He a lt h C a r e Ma n a ge m e n t Div i s i o n F OOT NOTE S * INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Chair’s Message 1 Chair-Elect’s Message 3 HCMD Reviewer Awards 4 Program Chair Message 5 Communications Chair 5 Research Committee 6 New Delivery Format Coming Soon! For corrections, comments or additional information, please contact our Editor: Laura McClelland Phone: (804) 828-6064 Email: [email protected] Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Health Administration 1008 East Clay Street, Richmond, VA 23298-0203 Please visit our HCMD website at: http://division.aomonline.org /hcm/newsletter.htm February Issue 2015*: The final issue - T hi s i s a n a br i dg e d issue before we tr a n s i ti o n to a n e w communications format A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR Rebecca Wells Can you all believe it has been six months since our meeting in Philadelphia? Many thanks to all who prepared for and participated in that event, which was a resounding success both substantively and socially. In particular, thanks to Vicky Parker for organizing the Professional Development Workshops, which have led the Academy in quality and relevancy. Thanks to Ann Scheck McAlearney for organizing a stellar program of research presentations, as well as to Tim Huerta and others who found the time to provide additional help last spring when Ann needed it. The teamwork among HCMD leadership is the strongest I have seen in any voluntary organization with which I have ever been associated. This year Tim Huerta also continued his tradition of organizing fabulous social events in fun venues. What many of you may not have known is that Tim is a creative genius at cost-saving, thus enabling us to add every year to an endowment that supports travel for emerging scholars. After several years of organizing HCMD’s evening socials, Tim has decided that this year’s events in Vancouver will be his last. I would love to hear soon from anyone who is interested in serving this function in subsequent years ([email protected]) so that you might learn from Tim as he organizes 2015 events. I personally believe that both our Saturday and Monday night socials are a major reason HCMD is the welcoming division we are, one in which scholars and practitioners at all career stages mingle freely in and make new friends. A number of people make these events possible by procuring sponsorship from their organizations. Gerry Glandon continued AUPHA’s tradition of sponsoring our Saturday night social (thanks to Eric Ford and Jami DelliFraine for your seamless teamwork on making that connection!). Others who garnered support from their institutions for HCMD activities included Jackie Zinn (Temple University’s Fox School of Business – Jackie also connected us to Paula Stillman, who as I note below was fabulous); Vicky Parker (Boston University School of Public Health, Health Policy and Management); Ann McAlearney and Tim Huerta (Department of Family Medicine, Ohio State); Louise Fitzgerald (SOCIETY FOR STUDIES IN ORGANISING HEALTHCARE (SHOC)); Rob Weech- F o o tn o te s * Page 2 Maldonado (UAB, Dept. Health Services Administration,; Eric Ford (both UNCG and Hopkins!); Tim Vogus (Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management); and Laura McClelland and Jami DelliFraine (VCU, Dept. Health Administration). Thanks also to everyone who facilitated sponsorships of HCMD paper awards: Leslie Athey (ACHE, sponsor of the Best Paper Award); Annie Scharff and her colleagues at Emerald Group Publishing, (sponsor of both the Best International Paper Award and Excellence in Teaching Award); Michele Issel (Health Care Management Review, sponsor of the Best Theory to Practice Award); and Tom D’Aunno (Medical Care Research and Review, sponsor of the Best Dissertation-Based Award). The quality of this past year’s award -winning papers and finalists was phenomenal. Our distinguished speaker this past year was Paula Stillman, who provided both a cogent overview of how perverse incentives affect the US health care system and an inspiring account of a program she has led that trains TANF recipients to serve as community health workers. A spirited discussion followed the formal presentation, including reflection on who is best qualified to provide health navigation and how these additional actors affect relationships between patients and their physicians. If you don’t already know this, HCMD’s Monday afternoon business meeting is a ‘must-attend’ event, in which we recognize both scholarly and leadership excellence. A highlight was the presentation of a framed montage of photos from Jami DelliFraine’s five years of HCMD leadership, beautifully compiled by the woman who is also bringing you this last Footnotes* issue, Laura McClelland. Jami has been an adroit, unfailingly reliable, and gracious leader. I would say that we will miss her, but one of the amazing things about this division is how many former leaders continue to participate in our annual meetings, as evidenced when they stand during our business meeting. This year’s division officers are: Past Chair: Eric Ford (Hopkins) Chair: Rebecca Wells (Texas A&M) Chair-Elect: Ann Scheck McAlearney (Ohio State) Program Chair: Vicky Parker (BU) PDW Chair: Amy Landry (UAB) Student Representative: Claudia Gonzalez (U of Washington) Academics-at-Large: Sara Singer (Harvard) & Tim Vogus (Vanderbilt) Practitioners-at-Large: Jason Wolf (The Beryl Institute ) & Susan Aloi (Lehigh Valley Health Network) Secretary: Ingrid Nembhard (Yale) Treasurer: Jeff Helton (Metropolitan State University of Denver) Newsletter editor: Laura McClelland (VCU) Communications Committee Chair: Deirdre McCaughey (Penn State) Practice Committee Chair: Shital Shah (Rush) Teaching Committee Chair: Mark Diana (Tulane) Research Committee Chair: Beth Goodrick (Florida Atlantic University) Membership Chair: Tim Huerta (Ohio State) Webmaster: Cathleen Erwin (Auburn University) F o o tn o te s * Page 3 Among those leaving HCMD leadership roles this past summer was Nick Edwardson, who ran our list serve, among many other tasks, always leavening our awe at his astonishingly diverse talents through his wry sense of humor. Nick is now a first year assistant professor at the University of New Mexico, where he is rumored to be thriving. This year’s 2015 meeting theme is Opening Governance, an elusive yet arguably essential quest for fostering patient-centered care. Thanks in advance to everyone who will somehow find the time to review papers and all the other tasks often completed during evenings and weekends that will make our Vancouver meeting a smash success. Yours, Rebecca Wells, Division Chair A MESSAGE FROM THE DIVISION CHAIR-ELECT Ann McAlearney The Health Care Management Division was very well represented at the Academy of Management annual meeting in Philadelphia . None of this could have been achieved without the special effort and excellent performance of those who contributed to the program. As the 2014 Program Chair, I would like to give a heart-felt thanks to those who submitted and presented a paper, and those who served as reviewers, discussants and session chairs. In this issue of Footnotes* we also like to recognize those who received a reviewer award. Thank you in advance to all those who are busy reviewing academy submissions to our division now. Also consider nominating an HCM Division member for the Myron D. Fottler Exceptional Service Award. I will be soliciting nominations by early spring 2015. The criteria for this award can be found in the HCM Division web page. Best wishes, Ann McAlearney Division Chair Elect . CALL FOR PAPERS Call for papers for the Patient Experience Journal . The information on the journal can be found at http://www.pxjournal.org/journal. F o o tn o te s * Page 4 HCMD 2014 REVIEWER AWARDS Many congratulations to the 2014 reviewer award winners. Established Reviewers: Azza AbuDagga Sarah Birken Cathleen Erwin Sebastian Gurtner Brian Hilligoss Christina Hoon Laura McClelland Trish Reay Peter Rivard Sara Singer Louise Tourigny Robert Weech-Maldonado First Time Reviewers: Jennifer Hefner Emily Reed Renee Wiedner A MESSAGE FROM THE PROGRAM CHAIR Vicky Parker Thank you for your symposia and paper submissions this January! Many thanks to all those are signed up to review as well. The AOM governance system for reviewing relies on each reviewer to sign up each year, and having enough reviewers is essential to providing good feedback and selecting the submissions that will make the strongest program. New members and graduate students are especially welcome as new reviewers, as it’s a great way to learn more about the HCM field. If you didn’t sign up to review this year, please consider doing so in future years. Yours, Vicky Parker F o o tn o te s * Page 5 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE UPDATE The Communication Committee is pleased to announce that our email blast test during AOM was highly successful and well received by our members (many thanks to Tim Huerta for being the architect of that). As a result of that, our membership has made it clear that shorter communication via email are preferred to longer newsletter-style communications. To that, this will be our last "newsletter" and our new "email news-blasts" will start in a few months. More details to follow shortly. My thanks to the Communications Committee Members who have been and continue to be an integral source of support for our Division communications: Cathleen Erwin, Tim Huerta, Laura McClelland, & Rebecca Wells, as well as the previous HCM Division leaders who have assisted in previous years!! Cheers, Deirde McCaughey KEITH G. PROVAN DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR AWARD The Award: This award recognizes a member of the HCM division who has developed a record of high quality scholarly research in health care management. The research may be traditional or innovative, but it must demonstrate conceptual and methodological rigor. The award winner will receive a plaque and recognition at the AOM Annual Meeting. The selected researcher will have the honor of giving a lecture at University of Arizona where Provan had been the McClelland Professor of Management. The University of Arizona will cover the award recipient’s travel expenses related to the lecture. Award Criteria: Nominees will be assessed on the following criteria: A record of high quality scholarly research in health care management. A record of external funding. Editing a major journal or book series in healthcare management. Serving as an editorial review member for major journals in healthcare management. Nomination Procedures: Nominations must be submitted to Beth Goodrick ([email protected]), Chair of the HCM Research Committee, by April 1, 2015. Anonymous nominations will not be accepted, but individuals may self-nominate. As per the HCM by-laws, nominations should include: (1) a nomination letter which articulates the nominee’s research contributions (2) the nominee’s current CV (3) at least two impartial letters commenting on the nominee’s qualifications to receive the award; (4) copies of two published articles as examples of academic scholarship.
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