Lake Superior Bridal Magazine 2015 Advertising Rates

Lake Superior Bridal Magazine
Companion piece & program for the Duluth Wedding Show.
The only bridal publication distributed to every attendee.
2015 Advertising Rates
Distribution: 2.500+
Ad Specifics/Deadlines: Ads space reservation due by September 30, 2014 with copy & remaining
payment due by November 1. Ads must be hi-res digital. Accepted files: .pdf, .jpg of 300 dpi or higher.
Please send ads to [email protected] For more information contact Lundeen Productions at
218-727-1177. If you need to have an ad designed for you, our professional designer will be happy to help.
Design fee is $35/hr and will be billed directly by the designer.
Ad Size (all ads are full color
Dimensions are width by height)
Back Cover
(8.5x11 – add ¼” for bleed)
Inside Cover
(8.5x11 – add ¼” for bleed)
Exhibitor Pricing
Non-Exhibitor Pricing
$795 Full Page
$975 Full Page
Half Page (h: 8x5.25 or v: 4.25”x10.75”)
1/3 Page ( 8x3.3) horizontal only
1/4 Page (4x5.25) vertical only
1/8 Page (4x2.65) horizontal only
Ads must be camera ready to sizes stated on this sheet, ads not properly sized will be resized/configured to proper dimensions without notification.
Web advertising available – receive a 15% discount on your web advertising when you order an ad in the Official Duluth Wedding Show Magazine.
Contact us for more information.
Business/Agency Name:
_______________________________________Contact: ___________________________
____________________________________________Phone: ________________________
Ad Information
Ad Size: ____________________
Ad Cost: __________________
___ I will be sending my ad. ___ I will need my ad designed, please contact me.
Payment Information 50% Due Now, Remainder Due by 11/1
___ Payment Enclosed ___ Please charge my credit card 50% ___ Please charge my credit card Full Amount
Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________________
Address (if different than above) __________________________________________________________
Card #: ______________________________________ CSV#: ________ Expiration Date: ____________
Advertiser/Authorized Exhibitor:
Sales Agent-Lake Superior Bridal Magazine
LUNDEEN PRODUCTIONS (218) 727-1177 · FAX: (218) 740-3397
Send Contract and Payment to: Duluth Wedding Show · PO Box 161664, Duluth, MN 55816