MARCH/APRIL 2015 NEWSLETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Painting Friends, Well spring is almost upon us and Paint-In is almost here. Since I am not lucky enough to travel to any of the painting conventions, our annual Paint-In is the highlight of my painting year. I so look forward to getting away and spending time with you all who share my passion for painting. I hope that you will be contributing a hand-painted piece to our Brown Bag Raffle, and that you have been saving your lunch money so you can purchase lots of Raffle tickets. The Brown Bag Raffle is a good Fundraiser for us and I love having pieces that my painting buddies have painted. And don't forget about dressing to represent your favorite era. Hope to see each and every one of you at Paint-In! Lynda NEWSLETTER INDEX 1 Index 1 From the President 1 March Meeting Info: Paint-In 2 Paint-In Reminders Golden Palette Proposed Change 2 3 Chapter Officers 3 Please Remember 3 Directory Changes 3 New Members 3 Member Birthdays 4 Chapter Calendar 5 Treasurer’s Report 6-8 Chapter Minutes 9 Janice Miller Seminar Pictures 9 2015 Fundraiser 10 Committee Schedule 11 Show and Tell 11 Library 11 School Supplies 12 Memory Box Program 12 Advertise in Newsletter 12 Member of the Month MARCH MEETING PAINT-IN: MARCH 14, 2015 • • • • • Unicoi State Park & Lodge 1788 Highway 356 Helen, GA 30545 Paint-In, March 13th & 14th, “Everything Old is New Again” Fellowship at 7:00 pm – Banquet to follow Hospitality provided by Unicoi State Park Projects taught by various Teachers Paint-In 2015 Reminders • • • • Please make donations to the Brown Bag Raffle: paint supplies, paintable surfaces with pattern, etc. Print out or bring return address labels for your Raffle tickets. Please bring a finished painted piece (or other hand made artwork) to donate to the Brown Bag Raffle. Don’t forget your special ornament tickets for the Special Brown Bag. Proposed changes to the Article X, standing Committees, and Section 5: Awards Committee and Golden Palette Award, Standing Rule #8 ARTICLE X-STANDING COMMITTEES, SECTION 5-AWARDS COMMITTEE As written now: This Committee shall be comprised of three active Members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The Committee shall recommend and the Board approves recipient of the Golden Palette Award. FINANCIAL REPORT: Change to: This Committee shall be comprised of three active Members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board Directors. The Committee shall select a Golden Palette recipient from the Ballots submitted to the Committee Chair. STANDING RULE #8-The Golden Palette Award As written now: The Golden Palette Award, which is a service and dedication to the Chapter Award, is to be given to a Member in Good Standing. (Standing rule #16). The present Board of Directors is not eligible to receive the Golden Palette, but must approve the recipient (Article X, Section 5-Awards Committee). Also not eligible is a previous Golden Palette Recipient. (Names located in the Chapter Directory). It is not mandatory to present this Award every year. (Voted January, 2006). Change to: The Golden Palette Award, which is a service and dedication to the Chapter Award, is to be given to a Member in Good Standing. (Standing rule #16). Each Member who is in Good Standing is eligible to be considered for this Award. If a Member selected has already received the Golden Palette, that person will receive another type of recognition for their service. It is not mandatory to present this Award every year. (Voted January, 2006). March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 2 CHAPTER OFFICERS 2nd Vice President: Sandy Carroll 770-630-4559 [email protected] President: Lynda Gaddy 770-775-6352 [email protected] 1st Vice President: Cindy Harden 770-253-2748 [email protected] Secretary: Malissa Hays 770-943-2054 [email protected] Treasurer: Sue Coffin 770-629-4497 [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Susan Bungenstock 678-232-8202 [email protected] NEW MEMBERS WELCOME None at this time. PLEASE REMEMBER DIRECTORY CHANGES FINANCIAL REPORT: No one at this time. None at this time. (Remember if you have a change contact Susan Bungenstock.) 2015 Dogwood Chapter Member Birthdays MARCH Sue Bailey Lauran Fechte APRIL 03/02 03/14 Velma Sweatman Cindy Harden Linda Whitmond Bobbie Corey Miho Miyake 04/03 04/11 04/11 04/21 04/27 Those Members who had birthdays in March and April can bring their Birthday item to the May Meeting For those of you who are not familiar with this Raffle, everyone who has a birthday in the month of, or the month following, the Meeting is asked to bring a HANDPAINTED gift to the Meeting. We then sell $1.00 Raffle tickets to win any of these special items. You buy your tickets from Marguerite Embrey. March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 3 DOGWOOD CHAPTER CALENDAR 10 January – 2015 Chapter Meeting Mable House Art Center Hospitality – Cindy H. After Meeting Project taught by Sherrill Lang February – 2015 1 March – 2015 13 - 14 Paint-In at Unicoi State Park Newsletter Deadline 22 – 27 Las Vegas Creative Painting Convention se Art Center 24 – 25 Janice Miller Seminar Mable House Art Center 1 April – 2015 Newsletter Deadline M 9 May – 2015 Chapter Meeting Mable House Art Center Hospitality – Sue R./Vanessa H./ Jackie V. 1 June – 2015 Newsletter Deadline After Meeting Project taught by Joyce Yarbrough 11 July – 2015 Chapter Meeting 1 Museum Hospitality – Board Members 2015 Fundraiser projects due August – 2015 Newsletter Deadline 3 – 8 HOOT Convention After Meeting Project Children’s Hospital Ornaments After Meeting Project taught by Faye Webster 1 October – 2015 Newsletter Deadline 7 – 11 NET Convention 12 September – 2015 Chapter Meeting Mable House Art Center Hospitality – Barbara F./ Bette B./Mickey Q. 14 November – 2015 Chapter Meeting Mable House Art Center Hospitality – Cumming Ladies 1 December – 2015 Newsletter Deadline 12 Christmas Luncheon After Meeting Project taught by Marguerite Embrey March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 4 TREASURER’S REPORT DOGWOOD CHAPTER TREASURER’S REPORT JANUARY 1, 2015 – FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Beginning balance: $6439.91 Expenses: • • • • • • 2015 SDP Membership 2014 Chapter Charity (Advo-Kids CASA/Group Home) Golden Palette Newsletter Membership supplies Janice Miller Seminar $40.00 $462.48 $225.00 $32.37 $15.82 $1676.34 Income: • 2014 Christmas Luncheon • 2015 Membership Dues • Toles • Birthday Raffle FINANCIAL REPORT: • Janice Miller Seminar Ending Balance: $800.00 $150.00 $2.25 $79.00 $1710.18 _______ $6729.33 The 2014 Year End report for SDP was completed and mailed on February 13, 2015. After all expenses (including the facility payment and Seminar deposit paid in 2014) the Dogwood Chapter supplemented $436.13 to the Janice Miller Seminar. Respectfully submitted, Sue Coffin, Treasurer March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 5 DOGWOOD CHAPTER MINUTES DOGWOOD CHAPTER MEETING Mable House Art Center January 10, 2015 Meeting was brought to order by President Lynda Gaddy. We welcomed a new Member, Vanessa Hawthorne who has been painting for 32 years. Board Members Present: Lynda Gaddy – President, Cindy Harden – 1st Vice President, Sandy Carroll – 2nd Vice President, Sue Coffin – Treasurer, Malissa Hays – Secretary, Susan Bungenstock – Newsletter Editor. Motion on minutes as written in the Newsletter was made and accepted. Motion on the Treasurer’s Report as stated in the Newsletter was approved and accepted. 1st Vice President – Cindy Harden: • Janice Miller Seminar, January 24th & 25th, 2015. Cost for both days is $70 and $40 for one day. The two projects will be an Owl on a 27” x 15” large canvas tote bag for $15.00, a small tote bag for $4.50 and the Butterfly on watercolor paper using the Zentangle method. There is a kit for the Butterfly project that you will need to purchase for $21.00. The Seminar will be at the Mable House, Mableton, GA. There is still space available. Please contact Cindy Harden if you are interested. • More Seminar Teachers like Laurie Speltz, who gives a percentage back to the Chapter, FINANCIAL need to be REPORT: recruited. 2nd Vice President – Sandy Carroll: • Memory Boxes: Please paint non-seasonal memory boxes for the hospital as they are needed desperately. Northside Hospital needs about 35 boxes per month to be given to parents who have lost a newborn. Sandy has boxes for free; bring them back to the next Meeting. • Please sign up for Hospitality for each Meeting. The Committee sheet is being passed around for sign-ups. Treasurer – Sue Coffin: • Working on the Report to go to the SDP. Approximate balance is $8,400. The Chapter made a profit of over $500 in 2014. Small increases and changes made a big difference this past year. Newsletter Editor – Susan Bungenstock: • Deadline is February 1st…be on-time!! There is a sheet that is being passed around to make corrections for the 2015 Directory. March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 6 (Minutes continued from page 6) Committee Reports: 2015 Fundraiser, Kathy Cutlip, Chair: • Kathy stated the theme this year will be “Seasonal Potpourri”: any surface, any season. These items will be raffled off and the Members will vote on a Charity. Items are due at the July Meeting or you can send a picture. We will begin selling tickets at the September Meeting for the November drawing. Each Member will receive 20 tickets at $1 per ticket to sell. 2015 Paint-In, Sue Raine, Chair: • Paint-In will be at Unicoi State Park. The theme is “Everything Old is New Again”. • Paint-In will be the second weekend in March, 2015. • Classes will start on Friday and continue through Saturday afternoon, with our annual Paint-In Banquet on Saturday evening. Wear an outfit reflecting your favorite period in time. • Brown Bag Raffle: We are asking that each attendee paint an item for the Brown Bag Raffle again this year. It was such a hit last seemed everyone loved the chance of winning a painted piece. Tickets for the Brown Bag Raffle can be purchased at Paint-In at a cost of one little ole dollar for 3 tickets. • February 7th is the deadline for your class choices. Mail your choices along with a selfaddressed stamped envelope to Susan Bungenstock. • February 12th is the deadline for room reservations (use discount code on form). Please note Building A only has double beds. It is the closest to the parking lot. Building B & C have queenREPORT: beds. FINANCIAL • Sherrill Lang needs to know if you want a metal stand or just wood for her Autumn project she is teaching. • Kathy Cutlip needs to know what base coat you want for the bottle class she is teaching. • Gail Cummins Halloween piece will be on a tray, not a basket. If you want extra ornaments please let her know. • Miho Miyake said to bring your mud kits if you would like to learn more techniques in her class. • Nancy Free has again offered to do the Raffle. Please bring your donated items for the Brown Bag Raffle to Paint-In and give them to Nancy. Raffle tickets will be 3 for $1. Georgia National Fair, Joyce Yarbrough, Chair: • Joyce stated at the Meeting that the Fair will be in October and to bring your submissions to the September Meeting. The pieces should be something you have painted within the last 5 years and you may enter up to 2 pieces per class entry. New Business: • Marguerite Embrey made a motion to change rules regarding the Golden Palette Award. Changes discussed are: (a) Members serving on the Board of Directors can be eligible and (b) Board of Directors not having to sign off on the Golden Palette Award Committee’s review of Nominees. The vote on this motion has been tabled until it can be published. March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 7 (Minutes continued from page 7) Announcements: • Gail Cummins has made contact with an individual who makes painting aprons and sells them for $25.00. She also makes brush holders and sells them for $20.00. If you are interested in either of these items, please contact Gail. • Kay Lynn Leise stated that the Zhostovo Exhibit of Russian Folk Art is on exhibit from November 11, 2014 through March, 2015. Cindy Harrison’s exhibit is also on display at the National Museum of Decorative Painting located off Chattahoochee Ave. Atlanta Magazine will be publishing an article about the Museum. • Birthday Raffle: If your birthday falls on the month of the Meeting or the following month you are asked to bring a painted piece to be raffled off at the Meeting. Tickets are $1 each. • Directory and By-Laws on line: To obtain a password to access, you will need to send an e-mail to the webmaster from the website. Show & Tell: • Arlee Jenkins presented a Rosemary West piece that will possibly be taught as a Seminar. • Sherrill Lang presented several pieces she painted on from antiquing finds. She will be teaching a Seminar in her home at a later date. Respectfully submitted, Malissa Hays BUTTER PECAN CAKE (Sue Bailey’s recipe) 1 1 ½ box Betty Crocker Butter Pecan cake mix can coconut pecan frosting mix cup chopped pecans Add water and oil per cake directions adding 1 additional egg (4 total) and mix according to directions Add frosting mix to batter and beat thoroughly Grease and flour bundt cake pan Sprinkle chopped pecans in bottom of pan and pour batter over Bake at 325 degrees for 55-60 minutes until done when tested When cool, either drizzle lemon sugar icing, or dust with powder sugar if desired Very easy ladies, but OH SO GOOD! March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 8 Seminar Pictures with Janice Miller FINANCIAL REPORT: 2015 FUNDRAISER This year's theme is "Seasonal Potpourri." That means you can paint any season (or all four) on any surface (plate, tray, box, plaque, wreath, etc.). You could also paint holiday seasons - it's unlimited! So dig into your stash and paint that project you've always wanted to tackle. Projects are due for pictures at the July Meeting. Kathy Cutlip March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 9 Dogwood Chapter Committee List - 2015 Committee Annual Audit Birthday Raffle * Christmas Luncheon - 2015 Chapter Fundraiser - 2015 Ethics & Parliamentarian Golden Palette Award Hospitality January May July September November Membership/Directory Memory Box Program Nomination Paint-In 2016 Chairperson Bev Tye Marguerite Embrey Kathy Cutlip Marguerite Embrey Gail Cummins Cindy Harden Sue Raine Board Members Barbara Ferguson Cumming Ladies Jane Merry Sandy Carroll Sue Raine Marguerite E. / Cindy H. Committee Members Doreen Buckley / Nancy Free Vanessa Hawthorne / Jackie Voorhees Bette Bush / Mickey Quarles Susan Bungenstock Sherrill Lang Table Decorations Brown Bag Raffle FINANCIAL REPORT: Registration Teachers Paint-In 2015 Kathy Cutlip Susan B. / Gail Cummins Table Decorations Sue Raine, Pam Lowry Sue C., Lynda G., Kathy C., Mickey Q. Brown Bag Raffle Nancy Free Registration Teachers Proof Editor School Supplies North side South side Scrapbook Sunshine Tole Taker Malissa Hays Sandy Carroll Susan B. / Gail Cummins Doreen Buckley Susan Bungenstock Pam Lowry Vicki Patterson Nancy Morgan Sandy Carroll *Please consider filling this position. March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 10 *** Show and Tell *** Bring your wares and share! What does this do for our Chapter?? It keeps us up to date on what is new out in the painting industry Gives us motivation to paint even more Introduces us to new artists and new painting styles Keeps the excitement for painting Helps us share the new things we have learned at seminars and conventions that others may not attend DOGWOOD LIBRARY Committee Chairperson: Joyce Yarbrough (770) 887-6400 The Library has many packets, books and videos. Listings are on our website. You can check them out for two months for only $2.50. There is a $25.00 deposit for videos that is returned to you when you return the video. Just call or let me know at a Meeting what items you want and I will bring them to the next Meeting. SCHOOL SUPPLIES If you have any School Supplies to donate, please bring them to the Chapter Meetings. If you can’t attend the Meeting please get them to Susan B., Pam L. or Sue R. INK CARTRIDGES NEEDED If you have a printer and do not recycle your cartridges please save them for the Chapter. I (Susan Bungenstock) take them to an Office supply store and get a $2.00 rebate for each cartridge. I then purchase paper, envelopes and ink for the Newsletter. Please bring in your empty cartridges to the Meetings. I accept any ink cartridge. March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 11 ADVERTISE IN OUR NEWSLETTER Do you know someone who cuts wood? Do you teach? Do you conduct Seminars? Our Membership would like to know and our advertising rates are low. Send your ad copy to Susan Bungenstock so your ad can appear in our next Newsletter. Advertising Rates: Full Page Half Page Quarter Page $15.00/issue $ 7.50/issue $ 3.25/issue Line Ad $ 1.00/issue Members Only: Free ad in Newsletter (Effective Jan. 2010) FINANCIAL REPORT: 2015 “Member of the Month” MEMORY BOX PROGRAM The Dogwood Chapter, as a part of the Memory Box Program, paints paper mache boxes for the Infant Bereavement Program at Northside Hospital. These boxes are given to the parents of a child who dies in childbirth or shortly thereafter. It contains a birth certificate, lock of hair, foot print and a cap or blanket provided by the Hospital Auxiliary and any other mementos of a life that was too short. Northside maternity is a very busy place handling thousands of births a month. Their need at this point is for in excess of 40 boxes a month and they are appreciated by the staff and parents more than anyone realizes. You can pick up boxes at any Meeting, take them home, paint them and return them at the next Meeting. Please be sure to sign them as this personalizes them for the parents who receive them. Please consider giving just a few hours to paint a couple of boxes for this program. If you have any questions, or need boxes, please contact: Sandy Carroll at (770) 630-4559 or email her at [email protected]. Joyce Yarbrough March/April 2015 Dogwood Chapter Newsletter | Atlanta Area Society of Decorative Painters | 12
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