Duncraig Senior High School and Duncraig Education Support

Duncraig Senior High School and
Duncraig Education Support Centre
Parents and Citizens' Association Inc.
Wednesday 18 March 2015
Duncraig Senior High School
Conference Room
1. Welcome:
Invitee: Jayden Brand School Chaplain
2. Minutes:
Annual General Meeting: 18 February 2015
3. Business arising from previous minutes:
Action Item
Community Directory
Susan Harbers
In progress
4. 4.1 Correspondence In:
WACSSO – Welcome pack and constitution policy
Australian Educator brochure
CGU - Statement
4.2 Correspondence Out
5. Reports:
5.1 Principal DSHS: Steve Spice Attachment A
5.2 Principal DSHS ESC: Carol Clarke Attachment B
5.3 President’s Report: Susan Harbers Attachment C
5.4 Treasurer’s Report: Jane Scott
5.5 School Board Report: David Ford
6. General Business
6.1 School pledges for 2015
6.2 Introduction: Jayden Brand
7. Next Meeting:
27 May 2015
1 April 2015:
9 May 2015:
12 June 2015:
20 September 2015:
Parent/teacher night – help needed for sale of food and drinks
Busy Bee to improve grounds
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Attachment A:P&C Report
March 18 2015
Principal, Stephen Spice
It is with pleasure that I present the March P&C report for 2015.
OLNA Testing:
OLNA testing commences Week 6 for all Year 10 students who have not reached Band 8 in Year
9 NAPLAN in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Duncraig has 122 students sitting at least one
OLNA test compared with 145 in 2014). All students must reach the required standard in each of
the three tests to become eligible for the WACE Certificate when they complete Year 12. This
requirement coincides with the new Courses of Study that are being introduced by the School
Curriculum and Standards Authority that have come into effect this year for our Year 11 students.
Students will have two opportunities every year from Year 10 to sit and pass these tests. Once
they have reached the required standard, they do not have to sit the OLNA again.
To summarise:
To achieve a Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) from 2016 onwards, all students
a) satisfy standards of literacy and numeracy through OLNA testing
b) take the required number of subjects in Year 11 and 12 including English
c) attain at least 7 C grades across Year 11 and Year 12 with 3 of those achieved in Year 12.
Students wishing to take further studies at university must also achieve an ATAR at the standard
required by individual universities.
Our current Year 12 students will continue with their courses and are subject to the existing 2015
requirements for WACE certification.
We will continue to provide important information about Year 10 course selection later in the year
and encourage parents to attend information evenings and ask questions on matters that affect
their child’s future. We have had many evenings so far this year providing information on a range
of areas. The staff who have run these significant events have been pleased with the increase in
number of parents attending. The support of our active and engaged P&C has been greatly
appreciated in spreading the word and in providing sustenance at so many events.
Lockers - Update
All Year 7, 8, 11 & 12 students have now been allocated a new locker on request located in the
Mathematics Block and the Banksia Block. Triathlon students from Years 9 & 10 will be offered a
locker in the Mathematics Block while we are waiting for the new Year 9 & 10 lockers that are on
School Closed During the April School Holidays.
The school Administration Block will be closed from April 3 to April 19. No Education Department
employee is allowed on site during this time due to ACM removal from the old Administration
Activities & Events
Year 11 Information Evening:
The Year 11 Information Evening was conducted on Tuesday February 10. Senior School
Coordinator Ms Nicole Baker, Associate Principal Mr Owen Goyder and VET Coordinator Ms
Maree Marcon presented important information to the 300 parents and students who attended.
Year 10 On Line Literacy & Numeracy (OLNA) Parent Evening Tuesday March 3: A
parent evening was conducted to alleviate any concerns with this process that has serious
implications for our students who do not pass or reach the desired standard. There was a very low
turnout at the parent night (8 parents) which hopefully means that parents understand the
implications of the OLNA testing.
Inter-House Swimming Carnival: Tuesday February 24
Mr Dignon and his Physical Education Team together with Year Coordinators, Mr Andrew Burke
(in charge of data entry), Mr Jayden Brand (photographer), Year 12 Leaders and Senior School
assistants conducted a successful swimming carnival at the Joondalup Aquatic Centre. There
were many examples of students performing to the best of their abilities to gain points for their
House. Argonauts won the Shield in a tight contest and all age champions were acknowledged at
Year Assemblies and will be acknowledged in our publications. In the upcoming Inter-School
Carnival Duncraig will be competing in B Grade and hope to regain our A division place for 2016.
Upcoming Events
• OLNA Testing for Year 10 & some Year 11 students – Weeks 6 & 7.
PARTY Program - Year 12 students visit RPH, Wednesday March 11.
Inter-School Swimming Carnival: Thursday March 12.
Year 12 Goal Setting Sessions: Weeks 7 & 8
Student Photo Days. Wednesday – Friday March 25 - 27.
Cadet 3 Day Camp (Whole Unit). Begins Thursday Week 7 March 19
Year 12 River Cruise – Friday Week 8 March 27
Year 11 Excursion to “BeStreetSmart” for all students. Wednesday April 1.
Year 7, 8 & 11 Parent/Student Progress Report Evening: Wednesday April 1 4.30–7.00pm
Last Day of Term: Thursday April 2.
Good Friday: Friday April 3
Centre News
I would like to express my happiness in being back with Duncraig Education Support Centre after a
wonderful 12 months travelling around and exploring Europe and beyond. I return well rested and
enthused about the year ahead.
I would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone at DSHS and DESC in making Paul
Jones feel so welcome in my role during 2014 and sincerely thank Paul for all his hard work and
efforts for DESC.
As the start of the year gets underway, Duncraig Education Support Centre welcomes 7 new Year
7 students, 12 new Year 8 students and 1 new Year 10 student to the Centre. All students have
settled well in the first half of the school term.
We currently have 68 students enrolled in the Centre across 8 classrooms.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to Maddison James, our new teacher of our students in
Room 14 and Nimi Mamman who will be working in TR1. Welcome also to our new EAs who join
us this Semester: Gabbi, Ollie and Laura. We farewell Christine Norman this term who leaves to
go on maternity leave this week. Good luck Christine!
Events / Excursions and Incursions
Beautification of Grounds
We are delighted with the work that has been carried out to the school grounds near the core of
the DESC classrooms on Gilbert Road. New grass has been laid next to DESC transportables 1
and 2. Once the grass has settled and taken, this area will be a highly beneficial area to allow our
students to use during recess and lunch times and will complement our Outside Games Programs.
New covered walkways have now been installed to DESC transportables 1 and 2 which will
provide much needed shelter for students accessing these areas at the start and the end of the
day and when walking between classes.
Air Conditioning
We would like to extend sincere thanks to the P&C who provided $4,000 towards the cost of two of
the 4 new air conditioning units in the DESC classrooms in the S&E block. New units were
required in this area due to the evaporative air conditioning not working as a result of the low water
pressure. These units were installed prior to the start of term and have already been highly
beneficial during the high humidity days we have seen of late. To have well functioning air
conditioning is imperative for our high needs Autism students who often have high medical needs.
DESC administrative staff are beginning to transition to TR3 due to the planned building works
affecting our main administration area. New office furniture has arrived to enable this move to
take place. We hope that the move will be complete in its entirity over the next couple of
Events / Excursions and Incursions
Mark Lee, our soccer coach from last year is back in the arms of DESC and began coaching
our students in Week 3. He is in school each Monday morning to teach soccer skills to
students across all year groups. As a staff we welcome Mark back and look forward to
another wonderful year where our students are exposed to such talent and enthusiasm.
Basketball Clinic
Special Olympics WA Basketball coaches facilitated one hour coaching clinics with classes across
the Centre on Tuesday 3rd March. This was a great opportunity for our students to build and/or
develop new skills in basketball and we all thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Sculptures by the Sea
Students from TR2 and TR4 will be going on an excursion to the Sculptures by the Sea exhibition
at Cottesloe Beach on Monday 16th March. Students will be taking a tour through the exhibition
and completing worksheets.
Coffee Club
Christine Lester, our Coffee Club Coordinator has worked with Sophia Bogoias to put together a
Semester 1 Coffee Club Program for our parents. Coffee Clubs have been scheduled as follows:
Thursday 12th March – Kerry Walker from Rocky Bay
Thursday 26th March – Jan Maravillas and Julie Britton from Café Club Claremont.
Julie Britton is the young lady who went to live in the “Dream” house.
Wednesday 13th May – Michael Sayer from the Corporate Will Company. This
Coffee Club will take place at 5.30pm – 8.30pm.
Thursday 21st May – Cathy Atkinson and Bruce Bowe will run a Coffee Club
(including a morning tea) at Westcare Accommodation, 4 Bedbrook Place in
Shenton Park at 10.00am through to 12.00pm.
Thursday 18th June – Rhys Williams from Community Vision.
All Coffee Clubs take place at 1.00pm through to 2.30pm in the Lifeskills Room unless specified
School Board Meeting
The next DESC School Board Meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th March at 12.30pm in the
DSHS Conference Room. At this meeting a date for the School Board AGM will be confirmed.
Bike Rescue
Our Bike Rescue Team that was established last year is up and running this
year and will be visiting Creaney ESC and South Ballajura to assist them in
their bike maintenance. These visits will be a great opportunity for the
students to put into practice everything they learnt through the Project in
2014. Students involved in the Program will be going offsite during March.
Big Plan
The Big Plan is a strategic and dynamic planning tool designed to put the
person involved at the centre of a process, allowing them to plan for their
own future in a way that is meaningful to them. The Big Plan utilises the
person’s supports to maximise their potential and bring their plan to fruition.
It focuses on the person’s strengths and interests, their hopes and aspirations.
It encourages the brainstorming of ideas and asks the question; “What
would it take for this person to have a full and interesting life, surrounded by
friends and family and where they are able to make a valued contribution to
their community?”
This project not only identifies collaborative working partnerships, but also provides opportunities
for young people to plan for transition to the next stage of their journey, from school and beyond.
Julie Allsopp and Christine Lester are coordinating the Big Plan sessions. These sessions are for
school leavers, parents, LAC’s, neighbours and siblings. We are planning for life after school and
these sessions are the first step in making the post school transition a successful one. The first
session of the Big Plan took place on Tuesday 3rd March and was a huge success and received
very positive feedback from parents. The sessions are conducted on Tuesday afternoons at the
Gibson Community Centre in Padbury. Future dates for sessions are as follows:
Tuesday 17th March
Tuesday 31st March
Tuesday 21st April
Tuesday 5th May 2015.
IEP / ITP Meetings
IEP / ITP meetings will be taking place with parents during weeks 6 and 7.
New Parent Afternoon Tea
We are organising an afternoon tea for parents of new students on Thursday 19th March 2015.
Parents will have the opportunity to meet and chat with myself, teachers, members of the School
Board and the P&C. The afternoon will also give parents the chance to meet parents of other
students in their child’s year group which will assist in establishing a social network for their child
outside of school.
Carol Clarke
Attachment C: President’s Report
Currently working on the winter menu: need to get Traffic Light approval from WA School Canteen
and we will be colour coding the menu on Flexischool (green and amber foods).
Huge successes with online orders – numbers have increased dramatically. As this is the preferred
method of sales, more online menu choices will be made available to increase orders.
New catering menu which has been well received and the service will be offered to local schools.
New benches/counters to be installed by the school soon which will complete the latest
improvements and transform the look of the canteen.
Bunnings BBQ Sunday 8 March a success with several new parent helpers.
Next Bunnings BBQ dates are 12 June and 20 September.
Entertainment Books to be taken over by Kathy Kickett and a big thank you to Carol Finan for her
hard work to date with this great fundraiser!
Busy Bee:
Organising a Busy Bee on Saturday 9 May to help improve the school grounds i.e cleaning up the
oval and installing shade cloth around the tennis courts. School Cadets may be helping along with
Help needed:
Parent/teacher Night for Year 7, 8 and 11 on 1 April 2015 from 4.00-7.00p.m. We will be selling food
and drinks.