Head of Democratic Services: Bill Walkinshaw Direct Dial: (01563) 576135 Fax: (01563) 576068 Email: [email protected] If calling or telephoning please ask for: Lynn Young, Direct Dial: 01563 576136 E-mail: [email protected] To: Councillors Jim Roberts (Chair), Bobby McDill (Vice-Chair), Helen Coffey, Tom Cook, John Campbell, John Knapp, George Mair, Stephanie Primrose, David Shaw, Billy Crawford and Moira Pirie. 26 March 2015 Dear Councillor PLANNING COMMITTEE - SPECIAL MEETING - THURSDAY 2 APRIL 2015 You are requested to attend a Special Meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on THURSDAY 2 APRIL 2015 commencing at 1300 HOURS, or immediately following the meeting of East Ayrshire Council, whichever is the later, in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON ROAD, KILMARNOCK. Please note that with regards to Agenda Item 1; Planning Enforcement Notice – Dunstonhill Site Opencast Coal Mine, near Patna, and Agenda Item 2: Planning Enforcement Notice – Netherton Site Opencast Coal Mine, Skares, Members are advised that a site visit will take place on Tuesday 31 March 2015 commencing at 1400 hours onsite, or departing from the Council Headquarters at 1315 hours for Members travelling form that location. Full details, including location plans for the site visits will follow in due course. Please advise, as soon as possible, Lynn Young, Democratic Services Officer, (telephone number 01563 576136) whether or not you are able to attend the site visit. Please also advise that officer should you require transport arrangements to be made on your behalf. Yours sincerely SIGNED BY CHRISTINE BAILLIE ON BEHALF OF David Mitchell Chief Governance Officer LY/AM BUSINESS INTIMATE APOLOGIES COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS L O N D O N R O A D KILMARNOCK KA3 7BU T E L: 0 1 5 6 3 5 7 6 0 0 0 F A X: 0 1 5 6 3 5 7 6 5 0 0 Legal Post LP18 www.east-ayrshire.gov.uk 1. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT NOTICE – DUNSTONHILL SITE OPENCAST COAL MINE, NEAR PATNA – Submit report (copy enclosed) by the Acting Head of Planning and Economic Development presenting for consideration the by the Planning Committee the Planning Enforcement Notice detailing the proposed restoration scheme for the Dunstonhill Opencast Coal Site to be served on the land owners and any other interested parties of the abandoned Dunstonhill Opencast Coal Surface Mine, near Patna, and seeking authority for the proposed course of action. 2. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT NOTICE – NETHERTON SITE OPENCAST COAL MINE, SKARES – Submit report (copy enclosed) by the Acting Head of Planning and Economic Development presenting for consideration by the Planning Committee the Planning Enforcement Notice detailing the proposed restoration scheme for the Netherton Opencast Coal Site to be served on the land owners and any other interested parties of the Netherton Opencast Coal Surface Mine, near Skares, and seeking authority for the appropriate course of action.
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