Safran Planner 4 SQL Installguide

Safran Planner 4 SQL
Copyright © 1999, 2010 Safran Software Solutions AS. All Rights reserved.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document, no
warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Safran Software Solutions AS as to the accuracy of this
publication and the features or the applicability of techniques suggested.
Copyright Notice
The information provided in this manual is for informational purposes only. It may change without
notice and does not represent a commitment as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose
by Safran Software Solutions AS.
Safran Software Solutions provide the software described in this manual AS under a Safran License
Agreement. The software may be used only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written
permission of Safran Software Solutions AS.
Safran is a registered trademark of Safran Software Solutions AS. Safran Planner 4, Safran Planner 4
SQL, Safran Planner, Safran Project, Safran Report Viewer, Safran Enterprise Developer, Safran
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trademarks of Safran Software Solutions AS.
All other trademarks are property of their respective holders.
The purpose of the Installing Safran Planner is to familiarise you with the process of installing Safran
Planner and the structure of Safran Planner folders and file structure.
This book is written to assist support personnel, application developers, and system integrators.
1. On one of the following Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows
7 (32bit or 64bit), Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
2. Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0
If connecting to an Oracle database
3. Oracle client version 9 or 10
If connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database
4. MSSQL Native client
Installing Safran Planner
Safran Planner uses InstallShield from Acresso Software for automatic software distribution and
Follow these instructions if you are installing a copy of the Safran Planner software.
To install:
1. Start the installation by executing the Safran Planner install.exe.
2. Choose Next.
3. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
4. Choose a complete or a custom install. A custom install will enable you to choose destination
location and which features you want to install. If you choose complete proceed to section 8.
Click Next.
5. Click the Change button to browse for your Safran Planner destination location. Click Next.
6. Click the Change button to browser for your Safran PDF Printer destination location. Click
7. Select the components you wish to install, and click Next.
To create reports in the PDF format using the Save As function the PDF Printer component
must be installed.
If you have some other PDF Printer installed, it is possible to use this as any ordinary printer
using the Print feature.
8. Click Install to start installation.
9. Choose Finish to complete the installation
What is installed?
During installation files are copied to the specified folder on your harddrive.
…Safran Software Solutions\Safran Planner SQL
Safran Planner Software
On the installation catalogue all software required for running Safran Planner and related programs is
installed. Here is a list of the products.
Executable file for Safran Planner
System Administrator for Safran Planner. May be
used to initiate or upgrade Safran Planner
Information of the latest release. News and fixes
are listed.
CRN Planner
Database definitions
Catalogues with the user-selected database programs are created directly under the Safran Planner
catalogue. Valid catalogues are:
: SQL command files for creating and upgrading Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
: SQL command files for creating and upgrading Microsoft SQL Server databases.
: SQL command files for creating and upgrading Oracle databases.
These catalogues contains database table definition upgrades as wells as trigger definitions. Please
find enclosed:
: Definitions for creating a new Safran Planner database. May be run from
saplsql.exe. Ref chapter: Creating a new Safran Planner database for further information.
: Version updates file, where xxx is an internal database log sequence
number. These file should not be run by the users. Only for system use.
: Command file with all triggers for a complete Safran Planner database. May
be run from saplsql.exe to refresh triggers in a new or old database.
Database procedures
A database procedure is a SQL program which performs an operation or supplies a database result
set for the application. Safran Planner utilises this facility and has approx. 30-40 procedures in
service. During installation a catalogue named PROC is created below each of the database
catalogues ANY, MSS and ORA. The PROC-catalogue holds the SQL-command-files necessary to
successfully create the Safran Planner procedures. These files may be run single or complete by
saplsql.exe. Ref. chapter: Updating a Safran Planner database to the latest version for more
The users may also add personal written procedure files to this catalogue if he wishes to compile
these procedures along with Safran delivered procedures. Ref. chapter: Updating a Safran Planner
database to the latest version for more information.
Creating a new Safran Planner database
Before Safran Planner may be initiated, please contact the company’s database administrator to
create a new database. If your DBMS is Microsoft SQL Server, you need either access to the SA user,
or to a user with dbo privilege. On SQL-Servers the database is initialised with a group named
POWERPLAN, to which all objects later will be granted.
When setting up a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database make sure the collation is set to
Latin_1_General_CI_AS or Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS. Database creation, initialisation and updating
must be done by a dbo account to ensure the default schema is used.
If your DBMS is Oracle, you need to consider the tablespaces, rollback segments and whether the
indices should reside in a separate tablespace (recommended by Oracle). You need to know the
name of the tablespaces before you start installation. If these are anything but "safran_data" for the
data and "safran_index" for the indices, you need to edit the SQL-command file named "initdb.sql",
in the "ORA" sub-directory. You must replace "tablespace safran_data" and "tablespace
safran_index" with the correct names, or, if indices shall be kept with the data, remove all
"tablespace safran_index".
Before installing you need a user called SAFRANSA, with at least CREATE TABLE, CREATE SYNONYM
and CREATE PROCEDURE privilege. Preferably the SAFRANSA user should be granted DBA privilege. A
default role called "SAFRAN" will be created during database initialisation, and all privilege ("all" on
tables/synonyms, "execute" on procedures) will be granted to this role. All tables must be created
with SAFRANSA as owner, and corresponding synonyms will be created through which the
application will access the tables ("Create public synonym activities for SAFRANSA.activities" will
enable the application to access the activities table without referring to its owner).
Make sure that all files described in the previous chapter are installed.
After this preparation, you may now initiate the database for Safran Planner. Start the System
Administrator (saplsql.exe) which is installed with Safran Planner:
Log on to the database as system administrator (SAFRANSA in Oracle). (You will get a message
informing you that the database is not properly configured for version 3.x, which you already know.
Push OK to proceed.)
Select Tools\ Database Objects from the menu.
Choose Utilities, and double-click the "Upgrade Database"-Icon
Write directly the file Safran Catalogue\dbms-catalogue\initdb.sql or select by the Browse
Press the Upgrade button to start execution. Database Tables, Procedures and Triggers will now
be created and initialised. What remains is to create Safran Project users (and groups). This is
also done from the Safran Project System Administration module; see the System Administration
Guide for details.
Updating a Safran Planner database to the latest version
For Oracle users:
You need to know the names of the tablespaces to be used for table data and indices. If these are
anything but "safran_data" for the data and "safran_index" for the indices, you need to edit the
SQL-command files named "spdbxxx.sql", in the "ORA" sub-directory. You must replace "tablespace
safran_data" and "tablespace safran_index" with the correct names, or, if indices shall be kept with
the data, remove all "tablespace safran_index".
For an easy and fast upgrade, use the System Administrator program, saplsql.exe, installed with
Safran Planner. Follow this instruction:
Log on to the database as system administrator.
Select Tools\ Database Objects from the menu
Choose Utilities, and double-click the "Upgrade Database"-Icon
Write directly or use Browse to choose the catalogue-path where all SQL files are to be found.
Press the Upgrade button to start execution.
If the message after execution says successfully upgraded, Safran Planner is upgraded to the latest
Creating Safran Planner Users
Safran Planner users are created directly in the Database Management System (DBMS). For detailed
instructions on how create users in the DBMS you need to consult the DBMS user guide.
To create a Safran Planner user you need to (when the database resides in an Oracle environment)
1. Run CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY safran;
2. Make the user a Safran User, using the Safran Planner System Administration tool.
Ref.Chapter: Using the Safran Planner System Administration tool
To create a Safran Planner user you need to (when the database resides in a MSSQL Server
1. Define database users using MSSQL Server Management Studio.
2. Make sure they are granted the power plan role.
3. Make the user a Safran user, using the Safran Planner System Administration tool.
Ref.Chapter: Using the Safran Planner System Administration tool
Using the Safran Planner System Administration tool
Open Safran Planner System Administration application and login using a “sa“ username and
password. Go to the Tools Menu and choose Users/Groups.
Use the “User Maintenance” module to add the SQL users to Safran.
Click “Add User”, select user from “Username:” dropdown and click “Create”.