Kuwait J. Sci. Eng. 34 (2B) pp. 73-85, 2007 Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression ROBINA ASHRAF, MUHAMMAD AKBAR AND NOMAN JAFRI College of Signals, National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan. [email protected] ABSTRACT In this paper a technique is proposed for medical image compression using neural network based vector quantizers. There exist hundreds of modalities of medical images and each modality has hundreds of subclasses for dierent organs. In such a situation, it is dicult to generalize a neural network for all modalities. To tackle this problem and having a prior knowledge about similar nature of medical images for a single type, we propose a ¯ag byte which is automatically set by image size and some other features. This ¯ag byte is then used to select the size of the net and codebook. The proposed method not only leads to dynamic architectures of neural nets but also towards an adaptive selection of codebook sizes. This method yields high compression ratios with much better quality than existing standards. Keywords: Image compression; Learning Vector Quantizer; Self Organizing Feature Maps. INTRODUCTION A few years ago radiologists were exclusively using ®lms and view boxes for their diagnoses. However, the computer revolution has completely changed the medical imaging systems which are moving towards a ®lm-less environment. Digital systems are an integral part of CT, MRI, PET, SPECT and Ultrasound imaging and even non-digital ®lm X-rays are gradually evolving to digitized imaging. All these digital imaging technologies are rich in data and dicult to store, transmit and manipulate. Thus, compression has become an indispensable tool in the use of these technologies. Existingstandardsaremostlybasedon®xedtransforms.InJPEG2000multiresolution algorithms including wavelet approaches are somewhat adaptive (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/ WG1. WG1N1523 1999). Neural network compression use adaptive techniques (Jiang 1999). Other advantages of NN over JPEG may include robustness under noisy conditions and simple decoding, while drawbacks of compression using NN includes slow training, moderate compression ratios. According to Jiang (1999), the quality of reconstructed image is highly dependent on training data. This paper introduces a dierent approach for NN compression that overcomes these problems. 74 Robina Ashraf, Muhammad Akbar and Noman Jafri This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces NNVQ (Neural networks vector quantizer). In section 3 performance evaluation factors are discussed. The proposed method is then described in section 4. Section 5 reports experimental results. The paper concludes with a summary that highlights advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method and some future prospects. NNVQ (NEURAL NETWORK VECTOR QUANTIZER) A neural network can be de®ned as massively parallel distributed processors that have a mutual propensity for storing experiential knowledge and making it available for use (Haykin 2001). Neural networks are trained using examples of data which the network will encounter. During training, the network forms an internal representation of the state space so that the novel data presented later will be satisfactorily processed by the network. Vector quantization can be de®ned as a mapping of Q of K dimensional Euclidean space Rk into a ®nite subset Y thus Q Rk ! Y (Gersho & Gray 1992). Codebook design plays a signi®cant role in performance of VQ. Techniques attempt to produce a codebook that is optimum for a given source in the sense that average distortion may be kept to a minimum. The most widely used technique for codebook design is the LBG (Linde-Buzo-Gray) algorithm (Linde etal 1980). The LBG algorithm is very sensitive to codebook initialization. In addition, while LBG converges to a local minimum it may not reach a global minimum. Furthermore it is computationally expansive since each iteration requires exhaustive search through the entire codebook. In recent research (Laha etal 2004, Ferguson & Allinson 2004, Asari 2005), the unsupervised learning neural network referred to as SOFM was shown to provides good VQ codebooks leading to better quality reconstructed images as compared to LBG designed codebooks. Other advantages include less sensitivity to codebook initialization, better rate distortion performance and faster convergence. The SOFM algorithm computes a set of vectors ( w1,w2,\ldots ..wk) which are used as code vectors. Kohonen (2001) introduced the concept of classes ordered in a topological map of features. In many clustering algorithms the input vector x is classi®ed and only the winning class is modi®ed during each iteration. In SOFM algorithm the vector x is used to update not only the winning class but also its neighboring classes according to the following rule: : x 2 cj if jjx ÿ wi jj min jjx ÿ wjjj ; wi t 1 wj t tx ÿ wj t for cj 2 N ci t wi t 1 wj t ; for cj 2 N ci t = ; ; ; and Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression 75 where x is the input vector, wi is weight vector for class iand N ci t is the set of classes which are in the neighborhood of the winning class ciat time t. The neighborhood of a class is de®ned according to some distance measure on a topological ordering of the classes. Initially the neighborhood may be quite large, while as training progresses the size of neighborhood shrinks to eventually include only one class. Figure1 shows the scheme of NNVQ which is a combination of unsupervised classi®cation for codebook generation and supervised LVQ as re®ning layer. ; Fig.1: NNVQ the learning rate parameter (0< <1) is typically initialized to 0.1 and then decreased monotonically with each iteration. After a suitable number of iterations the codebook typically converges and training is terminated. An LVQ is added to ®ne tune the code vectors generated by SOFM with supervised training. The last step is an entropy coder to further compress the indices. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FACTORS With lossy compression the dierence between the original and reconstructed image results in some visible distortion which may be measured in number of ways. Two objective quality measures are MSE (Mean Square Error) and PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio): 1 MSE MxN X X X ÿ Y M N i1 j1 ij ij 2 where X is the original image and Y is the retrieved image both of size M 2 N For 256 gray level images PSNR is given as: : 76 Robina Ashraf, Muhammad Akbar and Noman Jafri PSNR 10 2552 10 MSE log Despite of their popularity PSNR and MSE are poor indicators of subjective quality of reconstruction (Al-Otum 2003). As a result perceptually based criteria may be more appropriate. In this procedure, number of subjects view a reconstructed image and rate them on ®ve point scale;`bad', `poor', `fair', `good' and `excellent'. The mean opinion score is simply the average rating assigned by all the subjects (Mark etal. 2003). Compression ratio is another performance evaluation factor often mentioned. Usually, both compression ratio and distortion measure are quoted together. Many existing standards have symmetric complex encoders and decoders. In the broadcast environment or database retrieval environment where an image is coded once and decoded many times, the complexity of the decoder is of great importance. Medical images once stored, are decoded many times for diagnosis, discussion and future reference. For this reason, VQ was chosen for the proposed method in which the decoder is only a lookup table. A common set of training images and common test images from outside the training set would allow the performance of dierent algorithms to be compared. Training images must be representative of the class of images for which the network is to be used. In this study, the similarity of single organ, single modality medical images were exploited. PROPOSED ALGORITHM Our work is basically to store data from a big radiological lab or hospital for future referral and record. The data includes several image acquisition devices with dierent resolutions. In addition, there are numerous commonly oered radiological tests and image sizes. For dierent modalities and organs, dierent sets of images were obtained. Each set has unique resolution and size and can be compressed by dierent networks (containing dierent no. of neurons) and various codebook sizes. We propose an automatically detected ¯ag bit determined by the image size which directs the system for a particular compression architecture con®guration. For codebook design, Kohonen's self organizing feature map method (2001) is applied. As it is an unsupervised method so we cannot calculate the size of the codebooks prior to training. The weight matrix thus obtained, is in fact the required codebook. With prior knowledge, we devise a net for maximum size of image which can then be presented with a ¯ag bit. We can then decide how many neurons will take part in the process of compression. For a diagnostic lab or a radiological department of a hospital one already knows about the modalities which are processed there. Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression 77 If these are for example twenty, then a ®ve bit ¯ag is enough to de®ne the types. Once ¯ags are designated and neural nets are trained then the compressor can be used as a real time device. All work is done in MATLAB (Gonzalez etal. 2004) so these nets are de®ned by custom design tools. Indices hence acquired are sent for transmission and storage. Once trained and the codebook is ready. The codebook is transmitted to the receiver and then afterwards for any subsequent use it is assumed that receiver knows the codebook. The only overhead is the ¯ag byte which depends on how many types of medical images are to be treated. The proposed algorithm is de®ned clearly in Figure2. When an image becomes the input, ¯ag bits are set using the image size and these act as a selector switch. On the decoder side ¯ags are used just to identify which of the codebooks is to be used for decoding. The decoding process is only a lookup table. Fig.2: Proposed scheme encoder The block ``NET'' in Figure2 is further explained in Figure3. Fig.3: Neural net architecture for compression 78 Robina Ashraf, Muhammad Akbar and Noman Jafri Nin is number of neurons at input. Nhidden is the number of neurons in the hidden layer and Nout is number of neurons at the output layer. Nhiddenis actually the number which decides the compression ratio and codebook size. The hidden layer consists of a competitive layer with no bias and a linear layer at the output. The competitive layer learns to classify input vectors producing a codebook and the linear layer transforms the competitive layer's classes into target classi®cations de®ned by the user. Before training, it is often useful to scale the inputs and targets so that they always fall within a speci®ed range. For scaling network inputs and targets, we normalize the mean and standard deviation of the training set so that they have zero mean and unity standard deviation. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS Most of the ideas presented in this work are con®rmed by extensive experimental simulations. A group of image samples known to both encoder and decoder is designated as the training set. We have used seventeen types of medical images as training data and forty copies each for training purposes, including lung X ray, cardiac angiogram, retinal image, hand X-ray, brain, foot and arm MRI, brain, liver and pancreatic CT scans, ultrasound images for pregnancy, abdomen and kidney stones. Each image type has dierent size and on size information for each we designate ¯ags. For seventeen modalities we require a ®ve bit ¯ag. A block size of 4x4 is used for the images with sizes less than 256x256 and block size of 8x8 for images with sizes more than 256x256. Images are zero padded to get equal elements in each block. In Figure4 training data is shown, while Figure5 shows the test data images. For both ®gures all images are resized and processed (Gonzalez1993) to ®t in a speci®c size. All images are divided into 4x4 blocks, each block is treated as a vector of 16 elements and preprocessed to train. As the test data is similar to the training data, the quality of reconstructed images is near to lossless compression. Not only PSNR and MSE are calculated as a quantitative quality measures but subjective tests are also carried out. Five radiologists took part in subjective tests and their comments were positive. In Figure6, standard JPEG and proposed scheme are compared for PSNR vs. Compression ratio. A graph is plotted for average readings of training images. Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression Fig.4: Training images 79 80 Robina Ashraf, Muhammad Akbar and Noman Jafri Fig.5: Test data images Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression 81 Figure 6 shows that the proposed scheme performance is compatible with JPEG for compression ratios up to 30 and the scheme outperforms beyond compression ratio 35 with 0.5-1dB more PSNR than JPEG. Experiments were not carried out for compression ratios more than 45 as retrieved images for both JPEG and NNVQ suer perceptual loss which is unacceptable in the case of medical images. Fig.6: PSNR vs. Compression ratio Table.1 shows some of the experimental results. From the results of test images we can see that the proposed method has approximately 0.5-1dB dierence of PSNR for all images at a compression ratio of 40 and compression ratios are all better than JPEG for the same PSNR. The results with similar test images are also of interest. The quality is `good' for the same organs and `fair' for dierent organs. However, `fair' is not an acceptable subjective quality measure for medical images. In table1, the last three images teeth X-ray, stomach ultrasound and X-ray for leg fracture, show tthat test data which are not similar to the training data. Results show that for these images, PSNR by the proposed method is less than JPEG but the compression ratio is higher in value. 82 Robina Ashraf, Muhammad Akbar and Noman Jafri Table.1: Comparison of JPEG and NNVQ PSNR for Compression ratio 40 Compression ratio for PSNR 30 JPEG NNVQ JPEG NNVQ Retinal 28.47 30.19 40.33 44.44 X-ray hand 30.84 31.19 42.12 42.5 X-ray lung 29.69 30.35 39.98 40.13 MRI brain 30.52 32.56 40.04 42.32 CT liver 29.43 31.96 39.12 40.48 CT kidney 29.66 30.27 38.34 40.02 CT pacriase 27.44 28.67 38.56 41.34 Pregnancy 29.92 30.31 39.45 42.35 Angiogram 29.16 29.51 40.56 43.5 X-ray foot 30.02 30.88 41.32 43.35 MRI spine 28.45 29.97 39.96 40.78 X-ray arm 30.98 31.45 41.23 43.34 X-ray pelvis 28.56 30.43 40.54 44.67 Cardiac Angio 31.02 32.23 38.88 40.23 X-ray teeth 31.33 30.44 37.33 40.38 Usound stomach 29.65 28.97 38.65 40.65 X-ray fracture 29.90 28.68 39.32 40.12 Test Images Figure7 shows reconstructed images of lung x-rays for standard JPEG and the proposed scheme. These images are for subjective quality comparison, with same portion expanded. Figure 7(a) is the proposed scheme output whereas Figure 7(b) is in JPEG format. Blocksize forboth images is 8x8and compressionratio is 40.Figure7(a) is comparatively smooth and in JPEG output blockiness is more prominent. (a) NNVQ (b) JPEG Fig.7: Comparison of blocky artifacts Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression 83 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS A scheme is presented for medical image compression using dynamic neural network architecture and adaptive codebooks. The scheme exploits the special capability of SOFM to generate optimal codebooks and re®ning features of LVQ algorithm. The proposed scheme give higher compression ratios for good quality reconstructed images. However, the limitation is prior knowledge of the medical image modalities to be processed and the test data should be similar to the training data. In cases where the test image is unknown to the net, the results will not satisfy the legal demand of medical image diagnosis. To get full advantage the only demand is similar test data all along. Compression also depends on: block sizes chosen for VQ, codebook size assigned, number of training images, number of epochs used to train NNVQ and entropy coder used. The results may be improved by increasing the number of training images, above the 40 copies used in the present study. In addition, number of epochs used to train NNVQ was 2000. By increasing these parameters the result can also be improved, but in either case the time taken to train a NNVQ will also be increased. We have used Human coder as a last step in NNVQ indices compression. The Lempel Ziv coder could be another choice. Large block sizes and small codebooks enhance compression but destroy quality, therefore a tradeo must be observed for these parameters. Although the current results are of good quality, combination with our previous work([R. Ashraf & Akbar 2005a,b) could make them lossless. REFERENCES Al-Otum & H.M. (2003). Qualitative and quantitative image quality assessment of vector quantization, JPEG and JPEG2000 compressed images. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 12(3): 511-521. Asari V.K. (2005). Adaptive technique for image compression based on vector quantization using a self-organizing neural network. Journal of Electronic Imaging 14(2): 230-239. Ashraf, R. & Akbar, M. (2005). Diagnostically lossless compression of medical images. presented in International Conference on Biological and Medical Physics Al-Ain, UAE. Ashraf, R. & Akbar, M. (2005). Absolutely lossless compression of medical images presented in 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Shanghai, China. Ferguson, K.L. & Allinson, N.M. (2004). Ecient video compression codebooks using SOM-based vector quantization. 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Submitted : 27/11/2005 Revised : 27/3/2007 Accepted : 21/4/2007 85 Adaptive architecture neural nets for medical image compression + ( + * ? =ayG Q ZyG bj]y ? =ZgyG 9 ;MyG ?w=V h ! jQqF f9}g f Q=vC O}J| h 9ATv9< ,9+F(y("wAyGh e( h "+<hQ aQVC zgzy ?+"_(yG ?g|9GyG *(a@ 9 9V ,JGQ G ?+zv ?Y;L ?+=ZgyG ?w=WyG 9}gAS9< ?+=_ {v h=A*h ?+=ayG Z yG b ?w=V ~+}Z@ ?<(gZyG # ?%<9W| YG(!} Y bj]y IO*OF ?+"t@ I Q( d Q( 9T!C # | p G Py &!{ | J ?t=T| ?pQg| >zaA* k ZyG ~GJ< 9+yB OOJ* I Q( o U eG 98}yG OF(* .?%F(}yG , &!{ OMASG ~@ ?sQ(yG gP$ 9 }wAyG J + ~TGyG A9]fC rzAM}y p ?zwW}yG gP$ 9L B*9< [+ZM@ M L ;gyh QAt* P8"+Ih 9 Y}G y 9]*C {< ) E bj\ ? =ZgyG ?w=Wzy , + , w+|9"*O A9"< y btp ) E | ?+y9f >T"< ?t*QayG gP$ K}T@h # ? y9JyG ?+S9+tyG . + 9qYG(}yG J , p . Q+qWAyG 9 A| M ($ jO| dhG 9 }| ) # | p JGP 98| uT! J 9T!}G gP$ {wy ?+=Zf ,Y(! .i k zf O9}Af:G ) a " .b , {wy ?+=ayG QL}G Zzy Q( MyG ^g<h UG( @ : IQw=}yG ?t*QayG gP$ OF e9GI} r+wA| Q9+ALG zfC IO ( F u+tJ@ h| IQ( Z yG
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