The Dorchester Day Parade Committee 2015 Essay Contest Sponsored by the Dorchester Reporter Newspaper The Dorchester Day Parade Committee is hosting the annual essay contest open to all Dorchester residents in the 6th through 8th grade or 6th through 8th grade students that attend a Dorchester school. Two (2) prizes will be awarded to the winning essays that are chosen from a panel of local judges. A completed registration form and essay must be postmarked or emailed by March 20, 2015 to be considered for a prize. 1.) The student must be a Dorchester resident or attend a Dorchester school. Sponsored by the: 2.) Explain why you do or do not support the idea of Boston hosting the 2024 Olympic Summer Games. Current plans call for Dorchester to host both the Olympic Athletes Village at Columbia Point and a number of Equestrian events at Franklin Park. If you write in support of the idea, explain how this event would benefit Dorchester specifically. If you write in opposition, please outline specific reasons based on impacts to our neighborhood. 1st Place 00 3.) The essay must be between 500–700 words. 4.) Only one essay accepted per student. $ 200. 5.) The essay must be typed and double spaced. 6.) Email submissions to [email protected] or mail postmarked by March 20. GIFT CARD 2nd Place 00 The (2) prizes will be awarded during the Annual Meatloaf Dinner held at the First Parish $ 100. Church in Dorchester on March 26, 2015. The winners are required to attend the dinner and will be asked to read their winning essays. The winners will also be invited to take part GIFT CARD in the 2015 Dorchester Day Parade. Essay Contest Registration Form Please print clearly: Student’s Age: Student’s Name School Attending Street Address City Questions? Essay Chair: Edward Geary, Jr. Telephone: (617) 265-5376 E-mail: [email protected] Web: State School Address Zip City State Zip Parent / Guardian Name Current grade the student is enrolled in: 6th Grade Relation to Child Phone ( ) - I am over 18 and hereby allow the child above to enter the essay contest. X Parent/Guardian Signature Date 7th Grade 8th Grade By entering this contest: I hereby allow the Dorchester Parade Committee to take photographs and submit the winners names and essays for publication in local newspapers. All judges decisions are final. Email your essay and entry info to [email protected] or mail the completed entry form and essay postmarked no later than March 20, 2015, to: Dorchester Reporter 150 Mt. Vernon Street, Suite 120 Dorchester, Ma 02125 Attn: Essay Contest
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