2015 sponsorship opportunities skyline sharks swim team

Hello Skyline community supporters and families! It is that time of the year again for the
Skyline Swim Team to reach out to all of our swim families and community supporters. Our
sponsors play an important role for our swim team and provide us the ability to have funds
available to support our summer swim needs. This year we are offering the following
sponsorship opportunities:
Premium Skyline Sponsorship- $400:
Full page ad in our 2015 Team Directory and our Manheim Township Cup Charity Event
heat sheet
Company Logo prominently featured on the back of our Team T-shirts
Company Logo and link to your business on our website- www.skylinesharksswim.org
Banner from your Company at all three of our Home Swim Meets, Welcome Back Picnic
and our Manheim Township Cup Charity Event
Skyline Sponsorship- $250:
Half page ad in our 2015 Team Directory and our Manheim Township Cup Charity Event
heat sheet
Company Logo featured on the back of our Team T-shirts
Company Logo and link to your business on our website- www.skylinesharksswim.org
Sharks Sponsorship- $150:
Quarter page ad in our 2015 Team Directory and our Manheim Township Cup Charity
Event heat sheet
Company name listed on the back of our Team T-shirts
Company name and link to your business on our website- www.skylinesharksswim.org
Thank you in advance for all of your support. If you would like to become one of our sponsors,
please click on this link to fill out your form: http://goo.gl/forms/D96y0pOIun . Please contact
Skyline at [email protected] with any questions. Please send all checks, made out
to “Skyline Swim Team,” to Samantha Besnoff, 42 Camellia Court, Lititz, PA 17543
All sponsorship opportunities will need to be submitted no later than March 25, 2015.