Order of Worship Worship Leader: Shane Shinsato “America the Beautiful” #1007 Welcome/Call to Worship – Noel Smith “When We All Get to Heaven” #853 “Shine, Jesus, Shine” #290 “Hosanna” #167 “I Love the Lord” #359 Harlingen Neighborhood Food Pantry’s 2nd Annual Dinner/Silent Auction Fund Raiser Tuesday—2/10/15 Dinner—6:00 PM Dine In or Take Out $8.00/Plate—Tickets available from church office Brisket—Baked Potato—Cole slaw Roll—Homemade Dessert—Drink Auction—5:00 PM—7:30 PM Held at St Alban’s Reed Outreach Center 1417 E,. Austin Call Jim Coffman for more information 428-3972 Followers of Jesus. Matthew 13:44-58 – Mark Phipps “Firm Foundation” “Nailed to the Cross” #361 Communion – Gary Whittington “When Upon Life’s Billows” #742 Our Offering “Days of Elijah” Message: The Story “I Love the Lord” #359 Rockport Church of Christ Ladies’ Day Saturday, February 21 “The Apple of Thine Eye” Speaker: Becky Blackmon Session I: The Apple of Thine Eye Session II: Woman to Woman, Sister to Sister May I Be the Apple of Your Eye? Keep me as the apple of the eye,; Hide me under the shadow of thy wings. Psalm 17:8 Registration: 9:00—9:30 am Benediction Dennis Amstutz Ben Arellano Wayne Bishop Mitch Henken Ernie Smith Bobby Sparks Jacob Vincent PREACHING MINISTER Phone: 956-254-6496 Welcome If you are visiting, thank you for choosing to be with us this morning. We are honored to have you as our guest. If you have little ones, we have an attended nursery on the north end of the building for children up to age three. We also have activity sheets related to today’s service available in the north and south lobbies for your children. Please be sure and let us know if we can answer questions, pray with you, or assist you in any way. Thanks again for stopping in! Email: [email protected] Prayer: Jim Looney “The Steadfast Love of the Lord” #123 OUR SHEPHERDS Rob Sparks Lunch provided Voices of Unity. 8th & Harrison Church of Christ | Harlingen, TX | February 8, 2015 Psalm 30 – Ian Collins Shepherd’s Prayer - Dennis Amstutz Partners in Kingdom. FAMILY MINISTER Our Record for the Week of February 1, 2015 Bible Classes = 97 AM Worship = 190, PM Worship = Oikos Weekly Budget = $5,660.11 Regular Contribution = $4,266.00 Nursery Attendants: Elizabeth Johnson & Jessica Sicari Greeters for the Week Diana Bishop & Shirley Looney Jennifer Shinsato LouAnn Collins & Paula Henken South-Lobby North-Lobby Auditorium Noel Smith Phone: 956-793-2936 Email: [email protected] OUR HOURS SUNDAY Bible Class: 9:15am Each Sunday afternoon and evening, our oikos groups meet throughout the area. These small, multi-generational groups exist to help us develop Christ-likeness and Christian community in a seven day a week “real world” context. As our church continually strives to develop our identity as followers of Jesus, partners in Kingdom, and voices of Unity, oikos helps us put rubber to road. We would like to invite every member to participate in oikos, and we extend an Worship: 10:20am invitation to our guests to visit a group gathering and find out more about what WEDNESDAY we’re up to. Dinner: 6:00pm If you aren’t part of a group and you would like to be plugged in, let Rob or Noel Bible Class: 7:00pm know or contact the church office. 8th & Harrison Church of Christ Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @harlingencoc or at www.harlingenchurchofchrist.org 801 E Harrison Ave, Harlingen, TX 78550 | 956-423-3353 www.harlingenchurchofchrist.org Culture of Life Ministries We remind you of members who are confined to their places 8th & Harrison Clinic Hours of residence or have other continuing needs: David Day, Linda By appointment Scott, Myrna Wall. Addresses are available in the directory or from the office. Monday : 10am—2pm Thursday : 1pm Friday: 5-7pm Contact Info Phone : 956-970-9327 Email : [email protected] Neighborhood Food Pantry Hours Tuesday Set Up : 9am Wednesday Distribution : 9-11:30am Friday Distribution : 9am Contact Info Phone : 956-428-3972 Email : [email protected] Upcoming Events Family News Verlene Arellano continues her dialysis and therapy at Solera Hospital. She is in room 111. Boyd McNabb is currently in room 529 at Valley Baptist Medical Center. Retirement! Congratulations to Wayne & Diana Bishop. They have sold Circle Industries Inc. and are now officially retired. We wish them well in this next chapter of life. Our Wednesday evening Christian Family Fellowship meal this week will be lasagna, green beans, salad, bread and dessert. To insure we prepare enough food please indicate on your attendance card how many will be attending. You are encouraged to help with the cost of the meal, at least $4 per person up to $10 per family. Our visitors are cordially invited to participate. Golden Agers will have a potluck dinner and game night this Friday at 6pm in Room 24. If you feel golden come join the fun. Visitors are encouraged to attend. Fundraiser Lunch. On Sunday, February 22 following our morning service there will be a benefit meal in our fellowship hall. The menu will be pulled pork, beans, potato salad, and Angel’s banana pudding. All donations will go to fund both Impact and Family Crisis Center Ministries. Our goal is $1000. Impact Ministry Update. We are in great need of $5.00 gift cards to McDonalds, Wendy's, Whataburger, etc. for February.. We appreciate your continued prayers and support. We will be serving on the following Saturdays: February 28, March 28, April 25, May 30, and June 27. Come join us and see what Impact is all about. For more information contact Cindy Reynolds. Family Crisis Center. For February we are in need of toothpaste, toothbrushes and deodorant for the safe house. As always we thank you for your continued prayer for this ministry. For more information contact Cathy Fox.. The Story reading for next Sunday is the book of Esther. 02/09: Culture of Life Clinic (by appointment) 02/10 : Food Bank Setup (9am) 02/10: Ladies Bible Class (10am) 02/11: Food Bank Distribution (8:30—11:30am) 02/11: Fellowship meal (6pm) 02/11: Bible classes for all ages (7pm) 02/12: Prayer Luncheon (12 noon) 02/12: Culture of Life Clinic (by appointment) 02/13: Culture of Life Clinic (by appointment) 02/13: Golden Agers (6pm) 02/14: Sweetheart Banquet (5pm) If you have not joined an oikos group, contact the office and we can help you find the right group for you and your family! Motherly Love: Our young women are cordially invited to an evening of great food and wonderful fellowship at the home of Trudy Kretz, with hostess Ava Whittington. We know how full your lives are with all the duties that come with being young wives and mothers, and we want to take this opportunity to let you be served. Join us this Tuesday, February 10, 6:30pm , 810 Parkview Terrace. Please let us know whether or not you will be attending so we can plan accordingly. Respond to Judy Sparks (650-0621) or Marilyn Vincent (367-2800). 5th Annual Sweetheart Banquet will be held on Saturday, February 4, in the chapel. There will be two seatings available. The first seating will be at 5 PM and the second seating at 7 PM. This year’s gourmet menu will be prepared by three of our talented chefs, Heather Smith, Julia Maxwell and Dennis Amstutz. We will also be enjoying dessert prepared by Melanie McCormick. Those in attendance will dine on each chef’s delicious fare and then vote on their favorite dish. Make plans to attend and invite your family and friends to this time of fun, food and fellowship. The suggested donation of $20 per seat or $100 for a table for six will go to support our youth activities. Get your reservations in soon to Heather Smith or contact Catherine Rochell in the church office. Your Church Calendar. There is a calendar in the church office where meetings, events, and various ministry activities are to be recorded. If you or your ministry want to use the facility for a meeting or event please come by or contact the office to pencil it in on the calendar for approval. It is very important for all activities that take place at our campus to be recorded here. After elder approval the events are scheduled. Please do not assume space is available at the time you want to hold your event. Representatives from Youth, Ladies’, Men’s, Impact14, Family Crisis Ministries, America Heritage Girls, Golden Agers, etc. are asked to come by the office and pencil in your regularly scheduled events and other activities. Thank you for your cooperation. Thursday Prayer Lunch. We are called to be a people of prayer. Every Thursday at noon a group of us meet for table fellowship followed by a time of prayer. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome to bring a sack lunch and meet with us in the conference room. With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. ~ Ephesians 6:18-20
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