Website: Phone No: 59872367 Fax No: 59818013 After School Care Phone: 5981 8801 What’s On In May B U Friday 15th May Monday 18th May Monday 18th- 22nd May Tuesday 19th May Wednesday 20th May Friday 22nd May Monday 25th May Monday 25th to 26th May Tuesday 26th May Monday 29th May Hands on Learning Continues 2.40pm Assembly Education Week Life –Education commences at the school 9.30am- 11am Prep 2016 Information Session and Tour 7.30pm School Council 9-11.00am : Open Morning for parents, grandparents and friends H.O.L continues 2.40pm Assembly Life Education continues 7.30pm Parents and Friends H.O.L continues Thursday 14 May, 2015 Proud of the Past... Looking to the Future” Celebrating over 150 years of Education 1861 - 2014 Log on to Digital Excellence at Enrolment Week and Eduhome: L L E cation Week: We will be taking enrolments for 2016 Preps in the week commencing Monday 18th May but especially on Tuesday 19th May. On the 19th May we will be conducting a 2016 Prep Information Session and School Tour starting at Uniform Shop 9.30am to 11am. Enrolment forms are available in Preschools and Childcare Centres in the area but please feel free to inform others in our community who Open every have a Prep student to start next year. Tuesday Parents will need to present their child’s birth certificate and immunisation 3.15 - 3.45 certificate for the enrolment to be fully processed. Early enrolment is very Main building important as it allows the school plenty of time to consider staffing, classrooms and corridor resources for 2016. nd Next Friday, May the 22 between 9.00am -11.00am our classrooms are open to all parents, grandparents and friends of Dromana Primary School. The ‘Hands on Learning Team’ will be working on site and developing fixtures for the Marine and Aquatic Learning Centre. Please come along and visit!! Thankyou Harry : Harry Mulry, one of our student leaders represented our school magnificently at the recent 100th anniversary of Anzac Day. Harry laid a wreath at the National War Memorial in Canberra on behalf of his school and family. T I N Dromana Schools’ Chaplaincy Trivia Night: The Dromana Schools’ Chaplaincy Trivia Night is Saturday 20th June from 7pm to 11pm. Funds raised will support the work of our newly appointed school Chaplain who will commence in term 3. Tickets are available for $15 per person from Teresa on 0419 502 081 . The trivia night is always a fun and entertaining evening where you realise how much trivia you have stored away (or not)! Door Prizes and a Silent Auction are also featured. Hope to see you there. P and F Mothers’ Day Stall Thank you to Parents and Friends Committee for once again organising the Mother’s Day Stall on the 8th May. Thank you also to our willing helpers on the morning and everyone who donated Mother’s Day gifts. It is such a pleasure to see our students head home with beautifully wrapped presents for Mum. The Mother’s day stall raised the fine sum of $1,277.00. Well done P and F!! This money goes directly to the establishment of ‘The Marine and Aquatic Learning Centre’. District Cross Country Congratulations to all students for participating in the school cross-country last week. We wish every success to all winners who have the opportunity to represent the school at District Level. Well-Done!! School Crossing and Parking: A reminder to all our community to please use the school crossings provided. The staff at Dromana Primary School are provided with a staff car park opposite the school. Please allow this to be used for staff cars only. School Council and I are in regular negotiations with the shire to enhance the parking capacity around the school. This is often a tenuous process. Please utilise beach side of McCulloch and Heales St where possible. Thanks for your assistance. Grade 6 Camp: Our Grade 6 students arrive home from their Sovereign-Hill Camp today. The camp has been an excellent opportunity to experience life on the goldfields. NAPLAN: Our students in grades 3 and 5 participated in the 2014 NAPLAN tests this Tuesday 12 th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May with some catch up test on the Friday. An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by the school later this year. Well done to our students who all tried their best. “Students of the Fortnight” and our “Star of Art”: Our regular “Students of the Fortnight” and our “Stars of Art” are in this week’s newsletter. Please take the time to recognise these fine students. Pupil Free Day-Advanced Notice: Friday 5th June is a Pupil Free Day with a focus on Student Writing. No students are required at school on this day. Monday 8th June is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. Congratulations to all the students who are doing fine work this term at Dromana Primary School! Bruce Mesley - Principal Assistant Principal Report It is great to be back at Dromana Primary after spending a week at home with my new daughter Ivy Davern! A huge thankyou to all the wonderful parents, students as well as staff who have passed on their well wishes throughout the yard, everyone has certainly made Danielle, Ivy and myself feel very special. Both Danielle and Ivy are doing well and I am open to all parenting suggestions and tips when it comes to bringing up daughters as well as changing nappies. Congratulations to all students who competed in the school cross country last week with all competitors earning points for their house through their participation. The course has quite a hard finish as the students run up the side of Heales street and all students should be thoroughly proud of themselves for pushing themselves to do their best and finish the event. A massive thankyou to Mr. Luff for organising the day! This week was Grade 6 Camp to Sovereign Hill and students are returning this afternoon after a wonderful experience. There hasn’t been a report of any major gold nuggets found whilst they were panning for gold which is unfortunate as Mr. Peart was looking for ways to fund his weekly perming appointments. We look forward to hearing more from the grade students during assembly. A special thanks to Mrs. McCrabb for organising the camp for the students as well as the teachers who were able to attend to make the camp a great success. Playing and making friends at school is by far one of the best things to do when outside in the playground. We love how all of our students always look out for one another. It is important that our junior school students learn how to make friends during recess and lunchtime and we are reminding senior school students that it is ok to say hello and hang out with their junior buddies however we need to allow them enough time with students of their own year level so that they can learn how to communicate, share and play amongst peers of their own age. I must thank all students for being so thoughtful and caring in the playground and well done to students who have helped out others on the friendship seat at the front of the school. Keep up the great work everyone! Mr. Davern. Ride-2-School It was a very cold, windy as well as wet Ride-2-School this Wednesday however it certainly didn’t stop us from having heaps of fun as we rode through the puddles on the way to school. With the Grade 6 students on camp this week, it meant we needed a fill in captain. Rather than having the one captain both Ride-2-School champions Ben Lever and Tom Gibson led the group as co-captains as we passed the crashing waves on the foreshore and made it safely to school. Thanks to all the brave riders that turned up and we will see you there next Wednesday rain, hail or shine! Mr. Davern. Just an important reminder to come and see us in the Hall if you are needing care for your children on the pupil - free day, which is on Friday, 5th June. We need more numbers to be booked in if the day is to go ahead. Even although the weather has been so cold, the children have still been asking to go outside, to play on the equipment and take part in active ball games and ‘tiggy’. Although we do not need to wear hats , the children need to have a warm top or jacket. On days when we are unable to venture outdoors, the children are still able to develop their own ball-games indoors. Thank you for reading this Louise and Robin. Beachcombers Basketball 1. 2. 3. A reminder that as the new season has commenced stadium fees are now due at the same charge per team windcheater order forms can be collected from Mr Mac for those wanting to purchase hoodies as the daily temperature begins to drop. In the next few weeks Grade 1 parents can expect a note regarding an information session about the forming of teams to play in the SPBA fixtures Could all parents please check their children’s hair over the weekend and treat if necessary as we have had quite a few cases of headlice reported to the school. Uniform Shop All second hand items in the uniform shop from $1.00 ART ROOM Our Student School Banking day is every Tuesday $$$$$$$ Just a reminder that all Students need to bring an Art Smock to Art lessons. A large recycled shirt from home will protect uniforms. Please write student’s name on smock. Thank you, Mrs Hunter 2 Grade Excursion to Melbourne Museum Jacqueline Howson N.D Adv Dip HSc Naturopathy Naturopath & Live Blood Analyst Accredited Practitioner ANTA 0414 861 317 [email protected] Herbal and Nutritional Medicine Live Blood Analysis Hair Mineral Analysis Iridology Dedicated to exceptional service in Real Estate. For local and professional advice contact Adam Alexander on 0416 236 393 PROUD PAST STUDENT
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