 31-36 Parish Census Acts 5: 34-42 Ps 27: 1. 4. 13-14 Jn 6: 1-15 Acts 6: 1-7 Ps 33: 1-2. 4-5. 18-19 Jn 6: 16-21 For those who have not yet registered as parishioners of CDM, please do so at the Parish Office. Sat 18 Apr: Easter Weekday Fr Johnson Fernandez Tel | 6583 6393 Fr Terence Kesavan Tel | 6583 8789 Fr Joseph de Dinechin Parish Secretariat Ps 34: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 Fri 17 Apr: Easter Weekday Parish Priests “This is the time of mercy. It is important that the lay faithful live it and bring it into different social environments. Go forth!” - From Pope Francis’s Announcement of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, March 13, 2015 6.30am, 5:30pm IActs 5: 17-26 Thu 16 Apr: Easter Weekday Parish Bulletin A Blessed Feast Day! Saturday Staying Connected Daily Readings Tues 14 Apr: Easter Weekday 11/12 APRIL • VOL. 15 www.divinemercy.sg/facebook Community & Pastoral Care Divine Mercy Apostolate Neighbourhood Christian Community (NCC) Prayer for the Sick & Dying Funeral and Wake Services Please contact the Parish Office or email [email protected] Pope Francis has called for a Holy Year of Mercy – so what does that mean? God has been showing His Mercy to the Church consistently since the beginning of time. The more the world has turned away from God, the more He pours forth His Mercy. Already regarded by many as the “Pope of Mercy,” Pope Francis offered a surprise announcement of a Holy Year of Mercy. He wants it evident of the Church’s mission as a witness of compassion. “Let us not forget that God forgives and God forgives always,” Pope Francis said, repeating the words he used during his first Angelus as pope, on March 17, 2013. “Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness.” The Pope added: “I am convinced that the whole Church — which has much need to receive mercy, because we are sinners — will find in this jubilee the joy to rediscover and render fruitful the mercy of God, with which we are all called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time.” The jubilee will begin on Dec 8, when Catholics celebrate the feast of Immaculate Conception. It will end on Nov. 20, 2016, on the feast of Christ the King. + PARISH BUZZ + PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS The Pascal Triduum at Our Parish Limited Edition Feast Day Door Gift: Some Interesting Features MAUNDY THURSDAY GOOD FRIDAY Clockwise from left to right: Father Joseph washing the feet of ministry members • Archbishop William Goh graced us with his presence at our 3pm Good Friday Mass • A young parishioner “palms” her prayers for CDM. • Lighting of the Pascal candle before the Easter Vigil. EASTER SUNDAY CDM TURNS 5! More photos will be available on our website after next week! The Assurance Our Divine Mercy will always be there for you. CDM turns 5 this year! Praise the Lord! Divine Mercy Feast Day Celebrations • Sunday 12 April Regular Sunday Mass times and 3pm Mass (celebrated by Archbishop William Goh). Chaplets will be at 6:40am, 8:30am, 11am, 2:15pm, 5pm. Don’t forget our food, fun fair and jumble sale at B1 (8am-1pm), and sign up for a church tour! All visitors are welcome! Find out more about the church and our faith by registering for our church tour. Registration will be beside the statue of Divine Mercy (on your left as you exit church). Drop by the foyer to read the messages, prayers and wishes imprinted on your “prayer hands”! Home Rosary Session Host Cosmas & Cindy Yeo Dates 13 Apr to 19 Apr 2015 Rosary days with community: Mon, Tues and Wed at 8:15pm; Sunday at 3pm Venue Blk 474 Pasir Ris Dr 6 #06-568 For more info, contact Susan Tan at 9119 5909 or visit the Ministry’s webpage. Life in the Spirit Seminar Congratulations to the newly baptised Catechumens on the Easter Vigil! The Image This image of our Divine Mercy can be found at the entrance of our church and in several places. There are two rays (red and white) coming from Jesus’ Heart, representing Water, which makes the soul righteous, and Blood, which is the life of souls. The Message St. Faustina, a simple nun, and the patron saint of our parish, was aptly chosen to carry the message of the infinite Mercy of God to the world. This Message is largely contained in the Diary of St. Faustina. If you have not experienced the wondrous and restorative power of our Father’s radical love through the Holy Spirit, now is the time. Come and make a date with God the Holy Spirit from 1 to 3 May. Registration is free. Venue Church of the Holy Trinity 1 May, Fri (PH): 8.30am-8.45pm; 2 May, Sat: 9am-9.30pm; 3 May, Sun: 9am-6pm For enquiries, please contact Jeremy (9692 0186)/Janice (9877 7021 9am to 5pm)/Ching Mercado (9384 7580 7pm to 10pm) SSVP Thanks You! Last weekend 2nd collection for the Society of St Vincent de Paul to help the poor and needy was $17,500.20. PortaFidei Magazine now at CDM The magazine celebrates the anniversary of the canonisations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII. Visit us at the foyer after Mass on Sat (5.30pm) or Sun (3pm & 5.30pm). $6 only! Couple Empowerment Program (CEP) @ CDM CEP will start on 19 Apr. Some of the topics covered in the 9-part series are: 19 Apr, Sun (1-5pm) - The Institution of Marriage is under threat 25 Apr, Sat (7-10.30pm) - The Good Marriage Pls see website www.cep-sg.org for more info. Catechism Resumes Catechism sessions for all levels resume next week, 18/19 April 2015.
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