Do You Know what the Bible says? (Default translation is New King James) Trivia Question: “Who were the women listed in the genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth?” Last Week’s “What were the last words of Christ on the cross?” Answer: “It is finished’ or was it ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Location: (John 19:30 & Luke 26:46) Correct answer given by: Ken & Sharon Woodrum, Matt Caldwell, Lindsey Miller, Zach Hunnicutt, Terry & Gail Spriestersbach, Harold & Roxie Cantley, Richard & Wanda Foy, Linda Caldwell, Paul Barnes, Nancy Scarborough, Hazel Driver, Margaret Jordan, Alyssa Jordan, Hessie Weese, Carl Wages Widows & Widowers Flossie Bolton, Joyce Brewer, Frances Brown, Norma Jean Carmen, Hazel Driver, Marjorie Holstein, Marie Temple, Burdine Thornberry, Hessie Weese, Virginia Hamm, Betty Scheutzow Alice Moreland, Betty Alley, Qualla Tablett, , Lola Anderson, Bill Brown & Bruce Nagy God’s Word For The Week “This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous. Do not be surprised, my brothers, if the world hates you. We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:11-18) March/April Birthdays Eunice Henry 3/31 Connie Cisco 4/9 Lindsey Miller 4/11 Jim Rinaldi 4/13 Corey Anderson 4/15 Rosa Morrison 4/17 Hunter Jordan 4/18 April Anniversaries March 29, 2015 A Publication of the East Broad ST. Church of Christ Location: 1125 East Broad St. Elyria, OH 44035 (440)366-9511 [email protected] ELDERS Harold Cantley (440)323-9338 Terry Spriestersbach (440)748-1591 Evangelist: Harold Reddick (440)458-8487 [email protected] Times of Assemblies Sun. Bible Class ….. 10:00 AM Sun. Worship …….. 11:00 AM Jim & Terrie Rinaldi 4/11 Sun. Night ……….. Chuck & Teresa Smith 4/24 Wed. Bible Study … 7:00 PM 6:00 PM WELCOME WE WELCOME OUR VISITORS TO THE WORSHIP SERVICES TODAY AS OUR HONORED GUESTS. PLEASE FILL OUT A VISITORS CARD AND GIVE IT TO ONE OF THE GREETERS AT THE DOOR AS YOU LEAVE. WE HOPE & PRAY YOU WILL RETURN SOON. Topics & Texts Today War is a horrible thing and is basically about power and wickedness. In the last 100 years there have been over 3,000 wars on planet earth. Most of them we have never heard of or know anything about. One of the most long term and vicious is the conflict in the north African nation of the Sudan which began in 1983. More than 500,000 people have lost their lives in this conflict and millions have been displaced and suffered incredible hardships. Some have ask that perennial question as why does God not do anything to stop such actions? Generally the better question is “why haven’t humans done anything to stop this terrible situation?” The sinful choices and behavior is without question the cause of such loss and pain. However is it possible something good could come from such tragedy? One of the horrendous happenings in this conflict was known as “the lost boys of Sudan.” More than 20,000 boys between the ages of 7 and 17 wandered from Sudan to Kenya, to Uganda to Ethiopia in order to escape this conflict. They endured heat, hunger, thirst, bullets, and hopelessness but out of this has come good from God. Many good people across the world, especially the United States contributed to refugee camps that provided clothing, food, housing and medical care to these needy people. One of the lost boys is named David Thoatmer, and he is now our brother in the Lord. He heard the gospel in a refugee camp in Ethiopia and obeyed it. God worked out the details for David to attend the Sunset School of Biblical Studies in Lubbock, Texas from which he graduated in October of 2014. In May of last year he went on a mission trip to Ethiopia, and he took 10 solar players 9 of which were given to preachers and teachers of God’s Word. What are solar players? As you might think they are powered by the rays of the sun and contain the Bible in various languages as well as material to train teachers of the gospel in-depth so that they might be able to teach others. David is now back in the home of his birth, Sudan, and he is sharing the gospel of Jesus with hundreds and even thousands of people. Consider if you would the events which occur in Acts 8:26-39. It is the story about a Christian named Philip meeting a prominent man from Ethiopia and sharing with him about Jesus Christ and he was baptized by Philip near their place of meeting. The last thing we read about him was, “the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.” What did he do with the rest of his life? We aren’t told, but about 150 years later some New Testament Christians went to Ethiopia to share the gospel and discovered hundreds of congregations that were already living and teaching the truth of the gospel in a biblical manner! Wonder how that happened? Just another wonder of God! Shalom, Harold AM: “The Gospel is Spelled L-O-V-E!” (1 John 3:11-18) PM: “A Portrait of Jesus” (Isaiah 53) Medical & Prayer Needs Jaycee Topping (Margaret Jordan grand daughter has pneumonia but is getting better.), Rosa Morrison (is struggling with recovery from her back surgery.), Wilma Barkley (medical tests indicate she had a mild heart attack.), Norma Carman (has a herniated disk & is in considerable pain.), Gabbi Cook (all is well with her checkup & they are headed home today.), Richard Sayhida (a friend of Ron Minton’s has lung cancer & is having chemotherapy.) Hazel Driver (is still struggling with various health challenges so keep her in prayer.,) Bob Cuson (is recovering at home but still needs prayer.), Al Standen (Is out of the hospital & in assisted living. Gary asks that we keep his dad in prayer.) Military Prayer List: Philip Pape, Jeff Burgess, Kenneth Redd II, Ethan Vance, Matt Chesch, & Andrew Hardin Upcoming Events April 4th: Ladies Sewing Group: will meet at 10 AM to work on lap robes for the very ill. April 11th: Ladies’ Day at the Streetsboro Church of Christ Theme: The Barnabas Factor-Realize Your Encouragement Potential. Please check out the details on the bulletin board. April 12th-15th: Gospel Meeting at Bucyrus, Ohio Church Please see BB for specific details. May 2nd: Ladies Spring Banquet: Theme: “Patterns For Life” Speaker: Cammie Foresha Time: to begin at 6 pm. Please check out the Bulletin Board for details and sign-up forms. May 16th: Men of God — Mentor Church of Christ with Andy Robison. Please see the BB for specific details. Potter Children’s Home Commodities Outreach: the van will be in our area the week of May 17th to pick-up items. Please see the bulletin board for details of needed items. (The ongoing prayer list will be on a separate sheet so pick one up from the table in the foyer.) RECORDS : March 22, 2015 Attendance 2015 Goals Sunday Bible Study 47 Bible Study: 80 Sunday AM Worship 80 AM Worship: 125 Sunday PM Worship 30 PM Worship: 80 Wed. Bible Study 30 Wed. Bible Study 80 Offering: $2,062.00 Offering: $1,600.00
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