Dana Badau – Scientific activity report University of medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu Mures Faculty of Medicine Department: M2 Discipline: Motricity Sciences SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY REPORT Prof. DANA BADAU PhD. 1. List with the 10 relevant studies regarding individual professional accomplishments 1. Badau Dana, Mitic Dusan, Prebeg Goran, Rogozea Liliana – Relationship between the reaction time of right-hand and left-hand, published in Proceedings of 7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology ”Fundamental and PPLIED KINESIOLOGY – Step forward”, Opatija Croatia, 22-25 mai 2014, p. 131-136, http://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/698009.Konferencija-zbornik-2014.pdf 2. Badau Adela, Ungur Ramona, Iconomescu Teodora, Badau Dana - The influence on balance capacity of the practice environment of ludic recreational activities, accepted for publish in Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal, 2014, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042814036775 3. Badau Dana – Identification of general coordination level according to laterality in handball, Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific Conference ”Exercise and Quality of Life”, 12-13 April 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia ISBN: 978-86-6353-000-3, COBISS:SR.ID 278050567, p. 71-74 http://www.eqol.uns.ac.rs/3rd%20eqol/1%20intro.pdf 4. Badau Dana, Ungur Ramona, Badau Adela – Motivations and temptations to practice the physical activity during students’ free time, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series VIII • Art • Sport, Vol. 5 (54) No. 2 – 2012, ISSN: 2066-7728, p. 83-88, Indexing Ebsco, http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/Contents_VIII_2.html; http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/BULETIN%20VIII/13_BADAU _.pdf 5. Badau Adela, Ionescu Bondoc Dragos, Badau Dana - Aquagim – o new method for improving the physical capacity, the Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle XV Physical Education and Sport Management, CNCSIS Code 644, no 1, 2012, p. 17-23, indexing in: BSCO, Index Copernicus, Doaj, Scipio, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/index.php/archiva/2012/101-anale-efsm-2012-nr1 6. Badau Dana, Camarda Adina, Serbanoiu Sorin, Tudor Virgil, Dragos Ionescu Bondoc, Badau Adela - Sport for all implementation modern methods of performance management, Journal of WSEAS Transaction in Business and Economics, Issue 3, Vol. 7, July 2010, Published by WSEAS Journals, ISSN: 1109-5926, p. 191-200, indexing in: Scopus, ACM, EBSCO, Elsevier ,http://www.worldses.org/journals/economics/economics-2010.htm; http://www.wseas.us/e-library/transactions/economics/2010/89-726.pdf 7. Badau Dana, Badau Adela, Paraschiv Florin, Manolache Gabriel, Talaghir Laurentiu G., Neagu Nicolae - Level Determination of Space Orientation Depending on Manual Laterality and Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, (AIKED '10), University of Cambridge, UK, Artificial Intelligence Series, A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks, Published by WSEAS Press, ISSN: 1790-2769, pp. 108-113, 2010 www.wseas.org;http://www.wseas.us/elibrary/conferences/2010/Cambridge/AIKED/AIKED-17.pdf 1 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 8. Camarda Adina, Badau Dana – Entertainment and sport animation – effects and benefits, Ovidius University of Constanta, Series Sport and Physical Education/Science, Movement and health, vol. X, ISSUE 2 Supplement ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, Constanta 2010, , CNCSIS code 29, p. 859-862, indexing in: EBSCO/SPORTDiscus, Index Copernicus, Doaj, GALE Data Distribution and Content license Agreement http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/2010/issue-2-supplement/files/119..pdf 9. Badau Dana - The role of symmetrization in the game of handbal , Ovidius University of Constanta, Series Sport and Physical Education/Science, Movement and health, Vol. IX, Issue 2, ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, 2009, CNCSIS code 29, p. 187-189, indexing in: EBSCO/SPORTDiscus, Index Copernicus, Doaj, GALE Data Distribution and Content license Agreement, www.analefefs.ro; http://www.analefefs.ro/analefefs/2009/journal_June_issues_2_2009.pdf 10. Badau Dana, Larion Alin, Badau Adela, Alexandrescu Dana - Experimental Study on Improving the Quality of Life through the Standardization of an Aerobics Program and of Effort Parameters Control using Pulse Tester, Mathematic Methods and Applied Computing Journal (Volume II), Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering, Published by WSEAS Press, ISSN: 1790-2769, p. 610-615, ISBN: 978-960-474-124-3, 2009, indexing in: Scopus, ACM, EBSCO, Elsevier, www.wseas.org; http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2009/vouliagmeni/ACCMM/ACCMM2-37.pdf 2. Thesis - Thesis “Ambidextry in the handball game, a possible strategy to improve the game action”; (Public prelection of thesis: October 20, 2006) Doctoral coordinator: Prof. Bota Ioan PhD. Exams of the doctoral study: research methodology, sport psychology, theory training and competition Reports: 1. "Laterality - definition, characteristics and connection between motor and mental" - April 2002 2. "Psyhomotricity components in sports games" - September 2002 3. "Ambidextry and its implications in athletic performance in handball" - April 2003 3. Books with ISBN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Adela Badau, Dana Badau - Aqua-pullpush-gym. An innovative method in water gymnastics, Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2011, ISBN 978973-598-865-1, Dana Badau - Methods sports discipline – Handball, second edition revised and enlarged, Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2010, ISBN 978-973-598-711-4, Dana Badau - Motor and somatic - functional assessment; Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2010, ISBN 978-973-598-712-1, Strujan Cornel, Badau Dana, Badau Adela – Physical education. Teacher guide, Publishing House Ria of Botosani, 2009, ISBN: 978-973-0-06475-9, Dana Badau - Methodology in handball, Publishing House University of Transilvania" of Brasov, 2007, ISBN 978-973-598-179-2, Dana Badau – Handball, Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2007, ISBN 978-973-598-190-7, 2 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 7. 8. 9. 10. Dana Badau, Paraschiv Florin - Sport games. Theory and methods, Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2007, ISBN 978-973-598-191-4, Dana Badau - Theory and method in gymnastic, Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2007, ISBN 978-973-635-871-5, Dana Badau - Ambidextry in motric activity; Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2006, ISBN 978-973-635-817-3, Dana Badau, Constantin Clinciu - Methodology learning the basics of jumping and acrobatic gymnastics, Publishing House University of "Transilvania" of Brasov, 2006, ISBN 978-973-635-678-0 4. Handbooks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Badau Dana, Dusa Flaviu – Theory and methodology of physical education and sport – multiple-choice tests, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu Mures, 2013, internal use Badau Dana, Badau Adela– Ludic activities in physical education adapted to kinetotherapy, UMF Tirgu Mures, 2013, internal use Badau Dana – Physical expression and motor communication”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tirgu Mures, 2013, internal use Badau Dana –Theoretical basis of physical education adapted to kinetotherapy – University of Medicine and Pharmacy ,Tirgu Mures, 2012, internal use Badau Dana – Theory and method of Physical Education and Sport - University of Medicine and Pharmacy ,Tirgu Mures, 2012, internal use Badau Dana, Badau Adela – School Gymnastics – theoretical, practical and methodological backgrounds, University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Tirgu Mures, 2012, internal use Badau Dana – Handball, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2013, internal use 5. Articles/studies published in extenso in proceedings, indexed ISI Web of Knowledge Rogozea L., Constantin D, Grigorescu S, Badau Dana, Nedelcu I. – Assesment of stress level in psychiatry ward medical personnel”, Conference 2nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for Psychosomatic medicine (EAPM) , Sibiu, 25-28 June 2014, Proceeding of EAPM 2014: care and cure: an integrate approach to psychosomatic medicie, p. 256-261, ISBN 978-88-7587-701-9, Accession Number: WOS:000345348600053 http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSea rch&qid=71&SID=P2w6PmtO4vgqiIMkPFU&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFull RecPage&page=1&doc=2 http://www.proceedings.it/proceedings/moreinfo/20140625_index.pdf, 2. Badau, Dana; Camarda, A.; Serbanoiu, S.; Virgil, T., Bondoc-Ionescu, D. - Modern methods of performance management implementation in sports for all, Conference: 8th International Conference on Management, Marketing And Finances Location: Penang, malaysia Date: MAR 23-25, 2010, Recent Advances In Management, Marketing, Finances: Proceedings Of The 8th Wseas International Conference (MMF 10) Book Series: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Pages: 149-154 Published: 2010, Accession Number: WOS:000284993300021 http://apps.webofknowledge.com.ux4ll8xu6v.useaccesscontrol.com/full_record.do?produ ct=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=3FGfev1Z8R5P8vWpAcI&page=1 &doc=5 1. 3 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 3. Badau, Dana; Badau, A.; Paraschiv, F.; Manolache G., Talaghir L.G., Neagu N.- Level Determination of Space Orientation Depending on Manual Laterality and Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques, , Conference: 9th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases Location: Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 20-22 February 2010, Book Series: Artificial Intelligence Series-WSEAS Pages: 108-113 Published: 2010, Accession Number: WOS:000276785100017 http://apps.webofknowledge.com.ux4ll8xu6v.useaccesscontrol.com/full_record.do?produ ct=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=3FGfev1Z8R5P8vWpAcI&page=1 &doc=3 4. Camarda, A;, Plesa, D; Badau, Dana - Changing the attitudes of the factors involved in the tourism industry, Conference: 8th International Conference on MANAGEMENT, Marketing and Finances Location: Penang, Malaysia, 23-25 march 2010, Recent Advances In Management, Marketing, Finances: Proceedings of the 8th Wseas International Conference (MMF 10) Book Series: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering Pages: 155-160 Published: 2010, Accession Number: WOS:000284993300022 http://apps.webofknowledge.com.ux4ll8xu6v.useaccesscontrol.com/full_record.do?produ ct=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=3FGfev1Z8R5P8vWpAcI&page=1 &doc=6 5. Rati, I.; Carstea, C.; Patrascu, L.; Plesea, D., Badau, Dana - About Artificial Intelligence in Sport, Conference: 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, 24-26, September 2009, Advances in Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, VOL I Book Series: Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering Pages: 164-169 Published: 2009, Accession Number: WOS:000275966900025 http://apps.webofknowledge.com.ux4ll8xu6v.useaccesscontrol.com/full_record.do?produ ct=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=3FGfev1Z8R5P8vWpAcI&page=1 &doc=7 7. Articles/studies published in extenso in journal recognized by CNCSIS, indexed BDI in 3 databases 1. Bădău Dana, Bădău A. – Sport for all – educational and social phenomenon, accepted for publication in Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport, Science, Movement and health, Vol. XV, Issue 2, ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, Constanta 2015, http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/arhiva.php, Ebsco https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.pdf, Index Copernicus , http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/Ovidius+University+Annals+Series+Physical+Educ ation+and+Sport+Science+Movement+and+Health,p8856,3.html, DOAJ https://doaj.org/toc/1224-7359, Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/web/92740 2. Bădău Dana, Prebeg G., Bădău A., Dusan M.– Fitness Index and Vo2max of Physical Education Students, accepted for publication in Ovidius University Annals, Series Physical Education and Sport, Science, Movement and health, Vol. XV, Issue 2, ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, Constanta 2015, http://www.analefefs.ro, Ebsco https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.pdf, 4 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Index Copernicus http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/Ovidius+University+Annals+Series+Physical+Educ ation+and+Sport+Science+Movement+and+Health,p8856,3.html DOAJ https://doaj.org/toc/1224-7359, Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/web/92740 Bădău Dana, Bădău A. - Spatial orientation developed by gymnastic specific means, accepted for pubication in Journals of Palestrica Mileniului III - Civilization and sport, vol. 16(2) Cluj-Napoca, 2015, ISSN 1582-1943, http://www.pm3.ro/, EBSCO https://ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.htm, Index Copernicus http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/masterlist.php?q=Palestrica, DOAJ https://doaj.org/toc/2247-7322 Martoma A., Bădău Dana, Bădău A. - Developing psychomotor ability in children with autism by customized ludic means combined with the Ayres method, accepted for pubication in Journals of Palestrica Mileniului III - Civilization and sport, vol. 16(2) Cluj-Napoca, 2015, ISSN 1582-1943 http://www.pm3.ro/ EBSCO https://ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-journals.htm Index Copernicus http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/masterlist.php?q=Palestrica DOAJ https://doaj.org/toc/2247-7322 Badau Dana – Sport counseling – a new approach to improve the performances, accepted for publication in the Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle XV Physical Education and Sport Management, no. 1/2-014, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/; indexed: Doaj http://doaj.org/toc/a9aa33facc4a401d9d23d8657e7f414b; Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Ulrich http://www.efms.ugal.ro/images/1454-9832.png Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos +Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/web/71024 Iconomescu T.M.; Mindrescu V.; Badau Dana- Importance of human resources in sports clubs and in sports performance management, Gymnasium 15.2 (2014): 269278. Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health, ISSN 1454-9832, indexed: ProQuest http://search.proquest.com.ux4ll8xu6v.useaccesscontrol.com/pqcentral/docview/165124 2908/7A0BDEBE118E46F9PQ/2?accountid=15533 Ebsco - http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Doaj http://doaj.org/toc/bd17cba1bd3144038ad9bc0db917d1da/13 Index Copernicus http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/Gymnasium,p1346,3.html Icomomescu T., Talaghir L.G., Badau Dana - Study of graduates of the faculty of physical education and sport of Galati who entered the labour market, publicata in Sport si Societate. Revista de Educatie Fizica, Sport si Stiinte conexe, Vol 14, Issue 2, 2013, p. 101-105, (http://www.sportsisocietate.ro/articol/studiu-privind-inser-ia-pe-piaa-muncii-a-absolven-ilor-facult-ii-de-educa-ie-fizic-i-sport-din-gala-i/214) indexed: DOAJ http://doaj.org/search?source={%22query%22:{%22query_string%22:{%22query%22: %22Badau%20Dana%22,%22default_operator%22:%22AND%22}},%22sort%22:[{% 22created_date%22:{%22order%22:%22desc%22}}]} Index Copernicus https://scientists.indexcopernicus.com/article_list.php (p. 283); http://my.indexcopernicus.com/808045,37.html 5 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/web/sport-si-societate.-revista-de-educatie-fizica-sport-sistiinte-conexe 8. Bădău A., Ungur R., Iconomescu T., Badau Dana - The influence upon functional capacity of ludic recreational activities carrier out in various environment, Analele Universitatii „Dunarea de Jos” Galati Physical Education and Sport Management, Fascicule XV, 2013, p. 22 – 27, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/index.php/archiva/2013, indexed: DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/a9aa33facc4a401d9d23d8657e7f414b Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Ulrich http://www.efms.ugal.ro/images/1454-9832.png Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos +Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/71024 9. Iconomescu T., Talaghir L.G., Badau Dana - Increasing the efficiency of the physical education lesson according to specialists and high-school pupils, Gymnasium Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health, , ISSN 1454-9832, 2012, nr. 2, voll. XIII, p. 128-142, http://gymnasium.ub.ro/ro/, indexed: ProQuest http://search.proquest.com.ux4ll8xu6v.useaccesscontrol.com/pqcentral/docview/132626 6856/7A0BDEBE118E46F9PQ/1?accountid=15533 DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/bd17cba1bd3144038ad9bc0db917d1da/13 Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Index Copernicus http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/Gymnasium,p1346,3.html 10. Badau Dana, Bădău A. - Correlation between stress level and physical activity index, Analele Universitatii „Dunarea de Jos” Galati Physical Education and Sport Management, Fascicule XV, nr. 2, 2012, p. 15–18, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/index.php/archiva/2012/104-anale-efsm-2012-nr2, indexed: DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/a9aa33facc4a401d9d23d8657e7f414b Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Ulrich http://www.efms.ugal.ro/images/1454-9832.png Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos+ Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/71024 11. Bădău A., Ionescu Bondoc D., Badau Dana - Aquagim – o new method for improving the physical capacity, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicule XV, ISSN: 1454–9832, 2012, p. 17-23, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/; indexed: DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/a9aa33facc4a401d9d23d8657e7f414b Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Ulrich http://www.efms.ugal.ro/images/1454-9832.png Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos+ Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/71024 12. Badau Dana - Relationship between space orientation and manula laterality, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicule XV, Issue 2, ISSN: 1454–9832, 2011, p. 13-18, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/; http://www.efms.ugal.ro/index.php/archiva/2011/98-2011-part2-open-access, indexed : DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/a9aa33facc4a401d9d23d8657e7f414b 6 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Ulrich http://www.efms.ugal.ro/images/1454-9832.png Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos +Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/71024 13. Badau Dana, Hansa C., Neagu N., Bădău A.- Determination of the biological and socio-cultural laterality – arguments and exemples, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicule XV, ISSN: 1454–9832, 2010, p. 144-146, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/, http://www.efms.ugal.ro/index.php/archiva/2010/94-2010part1-open-access , indexed: DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/a9aa33facc4a401d9d23d8657e7f414b Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Ulrich http://www.efms.ugal.ro/images/1454-9832.png Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos +Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/71024 14. Camarda A., Badau Dana – Entertainment and sport animation – effects and benefits, Ovidius University of Constanta, Series Sport and Physical Education/Science, Movement and health, vol. X, ISSUE 2 Supplement ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, Constanta 2010, p. 859-862, http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/2010/issue-2supplement/files/119..pdf , indexed: Index Copernicus https://scientists.indexcopernicus.com/article_list.php http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/abstract.php?level=5&icid=904396 DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/c6509744efcf4ac1ac8c0d6c6e30c4d3 Ebsco (pag 16/2015) http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/web/92740 15. Manolache G., Talaghir L., Mereuta C., Badau Dana – The human resource – a decisive factors in sports enterprise management, Ovidius University of Constanta, Series Sport and Physical Education/Science, Movement and health, vol. X, ISSUE 2 Supplement ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, Constanta 2010, p. 765-768, www.analefefs.ro, http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/2010/issue-2-supplement/, indexed: Index Copernicus https://scientists.indexcopernicus.com/article_list.php http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/abstract.php?level=5&icid=904396 DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/c6509744efcf4ac1ac8c0d6c6e30c4d3 Ebsco (pag 16/2015) http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/92740 16. Badau Dana - The role of symmetrization in the game of handbal , Ovidius University of Constanta, Series Sport and Physical Education/Science, Movement and health, vol. IX, ISSUE 2, ISSN: 1224-7359, Ovidius University Press, Constanta 2009, p. 187-189, http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/2009/journal_June_issues_2_2009.pdf , indexed: Index Copernicus https://scientists.indexcopernicus.com/article_list.php http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/abstract.php?level=5&icid=904396 DOAJ http://doaj.org/toc/c6509744efcf4ac1ac8c0d6c6e30c4d3 Ebsco (pag 16/2015) http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/s4h-coverage.htm Scipio - http://www.scipio.ro/web/92740 7 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 7. Articles/studies published in journal indexed BDI, or in the proceedings of international conference indexed BDI 1. Bădău A., Ungur R., Iconomescu T., Badau Dana - The influence on balance capacity of the practice environment of ludic recreational activities, Procedia Social and Behovioral Sciences Journal, 2014, doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.05.245, indexed - Science Direct http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042814036775 2. Talaghir G.L., Iconomescu T., Badau Dana - The influence of didactic strategies in physical education classes with motor abilities themes in the secondary school, Scientific Raport Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 17 (1/2013), p. 353-357, http://www.sportconference.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&It emid=44, indexed Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/web/scientific-report-series-physicaleducation-and-sport 3. Badau Dana, Ungur R., Bădău A. – Motivations and temptations to practice the physical activity during students’ free time, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Series VIII • Art • Sport • Vol. 5 (54) No. 2 – 2012, ISSN: 2066-7728, p. 83-88, http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/Contents_VIII_2.html; http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/BULETIN%20VIII/13_BĂDĂU _.pdf , indexed: Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/advanced-search, Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-subject.xls) (indexed 2009-2012/ 2448- 2450) 4. Bădău A., Badau Dana, Peropoulos E. – Study on Attractiveness and Efficiency of Specific Means to Aquagym and Aquafitnes, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, vol.4 (53), No.1, 2011, Series VIII – Art-Sport, pp.91-98; ISSN 2066-7736 (CD), http://webbut.unitbv.ro/Bulletin/Series%20VIII/Contents_VIII_1.html indexed: Ebsco http://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/a9h-subject.xls) (indexed 2009-2012/ 2448- 2450), Scipio http://www.scipio.ro/advanced-search 5. Neagu N., Badau Dana, Branea C. - Synergistic issues of motor learning sequences as an outcome of its internal refactoring , International Journal of Mechanics, Issue 3, Volume 5, 2011, p. 157165, ISSN: 1998-4448, http://www.naun.org/multimedia/NAUN//mechanics/2011.html, indexed - Scopus http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=35329098400 6. Neagu N., Badau Dana, Branea C., Tudor V., Sabau E., Manolache G. – A Particular Proposal Towards the Internal Architecture of the Inferential Motor Learning Process and its Entropy Congruence with the Procedural Reflectoring of Computerization Fields, Recent Researches in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering &Data Bases, Cambridge 20-22 February 2011, p. 85-90; ISBN: 978-960-474-273-8, http://www.wseas.us/books/2011/Cambridge/AIKED.pdf, indexed Scopus http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=35329098400 7. Badau Dana, Camarda A., Serbănoiu S., Tudor V., Ionescu Bondoc D., - Sport for all implementation modern methods of performance management, Journal of WSEAS Transaction in Business and Economics, Issue 3, Volume 7, July 2010, Published by WSEAS Journals, ISSN: 1109-5926, p. 191-200, http://www.worldses.org/journals/economics/economics-2010.htm; http://www.wseas.us/e-library/transactions/economics/2010/89-726.pdf, indexed Scopus http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=35329098400 8. Badau Dana, Manolache G. - The competence role of sport managers, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicule XV, ISSN–1454–9832, 2009, p. 84-86, Cotate CNCSIS: B, http://www.ann.ugal.ro/efms/Documente/cuprins+coperta.pdf, www.ann.ugal.ro, indexed Index Copernicus 8 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos+ Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html 9. Manolache G., Badau Dana - The responsibility and risks of coaching children and juniors in personality development, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicule XV, ISSN–1454–9832, 2009, p. 82-84, http://www.ann.ugal.ro/efms/Documente/cuprins+coperta.pdf, www.ann.ugal.ro, indexed- Index Copernicus http://www.journals.indexcopernicus.com/Annals+of+the+University+Dunarea+de+Jos+ Galati+Fascicle+XV+Physical+Education+and+Sport+Management+,p10001,3.html 10. Dana Badau - Specific ambidextrous – factor of tehnical progres of the handball players, Journal Sport Science, No 2(51), 2006, Publishing Printech, Bucureşti, ISSN: 1453-018x, p. 17-38; http://www.sportscience.ro/html/reviste_2006_51-2.html; www.sportscience.ro; indexed Index Copernicus http://my.indexcopernicus.com/808045,37.html 11. Badau Dana - Improving the effectiveness of the takeover of service attack and strikes jucatoarelor junior volleyball I, Revista teoretică-metodică “Ştiinţa Sportului”, Volume 2007; 2(57): 59–63, Edit. Printech, Bucureşti, ISSN: 1453-018x, p. 17- 38, indexed Index Copernicus http://my.indexcopernicus.com/808045,37.html 12. Badau, Dana, Cosac G., Rogozea, L.,Badau, A - Comparative study regarding biological adaptation in sports games, Recent Advances in Applied and Biomedical Informatics and Computational Engineering in Systems Applications - AIC'11, BEBI'11, 2011, Florence, Italy, p. 372-375, ISBN: 978-1-61804028http://www.wseas.us/books/2011/Florence/AIASABEBI.pdf, indexed: Scopus http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=35329098400, ACM http://dl.acm.org/results.cfm?h=1&cfid=486656389&cftoken=93203447 13. Bădău Dana, Fathma A., Gevat C. - Improvind functional, somatic and motrical indicators a overweight childrens throught physical exercises, Medical Journal of Brasov, 2010, ISSN 1841-0782, p. 79-85 (http://webbut.unitbv.ro/jmb/JMB%202010%20nr.1/02_11_studiu_Badau%20a.pdf), indexata OAJI - Open Academic Journal Index http://oaji.net/journal-archivestats.html?page=3&number=693, http://oaji.net/journal-detail.html?number=693 14. Bădău Dana, Larion A., Bădău A., Alexandrescu D. - Experimental Study on Improving the Quality of Life through the Standardization of an Aerobics Program and of Effort Parameters Control using Pulse Tester, Mathematic Methods and Applied Computing (Volume II), Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering A Series, Published by WSEAS Press, ISSN: 1790-2769, p. 610-615, 2009, http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2009/vouliagmeni/ACCMM/ACCMM237.pdf, Indexed – ACM http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1949006.1949114&coll=DL&dl=GUIDE&CFID=6724 57211&CFTOKEN=83439760, Google Scholar https://scholar.google.ro/scholar?cluster=3008317519863157706&hl=ro&as_sdt=0,5 15. Man A.M., Alexandrescu D. Bădău Dana - Prognosis factors in muscle-skeletal tumors, Mathematic Methods and Applied Computing (Volume II), Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering A Series, Published by WSEAS Press, ISSN: 1790-2769, ISBN: 978-960-474-124-3, p. 563-668, 2009, http://www.wseas.us/elibrary/conferences/2009/vouliagmeni/ACCMM/ACCMM2-28.pdf Indexed: Google Scholar https://scholar.google.ro/scholar?q=ISSN%3A+17902769+Badau+Dana&btnG=&hl=ro&as_sdt=0%2C5, ACM http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1949006.1949114&coll=DL&dl=GUIDE&CFID=6724 57211&CFTOKEN=83439760 9 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 16. Gevat C., Larion A., Bădău Dana – Capacity Development for Speeding and Speed Running of 11 Years Old Athlets, Mathematic Methods and Applied Computing (Volume II), Vouliagmeni, Athena, Greeece, September 28-30, 2009, Published by WSEAS Press, ISBN: 978-960-474-124-3, ISSN: 1790-2769, p. 541546,http://www.wseas.us/books/2009/vouliagmeni/ACCMM2.pdf Indexed ACM http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1949006.1949101&coll=DL&dl=GUIDE&CFID=6724 57211&CFTOKEN=83439760, Google Scholar https://scholar.google.ro/scholar?q=ISSN%3A+17902769+Badau+Dana&btnG=&hl=ro&as_sdt=0%2C5 8. Articoles publisher in Romanian Journals aknowledged by the academic community 1. Badau Dana – Tools used in medical control of physical education and sport, Medical Journal of Brasov, No. 2, 2007, ISSN 1841-0782, p. 10-12, http://webbut.unitbv.ro/jmb/07%20revista%202.htm, www.unitbv.ro 2. Badau Dana, Moldovan E. - The importance of encouraging general and specific ambidextry in sports games, Bulletin of the Transilvania University Of Braşov, ISSN 1223 – 964X, vol. 13(48), series B6: arts, sport, 2008, p. 757-762 http://but.unitbv.ro/BU2008/Arhiva/BU2006/Seria_B.htm, www.but.unitbv.ro 3. Dana Badau - „Symmetrization specific actions of handball game - the growth process the effectiveness of the players”, Journal „Palestrica Mileniului III”, No. 2(24), Year VII, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, ISSN 1582-1943, p. 59-63 http://www.pm3.ro/ 4. Badau Dana – „The optimization of direction changes specific handball as a result of a symetrizing process”, Journal „Sport and Society”, Publishing of Foundation Altius Academy, University „Al.I.Cuza”, No. 2, Iasi 2006, ISSN 1582-2168, p. 90-95 9. Articles in extenso published in volumes of international conferences (not indexed ISI or BDI 1. Badau Dana, Mitic D., Prebeg G., Rogozea L. – Relationship between the reaction time of right-hnad and left-hand, published in Proceedings of 7th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology ”Fundamental and applied kinesiology – Step forward”, Opatija Croatia, 22-25 May 2014, p. 131-136, http://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/698009.Konferencija-zbornik-2014.pdf 2. Badau Dana – Identification of general coordination level according to laterality in handball, Proceedings of 3rd International Scientific Conference ”Exercise and Quality of Life”, 12-13 April 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia ISBN: 978-86-6353-000-3, COBISS:SR.ID 278050567, p. 71-74 http://www.eqol.uns.ac.rs/3rd%20eqol/1%20intro.pdf 3. Dana Badau, Ramona Ungur, Adela Badau – Physical activities during students free time – motivation and temptations, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Effects of Physical Activities Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults”, Belgrade, Serbia, 11-12 December 2012, ISBN: 978-86-80255-92-7, COBISS:SR.ID 198835212, p. 522-527 4. Bădău Dana, Bădău A., Ionescu Bondoc D., Cojocaru A., Cojocaru M., Paraschiv F., Man M.. – Study regarding the Physical recovery of sportsmen and their Recuperation, Recent researches in Modern Medicine, 2nd International Conference on medical physiology (PHYSIOLOGY '11) Cambridge, 23-25 February, 2011, pp.255-260, ISBN: 978-960-474-278-3, http://www.wseas.us/books/2011/Cambridge/MEDICAL.pdf 10 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 5. Larion, Alin, Gevat, Cecilia, Taskin, H., Badau Dana, Neagu, Nicolae – Contributions to determine the general strategy of the Romanian Federation Sports for All, International Congress “Sport, stress, adaptation”, 23-25 April 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN: 13103393, p. 268-269 6. Ionescu-Bondoc Dragos,. Monea D., Badau Dana, - The role of movement games in the socio-affective and psyhomotrical and motor development in pre-schoolers, International Scientific Conference, ”New educational evolutions for sports, management, health therapy and free time in Europe context” University Transilvania of Brasov, 25-27 March 2010, ISSN: 2065-6483, pag. 9-12 7. Badau Dana, Szabo Mihail, Chicomban Ionut, Badau Adela, Paizan Viorel – Psychological preparation of sports games, International Scientific Conference „Perspective in sport for all”, 16-17 October 2009, ”George Baritiu” University of Brasov in collaboration with Romanian Federation Spor sport for all and Olympic Club Brasov, CD - ISBN: 978-973-598-571-4, p. 138-141 8. Badau Dana, Suciu Aurelia, Paizan Viorel - The contribution of “sport for all” activities to socialization and European integration, International Scientific Conference „Perspective in sport for all”, 16-17 October 2009, ”George Baritiu” University of Brasov in collaboration with Romanian Federation Spor sport for all and Olympic Club Brasov, CD - ISBN: 978-973-598-571-4, p. 173-176 9. Badau Dana, Clinciu Constantin – Technical implementation and learning method specific phases vault gymnastics,, International Scientific Conference „Perspective in sport for all”, 16-17 October 2009, ”George Baritiu” University of Brasov in collaboration with Romanian Federation Sport sport for all and Olympic Club Brasov, CD - ISBN: 978-973-598-571-4, p. 275-283 10. Ionescu-Bondoc Dragos, Badau Dana, Nicoloiu Constantin – Resorting to state of art methods and means of modern devices in training performances sprinters, International Scientific Conference „Inovation and creation in the field of physical activity, sources of human performance”, 29-30 May 2009, University ”Dunarea de Jos”, Galati, ISBN: 978973-1724-95-9, p. 191-194 11. Badau Dana, Paraschiv Florin – Study concerning the efficiency of throws from 9m in handball, Internationa Scientific Conference „Inovation and creation in the field of phzsical activitz, sources of human performance”, 29-30 May 2009, Universitatea ”Dunarea de Jos” Galati, ISBN: 978-973-1724-95-9, p. 223-227 12. Badau Dana, Paraschiv Florin, Badau Adela - Importanta pregatirii teoretice si psihologice in handbal, International Scientific Conference “New educational evolutions for sport. Management, health therapy and free time in European context” a Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-21 February 2009, ISSN 2065 – 6483, p. 143-146 13. Badau Dana, Paraschiv Florin, Badau Adela - Technical of tactic movements specific to handball game, adjustable to symetrization, International Scientific Conference “Perspectives in physical education and sport” 8th edition of Ovidius University of Constanta, 30-31 May 2008, published in Annals University Ovidius Constanta, Series: Sport and Physical Education, Vol. VIII, series VIII, the second Part, Ovidius University Press ISSN 1234 – 7359, 2008, p. 31-36 http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/anale-2008vol-viii-cuprins-si-abstract-engleza-2.pdf 14. Badau Dana, Paraschiv Florin, Badau Adela - Education of specific ambidextry – factor of increases precision and efficiency on handball shutting, International Scientific Conference “Perspectives in physical education and sport” 8th edition of Ovidius University of Constanta, 30-31 May 2008, published in Annals University Ovidius Constanta, Series: Sport and Physical Education, Vol.VIII, series VIII, the second Part, 11 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report Ovidius University Press ISSN 1234 – 7359, 2008, p. 37-42 http://www.analefefs.ro/anale-fefs/anale-2008-vol-viii-cuprins-si-abstract-engleza-2.pdf 15. Badau Dana – Efficiency improvement of throws into the goal from the D-zone, level 2 Juniors, International Scientific Session of Psychology and Education Sciences Faculty, Department of Physical Education and Sport, 7 December 2007, published in the Session Bulletin, Publishing House of University of Bucharest, ISSN 1843-7079, p. 65-68 16. Badau Dana, Veronica Mandrescu – Handball selection and training of children – a complex approach, International Scientific Session of Psychology and Education Sciences Faculty, Departament of Physical Education and Sport, 7 December 2007, published in the Session Bulletin, Publishing House of University of Bucharest, ISSN 1843-7079, p. 69-73 17. Tanase Tanase, Badau Dana, Gorea Nicolae - Character and performance in sport games, International Scientific Simpozion „Education trough sport” 23 November 2007, published in the Scientific Bulletin, seria Physical Education and Sport, no. 11 (1/2007), volumul, Publishing House of University of Pitesti, ISSN 1453-1194, p 186-189 18. Tanase Tanase, Badau Dana, Gorea Nicolae - Basic advice for volleyball players, International Scientific Simpozion „Education trough sport” 23 November 2007, published in the Scientific Bulletin, seria Physical Education and Sport, Vol no. 11 (1/2007), Publishing House of University of Pitesti, ISSN 1453-1194, p. 357-360 19. Badau Dana – Improvement of functional and motor capacity of 9th grade female students with means specific to aerobic gymnastics, International Scientific Symposium ”To move – to live”, 11 May 2007, Botosani, p. 78-83 20. Badau Dana – Experimenting means specific to gymnastics for balance improvement of 7th grade students, International Conference ”Physical Education and Sport in Romania – post-accession perspectives and strategies”, 2007, Iasi, Publishing House Printech, ISBN 978- 973-718-755-0, p. 45-49 21. Dana Bădău - ,,Strategies for the optimization of handball players training process” Intenrational Conference, 19-21 May 2006, published in Analele of University of Oradea – Fascicle Physical Education and Sport, Publishing House of University of Oradea, 2006, ISSN 1224-5100, p. 48-52 22. Dana Bădău - ,,Experimentation of a methodology of making the passing feints specific to handball symetrical in order to optimiye attack”, Intenrational Conference, 19-21 May 2006, published in Analele of University of Oradea – Fascicle Physical Education and Sport, Publishing House University of Oradea, 2006, ISSN 1224-5100, p. 53-59 10. Articles/studies published in extenso in proceedings of national scientific conferences with ISBN 1. Ionescu Bondoc Dragos, Badau Dana, Vijoli Victor – Communication – essential activity of organizational marketing, National Scientific Conference ”Perspectives in sport for all”, ”George Baritiu” University of Brasov in collaboration with Romanian Federation Sport sport for all and Olympic Club Brasov 25-26 October 2008, Brasov, ISBN: 978-973-598382-6, p. 150-161 2. Badau Dana – Conditions and efficiency factors for motor learning specific to sportive gymnastics” Scientific Symposium “Quality and efficiency in physical education intended for European integration, organized by University of Bucharest, Publishing House of University of Bucharest, 8 December 2006, ISBN 973-7372-39-5, p. 87-93 12 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 11. Articles/studies published in summary in proceedings of international scientific conferences 1. Badau Dana - Adventure Education – An Attractive Way to Promote an Active Lifestyle, 1st International Sport Science Tourism and Recreation Student Congress, 21-23 May 2014, Antalya, Turkey, Book of Abstract, p. 17, http://www.isstr-sc.org/index.php, file:///C:/Users/Dana/Downloads/isstr-ozet%20(1).pdf 2. Badau Dana – Active And Fun Lifestyle Trough Adventure Education, 3rd International Conference on Science, Culture and Sport, 24-26 May 2014, Sarajevo, BosniaHerzegovina, Abstract Book, pp. 30 http://iscsconference.org/images/editor/files/abstractbook-14.pdf 3. Badau Dana, Badau Adela – The influence of pilates on posture and body alignment, International Scientific Conference “Effects of Physical Activities Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults”, 11-12 December 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstract, ISBN: 978-86-80255-92-7, COBISS:SR.ID 198835212, p. 182, http://www.fsfvconference.rs/documents/book_of_abstracts_131221.pdf 4. Badau Dana, Ungur Ramona, Badau Adela – „Physical activities during students free time – motivation and temptations”, International Scientific Conference “Effects of Physical Activities Application to Anthropological Status with Children, Youth and Adults”, Belgrade, 11-12 December 2012, ISBN: 978-86-80255-92-7, Book of Abstracts, p. 140 http://www.fsfvconference.rs/documents/book_abstracts_121224.pdf 5. Badau Dana, Badau Adela – „Study regarding stress level correlation with physical activity index on young population”, 12th International Scientific Conference “Perspectives in physical education and sport”, Constanta, 18-19 May, 2012, ISBN: 978973-614-501-8, Book of Abstracts, p. 59 6. Lariona Alin, Gevat Nedejt, Gevat Monica, Dana Badau, Alexe Dan – „Specific management in sports performance clubs in Romania”, 12th International Scientific Conference “Perspectives in physical education and sport”, Constanta, 18-19 May, 2012, ISBN: 978-973-614-501-8, Book of Abstracts, p. 61 7. Badau Dana, Suciu Aurelia, Badau Adela, Androhovici Mihai – Sport for all to improve the health, 14th World Conference on Sport for all of CIO , 20-23 September 2009, Beijing, China, Book of Abstract, p.57 http://www.olympic.org/Documents/Olympism_in_action/Sport%20for%20all/AbstractsBook-English.pdf 8. Badau Dana, Suciu Aurelia, Neagu Nicolae, Badau Adela – Active promotion and health through sport for all in Romania, International Scientific Conference „Physical activities for everyone”, 10-11.12.2010, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstract, p.50, http://www.fsfvconference.rs/documents/book_abstracts_final110120.pdf 9. Badau Dana, Paraschiv Florin, Badau Adela – High performance sport and creativity, FISU Conference 25th Universiade „The role of University sport in education and society – a platform for change”, 2-5 July 2009, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-80255-56-9, p.156, www.fsfv.rs, http://www.fsfv.rs/mat/zbor/zbornik_abstrakata_fisu2009.pdf 10. Badau Dana, Paraschiv Florin, Larion Alin, Badau Adela – Psychological training and information adaptation in sport, FISU Conference 25th Universiade „The role of University sport in education and society – a platform for change”, 2-5 July 2009, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86- 13 Dana Badau – Scientific activity report 80255-56-9, pag.149, www.fsfv.rs, http://www.fsfv.rs/mat/zbor/zbornik_abstrakata_fisu2009.pdf 11. Gevat Cecilia, Larion Alin, Badau Dana, Gevat Nejdet – Speed running in the athletic event of 100m flat to students faculty of Physical Education and Sport, FISU Conference 25th Universiade „The role of University sport in education and society – a platform for change”, 2-5 July 2009, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-80255-56-9, p.147, www.fsfv.rs, http://www.fsfv.rs/mat/zbor/zbornik_abstrakata_fisu2009.pdf 12. Bogdan Tudor, Paraschiv Florin, Badau Dana – Particular aspects of the students as spectators at the handball games, FISU Conference 25th Universiade „The role of University sport in education and society – a platform for change”, 2-5 July 2009, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-8680255-56-9, p.134, www.fsfv.rs, http://www.fsfv.rs/mat/zbor/zbornik_abstrakata_fisu2009.pdf Prof. Dana Badau PhD. 14
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