` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE Duration: 1 hour Level: beginner Intensity: low Summary : Primary poses in a slow pace sequence for beginner Keyword: Primary poses, slow pace, beginner, basic SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION Let’s start from the beginning: you want to try Yoga but you do not know how to start or you are simply keen to review primary Yoga poses. This is a sequence that starts from the basic! The primary poses are kept for few breaths to allow the body to find the comfortable adjustment, while the following poses are repeated 4 times to familiarize with the alignment and the movement. The rhythmic breathing and the number of repetitions give to the sequence a slow and relaxing pace perfect for who wants low intensity exercise. The sequence last 1 hour to give you the feeling of a complete workout like if you were in a gym or a Yoga center. If you like you can always reduce the number of repetitions and adjust the length of the sequence at your own preference. The beauty of Yoga is that is based on your body and the beauty of a downloadable sequence is that is based on your motivation. It is like a city map: it gives you directions but you are the one deciding where to go. So let’s start! SAFETY PRECAUTIONS It is good practice to perform Yoga with empty stomach and try not to drink during the session. It is not advisable to do Yoga during the menstruation as the cycle can be effected. Move slowly from pose to pose up to a comfortable and safety degree. If a yoga move causes pain in any part of your body, listen to your body first and stop immediately. Concentrate more on maintaining proper alignment than on pushing over your limits. Women who are pregnant must consult with their physician before practicing yoga poses and are advised to take a pre-natal yoga class instead of doing a general yoga practice. People recovering from injuries should consult with their doctor as certain poses may aggravate the injury or delay the healing process. DISCLAIMER This Yoga sequence is for self-practice and it is not a substitute for consulting with a physician or a physical therapist. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. All the poses in this sequence assume the reader is physically capable of these poses; however, they carry risks and only you and your health care providers can say what poses work and do not work for your body at this time. The author of this sequence and workout disclaim any liability, personal or professional, resulting from the misapplication of any of the following procedures described in this document. More information on “Term of Use” in the website. Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 1 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 2-3 1) PREPARING DIY YOGA 5 minutes 2) MOUNTAIN POSE 5 breaths 3) ARM AND LEG POSE 1 repetition 4) REPEAT FROM 2 TO 3 3 repetitions 5-6 5) MOUNTAIN POSE 5 breaths 6) CHAIR POSE 1 repetition 7) REPEAT FROM 5 TO 6 3 repetitions 8) MOUNTAIN POSE 5 breaths 11) TABLE TOP POSE 5 breaths 12) CAT/COW POSE 1 repetition 8-9 9) HIGH LUNGE POSE 1 repetition 10) REPEAT FROM 8 TO 9 3 repetitions 11-12 13) REPEAT FROM 11 TO 12 3 repetitions 14-15 14) TABLE TOP POSE 5 breaths 15) PLANK POSE 1 repetition 16) REPEAT FROM 14 TO 15 3 repetitions Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 2 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 17-18 17) CHILD POSE 5 breaths 18) COBRA POSE 1 repetition 19) REPEAT FROM 17 TO 18 3 repetitions 20) CORPSE POSE 5 breaths 23) STAFF POSE 5 breaths 24) HEAD TO KNEE POSE 1 repetition 20-21 21) KNEES TO CHEST POSE 5 breaths 22) REPEAT FROM 20 TO 21 3 repetitions 23-24 25) REPEAT FROM 23 TO 24 3 repetitions 29) EASY POSE 5 breaths 26-27 26) EASY POSE 5 breaths 30) YOGA MUDRA 8 repetitions 27) REVOLVED EASY POSE 1 repetition 28) REPEAT FROM 26 TO 27 3 repetitions 31) SELF MASSAGE 5 minutes 32) CORPSE POSE 10 minutes Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 3 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE PREPARING DIY YOGA SEQUENCE - Unfold the yoga mat on the floor or something that can protect your back and prevent you from slipping. - Prepare all the props and materials you think can make your session more comfortable. A mat and a towel are suggested. - Read careful the descriptions of DIYYOGA sequence: the repetition of each pose and the breathing in the movements. 1) PREPARING DIY YOGA - Turn on some music if you like to create ambient. 5 minutes ADVISE: spend more time on the poses you know less. 2) MOUNTAIN POSE 5 breaths 3) ARM AND LEG POSE 1 repetition MOUNTAIN POSE (Tada’sana) - Stand with the feet close together or hip distance apart. - Lift the toes and spread them on the floor; feel the arch lifting. - Lift the kneecaps and engage the thighs and buttock muscles. - Direct the tailbone down toward the floor and keep the belly in. - Open the chest and rotate the shoulders back and even. - Align the neck with the spine and the chin parallel to the floor. - Relax the arms beside the body and breathe normally. ADVICE: do not overextend the knees and the shoulders. ARM AND LEG POSE (Padahasta’sana) - From mountain pose, inhaling raise the arms with palms open. - Exhaling low the left arm beside the body and bend leftwards. - Inhaling raise both arms, and exhaling repeat on the right. - Inhaling raise both arms and directly back bend. - Exhaling forward bend with the legs straight and try to touch the floor with the hands. Keep the spine straight. Hold the pose for 3 breaths. - Inhaling raise up arms and body and exhaling return in mountain pose. ADVICE: do not push the hips back. Hips remain over the heels. 2-3 REPEAT FROM 2 TO 3 4) REPEAT FROM 2 TO 3 3 repetitions Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 4 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 5) MOUNTAIN POSE 5 breaths 6) CHAIR POSE 1 repetition 5-6 MOUNTAIN POSE (Tada’sana) - Stand with the feet close together or hip distance apart. - Lift the toes and spread them on the floor; feel the arch lifting. - Lift the kneecaps and engage the thighs and buttock muscles. - Direct the tailbone down toward the floor and keep the belly in. - Open the chest and rotate the shoulders back and even. - Align the neck with the spine and the chin parallel to the floor. - Relax the arms beside the body and breathe normally. ADVICE: do not overextend the knees and the shoulders. CHAIR POSE (Utkata’sana) - From mountain pose, exhaling bend the knees to touch the floor with the tip of the fingers. - Inhaling raise the chest but maintain the knees bended. - Extend the arms over the head, straight and shoulder distance apart. - Try to create a flat surface between back, neck and arms. - Stay in the pose and counts 3 breaths. - Exhaling release the pose and shake the legs. ADVICE: keep the neck in line with the spine at any time. REPEAT FROM 5 TO 6 7) REPEAT FROM 5 TO 6 3 repetitions 8) MOUNTAIN POSE 5 breaths MOUNTAIN POSE (Tada’sana) - Stand with the feet close together or hip distance apart. - Lift the toes and spread them on the floor; feel the arch lifting. - Lift the kneecaps and engage the thighs and buttock muscles. - Direct the tailbone down toward the floor and keep the belly in. - Open the chest and rotate the shoulders back and even. - Align the neck with the spine and the chin parallel to the floor. - Relax the arms beside the body and breathe normally. ADVICE: do not overextend the knees and the shoulders. Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 5 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 9) HIGH LUNGE POSE 1 repetition 8-9 HIGH LUNGE POSE (no official Sanskrit name) - From mountain pose, exhaling bend the knees and bring the palms to the floor beside the feet. - Inhaling, bring back the left leg far enough that the right knee can form a right angle. - Lay the torso on the right thigh and strengthen it forward. - Keep the back leg straight. Count 3 breaths. - Exhaling step the left leg between the arms. Repeat with the right. ADVICE: keep the knee always above the ankle. REPEAT FROM 8 TO 9 10) REPEAT FROM 8 TO 9 3 repetitions 11) TABLE TOP POSE 5 counts TABLE TOP POSE (no official Sanskrit name) - Come to the floor with the hands and knees. - Bring the knees hip distance apart and directly under the hips. Align the feet with the knees and lay the dorsum on the floor. - Bring the hands directly under the shoulders with the fingers spread out and pressed into the floor. Move the shoulder away from the ears. - Look down between the palms. Strengthen the spine and neck. - Breathe slowly and deeply and rest in the pose. ADVICE: if the knees feel uncomfortable, fold the mat under. 12) CAT/COW POSE 1 repetition CAT/COW POSE (Marjarya/Bitila’sana) - Start in table top. - Inhaling arch the back making a “valley” as you look up the ceiling. Start the movement from the tail bone up to the head. - Exhaling pull the navel into the spine, the chin into the chest and round the back. Start the movement form the tail bone down to the head. Look at the navel. - Inhaling repeat the sequence. Allow long and deep breaths. ADVICE: extend the back of the neck while looking at the ceiling. Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 6 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 11-12 REPEAT FROM 11 TO 12 13) REPEAT FROM 11 TO 12 3 repetitions 14) TABLE TOP POSE 5 counts TABLE TOP POSE (no official Sanskrit name) - Come to the floor with the hands and knees. - Bring the knees hip distance apart and directly under the hips. Align the feet with the knees and lay the dorsum on the floor. - Bring the hands directly under the shoulders with the fingers spread out and pressed into the floor. Move the shoulder away from the ears. - Look down between the palms. Strengthen the spine and neck. - Breathe slowly and deeply and rest in the pose. ADVICE: if the knees feel uncomfortable, fold the mat under. 15) PLANK POSE 1 repetition PLANK POSE (No official Sanskrit name) - From table top, inhaling curl the toes under and raise the hips to create one straight line from the crown of the head to the heels. - Look at the floor to keep the neck in line with the spine. - Engage buttocks and core muscles to hold the pose. - Open the chest, move the shoulders away from the ears over the wrists and spread the fingers pressing them firmly into the floor. - Stay in the pose and count 3 breaths, exhaling return in table top. ADVICE: do not collapse into the shoulders. 14-15 REPEAT FROM 14 TO 15 16) REPEAT FROM 14 TO 15 3 repetitions Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 7 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 17) CHILD POSE 5 breaths CHILD’s POSE (Bala’sana) - Start in kneeling position with the knees wide apart but let the big toes touching together. Sit back on the heels. - Bring the forehead to the floor resting the belly between the thighs. - Stretch the arms out in front of you and keep them straight with the elbow away from the floor. - Drive the shoulders back and away from the ears. - Breathe slowly and deeply and rest in the pose. ADVICE: allow the beck of the neck to be long and the back straight. 18) COBRA POSE 1 repetition COBRA POSE (Bhujanga’sana) - Lying down on the stomach rest the chin on the floor. - Press the dorsum of the feet, squeeze the buttocks and lift the kneecaps away from the floor. - Rest the hands beside the shoulders with the elbows close to the body. - Inhaling raise the chest but keep the elbows bended. Look in front. Drive the shoulders back and away from the ears. - Count 3 breaths then exhaling return in lying position. ADVICE: do not compress the lower back and the neck. 17-18 REPEAT FROM 17 TO 18 19) REPEAT FROM 17 TO 18 3 repetitions 20) CORPSE POSE 5 minutes CORPSE POSE (Shava’sana) - Lie on the back with the legs slightly open, the arms on the sides with the palm facing up. Make sure you are comfortable. - Close the eye and breathe slowly and deeply. - Scan the whole body from toes to head, looking for tightness and tension to release and relax. Allow the back to be flat on the floor. - Keep awareness to the inner body for a while then wiggle toes and fingers, roll over to one side and return in seated position. ADVICE: try not fall asleep! Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 8 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 21) KNEES TO CHEST POSE 1 repetition 21-21 KNEES TO CHEST POSE (Apana’sana) - Lie on the back with the arms placed by the sides. - Exhaling draw both knees to the chest. Hug them with both arms and press them to the chest. - Keep the back flat, shoulders relax on the floor and collar bone open. - While breathing normally hold the pose for 3 breaths and softly roll backward and forward and side to side to massage the back. - Inhaling release the pose straitening the leg. Rest. ADVICE: if the knees hurt, just hug the tight instead. REPEAT FROM 20 TO 21 22) REPEAT FROM 20 TO 21 3 repetitions 23) STAFF POSE 5 breaths STAFF POSE (Danda’sana) - Start in sitting position with the legs stretch out. - Sit forward and draw the tights to the floor while the feet are flexed and the inner legs are touching together. - Lift the torso from the base of the pelvis perpendicular to the floor. - Draw the navel in toward the spine. Open the chest. - Place the hands on the floor beside the hips. Relax the shoulders. - Hold the pose breathing normally. ADVICE: do not collapse the lower back. 24) HEAD TO KNEE POSE 1 repetition HEAD TO KNEE POSE seated (Janushira’sana) - From staff pose, inhaling bend the right knee. - Exhaling outwardly rotate the right leg and lay the knee on the floor. - Inhaling raise the arms above the head and straighten the spine. - Exhaling forward bend and touch the left knee with the forehead. Press the left sole with the hands and keep the spine long. - Count 5 or 8 breaths then inhaling raise the arms above the head and exhaling come back in staff pose. Repeat with the left leg. ADVICE: do not curve the spine. Press down from the core muscles. Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 9 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 23-24 REPEAT FROM 23 TO 24 25) REPEAT FROM 23 TO 24 3 repetitions 26) EASY POSE 5 breaths 27) REVOLVED EASY POSE 1 repetitions 26-27 EASY POSE (Sukha’sana) - Start in sitting position with the leg crossed and the feet directly below the knees. - Rest the hands on the knees with the palms facing down or up. - Press the hip bones down into the floor and lengthen the spine. - Drop the shoulder down and back. Open the chest. - Keep the chin parallel to the floor and the neck in line with the spine. - Hold the pose breathing normally. ADVICE: If the knees hurt, sit on a folded blanked or a props. REVOLVED EASY POSE (Parivrtta Sukha’sana) - From easy pose, inhaling twist the upper body to the left starting the movement from the lower spine. - Exhaling place the right hand on the left knee and the left hand at your back on the floor close to buttocks. - Inhaling lengthen the spine and turn the neck back looking over your left shoulder. Keep the left arm straight. - Count 3 breaths then reverse the process. ADVICE: Do not use the arms to twist but the core and spine muscles. REPEAT FROM 26 TO 27 28) REPEAT FROM 26 TO 27 3 repetitions Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 10 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE 5 breaths EASY POSE (Sukha’sana) - Start in sitting position with the leg crossed and the feet directly below the knees. - Rest the hands on the knees with the palms facing down or up. - Press the hip bones down into the floor and lengthen the spine. - Drop the shoulder down and back. Open the chest. - Keep the chin parallel to the floor and the neck in line with the spine. - Hold the pose breathing normally. ADVICE: If the knees hurt, sit on a folded blanked or a props. 30) YOGA MUDRA 8 repetition SEATED YOGA MUDRA (Yoga Mudra) - From easy pose; shift the weight on the front tilting the pelvis forward. - Pass both hands backward and grip the left wrist with the right hand. - Exhaling forward bend trying to reach the floor with the forehead. Keep the spine straight, the chest open and the buttocks on the floor. - Hold the breath for 4 counts then inhaling rise up slowly. - Maintain the breathing slow and even: exhale-hold-inhale should have same length of 4 counts. Repeat. ADVICE: focus on the breathing not on touching the floor. 31) SELF MASSAGE 5 minutes SELF-MASSAGE - Rub the hands together and place them on the eyes. - With the finger tips gently massage the face, the scalp and the jaw. - Whit the palms massage the throat from center to back to the neck. - Massage from the shoulder, down to the arms until the fingers. - Take a little extra time for the armpit and the sides. - Massage the upper chest, the digestive system area and the back. - Move down to the legs from the hips to the sole of the feet. ADVICE: focus on the joint areas most. 32) CORPSE POSE 10 minutes CORPSE POSE (Shava’sana) - Lie on the back with the legs slightly open, the arms on the sides with the palm facing up. Make sure you are comfortable. - Close the eye and breathe slowly and deeply. - Scan the whole body from toes to head, looking for tightness and tension to release and relax. Allow the back to be flat on the floor. - Keep awareness to the inner body for a while then wiggle toes and fingers, roll over to one side and return in seated position. ADVICE: try not fall asleep! 29) EASY POSE Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 11 ` BASIC YOGA SEQUENCE AT THE END OF THE PRACTICE After the practice spend few minutes meditating about your experience. Allow your body and mind (and soul!) to be fully awake from the last relaxation pose before going on with your life. Your body needs time to assimilate the benefits it has gain during the practice. It is better wait few minutes before drinking and 30 minutes before eating. For the same reason that the body need to cool down, it is also recommended to wait at least 30 minutes before taking a shower. In Yoga there are no strict rules but only guidelines that a practitioner can adopt. A practitioner is free to experiment as per personal choice. Just listen to your body and you will find the answers! For any further information please consult the website www.diyyogaproject.com or email [email protected] To remain update with new sequences and yoga tips Like DIY YOGA Project on Facebook Copyright © 2015 DIY YOGA PROJECT. All rights reserved. 12
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