9 a.m. on THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015, at Mary`s Woods at Marylhurst

New understanding. Circle of success. Reduce costs. Practical next steps. ATP meters. Behavioral science. Benchmarking.
Safety culture. Surface cleaning. Living organisms. Evidence-based models of care. Aging reconsidered. Empowered staff.
Root causes. Reduce risk of transmissions. In your city 1 day only. Special event. Person-centered. Action plans.
9 a.m. on THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015, at
Mary’s Woods at Marylhurst,
17400 Holy Names Drive, Lake Oswego, OR
Be a leader. Save lives. Reduce adverse events. New understanding. Circle of success. Reduce costs. ATP meters.
Living organisms. Evidence-based models of care. Aging reconsidered. Empowered staff. New understanding. QAPI. Hands-on engagement.
Improve census. Microbiology. Action plans. Dementia care. Psychology. Good to great. Practical next steps.
Let’s get serious about quality! Innovate. Infection prevention. Safety culture. Surface cleaning.
Root causes. Reduce risk of transmissions. National faculty. In your city 1 day only. Reduce costs.
New understanding. QAPI. Hands-on engagement. Improve quality of care. Measurement tools.
N a t i o n a l f a c u l t y. Better places to live, work and visit. Practical next steps.
In your city 1 day only. Infection prevention. Innovate. Let’s get serious about quality!
Reduce adverse events. Save lives. Be a leader. Measurement tools. Improve quality of care.
New understanding. Circle of success. Reduce costs. Practical next steps. ATP meters. Behavioral science. Benchmarking.
Safety culture. Surface cleaning. Living organisms. Evidence-based models of care. Aging reconsidered. Empowered staff.
Root causes. Reduce risk of transmissions. In your city 1 day only. Special event. Person-centered. Action plans.
Workshop from 9-11 a.m.
AELTCC extends a big thank you to Mary’s Woods at Marylhurst
and Oregon LANE for helping us bring this workshop to you.
Be a leader. Save lives. Reduce adverse events. New understanding. Circle of success. Reduce costs. ATP meters.
Living organisms. Evidence-based models of care. Aging reconsidered. Empowered staff. New understanding. QAPI. Hands-on engagement.
Improve census. Microbiology. Action plans. Dementia care. Psychology. Good to great. Practical next steps.
Let’s get serious about quality! Innovate. Infection prevention. Safety culture. Surface cleaning.
Root causes. Reduce risk of transmissions. National faculty. In your city 1 day only. Reduce costs.
New understanding. QAPI. Hands-on engagement. Improve quality of care. Measurement tools.
N a t i o n a l f a c u l t y. Better places to live, work and visit. Practical next steps.
In your city 1 day only. Infection prevention. Innovate. Let’s get serious about quality!
Reduce adverse events. Save lives. Be a leader. Measurement tools. Improve quality of care.