LISTS OF ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS All documents must be UNEXPIRED Employees may present one selection from List A "'a combination of one seledlon from Ust Band one selection""'" Ust C. LIST A Documents that Establish Both Identity and Employment Authorization 1. U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport t.ard 2. Permanent Resident cans or Alien Registration Receipt Cal'd (Fonn 1-551) 3. Fotejgn passport that contains a temporary 1·551 s.larnp or temporary 1-551 pMted notation on a machinereadable immigrant visa EmplOyment Authorizatlon Document •• 11\at comalns a pllotograpll (Form 1·766) LIST S LIST C Documents that Establish Documents that Establish Identity OR Employment Autho-tlon AND 1. Orivefs license Ot 10 card issued by a State 01 ~ possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph or infOtmation such at name. date of birth.. gender, ~'~tight. aye 1. A Social Seo.ltily Aceount Number card. unless the card ioclucies one of the following restrictions: (1) NOT VALID FOR EMPlOYMENT (2) VAUD FORWORK0NLYW1lH INS AUTHORIZATION COIOt. and addless 2. 10 card by fec!era.J. state or local govemmeru a~ncies or entities. prO'IIicted it contains a photograph or information such as name. date of birth. gendef. height eye color. ~nd a<tdress (3) VAUDFORWORKONLYW1lH DHSAUTHORIZATION 2. Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Oepar1ment of Stat e (Form FS.545) 5. For a norwr.migfant allan authOrized to wotk 101' a spedfic e~oyer because of his or her status.: a. Foreign passport; and b. Form 1-94 Ot Form l-94A that has the fouowing: (1) The some name os t h e , - . and (2) All endOrsement of the alien's nonlmmlgfant status as long as that period of endorsement has not y&t expired and the proposed emplOyment Is not In conflict v.ith any restrictions or ll"""tlons ldentffie<l on the form. 6. Passpon from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) or the Repubt;c ot lhe Mmhall l.slands (RMI) with Fonn 1·9 4 Of Form 1·94A indicating nonimmigrant admission under the Compact of Free Association Between lhe United SU.tes and the FSM or RMI 3. School tO card with a photograph •• Voter's regis.tration card 5. U.S. Military catd or draft reeotd 6. Mifrtary dependent's 10 c::ard 7. U .S. Coast Guard MerChant M ariner Card 3. [email protected] of Report of is.sued by the Department of State (form OS-1350) •• Original or certlfte<l copy of birth certificate lssuect by a State. CO<Jnly. munlclpol authority. a< tenitory of the United States bearing an official seal 8. Native American tribal document 5. Native American tribal document 9. Driver's license issued by a Cenadian 6. U.S. Citizen ID Cord (Form 1· 197) 9Qvemme.U authority For persons under age 18 who are unable to present a document 7. k:lentification Card for Use of Resident Citizen in the United S!;!t.. (Form 1- 179) listed above: 10. School record or repof1 cafd 11. Cli,..c, dOdor. Of hospital rtMlOfd 8. Employment authorization document issued by the Department of Homeland security 12. Day-care or nurs.ery school t ecotd Illustrations of many of these documents appear In Part 8 of the Handbook for Employers (M-274). Refer to Section 2 of the Instructions, titled "Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verlflcatlon," for more Information about acceptable receipts.
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