THE Spirit of Christ at Los Altos Lutheran Church Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. 460 South El Monte Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022 Coffee Fellowship, 11:00 a.m. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. David K. Bonde, Pastor Vol. 61, No. 4 Office: 650.948.3012; Fax 650.948.3098 E-Mail: [email protected] April 2015 + THE THREE DAYS Maundy Thursday April 2 7:00 PM Worship Jesus washes feet and teaches us to love Good Friday April 3 2:00 PM Worship A service of prayer at the hour of the crucifixion 7:00 PM Tenebrae The light goes out of the world Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil April 4 6:30 PM Worship Fire, water, darkness and light, from Death to Life 8:00 PM Breaking of the Fast Celebration EASTER SUNDAY April 5 9:00 AM Easter Breakfast (All welcome!) 10:00 AM Festival Worship Service 11:15 AM Children’s Egg Hunt Contents: From the Pastor ................................................................ 2 Ephesians 1:16 ................................................................. 8 News & Events .................................................................. 3 Notes & Announcements .................................................. 9 Worship............................................................................ 3 With Our Ministry ............................................................ 9 Study ................................................................................ 4 Prayer & Pastoral Care ...................................................... 9 Youth & Family Ministry .................................................... 4 Serving In April ............................................................... 10 Summer Programs ............................................................. 5 April Calendar ................................................................ 11 Missions ............................................................................ 8 Page 2 Los Altos Lutheran Church FROM THE PASTOR There is no Easter without Good Friday. There is no Good Friday without Palm Sunday. There is no Sunday anytime without Easter Sunday. There is no Pentecost without the risen Christ. There is no point in celebrating Christmas; there is no Epiphany without the wood of the manger and the wood of the cross. What is the world like without Good Friday? Are we still celebrating the slaughter of animals, slaves, criminals and gladiators in the coliseum? Are we still dowsing ourselves in the hot steaming blood of a bull slaughtered above us as we stand beneath a grate in a pit below – an elaborate initiation ritual to the Great Mother? Are we still a world of conquerors and slaves? Are we still a world like the one revealed by the excavation of a brothel on the Mediterranean coast that contained, in the sewer beneath, the bones of hundreds of infants? If there is no Good Friday, no Easter, no resurrection of the dead, do we ever become a world that thinks of creation as the handiwork of God rather than the mystic realm of the spirits? Do we have mathematics (thanks to the Greeks) but no science? No flag on the moon? No Galileo or Newton, Einstein or Bohr? Are diseases still caused by demons and witches? Has there been no Mendeleyev, no antibiotics, no concept of genetics, no blood transfusion or transplants? Without Easter, there is no Christian faith, no triumph of the Biblical vision of a natural world. And if there is no Maundy Thursday with the command to love one another – and no Easter to vindicate that preposterous idea – is there no hospital to care for the sick, no homes for orphans, no food pantries or Habitat for Humanity? Greek and Roman temples had no ministry to the poor. If there is no Easter, there is no church; so is there no narrative to lead the civil rights movement in this country, or truth and reconciliation in South Africa? Greek and Roman temples had no message of social transformation. If there is no Easter, where will the message come from that humans are God’s caretakers of the earth? Will there be no environmental movement? The slaughter of wild animals in the coliseum led to the extinction of many species. And who will cry out against the slaughter of the rhino and the elephant? April 2015 If there is no Easter Vigil, no paschal exodus from darkness into light, will there be the personal transformation of new birth? Will there be no Alcoholics Anonymous to witness to the possibility of new life freed from addiction? If there is no Maundy Thursday, from where will the vision come of a world gathered around a single holy table? What voice will speak of peace? What community will seek justice for all rather than privilege for some? What we do during these days from Maundy Thursday through Good Friday to Easter reflect truths that transform the world. Yes there will be no crusades, but humanity has not had to rely on Christianity for religious wars. And yes there will be no inquisition, but humanity has not had to rely on Christians for torture. But what will become of truth and hope and justice and mercy? Will we remain a world governed only by power and wealth? It is hard to imagine – but nothing changed the world as it stumbled from one tyranny to the next until this strange God who met Moses, a flame in a bush that did not burn, claiming to be a God on the side of the slaves, a God of justice and compassion and the healing of the world. The Jerusalem temple fell. And Jesus fell. But Jesus was raised. And his Spirit was poured out on his followers. And his life and teaching embodied the voice of the eternal God who led Israel into freedom. His life and teaching embodied the message of God who leads his creation into the realm of life. His life and teaching continues to percolate through our world, because the grave was empty. The stone rolled away. And the risen one is still in our midst. These three days change the world. And they change us, conforming us to the image of Christ. “O come, let us worship and bow down.” (Psalm 95:6) Pastor Bonde (Please note: There is apparently some scholarly disagreement on whether Prudentius’ account of the ‘blood bath’ is reliable, but I didn’t have time to track down and follow that debate.) April 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church NEWS & EVENTS BREAKING THE LENTEN FAST! On Holy Saturday, April 4th, there is a wonderful party following the Easter Vigil. Please remember to bring treats to share. You might choose to bring what you had given up during the weeks of Lent. We will joyfully break our Lenten fast together as we celebrate Easter! 6:30 PM Worship Service 8:00 PM Celebration – the first party of Easter! EASTER BREAKFAST On Easter Sunday, April 5th, at 9:00 a.m., there will be an Easter Breakfast held in the fellowship hall. All are welcome to join us. If you can bring an egg dish or fruit, please sign up on the board in the entryway or contact the church office. If you are able to help with set up or clean up, please contact Ann Crane. BASKETS FOR THE FISHER HOUSE Throughout Lent, we have been collecting items to build Easter Baskets for the children (and their parents) staying at The Fisher House in Palo Alto. Visitors that stay here are family members of veterans in the poly-trauma unit. The Fisher House Foundation provides a network of comfort homes for military and veterans’ families to stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. These homes are located nationwide, including the VA Hospital in Palo Alto. Your generosity will give those suffering comforts that cannot be supplied. Please bring all items to the table in the back of the sanctuary or the office no later than Wednesday, April 1st. SPRING WORK DAY A SUCCESS! The Work Day went very well with the help of “congregationists”, and Boy Scout Troop 31. We got much resurfacing done on the Memorial Benches in the patio by the office, but must apply another coat of sealer. The Scouts de-weeded the Meditation Garden and tidied it up. The Arbors surrounding the Amphitheater and the awning support posts were cleaned, and painting has started. Elaine Hanson tied off the vines and shrubs that were covering the arbors to protect them from paint. Curbs around the driveway were painted. The Page 3 storage shed adjacent to the parking lot was cleaned and re-arranged, thanks to Troop 31. The stage area in Fellowship Hall was cleared of clutter. Areas of the office were cleared of ancient paperwork. All in all it was a productive day. A bit of work is still necessary, and will be addressed in the next few weeks. Rob Robinson, Property & Grounds Manager WORSHIP THE PASCHAL TRIDUUM CELEBRATING THE CROSS AND RESURRECTION Beginning at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 2 Continuing at 2:00 PM on Friday, April 3 With a Tenebrae on Friday evening at 7:00 PM And culminating at 6:30 PM on Saturday, April 4 The three days beginning with Maundy Thursday, through Good Friday, and culminating with the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening form one great celebration of the Cross and Resurrection. The actions, the images, the words, hymns and prayers of these three days all belong together. The cross only makes sense when we have been encountered by the God who bends to wash our feet. The renewal of our baptism on Saturday night takes on meaning because we have seen Jesus use water to wash us on Thursday. The drama of the bare altar suddenly transformed on Saturday night is set against the altar stripped on Thursday. The great readings of Saturday night are made richer by the solemn reading of the crucifixion on Friday. When we sing “This is the feast of victory for our God” on Saturday we understand it connects back to the bread and wine of Thursday, the Passover meal, when Israel was saved from the power of death and set free from slavery. These three days are filled with great and powerful images. Here we are again encountered by the deepest mysteries of the faith – a God so determined to love he will not strike back at those who would crucify him, but dares to say “Father forgive them;” a God who takes upon himself all human violence and brutality in order that we might turn and be healed; a God who reaches into the tomb to vindicate the word and deeds of Jesus Messiah; a God who reaches into our tombs to set us free from all sin and death. Page 4 Los Altos Lutheran Church We encourage you to come and to participate in the fullness of this great celebration of the cross and Resurrection. -- And remember to bring what you have given up for Lent to the Breaking of the Fast that follows the Vigil on Saturday night. EASTER SUNDAY 9:00 AM Easter Breakfast All are invited to an Easter Breakfast before the worship service on Easter Sunday, April 5th. 10:00 AM Worship Join us for our Festival Worship Service. 11:15 AM Children’s Egg Hunt Following worship, there will be an Egg Hunt for the children. Feel free to bring your Easter basket to the Worship Service with canned food to donate to those in need. (There will be a food wagon available to collect the items.) STUDY BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY On Wednesdays we meet for Brown Bag Bible Study in Luther Hall. Bring a bagged lunch and join us at 11:30 a.m., with the Bible Study beginning at 12:00 p.m. Coffee and dessert will be provided. Bring your Bible, or if needed the church can provide one. We will not meet on Wednesday, April 1st, due to Holy Week preparations. MEN’S BREAKFAST Wednesday mornings, the Men’s Breakfast continues its tradition of food, fellowship and learning. All men are welcome to come by and enjoy the company. Join us at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesdays. We will not meet on Wednesday, April 1st, due to Holy Week preparations. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND LUNCH The Women’s Bible Study and Lunch meets the third Sunday each month at 11:45 a.m. in Luther Hall. All women are invited. This is a social time and chance to enhancing our religious experience. We will next meet on Sunday, April 19th. April 2015 YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY AN IMAX ADVENTURE FOR THE FAMILY Curious about the biggest mammal on earth? Then join the families of Los Altos Lutheran Church to see an IMAX about Humpback Whales! We will meet in the church parking lot at 1:15 p.m. on Sunday, April 12th. We will carpool over to the Tech Museum in downtown San Jose to see the 2:00 p.m. showing. Join us for an educational yet fun afternoon. All are welcome. YOUTH GROUP MOVIE NIGHT We watched the blonde, yet smart and capable Elle Woods conquer Harvard Law School, so let's find out what she does after that! On Friday, April 24th at 6:30 p.m., the youth will meet to watch Legally Blonde 2. We will first make dinner together in Luther Hall and then head downstairs to watch the movie. Come for laughter and fun with friends! All middle and high schoolers are invited. KIDZ CLUB “MEGA EGG HUNT” If you thought the Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday was fun, join your friends at Los Altos Lutheran for a Mega Egg Hunt! For Kidz Club this month we will be having more fun with those plastic eggs! Meet after Catechism Class, or around 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 26th for games, lunch, and tons of fun! Don’t expect the eggs to be lying on the ground, finding them will be a bit more puzzling! All 2nd through 7th graders are invited. MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA Would anyone like a spot of tea? On Sunday, May 17th, the week after Mother’s Day, the youth will be preparing a tea for their mothers. The young ladies will work together to make tea sandwiches and savories, and then we will all sit down and enjoy tea and fellowship. Please mark your calendars now so you don’t miss this opportunity to spend time with your daughter. All mothers and daughters are welcome. RSVP required by Sunday, May 10th to either Kate Burdekin, or Natalie in the church office. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School classes are held during the worship service after the Children’s Sermon, from approximately 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., with youth April 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church returning to the service before Communion. They meet in the Fireside Room and rooms 3/4. The weekly lessons include reading the bible, art and science projects, songs, games and much more! It's fun and a great way to learn about God's love. SUMMER PROGRAMS SUMMER DAY CAMP (AUGUST 3 - 7) Join us for our annual Summer Day Camp! Campers will celebrate and share in the gifts of the Spirit through games, crafts, singing, and much more. The camp is led by trained and accredited counselors from Mt. Cross Lutheran Camp, and has adult onsite supervision at all times. Tons of fun will be had by all! Pre-K/Kinder Group: • • • 3 years old (potty trained) entering K 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. $75/camper* Elementary Group: • • • Entering 1st through 6th grade 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $150/camper** *Fees include t-shirt, snacks and materials. **Campers need to bring a healthy lunch every day. Register now! Space is limited. Registration and health forms are available on our website (, in the church office, and on the table in the entryway to the sanctuary. CULINARY CAMP This year our educational outreach program includes a “Fun of Cooking Camp” for kids, ages 8 and up. Campers will experience a hands-onculinary exploration with their peers and are led by an experienced credentialed culinary instructor. The camp will cover fundamentals such as basic knife skills, how to read and follow a recipe, measuring, mixing and the importance of kitchen safety. Campers will create a menu of fun dishes. Classes are three hours in length so campers can make a main course, a side dish and dessert and then sample their creations. Campers will be making scrumptious meals that include both savory and sweet items and will take home a packet of the recipes to share with their family. Page 5 What to expect: Learn fundamental skills for a lifetime of great cooking Work with other campers to prepare each dish Interact with campers and the instructor for a rewarding experience Three hour classes and each camper enjoys tasting each dish Class led by a credentialed, experienced culinary arts instructor There are two sessions being offered: June 15 – June 19 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. July 6 – July 10 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The cost is $350 per session. If you are interested in having your children or grandchildren attend, see our website for registration forms, or contact Jan Tuttle (650.949.5426; [email protected]) for details. JB PRESCHOOL – CAMPS FOR SUMMER Do you have young children and are looking for a fun way to fill their time this summer? Sign up for summer camps with JB Preschool! The school meets at the Los Altos Lutheran Church campus throughout the year, with special themed camps during the summer. Children from age 2 to 6 are welcome. Sessions are from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. JB Preschool Summer Camps (650) 941-1662 [email protected] June 15–19: Horse Camp (horse riding on site) June 22-26: Horse Camp (horse riding on site) June 29-July 2: Science Camp July 6-10: Space Camp July 13-17: Sports Camp July 20-24: Water Play Camp July 27-31: Dinosaur Camp August 10-14: Sports Camp Contact the school directly with questions, for pricing and registration. Reserve your sessions now, space is limited! Susan Cretekos, School Director Page 6 Los Altos Lutheran Church April 2015 Spring Work Day! — Thank you Troop 31 for helping with the benches, window and wall washing, and weeding the meditation garden — April 2015 Easter Basket donations collected for the children and families in The Fisher House at the VA Hospital in Palo Alto. Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 7 Page 8 Los Altos Lutheran Church MISSIONS April 2015 services and ways you can help, please see Kay Reed for an informational pamphlet. LUTHERAN MIDEAST DEVELOPMENT UPDATE SUNNYVALE FISH The Los Altos Lutheran congregation continues to support the Lutheran Mideast Development mission. Through famine, epidemic, earthquake and war, this organization has stood fast with the Kurdish, Persian, Arab, Turkish, Armenian, Assyrian and Jewish people who live in this troubled region. The Sunnyvale FISH program distributes essential items to local individuals and families in need. Please note, they are accepting clean clothing for children and adults, towels, bedding, blankets and canned food. Donations can be left in the wooden box in the entryway of our sanctuary. If you have a question regarding what type of items you would like to donate, please contact Joyce Taylor. In February and March we received letters of gratitude for our financial support. Here are abridged excerpts from the letters: February 28, 2015: Thank you for your gift of $296.00 which made possible new female staff members in eastern Turkey, and for the empowerment of women with new skills and opportunities they bring. Your gift has begun to change the community in which they live – educated women change their culture! March 18, 2015: Your gift of $280.00 is protecting refugees from part of the largest displaced persons catastrophe in world history. They are threatened by the so called “Islamic State”. Many refugees are living in camps on the border between Turkey and Syria. Lutheran Mideast Development is there with them – as we have been for over 100 years. Our programs, reputation and commitment have provided protection and healing for them. We share a calling with you caught in Psalm 138:7 “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” We are together through our support of this work. Sincerely, Rev. Dr. John D. Snider, Executive Director BRINGING AWARENESS: The Support Network The Support Network provides a shelter in a safe and secure environment where women and their children who are fleeing from domestic violence may take refuge. Our congregation shows ongoing support by donating gift cards which the organization uses to fund their many programs. Gift cards to Target, Safeway, Walgreens, CVS, Lucky’s, or Walmart, as well as gas and phone cards, are all welcome. Donations can be left with the church office. If you would like to know more about their Ephesians 1:16 “I have not stopped giving thanks for you…” We are ever mindful of the many volunteers and participants who make life here in the Los Altos Lutheran Church Community such a wonderful and welcoming experience. From those who assist in the foreground, to those who help “behind the scenes”, you all deserve a great thank you! This month, we extend gratitude to Lucy Carter for her dedication to helping with preparations and coordinating details during the season of Lent. We especially appreciate her contacting the Fisher House, which enabled us to share gifts with the families of the veterans in the poly-trauma unit. We also thank Paul Corwin and George Crane for checking each week to make sure the tables are arranged for the Soup Suppers. (And, thank you to those who brought soup and bread each week.) And thank you to Elaine Hanson for her continued efforts to beautify the church grounds. Over the last month she spent many hours preparing the planter beds for the beautiful shrubs and flowers that now line the sanctuary entrance. Make sure to take a peek next time you are here! The Green Thumb team members assisted in the planting the pansies – thank you! Would you like to acknowledge someone for their service? Let the office know, anonymous submissions are welcome! April 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church NOTES & ANNOUNCEMENTS EASTER FLOWERS & DECORATIONS If you would like to donate toward the Easter lilies that decorate our sanctuary during the Easter Season, please contact the office, or use one of the Easter flower envelopes and return it to the offering plate. (Lilies are approximately $10.00.) You may donate “In memory of…” or “In honor of…” or “Other…”. Please indicate your dedication upon submitting the request no later than the morning of Thursday, April 2nd. HANDBELL ENSEMBLE On Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m., the Handbell Ensemble gathers in room 5. All are welcome to join us, previous experience is not necessary. Private tutorials can be arranged should you like to learn more. See Elaine Hanson if you are interested, or just drop by! Page 9 ALTAR FLOWERS Our beautiful flower arrangement that sits behind the altar is donated each week by members and friends of the congregation. They are often given in memory of a loved one, in celebration of a birthday or anniversary, in honor of an accomplishment, or in gratitude for one’s blessings. The donor’s dedication statement is then printed in that Sunday’s announcements. A colorful sign-up board is in the entryway, with most Sundays in 2015 available! The arrangements are intended to go home with you following the service. A donation of $30.00 can be written to Los Altos Lutheran Church, and can indicate in the memo line that it is for altar flowers. You may place the donation in the offering plate on Sunday or give to the office. WITH OUR MINISTRY NOTES TO THE CONGREGATION FINANCE UPDATE: TREASURER’S REPORT Dear Christian Friends, I continue to strengthen my upper leg with exercises. Recovering from a hip fracture takes work and patience. My balance is improving as well as my walking. Many thanks for your visits, help, cards and prayers. Love in Christ, Elaine Jacobson Net Income from Operations: January 2015 To my friends at Los Altos Lutheran, Thank you all for the thoughtful visits, cards, prayers and well-wishes over the last few weeks. Your kindness is greatly appreciated, may you all be blessed. With love, Arloa Kelsen QUIET ACTIVITY BAGS The quiet activity bags for children to use during church have been washed and replenished! Activities include books, stuffed animals, drawing activities, and more. Feel free to borrow a bag for your youngsters during worship or provide one to our guests. The quiet activity bags are located in the back of the church near the rear doors. YTD Results @ 1/31/15 .................................($45,654) Income in February........................................... $20,127 Expenses in February .....................................($29,299) Rounding & previous month adjustments...... $2,819 YTD Results @ 2/28/15 .................................($52,007) Ann Crane, Treasurer PRAYER & PASTORAL CARE IN OUR PRAYERS For God to bless on our Holy Week services with his grace and life. For God’s guidance as we search for an associate for outreach and community service. For those ill, recuperating or in special need. For the continued growth and renewal of the congregation. April 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 10 SERVING IN APRIL Assisting Minister Lector Ushers Acolytes Offering of Bread Coffee Hosts Maundy Thursday (7:00 PM) Jack Tuttle Ann Crane Rick & Elizabeth Showecker Reed Showecker Kate Burdekin X APRIL 3 Good Friday (2:00 PM) Karin Herndon X X X X X Tenebrae* (7:00 PM) X Cathy Peglow Jack & Jan Tuttle Volunteer Needed X X APRIL 4 Carl Gutekunst Kate Burdekin Gloria Germo & Marilyn McCammon Volunteer Needed (3) Gloria Germo Breaking of the Fast Celebration! Elizabeth Showecker Diane Berkland Carl Gutekunst & Robbin Kawabata / Steve & Kathleen Smiley Erika Gutekunst & Nicole Parsons Lucy Carter Easter Breakfast APRIL 12 Candace Smith Carl Gutekunst Erik Berkland & Kate Burdekin Alex Smith Kay Reed George & Ann Crane APRIL 19 Lucy Carter Lucy Carter Don & Sandie Pearson Reed Showecker Anne Corwin Kay Reed & Shar Thorson APRIL 26 Karin Herndon Erik Berkland Jack & Jan Tuttle Erika Gutekunst Ann Crane Don & Sandie Pearson APRIL 2 APRIL 3 Easter Vigil** (6:30 PM) APRIL 5 Easter Sunday (10:00 AM) TENEBRAE READERS* (The 7 Words) Karin Herndon, Rob Robinson, Scott Stanfield, Lucy Carter, Elaine Hanson, Waltraud Kelley, Helen Christenson EASTER VIGIL Rob Robinson, Scott Stanfield, Karin Herndon, Gloria Germo, Anna Michaud, Lucy Carter, Ann Crane READERS** April 2015 Los Altos Lutheran Church Page 11 APRIL CALENDAR Sunday March 29 Palm Sunday 9:30 AM Hot Cross Buns & Coffee 10:00 AM Worship Monday 30 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use (PHC) 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 11:30 AM Youth Group Crafts Tuesday 31 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group Wednesday Thursday April 1 2 2:30 PM E-Team Maundy Thursday meeting 1:30-3:00 PM 6:00 PM Room 8 in Sanctuary in use use (Family AA) (organ practice) 7:00 PM Troop 31 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship Service (Communion) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM NA Meeting Friday Saturday 3 4 Good Friday 6:30 PM The Great Vigil 11:30 AM Men’s of Easter Fellowship Lunch (8:00 PM 2:00 PM Breaking of the Good Friday Fast Worship Service Celebration) 7:00 PM 7:00 PM NA The Service of Meeting Shadows (Tenebrae) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 5 Easter Sunday 9:00 AM Easter Breakfast 10:00 AM Worship 11:15 AM Children’s Egg Hunt! 7:00 PM NA Meeting 12 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 1:15 PM IMAX Adventure for the Family! (meet in 6 (office closed) 8:45 AM Fireside Room in use (Bricks 4 Kidz) 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use (PHC) 13 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use (PHC) 7 8:45 AM Fireside Room in use (Bricks 4 Kidz) 8 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 8:45 AM Fireside Room in use (Bricks 4 Kidz) 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 14 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 15 16 8:00 PM AA Meeting 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group church parking lot) 1:30 PM Room 3/4 in use (accordion band practice) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 19 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 11:45 AM Women’s Bible Study Lunch 1:00 PM Luther Hall in use (NBCC dinner) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 26 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Fellowship Time 12:30 PM Kidz Club “Mega Egg Hunt” 2:00 PM Luther Hall in use (Swedish Church: Worship Service at 4 PM) 7:00 PM NA Meeting 20 9 8:00 PM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 27 28 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use (PHC) 10:30 AM Luther Hall & Picnic area in use (Garden Club plant & bake sale) 29 30 8:00 PM AA Meeting 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 7:00 PM Widows & Widowers Group 17 11:30 AM Men’s Fellowship Lunch 18 7:00 PM NA Meeting 8:00 PM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 22 23 8:00 PM AA Meeting 8:00 AM Men's Breakfast & Bible Study 11:30 AM Brown Bag Bible Study 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 11 Council Meeting 21 Newsletter Articles Due 7:00 PM Handbell Ensemble 8:00 AM Luther Hall in use (SILVAR Conference) 7:30 PM AlAnon Meeting 7:30 PM Room 5/6 in use (PHC) 10 8:45 AM Fireside 8:45 AM Fireside 7:00 PM NA Room in use (Bricks 4 Room in use (Bricks Meeting Kidz) 4 Kidz) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Church 6:00 PM Room 8 in use (Family AA) 7:00 PM Troop 31 24 6:30 PM Youth Group Movie Night 25 MAY 1 (office closed) 11:30 AM Men’s Fellowship Lunch 2 2:00 PM Fireside Room in use (Swedish Youth Choir rehearsal) 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM NA Meeting 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM NA Meeting Page 12 Los Altos Lutheran Church For more information visit our website: You will find details about our programs, activities, youth events, and bible study classes throughout the year. You can also reach the office at (650) 948-3012. Pastor Bonde has daily reflections for the weekly readings:, and occasional postings on his blog, Jacob Limping: (Jacob limping towards the Promised Land). Both of these can also be accessed on the church website. Let us know if you would also like to receive our weekly e-Letter and/or the monthly newsletter by emailing us at [email protected]. The Spirit of Christ newsletter is published monthly by: Los Altos Lutheran Church 460 South El Monte Avenue Los Altos, California 94022 Postmaster: Send address changes to Los Altos Lutheran Church. April 2015
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