PAPER 4 East Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership Report on East Ayrshire Strategic Planning Group Development Seminar Thursday 15th May, 2015 Auchinleck Resource Centre Within the Joint Working (Public Bodies) Act, the term ‘strategic planning’ is used to describe the process of undertaking a joint strategic needs assessment (needs, population dynamics and projections, services activity, demand and gaps in provision) and the associated task of using the output from this assessment for service planning the redesign of services to delivery better personal outcomes and to address key policy priorities. Partnerships are required under the Act to establish a Strategic Planning Group for the purpose of preparing and reviewing a Strategic Plan. It was agreed by East Ayrshire Shadow Integration Board that this would be the East Ayrshire CHP Forum, supported by the Officer Locality Groups. This report provides the outcomes of the initial Strategic Planning Group Seminar held on the 15th May, 2014. This event provided an initial opportunity for the East Ayrshire partnership to reflect on the development of their strategic plan, with the shared aims outlined below: To support all partners to develop a shared understanding of the process for the development of East Ayrshire HSCP Strategic Plan To engage with all partners in the shaping of the East Ayrshire HSCP Strategic Plan To explore how the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) is supported in relation to the delivery of key services priorities, challenges and opportunities To identify key areas for priority within the Strategic Plan There were a total of 44 delegates at the event. All attendees were members of the CHP Forum/Strategic Planning Group, and both the Children and Adult Officer Locality Groups (attendance list attached at appendix 1). The attendees were provided with a presentation, by Eddie Fraser, Director of Health and Social Care for East Ayrshire, which set out the background and context in relation to strategic planning both from a national and local perspective. Eddie outlined the suggested timeframes for the development of the plan to attendees, including the preparation of the first for early Autumn, followed by full engagement and consultation, with stakeholders. A draft A&A framework for the strategic plan is attached at appendix two. The session provided opportunity for colleagues to meet and discuss, within particular client groups, the key service priorities in relation to their own services. This session included attendees working across care groups and facilitated an opportunity for: Discussion of priorities using care group approach PAPER 4 Exploration of current work underway Identification of additional work required Feedback and responses from the workgroups are attached at appendix three Following the discussion, the following next steps were agreed: Agreement that locality working would form the basis of discussion for the next meeting. Agreement that further work would be developed around the care group model within OLGs and sub groups. This would be discussed through the agendas of the partnership groups to further inform the development of the plan Further similar sessions would be agreed over the following months, which will involve further engagement with service users and carers These next steps will be discussed at the next CHP Forum/Strategic Planning Group meeting planned for the 11th June 2014. Subsequent sessions will be arranged and supported by the Officer Locality Groups. PAPER 4 APPENDIX 1 Strategic Planning Group Event - 15.05.14 Attendee List 1 2 3 4 Forename Mary Lyn Linda Geoff Surname Ballantyne Blain Chisholm Crow Title CHP Forum Member District Nurse Community Health Development Manager Housing Needs Officer Team Leader - Play and Early Intervention, Vibrant Comms East Ayrshire Council Director of Health & Social Care District Nurse Clinical Team Leader Head of Service Community Support Assistant Director of Nursing Person Centred Care Manager Head of Profession EA CHP Facilitator Organisation 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tammy Alison Eddie Julie Dorothy Kay Anne Diane Marianne Shiona Devlin Findlay Fraser Gaw Gair Gilmour Gow Graham Hayward Johnston 15 16 17 18 Eunice Katie Jim Marion Johnstone Kelly Lyon MacAuley NHS EAC EAC EAC Phelps Rowland Sinforianie Sharp Planning Manager Strategic Manager, Vibrant Communities Senior Manager Authority Wide Services Senior Manager Planning and Development Manager, Social Works Services Patient Services Manager Acting Head of Service Community Care OD East Ayrshire Council Person Centred Care Officer Pharmacy Rep - CHP Forum JIT Lead Dietetic Lead Integrated Services - East GP Performance Manager, Policy, Planning and Performance Independent Sector Housing Corporate Officer Integration of Health & Social Care Head of Primary Care Adult Protection Health Care Manager 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Andrew Isabel Helen Ailie Kenny Craig Rab Carolyn Awfa MacDonald Marr McGee McPherson Milne Murdoch Murray Paton Paulina 28 29 30 Margaret Denise John Peck Pentland Pickering 31 32 33 34 Margaret David Donna Joanne 35 36 37 Stephen Anne Fiona Sheach Sinclair Skilling Planning Manager, Manager Older People Vulnerable Adults General Manager - CVO NHS NHS 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Louise Craig Allan Billy Liam Rae Kathleen Steel Stewart Thomas Thomson Wells Wilson Winter Speech and Language Therapy Service Lead Clinical Service Manager Lead Pharmacist - Public Health and Community Fire and Rescue Service Co-ordinator Clinical Team Leader Child Health Co-ordinator NHS NHS NHS NHS EAC EAC EAC EAC NHS NHS EAC NHS NHS NHS NHS EAC NHS EAC Facilitator NHS NHS NHS NHS EAC EAC NHS EAC NHS EAC NHS NHS PAPER 4 APPENDIX 2 Ayrshire and Arran Health and Social Care Partnerships - 10 year vision for integrated services 1. Executive summary 2. Context Future directions of public services in Scotland Christie principles, prevention and early intervention etc. Principles of co-production, personalisation, (SDS) Context of time of scarcity Key drivers summary Case for change What will success look like? 3) How will we do business together? Vision for Integrated Services Our Priorities Summary of governance and accountability of Health and Social Care Partnership Our principles and values including: Integration Principles to improve wellbeing, services integrated from the point of view of users, meet differing user needs; anticipates those needs and prevents them arising meet differing locality need planned and led locally engaged with the community engaged with local professionals, makes the best use of the available facilities, people and other resources. Service Principles Engaged with communities Early intervention and Prevention focussed Person centred and personalised, Safe, outcome focused, PAPER 4 proactive, flexible responsive and forward looking, accessible, resilience building 4) Locality Planning Approach 5) Communication and Engagement Community, Stakeholder and user involvement including staff, carers, groups of interest, individuals 6) Future models of care Description of ambition (use Diagrams to illustrate) 7) Interface arrangements (diagram) CPP Acute services Council services – Education and Skills, Housing etc Commissioned services Third Sector Interface Independent Sector 8) Outcomes – How will we know if we have been successful? Performance Matrix Resource matrix Community views Health and Social Care Partnerships Section – Planning for thematic groups This to include: Children and Young People, Adults including disabilities, mental health, learning disabilities; Addictions, Older People, Criminal Justice Local Needs Current models and resources Future model, including partnership third and independent sectors How will we deliver change? PAPER 4 APPENDIX 3 CARE GROUP ONE - ADULTS & OLDER PEOPLE KEEPING PEOPLE AT HOME – FUTURE PRIORITIES Reduce hospital admissions of Older People i.e maintain older people in their own homes. Improve capacity of telecare/telehealth ‘e-health’ – e.g. - EPR Access - Clinic communities - Referral Continue development of single point of contact work – seamless access/service, direct people to right services Better use of prescribed medicines – waste, patient outcomes, budgetary, etc. develop a range of community based alternatives for intermediate care - Care homes - Housing IT services which talk to each partner services. HOW - UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING TO NEEDS Developing a clear understanding of health needs and locality level and tailoring services to meet that need. Address ongoing demographic changes including potential workforce Develop locality planning Improved integration of range of services available in locality. - Such as Community Hospitals, Day facilities/GPs/DNs, - Local teams to create local response teams - Frail Older Peoples Pathway SPOC - Community services - Hospital discharge - Alternative to admission - SW - D/N (in/OOH) - Voluntary Organisations Establish service delivery hubs x 3?? Workforce plans - Establish – common pathways - Common outcomes Integrating the efforts and endeavours of primary care services with other community, third sector plus independent sector providers to remove duplication + avoid gaps in service Engagement of independent contractors with HSCP (localities and overall) PAPER 4 WORKFORCE Workload analysis to inform workforce – skills, skill mix, etc. Identify priorities and support adequate training and development of staff. Creating the capacity within the primary care workforce to deliver the service models required to meet needs. Resources to facilitate seamless provision of care from Acute – community Workforce appropriately trained, looking at skill mix Improve GP access Recruitment Use of ANP Specialities in the community Development and support for teams working within new localities or across localities. Open access to parallel service - Physio - Mental health - Podiatry Early workforce intervention Prevention and protection COMMUNITY WELLBEING Building Individual resilience and responsibility Adopt a fairer charging policy for services in supported accommodation Continue to promote/invest in giving older people opportunities to stay healthy and independent To enable older people to live safely in their own homes for as long as possible. - Responsive services - Appropriate housing - Addressing health needs Whole system approach health eg. To weight management – both obesity – under nutrition - Shift balance of care – community Better integration of RSL supported accommodation into EAC services Empower Pts and families promote self management Pharmaceutical services that meet the needs of the populations PAPER 4 Feedback from Group 2 - Children and Families The initial discussion focused on principles and approaches that would underpin the priorities; Engagement Extensive public involvement and ensure service users voice is heard not only at group but also individual Develop arrange of engagement models – one size does not fit all communities and do not assume that existing approaches are the only way , need to revise and develop new approaches ( e.g. care leavers strategy and approaches to engagement ) Extensive community engagement with third sector- including groups who are not involved in third sector interface Work with seldom heard groups- offenders, children and young people and working with families in their own communities Need to build capacity in communities and reduce dependency Develop sustainability and utilising multi agency resources and financial stability in delivering services Need to map existing delivery across partners, what we are doing now Locality focus- need to evidence and what that would look like Early intervention and prevention Parenting support, ante natal, attachment focus, schools, addiction , mental health and home visiting Universal service to children, young people and their families Joined up intervention in communities Shifting the balance from specialist AHP services to universal services whilst maintaining access to specialist AHP services Proportional universalism Workforce Support and Development Multi agency approach around culture and values Financial inclusion and tackling inequalities Universal timeline of support to improve health and wellbeing of pre 5 children, school age children and young people in partnership Child poverty- support for families into work, youth unemployment, living wage and workforce Impact of poverty on poor health and social outcomes Other issues; Partnership approach with parents e.g. SDS PAPER 4 PRIORITIES Recognised that the current priorities being addressed by OLG and sub groups are still relevant Corporate Parenting Positive emotional wellbeing Child protection and safeguarding Facilitating recovery orientated approaches SHANARRI wellbeing indicators GIRFEC approach with partners Common ethos and approach – multi agency Question: What would leads require as additional support? Discussion focused around policy, strategy and approach to further develop the agenda Noted- need to consider how we engage with communities recognising that CLA Plans are being developed and the existing methods we use do not have the reach we may require. The challenge of connecting service locality models with new hub approach noting that this is Council and community planning approach but still needs to connect with community and health. Some new developments; Council -Volunteer Framework Council -Community engagement and consultation strategy Positive Destinations Pre-birth to 8 Commissioning Strategy ( partnership) Third sector Strategy- wider engagement Workforce /OD Strategy ( framework and principles on pan Ayrshire and partnership delivery model) should include learning and development for all partners, recognise that some partners on OLG not in partnership but still require support e.g. early years, Vibrant Communities, CJA Volunteers- need to manage, support and value their contribution, not seen as duplicate workforce Need to engage with community orgs not involved in third sector Maintain and build partnership relationship with partners not in HSC partnership Resource framework for partnership and non partnership services Learning from experience of children and families OLG – developing new initiatives/working without additional resources- utilising existing resources Understanding needs and matching to localities Balancing evidenced need and demand – resource reallocation and prioritisation to greatest need EYC model of change could learn from and use the approach PAPER 4 Existing Plans and Strategies Children and Young People ADP Plan Keys to Life (National) Corporate Parenting and Care Leavers Child Protection Strategy Carers (Young Carers) Strategy Violence Against Women Action Plan GIRFEC Delivery Plan Financial Inclusion Sensory Impairment Advocacy Homelessness Improvement ( Housing) Strategy Children and Young People Service Plan Third Sector Interface- business plan 4 areas of work Child Health strategy Improving Health and Wellbeing (draft) Oral health Health Weight Tobacco Infant Nutrition Maternity Sexual Health Palliative Care Public Health Business Plan HP Local Delivery Plan National –local delivery plan National –local delivery plan Multi agency Multi agency Multi agency Multi agency Multi agency Multi agency Multi agency Multi agency Council led partnership delivery Council Third sector NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS led partnership delivery NHS NHS NHS PAPER 4 Feedback from Group 3 – Mental Health , Addictions, Learning Disabilities Priorities (Maslow) – Address basic needs of people. First need to be safe/housed to then be able to address greater control for the individual which in turn motivates them to want to look after themselves Create a feeling of belonging/social connectedness thereby reducing risk to the individual – do so through community asset based approach Create network/communities (ground in localities) in order to deliver services people need and want and empower them (link people to each other and Professionals to each other) – the service users knows best Be good employers/lead by example/value our own people – recognising the need to create jobs that are meaningful All priorities acknowledged to be at the top of the triangle and relevant to all three groups here and indeed the other two groups in the room. Drawn from wider group priorities which covered Have the right people in the right place at the right time providing the right support (– consider CLAPs – who is in localities and employ the right people) Suitable housing provision – in the right place of the right type (support people to avoid homelessness by having sustainable tenancies) In all of this sure equality/equity of access (not necessarily the same but fairly targeted- are vulnerable groups being looked after- use the data. Also reach those who will not choose to engage) ensure no inverse care (so the person who shouts the loudest doesn’t always get what they want Access to appropriate nutritional advice timeously Create professional networks so that professionals know who to refer people to and how to do that (signpost). Also in that upskill professionals so that they feel able to help themselves without referral where appropriate e.g. Community pharmacists can feel isolated)- More integrated service delivery/shared responsibility Increase communication and “integrated hub teams” Pharmacy/GPs/Teachers etc Appropriate information sharing between parties to achieve org outcomes/SOA and Strategic Plans Info share re Fire risk on discharge from hospital so Fire Service can act – reduce no of dwelling fires and associated fire casualities through effective and appropriate fire safety in the home More partnership working Ensure integrated income maximisation Tackle stigma – community and workers. Engage drug users with their local community/support “See me”- reduce stigma at work Focus on the individual (SDS) – health and social care responses – power back to the individual Listen to people’s really issues and follow up to address them Develop cross cutting approaches (to drug and alcohol use) More/better data sharing and systems to support this PAPER 4 Work with communities to identify what they feel the health priorities are and empower them – listen to our communities Its about being safe and being connected to create wellbeing Take account of all of this in discharge process from hospital Reduce barriers that present themselves (say yes?) PVG example Education around healthy lifestyles and wellbeing really important Support carers and the wider community to provide natural supports Could we have one form for commissioning used by all to save the stiory being told over and over Culture shift to include valuing the person/asset based/ give over control/consider early intervention and prevention/ Change culture so that healthy eating is the norm Ensure all outcomes link to/match are congruent with National Outcomes (or we shouldn’t be doing it) Ensure Fund and resource the right things Put in other supports – make it easy to cycle PAPER 4 Existing Plans and Strategies Mental Health National Mental Health Strategy* MH Delivery Action Plan Carers (Young Carers) Strategy* Health and Wellbeing Strategy (draft)* Choose Life (Strategy) Dementia Strategy (National) Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Plan* Adult Protection Strategy* Vibrant Communities Action Plan* SDS 10 year Strategy (National)* Child Protection Strategy* Autism Strategy Addictions ADP Plan Commissioning Plan Road to Recovery (National) Scotland’s Alcohol Strategy *Spans all three areas Everything done must be working towards achieving the National Outcomes Can we streamline any of our plans? Learning Disabilities Partnership in Practice Agreement Keys to Life (National)* Autism Strategy PAPER 4 Going Forward. Key areas the group wish to see addressed Equity of access. Avoid inverse care. Monitor and challenge Community asset-based approach key to service delivery of future but ensure do use demographics to ensure plan based on future need not current e.g. older people v younger people – see Census Take due regard of rural v urban need employability key to addressing dependency culture NHS/Council should ensure their own policies support good practice here Must address key issue of data sharing Make clear evidence based decision making – big picture thinking – consider localities in this and need to ensure data is up-to-date. Look to improve data captured and shared Build networks to identify who to communicate with and how (online forums) Put in place some governance around networks – but keep it simple. Include Communities in the networks and communication arrangements
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