No. M-1201 3(2)2014-M&E Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural DeveloPment, (Monitoring & Evaluation Unit) Brock No'J;fi;i ffiSHlf i3l!1".11 To As per the list annexed. Subject:-RequestforProposal(RFP)forMid-termevaluationof|WMPprojectssanctioned during 2009-2010. Dear TheDepartmentofLandResources(hereinaftercalled..Emp|oyer,,)hasproposedto -tne 'Mid{erm evaluation of lwMP projects sanctioned during 2009-2010 to the of RFP may iiimlinstitute/Nco. The detaiied terms & conditions prescribed for submission assign be seen at Department's website- http://dolr' nic'in Expression of lnterest (EOl) to empanel the during 2009firms/lnstitutes/Ncos for Mid-term evalujtion of IWMP projects sanclioned in this RFP iOtO. Uor" details in this regard are provided under Terms of Reference for Proposal Request document. your firm has beenihort-listed amongst others for issuing and is 2009-2010 during out the Mid-term evatuation of IWMP prolects sanctioned to departmental "irry invited to submit its profosal as per the iFi document available on our now submitted. be should *". separate proposals (technical and financial) 2. The employer had invited an 'under secretary 3. The proposal duly completed in all respect should be addressed to , 6th Ftoor, Block No. 11, CGO iuael,'oei,artment'ot tariJ-nesources, Room No. 601cover superscripted as "Proposal Road, New D"tt i-t tOOO'S in the sealed b;;-pt*, two separate for lt/iid Term Evaluation of IWMP projects" and the envelope should contain reach this lt should (FB) sealed. duly lnr"top". each for Technicat SiO dA) & Financial Bid will not date due tz*.trn", zots eru;.rne proposals received after held responsible for be entertained in any circil-stance and this Department shall not be 11 '00 A'M' Ju--t!+01q-1t of postal deiay. A pre-bid meeting wiliLce h-eld on ?I I;hi ;fil;;;i;i;," ".rG intheconferencehallofthedepartm"nt,tN.g'o.Building,NirmanBhawan,New Delhi. you are intend to Kindly confirm that you have received this letter of invitation and submit a Proposal. (P. C. Mebna) Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia Tel:- 01 1-24306612 List of the Shortlisted Firms/Institutes/NGOs Details of the Firm/lnstitute/NGO Sr. No. 1. lnsPlRE Network for Environment, lRlA House, C-5, Qutab lnstitutional Area, New Delhi- 110016, Tel- 91114904800, email- [email protected], websitewww. i nsoi re network. oro. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. AFC lndia Ltd, B-1/9, Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058, Tel- 911145791189, email- [email protected], website- www.afeindla.ors-[. The Energy and Resources lnstitute, Southern Regional Centre, 4tn Main, Domlur ll Stage, Bangalore- 560071, Tel- 25356590, email- terisrc@teri. res. in, website- www.teriin. orq. Mott MacDonald, A20,Sector 2, Noida- 201301, Uttar Pradesh, Tel- 911202543582, email- shoma. maiumdar@mottmac. mac, website- www. mottmac. com Natural Resources lndia Foundation (NRIF), E- 301, SatisarApartments, Plot€, Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi- 110075, Mob- 981 0243385, email- [email protected]. in. website- http://nrif.orq. in. Wapcos Limited, 76-C, I nstitutional Area, Sector-1 8 Gurgaon-1 2201 5, Tel- 9 1 1 242397 391, email- commercial@wa pcos. qov. in. Nabarad Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd, 24, Rajendra Place, lstFloor, Nabard Building, New Delhi- 110008, Tel- 01 1257534'10, email- [email protected], [email protected], website- Hand in Hand lndia, 90 A, Nasarthpet Village, Opposite Pachaiyappa's Men's College Little Kancheepuram, Dist- Kancheepuram- 631503 Tamil Nadu, T el- 91 446720 1 001, email- info@h ih ind ia.orq, website- www. hihindia.orq. National lnstitute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Ministry or Rural Development, Govt of lndia, Centre for Water and Land Resources, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500030, Mob- 0964068931 1, email- [email protected]. Sutra Consulting, Pvt. Ltd., FD-341, Ground Floor, Sector-lll, Salt Lake City, P.S.Bidhannagar (Sputh), Kolkata- 700106, Tel- 913340013149, Email- sutra@sutraconsultinq. com, website- www. Anandmay Engineers and Conultants Pvt. Ltd., 78 NRI Complex, New Mandakini Greater Kailash 4 New Delhi- 110019, Tel- 01126271148, Email- [email protected]. in, website- Sun Agrifresh, Sun House, Plot No. 4, C-Block, Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi-1 1 0058, Tel- 0'l 1-45264514. E-mail- [email protected]. website- International lnstitute of Sustainable Development and Management, 1982, Subhashnagar, Chandkheda, Ahmedaba d- 382424, f el 07 923292219 email- [email protected]. Harshal Gramin Vikas Bahu SansthaViveknagar, Mul Road, Chandrapu r, Maharashtra- 4424O2Ema i I : h rda chd 1 @red iffmai LcomWebsite : Society for Uftaranchal Development & Himalayan Action, Apna Ghar, The Mall, Almora263601 (Uttarakhand), Tel- 05962237710, email- [email protected], website- www.sudha4livehood.orq, Vimarsh, 197, 1st Floor, Udyog Vihar, Phase lV, Gurgaon- 122016, T el 01242340280, email- adm n@vi marsh. in, website- www. vima rsh. in. Centre for Rural Management, Perumpaikadu P.O. Kottayam, Kerala state, lndia-686028, Phone- 0481-2596269, 2596269 Gram- Rural E-mail [email protected] i 17.
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