AP World History - Eaglecrest High School

Advanced Placement World History Summer Assignment – Ms. Arnold ([email protected])
Primary Text – Please check this out from the bookroom before the end of the school year! You can also buy
your own copy (using amazon or other online avenues but be sure to get the proper year and with SOURCES –
not all of the books are with sources).
Strayer, Robert W. Ways of the World: A Global History with SOURCES. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011.
Other materials will be used throughout the year, as well.
You may want to start building background by familiarizing yourself with the text as you will be responsible for
about one chapter a week during the school year to learn the content and prepare for the final exam. It is the
expectation that every student sign up and take the exam at the end of the course as well as attend review
sessions after school during the school year.
Summer Assignment:
1. Strayer text Prologue, The Big Picture, and Chapter 1 – “First Peoples: Populating the Planet, to 10,000
 Complete the assignment that follows using only the space provided for each response.
 Complete sentences are not required
 Remember to read picture/visual captions and other seemingly insignificant parts of the text
 Examine the visuals and MAPS carefully (title, key, patterns, captions, questions)
2. Complete the “Flashcard Fodder” (all terms of significance on p. lix –& p. 32)
 On the front of each card write the page # and the UNIT 1, on the back you need to have the definition
and significance of each term (how does it relate to the unit, how does it impact the
society/civilization/world, what is it unique or similar to other concepts/ideas of the time???
 You will review throughout the year and be tested on the terms after each break from school
(summer/fall/winter/spring)… This will be your only homework over the breaks though is to review the
3. You may also find it helpful to check out the AP World History apps for your smart phones and start
“cruising” some of the content and questions as well as building background through “geeky” world
history review books, documentaries, movies, etc…Let your inner history geek shine and thrive!
See below for the assignment that you will turn in upon return to school in the fall
May 11, 2015
Dear Parents,
Your student will need the following book for AP World History at the start of the school year:
Barron’s AP World History, 6th ed., by John McCannon, Ph.D, ISBN: 978-1-4380-7383-5
As it is a book that your student will use frequently and be writing in, at the beginning of the school year,
we are making it available for you to purchase through the school for $9.00. We receive an educational
discount and they are sold to you below the current shelf price. You may choose to purchase one online
via Amazon or other sources, but you must have it on the first day of class. We will not be selling them
through the school in the fall.
As an option, you may decide to purchase the review book with a CD-ROM, which has some additional
review materials with it, for $15 instead of just the review book. Please fill out the order form below and
return it with cash or a check, for the purchase price, to Eaglecrest High School by June 1st, 2015. We will
have the workbook ready for your student the first week of school.
Please make checks payable to Eaglecrest High School and note “AP World History review book” and
your student’s name in the memo line. Please also include your phone number somewhere on the check
and return it to their present Social Studies teacher.
Thank You.
Deninne Arnold
[email protected]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________ Yes, I would like to purchase the AP World History review book, Barron’s AP World History,
6th ed., by John McCannon, Ph.D, ISBN: 9781438002729 for $9.00
________Instead, I would like to purchase the AP World History review book with the CD-ROM,
Barron’s AP World History w/ CD ROM, 6th ed., by John McCannon, Ph.D., ISBN:
9781438073835 for $15.00
Name of Student ___________________________________________________________________
Parent Name ______________________________________________________________________
Phone number _____________________________________________________________________
Email ___________________________________________________________________________
Name/Date/Class: _____________________________________________________________________________
` "Complete Sentence" responses are not required!
` Remember to read picture/visual captions and other seemingly ‘insignificant’ parts of the text!;
` Examine maps carefully;
` Key or essential TERMS for IDENTIFICATION are in CAPS and BOLD Print.
~ Questions 1 through 6 derive from PROLOGUE reading material on Pages li to lviii ~
1. Strayer identifies one of the new frameworks for understanding World History – the concept of “BIG HISTORY” –
What does ‘Big History’ entail?: ______________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. Referencing the ‘Big Historians’ framework of the ‘COSMIC CALENDAR’, how significant are the things we normally
study as part of the history of homo sapiens?: ___________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Strayer argues that even though our history has accounted for a very miniscule amount of time on the ‘B.H.” cosmic
calendar, this history – or the human activity that accounts for this history – has had and will have an enormous impact
on the planet – Explain this impact: ___________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ .
4. List and characterize (describe) the 3 predominant phases of World History that comprise roughly the last 250,000
years: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
5. Identify 2 factors that Strayer cites as contributing to the evolution of teaching World History, as opposed to more
narrowly defined historical studies: __________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
6. What is “ESSENTIALISM”? Give examples: ________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
~ Questions 7 through 17 derive from THE BIG PICTURE: Early Turning Points in World History on Pages 3 to 9 ~
7. What event of enormous significance happened about 6 to 5 million years ago (or ‘B.P.’- “Before the Present”)?:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ .
8. Identify HOMININAE: __________________________________________________________________ .
9. What core area produced the earliest types of humans?: ______________________________________________________ .
10. Identify HOMO HABILIS and HOMO ERECTUS (include a trait or talent of each): ______________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
11. Identify the PALEOLITHIC ERA, and include WHY it is so important in human history (give a minimum of 3
reasons): __________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. What is described as the “single most significant and enduring transformation of the human condition”? WHY is this
so?: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
13. Why did the ‘transformation’ mentioned above coincide with the beginning of the end of the last ice age?:
14. Why is the period called the ‘Age of Agriculture’ (roughly from 9,000 B.C.E. to the Industrial Revolution of 1750 C.E.)
so important in human history?: ______________________________________________________________________________
15. Not all peoples of the Age of Agriculture were agriculturalists – some were PASTORALISTS . . . What does this
mean?: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
16. Characterize (describe) the historical importance of what Strayer calls ‘civilizations’, or ‘state-based’ / ‘city-based’
societies: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
17. In what six areas did these societies (see above) arise?: _______________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
~ Questions 18 through 58 derive from Ch.1 | First Peoples: Populating the Planet, to 10,000 B.C.E. on Pages 11 to 32 ~
18. What do the HADZA people of Tanzania represent? What is ironic about the way they still live?: _______________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
19. Strayer again addressed the ultimate importance of the Paleolithic Era – Why is it so important . . . Identify a
minimum of 4 reasons: _______________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
20. Why do some historians still disdain any coverage of the Paleolithic Era?: __________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
21. Africa was the place where this: ______________________________________________________________________ ,
became more important than this: ____________________________________________ in shaping human behavior.
22. What “remarkable feat” did humans initiate around 100,000 to 60,000 B.P.?: ____________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
23. What climatic condition made this feat all the more remarkable – as well as possible? Explain this double-edged
element: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
24. What comprised the ‘supercontinent’ of Sahul?: _____________________________________________________________ .
25. Why have parts of modern France and Spain been a focus of study of Eurasian Paleolithic peoples? ALSO, Identify 3
theories that might explain the art for which this region is famous: _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
26. VENUS FIGURINES have been found diffused across a broad swath of European Eurasia – Identify these figurines
(reference p. 22 also), and What does their broad diffusion suggest?: ________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
27. Under what circumstances does it appear that Paleolithic humans first used boats?: _____________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
28. The DREAMTIME . . . With what region and which people is it associated?: ____________________________________ .
29. What does the concept of the Dreamtime encompass?: _______________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
30. For most of us Australia seems a distant and isolated part of the world, YET, it was penetrated by Paleolithic Era
migrations well before our own Western Hemisphere . . . WHY?: _________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
31. As in the case of Venus Figurines’ diffusion, as well as Australian Aborigines’ diffusion of shells, pigments, stones,
feathers, etc., North America had its own unique diffusionist ‘product’ – What was it?:______________________________ .
32. What is MEGAFAUNAL EXTINCTION?: ______________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ .
33. What happened to the CLOVIS People?: ____________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
34. Identify 2 things that make human expansion into the Pacific (OCEANIA) remarkable: ___________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
35. Sketch the essential characteristics of a Paleolithic society – Include a description of their material existence:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
36. What system of study – typically undertaken by ANTHROPOLOGISTS – has been employed to learn of the realities of
Paleolithic peoples existence?: _______________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
37. Paleolithic societies were not complete utopias – Give 3 bits of evidence to support this statement: _____________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
38. “Paleolithic peoples were ‘well-off’” – Affirm or Refute with evidence: _________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
39. “Paleolithic humans coexisted peacefully with their natural environments” - Affirm or Refute with evidence:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
40. SHAMAN(ism) – Who were (are) they and What did they do?: _____________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
41. Describe 3 different characteristics of the spiritual realm of Paleolithic Peoples: ___________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
42. What technological shifts in the Paleolithic TOOL KIT were, perhaps, as important (or more so) as changes in 20 th/21st
century technologies? ______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
43. What caused the “most striking and significant change in the lives of Paleolithic peoples” between 16,000 to 10,000
B.P.?: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
44. What resulted from this (see above) for human communities – Use the Jomon for specific examples:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
45. At the bottom of p. 23 Strayer betrays (meaning that he makes something known unintentionally) a belief that not all people
– scientists included – agree upon – What is it?: ________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
46. What do the SAN of Angola/Namibia/Botswana and the CHUMASH of southern California represent? What do they
provide us with?: _____________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
47. Why were the San able to weather the intrusion into their lands of the Bantu and Europeans?: __________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
48. Though isolated, in what ways did the San/Khoisan benefit from cultural diffusion?: ____________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
49. Describe the “modest technology” of the Ju/’hoansi (San), as well as the kind of life it allowed them to create:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
50. What were the simple characteristics of Ju/’hoansi life? – Give 2 to 3: __________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
51. What were the complex characteristics of Ju/’hoansi life? – Give 2 to 3:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
52. What was the ultimate purpose or outcome of the Ju/’hoansi economic system of exchange?: _____________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
53. Capsulize the spiritual beliefs of the Ju/’hoansi. . . Why was the n/um so important to the Ju/’hoansi (read to the end of
the section, incorporating information from p. 28): ______________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
54. Most of Strayer’s knowledge of the Ju/’hoansi comes from the work of Richard Lee – Is this problematic? Could Lee
have P-O-V that conditions his views of the Ju/’hoansi and their society (go back and read what is said about Lee’s background
at the bottom of p. 25, on to p. 26):________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
55. Even though the early, pre-12th century C.E. Chumash lived close to a traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle, they still
varied in distinct ways from the Ju/’hoansi – What conditions or factors made their circumstances different from the
Ju/’hoansi?: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
56. In several centuries after 1150 C.E. the Chumash “created an entirely new society” – Describe and explain what gave
impetus to this transformation: ____________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
57. People living in a modern, western, 21st century society would probably find far more to like (or at least recognize) in
Chumash society, as opposed to that of the Ju/’hoansi. Identify those aspects of Chumash life that fit this assessment (you
should be able to find at least 4): ________________________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
58. Why have some scholars – as well as plain old normal people – become attracted in a positive way to life in the
Paleolithic Era? Identify several ways this attraction has manifested itself:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .