DTCU Scholarship

DTCU Scholarship
Guidelines and Application
Four $1,000 Scholarships will be awarded.
Application Deadline is: March 27, 2015
1358 W. Arrowhead Rd.
Duluth, MN 55811
11 2nd St. Duluth, MN 55802
4433 Trinity Rd.
Duluth, MN 55811
Duluth Teachers Credit Union Scholarship Fund
The following are guidelines for applying for a Duluth Teachers Credit Union Scholarship.
To be eligible, each applicant must have the following:
Applicant must be a current DTCU member or become a DTCU member by application deadline to be
considered for a scholarship.
A grade point average placing them in the top 1/3 of their senior class
Received acceptance to an accredited college, university or vocational school
Application is made by submitting the following information:
Application form and responses to questions
High School transcript
A high school teacher or counselor addressing the student's performance; involvement in school
activities; quality of coursework completed, and potential for successful academic performance in a
college, university or vocational environment.
A character reference from a non-related, non-school adult.
Optional: Please include your graduation photo with application.
(photo may be used in credit union newsletter if you are selected as a scholarship recipient)
The Scholarship Selection Committee may, at its discretion, consider special cases that do not fit the criteria set
forth above.
Four (4) non-renewable scholarship awards, in the amount of $1000 each, will be awarded.
Applications must be received no later than March 27, 2015.
Applications can be returned to:
DTCU Main Office
11 West Second Street, Duluth, MN 55802
DTCU Kenwood
1358 West Arrowhead Road, Duluth, MN 55811
DTCU Miller Hill
4433 Trinity Road, Duluth, MN 55811
Please print or type. Do not use nicknames.
Name of Applicant:
__________________________ ________________________ _______
Present Address:
Street Address, City, State and Zip
Permanent Address:
Street Address, City, State and Zip
Telephone No.
Credit Union Membership No.
Current High School____________________________________ Graduation Date: __________________
State the name of the vocational school, college or university to which you have been accepted and which you
will attend:
School: ______________________________________________ School Start: _____________________
Present major field of interest: _____________________________________________________________
The Duluth Teachers Credit Union Scholarship is awarded on the following:
Acceptance to an accredited college, university or vocational school
Must be in the top 1/3 of class
Fully completed application form
Involvement in community service outside of school
Involvement in Church, Community, etc. (outside of school):
High school teacher or counselor:
Non-related adult (non-school personnel):
Your age: __________
Date of Birth: ____________________
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
If you have had employment on a regular basis, list the following:
Type of Work
_________________ __________
_________________ __________
_________________ __________
_________________ __________
1. What has been the most rewarding experience in your life?
2. Write a paragraph on how your credit union works for you.
3. Why do you believe you should be granted this award, remembering that financial need is not a requirement?
(Do not worry about sounding as if you are boasting. We need this information to know you better). Attach an
additional sheet of paper if you need more space.
Optional questions:
1. Explain any unusual circumstances at school or at home which may have influenced your record in any way. If
your schooling has been interrupted for any reason, please explain.
2. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself which might aid us in considering your
If you are not already a DTCU member, a membership account is required by application deadline. Account can
be opened at any DTCU location. We would like to serve your financial needs throughout your academic years
and beyond.
All information supplied above constitutes my application for a Duluth Teachers Credit Union Scholarship and
is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. By signing this document I grant permission to the
school to release my transcript and test scores to the Duluth Teachers Credit Union Scholarship Committee.
Date: _____________________________
Signed: ________________________________________
Signature of Applicant
If you are under 18, parent must sign:
I hereby request _____________________________ High School to send copies of transcripts of my son/
daughter to the Duluth Teachers Credit Union, 11 West Second Street, Duluth, MN 55802.
Date: _____________________________
Signed: ________________________________________
Parent of Applicant
Print Form