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posted 3 years ago (last edited 5 months ago)
Week 6 Discussion 1
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"Capital Budgeting and Risk Analysis" Please respond to the following:
• * From the e-Activity, analyze the reasons why the short-term
project that you have chosen might be ranked higher under the
NPV criterion if the cost of capital is high, while the long-term
project might be deemed better if the cost of capital is low.
Determine whether or not changes in the cost of capital could
ever cause a change in the internal rate of return (IRR) ranking of
two (2).
• * From the scenario, take a position for or against TFC’s decision
to expand to the West Coast. Provide a rationale for your
response in which you cite at least two (2) capital budgeting
techniques (e.g., NPV, IRR, Payback Period, etc.) that you used to
arrive at your decision.
Elvis Thomas
2 days ago
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Liza Obispo
1 day ago
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Michael Aiello
19 hours ago
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Elvis Thomas
12 hours ago
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Anjel Mousa
54 minutes ago
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Michael Aiello
1 day ago
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Liza Obispo
1 day ago
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Anjel Mousa
1 day ago
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1 day ago
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Liza Obispo
11 hours ago
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1 day ago
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