RALLY GUIDE Introduction IntroducƟon from the Clerk of the Course It gives me great pleasure to present to you the Rally Guide for the 2015 Joule Donegal Interna onal Rally and extend to you a Donegal Cead Míle Fáilte, for the rallying, the hospitality and the craic. I hope this will provide you with a taster of what is to come, and if you are a compe tor, back‐up crew, marshal or spectator, encourage you to book your accommoda on and stay the weekend in our wonderful county. Again the event is a qualifying round of the 2015 Clonakilty Blackpudding Irish Tarmac Rally Championship. The Mount Errigal Hotel will host rally headquarters for this the 42nd Joule Donegal Interna onal Rally. Again many of the familiar Interna onal stages have been retained with centralised servicing for each of the three days. Once again the Donegal Historic Rally is included in the Clonakilty Blackpudding Irish Tarmac Historic Championship, using many of the classic stages ideally suited to historic cars, along with the highly compe ve junior event. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the organising commi ee for their efforts and hard work on this year's event and our tle sponsor Joule. The co‐opera on of the residents, landowners, Ordnance Survey, An Garda Síochána, Donegal County Council & Government Departments is much appreciated as it the involvement of the media, Fáilte Ireland, and all who have contributed towards the 2015 Joule Donegal Interna onal Rally. On behalf of Donegal Motor Club, I wish you a safe and enjoyable weekend and hope you will savour the hospitality that awaits you. Perhaps you can extend your stay in the county and appreciate the welcome, only experienced here in Donegal. Eamon McGee Clerk of Course This document has no regulatory power and is for informaƟon purposes only. Contacts Secretary of the Event Suzanne Mulhern, Tel: + 353 (0)87 7700015 (A er 5pm) Loughros Point, Ardara, Email: [email protected] Co. Donegal Rally Headquarters Mount Errigal Hotel, Tel: + 353 (0) 74 9122700 Ballyraine Road, Fax: + 353 (0) 74 91 25085 Le erkenny, Web: www.mounterrigal.com Co. Donegal Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 7706401099 2.3 Media Contact Details John McCay Email: [email protected] Officials Clerk of Course Eamonn McGee 0872857247 Deputy Clerk of Course Leonard Wilson 0872203380 John Crumlish 0866023362 John Keys 0872518994 Assistant Clerks of Course Sam Pearson 0876293193 Danny Gormley 0872413944 Club Safety Officer Mervyn Wasson 0872217421 Rally Manager Ciaran Doherty 0872121787 Compe tor Liaison Officer Michael Chance 0868031858 Chief Marshal Tony Boyle 0877566863 Chief Scru neer Brecan McBreen TROA Eligibility Rab and Sheila McDonald Chief Medical Officer Dr Padraic Conneally Chief Rescue Officer Frank Heneghan Serious Incident Officer A racta McCay Crawford 0872481279 Press Office Rachael Wasson 0749106711 Programme Date Tuesday 9th June Saturday/Sunday 13th/14th June Tuesday and Wednesday 1 6 t h ‐ 17th June Thursday 18th June AcƟvity LocaƟon Press Conference All CompeƟtors Welcome! An Grianán Theatre, Le erkenny 08:30 – 11:00 Reconnaissance Registra on Rally HQ 09:00 – 18:00 Reconnaissance 08:30 – 11:00 Reconnaissance Registra on 09:00 – 18:00 Reconnaissance 08:30 – 11:00 Reconnaissance Registra on 09:00 – 15:00 Reconnaissance 20:00 Rally HQ Pearse Road, Le erkenny 15:30 – 20:00 Documenta on Rally HQ Friday 19th June 10:30 Drivers Briefing Friday 19th June 12:00 Rally Start Leg 1 Port Road Historic Scru ny – Mc Ginleys Garage. Pearse Road, Le erkenny Historic Documenta on Rally HQ Rally Start Leg 2 Parc Ferme Junior Scru ny, Mc Ginleys Garage. Pearse Road, Le erkenny Junior Documenta on Rally HQ 10:15 Rally Start Leg 3 Parc Ferme 17:45 Rally Finish Rally HQ 18:30 Post Event Scru neering McGinley Motors 19:30 Publica on of Results Rally HQ 15:00 – 20:00 17:00 – 19:00 17:00 – 19:00 Saturday 20th June 09:00 17:00 – 19:00 17:00 – 19:00 Sunday 21st June Rally HQ Scru ny –McGinley’s Garage. Thursday 18th June Time An Grianán Theatre, Le erkenny Prize Giving 21:00 FOR TICKET HOLDERS ONLY Rally HQ Reconnaissance The use of "pace notes" is permi ed and reconnaissance on special stages is allowed. Reconnaissance may only be carried out between 09.00hrs and 18.00hrs on the following dates: 13th & 14th, 16th, 17th June 2014, and between 09:00hrs and 15:00hrs on 18th June 2015, compe tors may use any 3 days. Before commencing reconnaissance, compe tors must register with the Organisers. CompeƟtors must sign on at the start of each day. (08.30 to 11.00) at rally headquarters. Compe tors must declare the make, model and registra on number of the car that they will be using for reconnaissance. All recce cars must comply with Appendix 29, Ar cle 4.3. Entrant Decals supplied by the organisers, must be displayed clearly on the windscreen of the car during the reconnaissance period. These plates must be returned to the Secretary before 10.00am on 19th June 2015. Fine of €65.00 for non‐ ‐ return. Any compe tor found on a special stage without having registered as above, or in breach of these registra on regula ons, will not be permi ed to start the rally. Full Reconnaissance Requirements and penal es are available in Appendix 29 of the current Motorsport Ireland Yearbook 2015 Scrutineering Interna onal / Na onal Historic Event Junior Event Thursday 18th June Friday 19th June Saturday 20th June 15:00 ‐ 20:00 17:00 – 19:00 17:00 – 19:00 LocaƟon: Mc Ginleys Garage, Pearse Road, Le erkenny, Co. Donegal (See Appendix 2) All compe tors are required to have door decals on their car and have the first part of the Mechanical scru ny sheet completed before they present the car for scru ny. Logbooks are required for all cars. Trailer Park is located at Boals Goals, Dromore, Le erkenny. See Map at end of Guide A er comple ng Mechanical scru ny compe tors are required to present themselves at documenta on scru ny. You are allowed 30 minutes to get from Mechanical scru ny to docu‐ menta on scru ny. Parc Ferme on Thursday 19th June is compulsory for compe tors immediately a er scru ny. Documentation Date: Thursday 18th June Time: InternaƟonal / NaƟonal Date: Friday 19th June Time: Historic Compe tors Date: Saturday 20th June Time: Junior Compe tors LocaƟon: Rally Headquarters, Mount Errigal Hotel, Le erkenny 15:30 – 20:00 17:00 – 19:00 17:00 – 19:00 A er comple ng mechanical scru neering compe tors are required to present themselves at documenta on scru neering. You are allowed 30 minutes to get from mechanical scru ny to documenta on. Compe on licences, IRDS or BRDS Le ers of Acceptance and other documenta on must be presented at documenta on scru neering. NOTE: Motorsport Ireland licence holders MUST produce an IRDS leƩer of acceptance, valid for 2015 All other licence holders MUST produce a BRDS leƩer of acceptance, valid for 2015 NO IRDS / BRDS LeƩer…. NO START Service Areas LocaƟon The Service Parks are located at a different loca on for each day of the event. Friday Service area is Clanree Hotel, Le erkenny. Saturday Service area is Milford Mart, Milford. Sunday Service area is Milford Mart, Milford. Trailer Park is located at Boals Goals , Dromore, Le erkenny. Access / Opening and Closing Times Date Friday 19th June Saturday 20th June Sunday 21st June LocaƟon Clanree Hotel Milford Mart Milford Mart Opening Time Closing Time 08:00 21:00 Friday 19th June 20:00 21:00 06:30 20:00 Services A skip will be available in the service areas. Please use this to dispose of all rubbish. Portaloos are located at the start of selected stages (but not all) & in the service parks. All compe tors must use a large non porous service mat when in the service park. Start Procedure Start The start of the event will take place immediately a er the drivers briefing at An Grianán Theatre on the Port Road on Friday 19th June. The drivers briefing is compulsory for all crews taking part in any category in the event. Crews must follow the instruc ons of the marshals in parking the compe ng cars in the area around the An Grianán Theatre. All crews are required to wear their race suits. Drivers Briefing A drivers briefing will take place at 10:30 on Friday 19th June in An Grianán Theatre, Port Road, Le erkenny. All compeƟtors must aƩend. Parc Ferme Parc Ferme loca ons will be at the following loca ons on the dates below. Thursday 18 /Friday 19 June 2015 (pre‐start) Kelly’s Yard, Port Road Friday 19th June 2015 (A er Leg 1) LYIT, Port Road Saturday 20th June 2015 LYIT, Port Road Sunday 21st June 2015 LYIT, Port Road Accommodation Mount Errigal Hotel, Tel: + 353 (0) 74 9122700 Ballyraine Road, Fax: + 353 (0) 74 91 25085 Le erkenny, Web: www.mounterrigal.com Co. Donegal Email: [email protected] AccommodaƟon is currently very limited, see www.donegalrally.ie for further accommodaƟon lisƟngs Time Distance Schedules Leg 1 Friday 19th June Control Distance km Distance km Road Stage TC A P.F. Out F.C.D Time Allowed 12:00:00 0.13 12:06:00 6 TC C Service In 3.86 12:15:00 9 TC D Service Out 0.48 12:33:00 18 ATC 1 8.59 12:47:00 14 SSSC 1 Trentagh 0.15 12:50:00 3 13:06:00 16 SSFC 1 13.08 ATC 2 9.80 13:21:00 15 SSSC 2 Letterleague 0.15 13:24:00 3 13:41:00 17 SSFC 2 14.15 ATC 3 6.20 13:52:00 11 SSSC 3 Corradooey 0.25 13:55:00 3 14:05:00 10 SSFC 3 7.69 TC E Service In 18.87 14:31:00 26 TC F Service Out 0.48 15:21:00 50 ATC 4 8.59 15:35:00 14 SSSC 4 Trentagh 0.15 15:38:00 3 15:54:00 16 SSFC 4 13.08 ATC 5 9.80 16:09:00 15 SSSC 5 Letterleague 0.15 16:12:00 3 16:29:00 17 SSFC 5 14.15 ATC 6 6.20 16:40:00 11 SSSC 6 Corradooey 0.25 16:43:00 3 16:53:00 10 SSFC 6 7.69 TC G Service In 18.87 17:19:00 26 TC H Service Out 0.48 17:34:00 15 TC I 1.90 17:40:00 6 Total km Bogey Time TC B Ramp P.F. In Stage Max 95.35 69.84 17 06:02.2 19 06:31.8 15 03:32.9 17 06:02.2 19 06:31.8 15 03:32.9 Time Distance Schedules Leg 2 Saturday 20th June Control TC J Distance km Distance km Road Stage P.F. Out F.C.D Time Allowed Bogey Time 09:00 TC K Service In 18.59 09:26 26 TC L Service Out 0.84 10:06 40 ATC 7 1.14 10:12 6 SSSC 7 Garygort 0.12 10:15 3 10:30 15 SSFC 7 12.05 ATC 8 10.74 10:46 16 SSSC 8 Knockalla 0.21 10:49 3 11:13 24 SSFC 8 19.66 TC M Service In 15.04 11:34 21 TC N 0.84 12:34 60 ATC 9 1.14 12:40 6 SSSC 9 Garygort 0.12 12:43 3 12:58 15 Service Out Stage Max SSFC 9 12.05 ATC 10 10.74 13:14 16 SSSC 10 Knockalla 0.21 13:17 3 13:41 24 SSFC 10 19.66 TC O Service In 15.04 14:02 21 TC P Service Out 0.84 14:32 30 ATC 11 9.81 14:47 15 SSSC 11 Carnhill 0.2 14:50 3 15:09 19 SSFC 11 14.81 ATC 12 9.55 15:24 15 SSSC 12 Gartan 0.2 15:27 3 15:46 19 SSFC 12 15.67 TC Q Service In 20.47 16:14 28 TC R Service Out 0.84 17:14 60 ATC 13 9.81 17:29 15 SSSC 13 Carnhill 0.2 17:32 3 17:51 19 SSFC 13 14.89 ATC 14 9.55 18:06 15 SSSC 14 Gartan 0.2 18:09 3 18:28 19 19:00 32 SSFC 14 15.67 TC S P.F. In 22.85 Total km 159.29 124.46 16 05:33.6 26 09:04.4 16 05:33.6 26 09:04.4 20 06:50.1 21 07:13.9 20 06:50.1 21 07:13.9 Time Distance Schedules Leg 3 Sunday 21st June Control Distance km Distance km Road F.C.D Time Allowed Stage TC T P.F. Out 10:15 18.59 10:41 26 TC V Service Out 0.84 11:21 40 ATC 15 11.05 11:38 17 SSSC 15 High Glen 0.41 11:41 3 11:58 17 SSFC 15 13.85 ATC 16 20.69 12:26 28 SSSC 16 Atlantic Drive 0.15 12:29 3 12:45 16 SSFC 16 13.09 ATC 17 13.11 13:04 19 SSSC 17 Fanad Head 0.25 13:07 3 13:31 24 SSFC 17 19.81 TC W Service In 16.57 13:54 23 TC X 0.84 14:34 40 ATC 18 11.05 14:51 17 SSSC 18 High Glen 0.41 14:54 3 15:11 17 SSFC 18 13.85 ATC 19 20.69 15:39 28 SSSC 19 Atlantic Drive 0.15 15:42 3 15:58 16 SSFC 19 13.09 ATC 20 13.11 16:17 19 SSSC 20 Fanad Head 0.25 16:20 3 16:44 24 SSFC 20 19.81 TC Y Ramp 38.27 17:45 61 TC Z 0.88 17:55 10 P.F. In Total km Bogey Time TC U Service In Service Out Stage Max 167.31 93.50 18 06:23.5 17 06:02.5 26 09:08.6 18 06:23.5 17 06:02.5 26 09:08.6 Locations Map Useful Information LeƩerkenny Emergency Phone Numbers Motor Services and Repairs Garda Sta on: Call 999 or 112 Teague Diver & Sons: 074 9122600 074 9122222 JJ Reid: 074‐9122333 Fire Sta on: 074 9121676 McGinley Motors: 074‐9125666 Kelly's Toyota: 074‐9121385 Le erkenny Hospital: 074 9125888 Nowdoc, Oldtown: 1850 400 911 Medical Supplies Boots Chemist: 074 9125499 Magees Pharmacy: 074 9121409 Mc Faddens Pharmacy: 074 9122304 Hegarty's Ford Garage: 074‐9121095 Highland Motors: 074‐9128777 Inishowen Motors: 074‐9134567 Key's Garage: 074‐9121495 Filling StaƟons Tobin's Filling Sta on: 074‐9127428 Ruth's Pharmacy: 074 9121321 DenƟsts Mary Sweeney: 074 9122983 Kelly’s Filling Sta on: 074‐9122026 Conal Kilfeather: 074 9127508 Dunnes Illistrin: 074‐9121432 Dr. Peter Farrelly: 074 9126881 Sweeney’s Sta on: 074‐9125791 Terry Fox: 074 9125365 The Dry Arch Sta on: 087‐2398258 Thomas Keys & Sons: 074‐9121495 Glencar Service Sta on: 074‐9125064 Dining and Social Restaurants There are numerous good restaurants in the town. Most of the hotels also offer restaurant facili es to non‐residents. The Brewery Bar and Restaurant located on the Market Square, has a great ambience with excellent food and wines. Very popular Carvery lunches also. Tel: +353 (0)74 9127330. The Lemon Tree, located on Lower Main St, is a pleasant, mid‐priced place to eat. The Oak Tree on the Port Road, is a sister restaurant to The Lemon Tree, which also has a nice atmosphere and friendly service, with similar prices. They have an “early bird” menu from 5pm to 10pm. The Yellow Pepper, Lower Main St, is also well worth a visit, with consistently good service. Che’s Café is located in the Courtyard Centre on the square. It is open 9.30am‐5pm daily and offers all day breakfasts, carvery lunch and a deli bar. Mountain Top Bar & Restaurant, Mountaintop, is located on the road to Dunfanaghy, about 2km from the Hospital Roundabout and is a good place to stop when touring from Le erkenny. Primavera Restaurant, located on the Port Road, is a unique Italian dining experience. Open 7 days a week. Pat’s Pizzas, on the Market Square, one of Le erkenny’s longest running eateries and s ll serving excellent pizzas. Arena 7, Ballyraine Retail Park, Ramelton Rd. The Wood Berry Grill Bar & Restaurant at Arena7 is a must visit. Offering great dining in stylish surroundings with an ambient atmosphere to make for a great evening out with friends or family. Cafés and Snack bars There are many other cheaper cafés that serve food and snacks all day at reasonable prices: The Quiet Moment, 2 outlets, one at Upper Main St; the other at Lower Main St. The Bagel Bar, Main St, next to the Courtyard. Chippie, Sta on Roundabout, near Tesco. Café LK, Pearse Road. Subway. 2 outlets, Upper Main St. & Neil Blaney Road (near roundabout) Timepiece, Dunnes Stores, Forte Shopping Centre. The Sandwich Company, Forte Shopping Centre. Mac’s Deli, High Road. Really good, but small. The Bakehouse, Church St. Excellent fresh bread and cakes. Freshly baked locally, with small café a ached. Dining and Social Charlie’s Café, Pearse Road. An old‐fashioned ‘chipper‐style’ cafe. Café Blend, High Road. Very child‐friendly, with a special menu available. Pub Food Ard Ri Bar & Restaurant, located in Killylas n area of the town, great ‘pub grub’ and Sunday lunches. Gallaghers Hotel, Bar food served daily from 4pm in the Ard Na Caipri Bar. Full restaurant in the hotel also. The Old Orchard Inn serves bar food all day, with a buffet lunch on weekdays. Located on the High Road, Le erkenny. The Oasis Bar serves bar food all day in Le erkenny Shopping Centre Fast Food Fast food lovers are spoiled for choice in Le erkenny. McDonald’s is located 200 metres from Main St, on Pearse Road, which runs parallel to the Main St. Kentucky Fried Chicken is a drive‐thru, not really suitable for walkers as it’s outside the town on the Derry side. Hill Billies on the Main St next to the Voodoo Lounge. Pat’s Pizzas. Two outlets, one on the Main St. (called Pats Two) and the other on the Market Square. Very good pizzas. Four Lanterns. The Donegal version of KFC and McDonald’s located in the Market Square and also on Port Road. Domino’s Pizzas. The worldwide franchise has a branch on the Pearse Road, mainly take‐away with outdoor sea ng only. The Friar’s Rest is located in the Glencar area, Irish breakfasts are very good value here, served up to 12.30 pm. Charley’s Cafe is one of the oldest established fish and chip style cafe’s in the town, excellent for homemade chips!! Ethnic Restaurants Shapla is an Indian restaurant located on the Derry road. it has a growing reputa on for good food with locals. Tin Tai is the oldest and best known Chinese restaurant in Le erkenny, found at the end of Lower Main St. It has a very busy take‐away and a seated restaurant. Open from 5 every evening unitl 11pm. Chinatower Located on the Port Road, also has a takeaway service. The Money Tree is located on the Main St and is another Chinese restaurant. Bars Sister Sara’s, Port Rd. 3 floors with new smoking area and nightclub. Free admission with DJs Wed‐Sunday. Renowned for its Saturday nights. Glencar Inn, Circular Rd, More locals than tourists drink here. No smoking area. Tír Na nÓg, Ballymacool, Out of the town centre in a residen al area, a real rally pub. Arena 7, Ballyraine Retail Park, Ramelton Rd, Family orientated. Small smoking area at the rear. The Cavern, Lower Main St, +353 74 9126733. Pub that caters for sport‐lovers, big screens abound when games are on. Good smoking area, heated, with tables. Central Bar, Main St, Has a lovely, whitewashed courtyard, resurrected to cater for smokers, worth a visit. Dillons Bar, Main St, (part of Dillons Hotel), Live music every Friday and Saturday nights The Brewery Bar, Market Sq. Good atmosphere and worth a visit, Blake’s Bar, Main St. A quaint bar with plenty of character, and characters! The CoƩage Bar, Main St. Tradi onal‐style bar, built to look like an old Irish co age, with an open turf fire. Excellent Guinness, well worth the visit. McGinleys Bar, Lower Main St. Old‐Style Pub with open turf fire and live music Wednesday‐Saturday night, including tradi‐ onal music on a Wednesday evening Rouge, is a cocktail bar and forms part of the Grill complex The Mill View, Newmills, Not strictly in Le erkenny, but it is next to the Newmill Corn and Flax mills about 10 km from the town and serves food in the diner a ached. Nightclubs The Grill, Port Rd. One of the longest established music venues, incorpora ng Bellas and Rouge . Open from 11:30pm – 2:30am. Quiet except on a Sunday night when it’s popular with 18‐20 years olds. Voodoo, Lower Main St, Over 18s Open 11pm – 2:30am Pulse, Port Rd. Popular with over 25s, open 11:30pm‐2:30am. The Central, Upper Main St., open on Monday nights. The Orchard, High Rd, open Thurs‐Sat. Notes
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