Dorie School Newsletter Issue 5 – 8 May 2015 103 Dorie School Road R D 11 Rakaia 7781 Phone: (03) 3020862 Fax: (03) 3020845 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Facebook: FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S PEN Dear Parents and Caregivers Welcome to the first newsletter of Term 2. It has certainly been an action packed first three weeks, with more action on the way! During the first week we held a highly successful ANZAC Memorial service at the local church. Thank you to all the parents and members of the community, who came along, and a special thank you to Kersha Veix and the DSSG for organising the morning tea. Cross country the next day was another big success, with Dorie students showing their strong cross country running skills. Thanks again to: the DSSG for organising the BBQ, Pete and Vanessa Wilcox and Tom and Leanne Heneghan for the use of their electric fence gear to mark the course, and Sacha Maher for her assistance in setting out the course. A great effort everyone! This week we welcomed Rob Falconer and Marge Wong from the Education Review Office (ERO). ERO is a government agency charged with reviewing a school’s performance in: curriculum, teaching and learning, leadership and governance. The verbal Emerging Findings Report has highlighted the very good position the school is in, and given us some next steps in development to become even better. We wait now to see the confirmed report in 6 – 8 weeks. I am certainly very proud of the students, staff, Board and parents of our great school, and to have all the wonderful things we do here recognised by ERO undoubtedly makes all our hard work worthwhile! CALENDAR May 6th 11th 12th 15th 19th 20th 27th June 1st 3rd Years 7 & 8 at manual Scholastic book orders due National young leaders day Assembly in Kereru BOT meeting Years 7 & 8 at manual County Cross Country Queens Birthday Weekend Years 7 & 8 at manual Welcome to Dorie School Ivan and Joey Next week our four House Leaders, will spend a day in Christchurch at the National Young Leaders Conference, where they will hear inspirational speakers, take part in team building activities and learn how to become better leaders. Many parents will have seen the concept plans for our new classrooms on the noticeboard outside the library. These plans have gone to a Quantity Surveyor to be assessed and we should receive a report in the next couple of weeks, which will indicate the approximate cost of the project. Well, that is enough from me. Have a great weekend everyone and look after your Mum’s Kind regards, Anthony. ASSEMBLY AWARDS Toroa Michael Munro was awarded an Ourselves Certificate for effort in making his writing more interesting and using action verbs. Sarah Wilcox was awarded an Our Thinking Certificate for checking her writing makes sense, editing and proof reading. Dorie School Assembly Award winners Kereru Rebecca Kingsbury was awarded an Ourselves Certificate for practicing her spelling and getting all her words correct this week. Dianna Peters was awarded an Ourselves Certificate for reading every night and completing her reading log. Piwakawaka Logan Allen was awarded an Ourselves Certificate for being focused and learning some sight words and sounds. Michael Jones was awarded an Our Teamwork Certificate for following instructions, and showing consideration to others. Principals Award Grace Bakewell was awarded a principals award for a fantastic effort in cross country Sarah, Michael, Grace, Dianna, Michael, Rebecca and Logan Toroa has been writing some scary narratives. We have also been working on punctuation. Check these stories out! Curious I tiptoed into the attic, to investigate the crime scene, the crime scene everyone knew about. Fear took over my body as I shivered continuously. I clutched my torch as hard as I could. While I stared at the mirrors piled in the corner of the room, I was prepared to run. I heard a crumbling noise. Looking right back at me was: a lighter, a box of matches and a rusty knife. “This house will be an ash pit soon,” a man whispered in my ear. I turned around. Nothing was there. Several thoughts rushed through my head. Was he actually telling the truth? Was it just in my head? Who is he? I tremble. I kept hearing whispers saying, “You’re next.” As I crept into my bedroom, the light flickered suddenly. Glancing into my green eyes was a man, a very old man. My heart was thumping as if there was someone in there with a jackhammer. Then I looked to my left. Bright red blood dripped from the walls. I screamed. Before I knew it, I sprinted to my Mum and Dad’s room. “Mum, Dad! There’s a man in my bedroom!” Mum and Dad look at each other as if they didn’t believe me. “I’m serious!” “What did he look like?” Mum whispered cautiously. “Umm, I’ll try and explain.” I mumble. I suddenly let out a loud gasp. “What?” Dad worried. I then point to an old photo frame. “That was the man that was in my bedroom!” “But he died over a year ago…” Matthew Hopkins I was slowly creeping up the rugged old staircase to the vacant attic only to find a little unpleasant white cloth draping over something rather mysterious. Narrowing the gap between the white silky cloth and me, the floorboards creak. Everything darkens and the stars fall upon me. All I can see is glowing like a light. Reaching my arm out to full length, it feels silky and delicate, lifting the cloth ever so slightly. It’s all over. All I can see is streaky hair hanging over one terrifying eye. I slip my hand into my pocket hoping to find something useful only to find: my lucky charm, a ten-cent piece and a piece of ripped up paper. I look up and it is gone, gone. The mysterious revolting creature is gone! By Felicity Toroa produced some fantastic art in honour of ANZAC day. We had a visit from local artist Amanda Van Vliet to give us some inspiration. We are very proud of our finished products. We enjoyed using the mixed media. OTHER NOTICES IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR PARENTS AS WINTER APPROACHES Parents MUST call the school to report a child/ren’s absence and give the reason. With the new Ministry Of Education protocols our reporting standards are much stricter. Swimming Caps and Mini ball tops Can any outstanding swimming caps and miniball tops please be returned to the School office. Winter School Uniform As the season begins to change and the days are getting colder we are recommending that the children wear their winter uniform. We have a small selection of Skorts (but no tunics) in the second hand uniform shop and plenty of jerseys. You can buy tights, long socks and other winter pieces from The Warehouse Ashburton. Children can wear any beanie or jacket that is comfortable and warm. If you need to upsize your bus vest to fit over the top of a jacket come to the office and Sarndy or Terri will do a swap. New addition Congratulations to the Munro-Balderson family on the new addition to their family. Grace Hannah Balderson was born last week weighing in at 8.5 lb. Any donations of baking or frozen meals will be gratefully received on behalf of the Munro-Balderson family at the Dorie School Office and then delivered by Kersha. DWAG Nights are back! (Dorie Wine Appreciation Group) Friday 15 May, 7.30pm at Catrina Dolans house, Corbetts Road North (if you need directions just ask) "Goodbye to Nick Daly" Please come along and say goodbye to Nick Daly as she heads up to North Canterbury on June 1st. Please bring something to drink, a wee plate of nibbles, and any unloved clothing or books to share. Sober driver available. Please RSVP to Kersha so we know how many to expect: Kersha 302 0033 or [email protected] RESTORE ‘The green in between’ Riparian & wetland restoration, Contaminated site solutions, Plant sourcing, Project coordination, General farmscape improvement. Richard Wisker, Millwood Nursery, 9 Barrhill/Methven Road, Rakaia. Cell 027 459 4948, Email [email protected] Richard suppied the plants for the Dorie School native garden project in 2013. Hit Play In need of child care outside of school hours? Hit Play offers programmes running Before School, After School and during the Holidays. A free transport service runs daily from urban Ashburton Schools. WINZ subsidies are available to eligible families. Visit us at or call 03 4232270 for more information. Audition Call Act2 Drama Group Act2 Drama Group is thrilled to invite persons of all ages to audition for our next production…. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs A musical written by Tim Kelly - Adapted and directed by Loretta Dean. This production will be performed as part of Kidsfest 2015 11–18 July 2015. Auditions - Saturday 16 May 2015, Parkview Community Lounge, 75 Queenspark Drive, Parklands. Please call, text or email Fay to book your audition time 021 043 1108 or [email protected] Aotearoa Region Girl Guiding The Aotearoa region provides the Girl Guiding programme and activities in a different way, using a variety of methods i.e post, email, internet, texting and other social media. For more information about Girl Guiding NZ’s Aotearoa region contact 0800 449 663 or [email protected] HPV vaccination survey – participants wanted Parents and caregivers of children and young people aged 9 – 23 years are invited to participate in a survey investigating knowledge and attitudes around HPV vaccination. The survey is anonymous and should take 5-10 minutes. Please access the online survey at or request a hard copy by calling 04 979 3106. The researcher is a PhD candidate at the Centre of Public Health Research, Massey University. For further information please go to or contact [email protected]. World Fair Trade Day 2015 Celebrated in New Zealand on the Saturday 9th May Trade Aid Store 184 Papanui Road, Merivale, Christchurch. The Trade Aid Store in Merivale would love you to come and celebrate with us and share in the fun and activities. FOOD, MUSIC, SINGING, DANCING AND ACTIVITIES There will be sampling and tastings of food made from our wonderful fair trade product. Lots of music and fun activities for the children. A special opportunity to learn how to use our wooden printing blocks, with Krithika from Jambalaya Handcrafts. Lots of gifts and ideas for Mother’s Day. Come and join in the fun. BOT NEWS TERM 2 ERO I would like to begin, on behalf of the BOT, by thanking Mr D, staff and BOT for the fantastic effort they have put in to make our visit with ERO this week a very successful one. ERO were most impressed with how well our school is working and we look forward to a very positive report from them. Among comments from Rob and Marge (who were our reviewers) was how friendly, positive, respectful and caring our students were of each other and of their teachers. While this is nothing new to us of course, it is nice to hear other people say it! Lions Club Fundraiser Michelle Kingsbury has secured for us a fabulous fundraising opportunity via the Lions Club of Rakaia and has already put many hours into making this a success for our school. Dorie School is organising the sponsors for their Annual Golf Tournament which is held at Queen’s Birthday weekend at the Rakaia Golf Club. A team of parents are busy contacting businesses in the area to drum up some prizes and any money we raise will go to the furniture for our new building. We will need a few helpers on the day, please contact Michelle if you are able to give a couple of hours. Working Bee Thanks Thank you to Pete Wilcox for organising this working bee and thank you to all the parents and helpers that turned out to spruce things up before winter – it certainly looks great again and so many hands made very quick work of the jobs to be done. New Building We are at the exciting stage of having our final plan for the new build assessed to see what it is going to cost – fingers crossed it is within budget! If it is, the final drawings will be completed and the plan will go to the consent stage and to building firms for tender. Policy Review Parents are invited to this term review our ‘reporting to parents’ policy. Our policy documents are all held on the School Docs website. To access this policy: Open the Dorie School website and click ‘policy review’ from the drop down tabs. Click ‘school docs’ button, the passwords are dorie and dorie. You will now be in our School Docs site. Click ‘What’s under review this term’ and choose the policy ‘reporting to parents’. From there read the policy and you will be able to feedback from there. Feedback goes to Mr D and is discussed at our BOT meetings. If you have any difficulties in reviewing, please see a BOT member for assistance. BOT meetings These are usually held on the third Tuesday of the month at 5pm in the staffroom. These are open meetings, which means that members of the public may attend. All minutes are available in the office should you wish to read them. For those of you who are new to the school, your BOT members are: Deborah Sloper (Chair), Anthony Dorreen (Principal), Tanya Jackways, Michelle Kingsbury, Steve Veix, Pete Wilcox, Dean Pye and Pattie Ree (staff rep). We are always open to and welcome suggestions to further improve our school. Regards Deborah Sloper BOT Chair
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