No. M-1 201 3/2/201 4-M&E Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural DeveloPment, Government of lndia (M&E Unit) 11th Block, CGO ComPlex, Lodhi Road' New Delhi, dated: 03.06.2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM subject: - Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting to discuss the RFP for Mid Term Evaluation & Comprehensive lmpact assessment of Watershed Projectssanctionedduring2005.0sof|WMPheldintheConference Hali of the Department on 02'06.2015 under the Chairmanship of Economic Advisor, DoLR. ..** Theundersignedisdirectedtorefertothesubjectcitedaboveandto circulate the Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting to discuss the RFP for Mid Term Evaluation of lwMP & Comprehensive lmpact assessment of watershed Projects sanctioned during 2005-08 held in the conference Hall of the Department on 02.06.2015. a !9rs'=f-> (P.C. --Meena) Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia Tel.: 011-24306612 1. To all the shortlisted firms. 2. PPS to AS (LR), DoLR. 3. Economic Advisor, DoLR. 4. File No. M-120131212014-M&E for records. 5. NlC, DoLR for uploading on the departmental website' the RFP for Mid-Term Evaluation of Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting to discuss w"t"ttn"a Proiects sanctioned lwMP & comprehen"iu" rlnp""t i-"I"lliiJni "r ine- oepartment on 02'06'2015 .rurino 2oo5-08 held in the of economic AdYisor' DoLR' ffi;ffi;ffi;;nsnip 2. 3 ctJ;;;;;';;ii ;t List of the participants is at annexure-l to seek the participants and requesled them At the outset, tne ctrairman wetJomed piopo""r on i) Mid^Term Evaluation of ctarifications, if any, on Requesis-i.i nssessment of Watershed Pro1ects sanctioned IWMP & ii) Comprehensive tmia-a proposals' Jurino zo6s-og uetore submitting their ."eting the following points were discussed:- tirpl A- ;;;i""n il; Mid Term Evaluation of IWMPmention to the Consultants Part-l)' the l. ln para 8.3 of RFP (SeAion-J tnstructions Logistic and lnfrastructure with the to al of requirement of detairs pertaining aia u1 corrsuttanfs experience in agency -Form Tech-2(ii) in s""tioi 11*eie omitted' These have been added M&E- {Form TECH' a the revised version of RFP' at national level was discussed in ll. The issue regarding consolidation of report light of the TORs, it has been found in the detail. on re-examin"tion oitn" i""u". Lead National ttre suumissLn of proposal as that there is explic mention of role' responsibilities and functions oftne e*pricilm"ntion with LevelAgencies the Hence' there is no need to revisit TORs iitne t-tutt the National proposal "gtnci"" national level' Accordingly the tn" ot consolidation of issue "1 tor. appointment as le€d national agencies 'Jpol.t pt' ti! ioR" may be submifted "" minim-um-requirement of experts for the study for each regarding issue The lll. for Since tre proposals have been invited region was "t"o such requirement of experts may be appointment as national f"u"t 'g"n"i""' mentioned at the national level' * "i;;;i'"" i' ii oi""'"J lV,ThiSwaspointeoouttnatbatcttnumberoftheprojectsforthetheyears2009in the statement at Appendix-C of 1o & 2010-11 to' rwr"rp illnot mentioned in the revised RFP at Appendix'Q'' RFP. This has now been mentioned IASWP sanctioned during 2005-08 mentioned at the Appendix-c of l. lt was observed tnat ttre totai nuioer of projectsThis has now been mentioned in NE RFP did not include tt'" p'oi"iit of the Revised RFP' 'taies by the participants These have out pointed were mistakes Some minor clerical been rectifled' that necessary correclions should be made In view of above, it has been decided via eand the Revised RFP is being sent Accordingly the RFP has been revised na'e been placed on the DoLR website An mail along with these mlnutts' fn"se concerned' Aadendtin to tnis ettect is also enclosed for all Bll 4. No. M-1 201 3/2 12014-M&E DePartment of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural DeveloPment, Government of lndia (M&E Unit) 11th Block, CGO ComPlex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, dated: - 04.06.2015 ADDENDUM with reference to the Pre-Bid Meeting held on 02.06.2015 to discuss the Request for Proposal (RFP) for'Mid Term Evaluation.of lwMP' & 'Comprehensive tmpact Assessment bt Watershed Projects sanclioned during 2005-08" the unhersigneo is directed to say that the following additions have been made in both the RFP:- Para/Section Section 5 of Existing lnstructions Budget is proposed to be both the RFP quoted Region wise. Appendix-C of The statement was incomplete due to non- RFP for Comprehensive IASWP availability of Projects of NE States. Addition Budget is to be quoted on Lead National AgencY basis for entire country as per the format at Annex'l . The statement has been revised which maY be seen as at Annexure-2 (P.C. Meena) Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia Tel.: 011-24306612 Distribution1. To all the shortlisted firms. PPS to AS (LR), DoLR Economic Advisor, DoLR. NlC, DoLR for uploading on the departmental website' 2. 3. 4. - Z. Ar\^,^ gdLtfl^€- APPENDIX C 2008 under IWDP' DPAP & DDP Projects sanctioned during 2005 to Region/ State i. No, IWDP DDP Total 765 ?q? 1199 240 259 803 52 160 SOUTH 1 AMhra Pradesh 2 Tamil Nadu 3 Karnataka Kerala 4 NORTHPuniab Haryana I & Kashmir 5 6 7 237 176 22 43 0 771 N,1.P. 8 9 28 H.P. n-Iuttarakhand ' 11 EAST 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 227 _l 0 Uttar Pradet w"rt Ee!g!L- odisha 40 Bihar lharkhand chhatti5gqll 18 19 20 21 22 Guiara!Maharashtra Goa# NORTH EAST Arunachal Assam 26 l4anipur Meghalaya Mizoram Naoaland 27 Sikkim 24 25 28 Tripurq_ Fndrotal 6 q 0 22 31 40 134 2360 2L 144 UJ] 23 8 122 60 1'1 1 64 4 816 45 2 163 9 l7 3 247 51 1 46 9 2 1 L 1 53 10 2534 996 506 31 6 122 60 24 17 3 18 91 91 199 t2 5 25 8 11 18 tb9 2 3Zr 1 1 WEST t7 584_ 2 4 2oolo DPAP 2516 46 4444 8 2 11 2 18 J 7769 1553 Nwnevu.s (Please see detailed budget would be prepared by the Lead National AgencY Appendix-C), including the following items:- A A. For Lead National Agency a) Human Resource / Manpower Communication tnstitutional Cnarges (if anY) rx-penonure(not above 5% of total) Tax (as apPlicable) B. (for collaborating agencies):Detailed cost Estimation of per watershed cost Sl. No. 1 Item of Expenditure numan Resource/ ManPower (b) Travel cost Amount (Rs) -1a1 Sub Total 2 - Organizing WorfshoP (lumP sum) ffi 4. Report Preparation 5. lnstitutional Charges (lt anY) b. I Misc. Expenditure 7. I Tax (as applicable) Total Grand Total of Table (A + B) (Signature) Authorized Signatory: Name: * - I
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