TOGETHER Renault HR Academy’s Collective Magazine Issue 01 • March / April 2015 EQUITY MALE-FEMALE DIVERSITY MULTICULTURAL INTERNATIONAL Created in collaboration by HR Academy community members DIVERSITY & EQUITY EDITOR’S WORD CONTRIBUTORS Today, Renault is on the pursuit of equity, equality and diversity. Reduce the gender gap with the intention of provide gender equality. Promote diversity with the intention of value cultural and international diversity. Florence Dumez VP, HR Support Function & PPP In an attempt to promote and discuss these topics widely among our colleagues, the HR Academy community posed these two questions to its members: Diana Bocsaru HR Academy Manager - Romania “How gender equity and cultural diversity could aggregate value for an organization ? Which are the best solutions to accelerate its deployment?” Samantha Mendes-Tourrade Policy Recruitment Manager - France In ten days there were almost thirdy contributions. Submissions came from vice-presidents and apprentices, women and men, that brought a full variety of cases, stories and opinions. Ebru Kahraman Individual Management Responsible Those contributions, here, altogether, represents themselves acts towards internationalization and diversity at Renault. Thanks to Renault’s people and teams from Turkey, Romania, France and Corporate, the HR Academy presents here an important content on diversity issues. Conceived by Renault employees to Renault employees. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done. The HR Academy Community Suzane Consigny Alliance GD HRIS and Projects Fabienne Schaffhauser HR Academy Manager France Benjamin Defaut HR Business Partner Emre Kabas HR Project Manager Eugénia Kovalenko HR Projects & Synthesis Manager Flamindu Georgiana Training Manager Hayber ŞAHİN Individual Management Responsible Alexia Agelou HR Business Partner Manon Buchweiller HR Project Manager Trainee Corina Cimpeanu HR Academy Manager Mirana Rabenandrasana HR Academy Community Manager Together • Renault HR Academy • 1 How to improve gender diversity in scientific and technical programs? Example of the association “Elles bougent” The issue of women’s rate in scientific and technical programs (and jobs) has taken a growing importance and its improvement has become a widely spread goal. This led to the development of actions, so as to girls can imagine their career in this type of jobs. In December, I took part in the opening ceremony for the 14th regional delegation of « Elles bougent » in Ile-de-France, which Brigitte Lucchini is responsible for, ( she is also purchasing consultant at Renault). I wish to make you discover the functioning and main events of this association, through an interview of Brigitte. These are extracts from the interview, if you want the full version, please feel free to contact me. Why only few girls do chose scientific and technical programs? In Europe, there is a general lack of engineers. This is all the more true in France and for female engineers. In a broader view, it can be said that there is a lack of knowledge on scientific and technical jobs in the industry field. Moreover, there is a misconception about industrial jobs: people that don’t work in this field and advise students (teachers, parents…) imagine an unwelcoming universe, similar to the one of Zola’s novels, dirty and not made for girls. We need to change this culture. What are the types of events you take part in? The association is divided into regional delegation. Experience feedbacks and conversations take place during career fairs, orientation fairs and presentations about what an engineer is. We also organize meetings in partner companies. Young women come to talk with the engineers godmothers and have the opportunity to visit industrial sites. Article by Florence Dumez VP, HR Support Function & PPP Do you think events on these subjects should concern only girls or rather boys and girls? There are two targets: girls, in order to show them it is possible and help them make their career’s dream come true and boys for whom the action consist in deleting stereotypes. The goal is to change everyone’s view, so we organize actions for boys and girls. We aim at making them think in terms of competencies and behavior when students interact with each other. How do you see the future of the association? The regional delegation has a lot of projects and events to come, with all the demands coming from schools and partner companies. We are also thinking about, among other projects, to put in place real duos with godmothers and goddaughters, with a precise follow-up for 3 years on the progress of the goddaughter. A special event you want to talk about? Last year, we took part in the national challenge “innovation au féminin” with awards for the 3 young women that presented the most interesting innovations. This year, we are preparing to take part in the action « Grandes écoles pourquoi pas moi ?* » in collaboration with Renault’s CSR (corporate social responsibility), in the context of the agreement between Renault and the Ministry of the Urban Affairs on difficult urban areas. *helping students coming from difficult urban areas to go to the best higher education institutions Together • Renault HR Academy • 2 Renault involved at the at the Challenge « Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités » Sport, fun, disability and recruitment: Appointment at Charléty on June 6th, 2015 It is the reference meeting for students and young graduates with companies: with about 7,000 participants, the Challenge Contribution by Samantha Mendes-Tourrade Policy Recruitment Manager - France of the “World of Business Schools and Universities” has become a unique scheme where sport, fun, disability and recruitment are mixed. For the first time, RENAULT will attend this unprecedented event that will carry its new employer image in France. This special day connects indeed decathlon, band contests, pompom and mascots, career forum and workshops for awareness of disability. During one year, students got ready in their schools to consti- tute their sport team. And the mobilization increases year by year. In a festive and friendly atmosphere, the day is open to young graduates who, like students, can benefit from privileged contact with employees and HR managers from companies present in the big career forum which gathers leader companies in their line of business. RENAULT employees will be mobilized all day long and will be able to participate or to sponsor some trials or sport teams or to animate roundtables or conference. Stéphane Diagana, world champion of 400m hurdle race and ambassador of this operation emphasizes: « In the extraordinary frame that Charléty stadium is, it’s a real pleasure to see that much energy and desire within these young people who can, during this day, pair sport and career meetings with big companies”. A particular place is offered to students and young graduates in situation of disability during this day which is the biggest open-air European scheme of awareness of disability. Together • Renault HR Academy • 3 Why does Renault limit its number of HR indicators Fragments from an interview with In order to follow the HR function’s value share, Suzanne Consigny has developed a range of variable-geometry indicators in the service of the strategic plan. Decoding of “director” of the strategy and HR operations of Renault. “Boulogne-Billancourt doesn’t impose indicators or action plans to the countries or to the regions. This would be an incorrect image of the business globalization”, warns Suzanne Consigny, Head of HR Strategy and Operations of Renault. In charge of one of the three major HR corporate directions of the group, “the most transversal”, this expert of transformation projects takes care of defining the “metrics” – HR performance indicators – that will allow to meet the “Renault 2016 – Drive the change” strategic plan’s objectives. Talent and diversity to develop We might as well say it, the automotive group doesn’t have the culture of dashboards that intertwine curves, piles and graphs. “Teams don’t dwindle to the compilation of countless data. Only the follow-up of about ten Interview with Suzane Consigny Alliance GD HRIS and Projects indicators is out steering support named “HR scorecard”, she defines, reminding that her role is to watch the setting of the HR part of the strategic plan. In the framework of this roadmap 2011-2016 – which aims, among others, the excellence of customer relationship, costs reduction and international growth –, the general directorate has identified three HR levers. First of them: developing the talent and diversity. “And it is not only a display effect”, hastens to specify Suzanne Consigny. With 18.4% of women and 81.6% of men for 117,000 employees, the group pursues an objective of 25% of women on key position by 2016. Ditto for diversity: 40% of international profiles are expected within a year at emblematic functions “to be in line with our customers’ and markets’ diversity”. To help managers to make this transition, the women and international rates are monthly consolidates in a scorecard group by region and by country (double nationality, double diploma), and the ratio of women and international nominations in succession plans. As many indicators likely, as the case may be, to authorize the undertaking of corrective actions. Together • Renault HR Academy • 4 Gender transidentity at work Contribution by Experience in Renault France In Renault, sexual orientation and gender identity are part of grounds of non-discrimination. This policy for goodwill and inclusion relies on foundations built since the beginning of the 2000s, through several documents and engagements. October 12th, 2004 – Declaration related to fundamental social rights 2012 – Ethical Charter Benjamin Defaut HR Business Partner It is genuinely an identity questionnaire (who am I? or who would I want to be?) of which the genetic, physiological or psychological origins are, at this day, unknown and are still subject to debates and researches. The WHO and more recently France have recognized that it is not a psychiatric disease. You can find transidentity people in all the positions and in all the hierarchical levels. July 2nd, 2013 – Agreement global frame for sustainable growth and development 2014 – The LGBT criterion is integrated in the overall policy of Diversity Renault like age, gender, origin and disability Transidentity covers a number of situations in which a person feels the irrepressible need to adopt, punctually or permanently, behaviors and social attributes to the gender (male or female) he/she identifies, in contradiction with his/her sex at birth. In some cases, it is occasional travestment (transvestism). In other cases, transgender people can alternatively live with two social identities, male and female, or assume an intermediate situation, an unmarked “gender”; or integrally live in the other gender. Finally, some people want a body modification that can go to surgery interventions of sex change (sexual reassignment), we now talk about transsexualism, in a more precise way. Every intermediate or transition situations can exist and these people are often referred as “trans people” or more simply Trans (for convenience). None of these situations is freezed, their evolution will happen in a very different way according to personalities, the perception of their relatives and the society’s perspective. The path can also be more or less long, and the duration of the steps varies depending on the individuals and their environment. Transidentity (like age, ethnical origin, height, disability, etc.) absolutely isn’t a choice. This isn’t like homosexuality either, which is a sexual orientation (who am I attracted to?). One can be transsexual and attracted by men and/or women. Together • Renault HR Academy • 5 Diversity Management: Presentation of the procedure and exchanges during meetings of UET, with all of the employees. HR and nurse interviews. Results: - Better acceptance of the phenomenon in the APR population - Answers to the questions - A satisfaction from the concerned employee - A consideration of diversity on a very particular case. A lire ailleurs... | Other readings... Egalité hommes-femmes : 45 entreprises sanctionnées par le gouvernement Proposed by Alexia Agelou HR Business Partner READ HERE En entreprise, les cercles du pouvoir se féminisent Proposed by Fabienne Schaffhauser HR Academy Manager France READ HERE Proposed by Corina Cimpeanu HR Academy Manager Semaine de la mixité SNFC 2015 READ HERE Together • Renault HR Academy • 6 Journée Internationale de la femme 2014 Le premier rendez-vous de Nicolas MAURE, Directeur General Renault Roumanie, avec les membres du réseau Women@Renault Roumanie s’est déroulé à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme à l’occasion d’une belle après-midi. Cette rencontre était facilité par l’évènement Leaders in Heels déroulé le 7 mars 2014, à l’Institut Français de Bucarest. Le sujet principal était un débat sur le leadership et la féminité. Pour répondre aux questions autour du sujet trois femmes de succès de Renault Roumanie ont été invitées : Alina PREDESCU – Chef Service SPR, Anica MUNTEAN – Directeur du Centre Technique Titu, Dana OPRISAN – Directeur des Ressources Humaines Renault Roumanie, et deux personnalités publiques: Laura BADEA – escrimeuse multiple championne européenne et du monde et Ada SOLOMON – réalisateur, distributeur de film et manager de cinéma, récompense avec plus de Contribution by Diana Bocsaru HR Academy Manager - Romania 100 prix chez Cannes, Berlin, Locarno, Vénice, Sundance etc. Elles ont parlé de leur parcours professionnels dans des domaines très differents. Les invitées ont partagé avec l’auditoire leurs moments de joie, mais aussi les obstacles qu’elles ont dus surpasser afin d’obtenir le succès. Pour garder l’esprit de la diversité le débat a été modéré par un homme. Une femme de succès est bien préoccupée de sa santé. Marina OTELEA - Président Association Casiopeea a parlé de l’importance d’un régime de vie équilibré. Après avoir regardé un film artistique « Populaire » sur le succès au féminin les participantes sont sorties avec un beau souvenir et un Martisor : petit accessoire spécifique et traditionnel qui annonce l’arrivé de printemps. Together • Renault HR Academy • 7 Videos about some cases Economic Benefit Economic Benefit Diversity Daimler Diversity atat Daimler Diversity at PwC Diversity at Hyundai Do One Thing for Diversity and Inclusion Diversity & Inclusion at McKinsey Proposed by Ebru Kahraman Individual Management Responsible Together • Renault HR Academy • 8 Reducing the gender gap « Gender diversity : the secret of organizations that know how to change » According to a GEF (Grandes Ecoles au Féminin) study, published at the beginning of March, gender diversity is a main asset concerning change in organizations. Gender diversity is considered a key point by 75% of male respondents and 92% of female respondents. The first argument (given by 67% of the respondents), is that it is normal for women to have the possibility to get the same jobs as men. However, in spite of a lot of publications on this subject, the relation between diversity and organizational performance is only recognized in 41% of answers. But this idea grows when the respondents get older (48% for 50 years old and over people). Diversity notably allows, according to the respondents, to broaden talent pools, to get rid of all identical profiles for leaders and employees and to get more agility thanks to the different points of view… and so to improve the ability to change. The survey claims that diversity has improved in speeches (71% of agreement), but stereotypes are pervasive: 88 % of the respondents witness stereotypes on men, essentially on their assumed better availability, and 89 % witness stereotypes about women, on the supposed priority given to their family. In order to improve gender diversity, actions pushed forward by respondents are: Developing solutions for a better worklife balance; Identifying high potential women to create a pool that represents the company, notably by deleting age limits; For each open position in management and/or promotion plan, be sure that there are women candidates and justify if Proposed by Manon Buchweiller HR Project Manager Trainee Together • Renault HR Academy • 9 Women and men in scientific and technical programs and jobs in France: mixed results What is the current situation in France on the gender diversity issue in scientific and technical programs and jobs? Women represent currently 29% of students in scientific and technical programs, that is to say 181 000 women. However, evolution and disparities can be seen in their distribution through the programs. The rate of women is higher than before in engineering schools: 27% currently versus 22% 15 years ago. They represent the majority in scientific and technical programs in universities (63%). Some specialties count more women than men: in biology and agronomics, 69% and 66% graduates in engineering schools for 2013 are women. On the contrary, women are only 18% for computer science and 15% for mechanics of graduates for the same year. Rates are on the whole the same for universities. In addition, scientific and technical programs with the most women tend to get more and more women. In Romania, there are 29% of women in Bachelor’s technical and scientific Mixité, quand les hommes s’engagent : Explications, propositions, actions Paru début 2015, le livre “Mixité, quand les hommes s’engagent” est extrêmement enrichissant, dans la mesure où il apporte des éléments concrets au business case sur la diversité hommes-femmes. Un ouvrage qui nous rappelle que la mixité n’arrivera pas « toute seule » et que ce n’est pas « qu’une affaire de femmes ». Les hommes ont en effet aussi beaucoup à gagner dans un monde où la mixité serait plus forte. En outre, 12 patrons (dont Carlos Ghosn, Henri de Castries, Frédéric Oudéa…) expliquent dans ce livre pourquoi ils se sont personnellement engagés. « Mixité, quand les hommes s’engagent » invite les hommes à Together • Renault HR Academy • 9 Exploring some cases Promoting diversity at Air France Conférence Européenne de la Diversité 2013 Diversity and equal opportunities Proposed by Emre Kabas HR Project Manager Together • Renault HR Academy • 10 To put an end to our prejudices Prejudices disturb our judgments, our behaviors and our relationships. To others, but also to ourselves. Becoming aware of that is a first step to free ourselves from their influence. Little guide to break through the glass ceiling. Today is March 8th, International Women’s Day. Essential for some, useless for others, these Days at least have the merit of reminding us how much we are influenced by prejudices. Whether we are aware of them or not, prejudices prevent us from making the right decisions and disturb our human and social relationships. Having a better understanding of the way they act on our subconscious is already a first step to get rid of them. Realizing their grip on us and act to overcome it is a great step towards success. (...) These statements are stereotypes, or “generalization affecting a group of people and differentiating it from the others” (Wikipedia). We know tens of them, on a lot of topics. Prejudices are feelings we have about a certain category of people, places, or things. Prejudices are most often based on stereotypes. Discrimination is behaviors, that are generally manifested on the basis of a prejudice (Wikipedia, ibid). Discrimination is characterized when we refuse to hire someone on the pretext for example of their nationality or skin color. Prejudices influence the way we see our fellow human beings and act on a daily basis. Malcom Gladwell describes them that way in his novel Blink : “our behaviors also build themselves in the subconscious (…). They are made without our knowledge and consent. The huge computer that is our subconscious quietly collects all the data coming from our experience, our meetings, our learnings, our readings … and forms an opinion”. These prejudices can lead us to a discriminating behavior in our approach towards someone. They have an influence on the relevancy of our choices and our free will. Gladwell: “it is disturbing to note that our unconscious behaviors can be at the exact opposite of the values we display”. He describes an American expérience during which half of Afro-American people created closer ties with Whites than with Blacks. “It is not surprising, because every North American people are daily bombarded with cultural messages relating Whites to what’s good”. (NB: you can do this experience yourself, online here). Because prejudices not only act on the way we see the others but also on the way we see ourselves. Take two stereotypes that are pretty current in the USA and in Asia: « The Asians are better in mathematics » and « women are bad in mathematics”. Three scientists (Shih, Pittinsky, & Ambady, 1999) had Asian women fill a questionnaire about their ethic group (being Asian) just before taking a mathematics exam. Another comparable group did the same exam but without any questionnaire before. The first group’s results were better than the second’s. According to the scientists, the “ethnic” prejudice was in favor of the first group. On the contrary, when, in a similar experience, the women in the first group were made aware of their gender (being a woman), their results were lower than the second group free of questionnaire. In the same vein, consultant Patrick Scharnitzky explained during a conference how one of his clients, a large specialized distribution brand board, had difficulties in recruiting young people for lowly qualified jobs. Their recruitment process was the following one: the young were briefly welcome, then told to sit in a room to complete a written questionnaire for a quarter of an hour. Result: the following interviews went wrong, and a lot of young people didn’t pursue. What happened? This written process reminded them of their school failure and had them “loose it”. They had interiorized the prejudice they feared to be victims of from the recruiters. Proposed by Hayber ŞAHİN Individual Management Different Individuals Valuing Each other Regardless of Skin Intellect Talents or Years Together • Renault HR Academy • 11 The process was replaced by an oral exchange, and the problem was solved. To get back to our Day of March 8th, it seems like the difficulty to break through in a world dominated by men wouldn’t just come from men’ prejudices about women. It would also come from prejudices women have about themselves. The famous “glass ceiling” would first be in the head of those who are victims of it. That’s the thesis developed by Sheryl Sandberg, the Facebook #2 in her book Lean In. She explains how to break the glass ceiling that is in us. By speaking directly to the Barnard College’s graduates in 2011, Sheryl Sandberg starts with reminding them the opportunity they have to be born in the USA, a country where law guarantees equality. “But the promise of equality is not equality: we must face the facts, men lead the world.” Therefore, she encourages women to pursue their goal and their passion “all the way, up until the summit”. Women need to think big, to be more ambitious. “Leadership belongs to those who take it”. Yet, when they succeed, women attribute their success to their team, their relatives, luck, work, whereas the interviewed men attribute their success to… themselves. And Sheryl advices women to “raise their hand” in order to speak and stand for themselves when they are beside these men. Proposed by Corina Cimpeanu HR Academy Manager As read in french on 15 marches Can you see beyond the surface ? The world changes, Dacia also Proposed by Flamindu Georgiana Training Manager Together • Renault HR Academy • 12 « DISGENDER » THE OCCUPATIONS A long-term process Diversity, wanting to implement it is not enough. Still, we must be able to do it. In some sectors, occupations remain very “gendered”, complicating a little more the objectives of diversity of the concerned companies. To struggle against these stereotypes which die hard, human resources or CSR managers don’t hesitate to shake the image of occupations, and to go and meet the young. Out of 87 families of professions, only 13 are genuinely diverse. It is one of the lessons of a large study published by Dares (Division of Research animation, Studies and Statistics) in December 2013. The report specifies that, if we refer to the data of 2011, it would require “about half of women or men to change their job in order to result to an equal distribution”. This sexualization of occupations complicates the companies’ task in their quest of diversity. Among the most feminine jobs, Dares names domestic helps, child-minders, secretaries and domestic employees. The drive of vehicles: men’ entitlements Proposed by Mirana Rabenandrasana HR Academy Community Manager As read in french on Novethic, article by Céline Oziel Actions which repare tomorrow’s diversity But the main issue for the companies, it really is the long term. According to the association IMS-Entreprendre pour la Cité, diversity must go through two major actions: “First, we must work on internal training in order to create emerging businesses and struggle against the glass ceiling which brakes the evolution of women. Then, we need to invest in education and go meet the students from middle and high schools to deconstruct the stereotypes”, Inès Dauvergne, Diversity Expertise manager of IMS, explains. Through its program Déployons nos Elles, the association cares about encourage young girls to discover the “male occupations”, in partnership with 30 companies and 40 middle schools in France. Female professionals with occupations that are judged as male (chief of airport runway, crane operators, financial director, computer scientist…) present their path and their job to students. On the contrary, the occupations of building workers, technicians and supervisors or vehicle drivers essentially remain male. Transdev, public transportation international group, knows this problem well, as Véronique Subileau, human resources and CSR manager, explains. “The profession of bus driver is not attractive enough for women. We lack of female candidates, because in the collective unconscious, transportation is a male profession, for both driving and maintenance. However, with the assisted direction, driving a bus has become a profession totally open to women!” « Diversity is decided since the age of 15. By going and talking to students from middle and high scools, companies work on the long term”, Inès Dauvergne specifies. Today, thanks to actions of profession valorization, the group counts 20% of female bus drivers. The field feedback deliver their first conclusions: “Women who drive our buses are often less victims of disturbance, have a good sense of service and a soft ride which allows a good management of energy”, Véronique Subileau notes. Same story in Total. In November 2014, during a conference organized by the United Nations on equality between men and women in the company, Laurence Reckford, Diversity manager, explained: “We act against stereotypes through testimony. Our female engineers go to high schools to open up new possibilities.” Address the problem at its source Transdev, which only counts 10% of female network directors, has also chosen to go to schools, as Véronique Subileau explains : « We will go and meet students from leading business and engineering schools by taking care to present a male-female pairing.” Together • Renault HR Academy • 13 Diversity : a few genuinely dedicated tools READ HERE Proposed by Mirana Rabenandrasana HR Academy Community Manager Ces entreprises qui cherchent à recruter des femmes La mixité : levier de transformation de l’entreprise READ HERE Proposed by Eugénia Kovalenko HR Projects & Synthesis Manager Diversité : peu d’outils réellement dédiés READ HERE Proposed by Mirana Rabenandrasana HR Academy Community Manager Together • Renault HR Academy • 14 Credits This issue of Together is conceived and organized by Renault’s HR Academy Community Typography powered by Adobe Typekit Fonts : Myriad Pro , Adelle Sans, Helvetica Women in Tech icons created by Hans Gerhard Meier powered by The Noun Project Woman with briefcase icon by Michael Cina Together Magazine original concept, deisgn and layout by Raul Maciel, coordinated by Luca Secci for dsidesatwork Developed with Adobe InDesign Photo by Ariel Rolando Pacheco as seen on Buzzfeed
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