Chapter 8, Astronomy Lesson 1, The Earth

Chapter 8, Astronomy
Lesson 1, The Earth-Sun System
Objectives __________________________________________________________
Main Idea __________________________________________________________
astronomy __________________________________________________________
universe ____________________________________________________________
telescope ___________________________________________________________
rotation ____________________________________________________________
standard time zone ___________________________________________________
International Date Line ________________________________________________
revolution __________________________________________________________
What is astronomy?
What are some of the objects that are visible in the night and day skies? ________
Which objects are made by humans? _____________________________________
How are Earth and the Moon different from the stars? _______________________
Why can we not see some objects in the sky? ______________________________
Read a Diagram, Two Types of Telescopes
What do these two telescopes do to the image of Mars? _____________________
Quick Check
Draw Conclusion
What kind of telescope would you expect to find in most observatories? ________
Critical Thinking
Why might an astronomer study objects in space with an infrared telescope? ____
How can we prove that Earth rotates?
Think about standing on Earth and looking at the Sun in the sky. What would you
think about the relationship between Earth and the Sun, based only on
observation? ________________________________________________________
How does the Sun actually move? Why does the sun appear to move across the
sky? _______________________________________________________________
It’s two o’clock in the afternoon in Springfield. In Shelbyville, the next town over,
it is three o’clock in the afternoon. How is that possible? ____________________
In which direction would you have to travel to go from Springfield to Shelbyville? _
Standard Time Zones
Read a Map, U.S, Standard Time Zones
If it is noon in Denver, what time is it in Miami? ____________________________
Quick Checks
Draw Conclusions
If it is 8:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, what time is it in Honolulu, Hawaii? ___
Critical Thinking
What would happen if you traveled west across the International Date Line? _____
What makes a year?
What natural events occur in yearly cycles? ________________________________
What do you think causes these cycles? ___________________________________
Changes in Sunlight
Why is the Northern Hemisphere warmer in June than it is in December? ________
During June in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are long, and the nights are
short. As you move north, the days become even longer. Is it possible to find a
place where the Sun does not set at all? How do you know? __________________
Quick Check
Draw Conclusions
How do seasons in the Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere compare?
Critical Thinking
You are an explorer who has just arrived on a planet in our solar system. You
notice the Sun rising in the west and setting in the east. Based on these
observations, what might you conclude about the planet’s rotation? ____________
How can we explore space?
What would a person need to stay alive in space? ___________________________
How can people explore space without actually going there? __________________
A space shuttle orbits at about 29,000 kilometers (18,000 miles) per hour, which
means it completes one revolution around Earth in 90 minutes.
How many sunrises and sunsets would an astronaut in the shuttle see in 24 hours?
Quick Check
Draw Conclusions
What type of data do you think an artificial satellite in orbit above Earth might
gather? _____________________________________________________________
Critical Thinking
What is the difference between planetary images taken from Earth and those taken
from space? _________________________________________________________