AAS US April Newsletter - Aquinas American School

From the US Principal's Desk
April 2015
Aquinas American School
Report Cards
Third quarter ends on April 17.
Report cards for US will go out
on Mon., April 20. Once again,
as a reminder, third quarter is
mid-term. Semester grades are
what really count (regarding
our academic policy, high
school credit, GPA, etc.).
Please feel free to contact your
child's advisor or myself if you
have any concerns.
High School Online
Many high school students are
well into their online course. As
a matter fact, some are already
done. All students should be
about half-way done as April
17. Please talk to your child
and make sure he or she is
making progress in the course.
If there any problems, please
let me know.
Student Life Committee
Dear Parents,
One of my initiatives as Upper School Principal has been the
starting-up of AAS's US Student Life Committee. It's purpose
has been to give students a chance at leadership, inject school
spirit into the life of the school, and promote excellence (only
students with excellent grades and behavior can be a part).
Before Easter break, our SLC put on a bake sale to raise money
for the persecuted Christians in Iraq. This was something they
came up withy entirely on their own. I am happy to announce
that, with your support, our students raised over 1600€!
We will begin our Spring MAP
testing next month (May).
Results from this test will now
allow us to see student growth.
More information to come.
All men by nature desire to learn.
From the US Principal's Desk
April 2015
On April 24, from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, in the gym, the SLC will
be holding an International Day. The purpose of this project is to
help promote cultural awareness, an understanding of the
geography and history of various countries, how to work on a
project that requires organization, and to have fun.
Important Days to
The countries that will be represented include: England, Russia,
France, India, Australia, Greece, Mexico, and Italy (and of course,
Spain and the U.S.). Students will prepare informational posters
and bring in food that is representative of each country. Each
grade will cycle through the gym (20 minutes) and have a chance
to "experience" the above-mentioned countries.
The following important emails
have been sent from school.
Please remember these day:
If you would like to volunteer, please let me know; and, of course,
all of you are invited!
• April 17 is the due date for 7th-
Happy Easter and Thank You
grade students interested in
our study abroad program at
Malvern Prep (located in
Pennsylvania, USA).
• April 20. Scholastic Book Fair.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter break. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank the many parents, faculty, staff,
and students of AAS, who had very kind things to say to me
about my leaving. I will miss all of you very much!!
Yo u r c h i l d w i l l h a v e t h e
opportunity to buy some books
appropriate for Lower and
Middle School. Bring money.
• April 26 is the family field trip
to Avila. This is sure to be a fun
day, as we honor St. Teresa of
Avila by celebrating Mass,
having lunch, and fun together.
• May 23, from 11:30-5:00, is our
3rd annual family day. Don't
forget to mark your calendars.
Family day will be at Encinas
Club with a Hawaiian theme!
Our visit will be next month. Our
US school teachers are working
hard in preparing. After our visit,
we will find out if we will become
authorized for next year.
All men by nature desire to learn.