The Magazine of Eastgate Union Church, Louth (Baptist and United Reformed) In this month’s edition: • • • • Holy Week Louth Community Larder The General Election Lots of news from our Missionary friends APRIL 2015 From our Pastor Dear Friends,, For me personally this Easter will be very special! This in very large part will be the result two key factors, the first being the recent EMBA Minister’s conference led by Nigel Wright, and the second, which was the very wonderful Christianity Explored Course. As we have said before, it is very important to ensure that we don’t allow ourselves to become over familiar with the stories we regularly revisit as part of the Church calendar. It is essential that we are prepared to encounter them with fresh eyes, ready to encounter the depth of truth and the richness of the Scriptures. This has certainly been the case for me as I had the privilege of journeying through Mark’s Gospel with the participants of the Christianity Explored Course. One of the many joys of the course was listening to the many wonderful comments and stimulating questions that arose from people who have been carefully reading Mark’s Gospel as part of preparing for each session. One of the many impressive aspects of the course was the emphasis that was placed on recognising who Jesus is and why he came to “dwell among us”. Although it is challenging to explore the subject of sin and hell, to be reminded of the fact that Jesus, motivated by love, was willing to die on the cross so that we could receive forgiveness and be rescued from an eternal separation from God inspires great joy and heartfelt gratitude, especially as we prepare to celebrate this great act of love at Easter. Added to this was the great privilege I had to listen to Nigel Wright, who recently retired as the Principle of Spurgeon’s College. Speaking to a room full of ministers, Nigel shared a treasury of thoughts as he took us through the Easter narratives in the Gospels. Some of those thoughts will be included in a series of reflections that will take place at Eastgate during Holy Week, but the most striking for me was the journey Nigel took us through for Holy Saturday. Within the Free Church Holy Week often rushes on from the excitement of Palm Sunday to the thrilling news of resurrection on Easter Sunday with little time to reflect upon the complexities of Maundy Thursday through the night to the events of Good Friday morning, and we certainly never consider what it was like for those close to Jesus to live through that Saturday not knowing what we know would occur the next morning. I would simply like to encourage us this Easter to take time to slowly work our way through what the Scriptures tell us about the events of Holy Week, and to do so by engaging our imaginations in the sights, sounds and emotions of these events. My prayer is that for each of us this Easter will be very real as we follow Jesus to the cross and then encounter him as our risen Lord. May this Easter be very special for you and those you love, Chris News of the Family Bereavement: We offer our heartfelt sympathy to June & Colin Lambert on the death of Colin’s daughter, Maggi. Maggi appeared to be doing well following a bone marrow transplant, but then was rushed into Addenbrook’s hospital where very sadly she passed away. Thanksgiving: We thank God for the fact that Michael Henderson has been told he is currently in remission - but please continue to pray for him and his family. Congratulations... to Anne & Dennis Snowdon who celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary this month! also to John Eedle who turns 40 this month! Elders’ Election At our recent AGM, Seith Grierson and Brian Moore were both elected to serve as Elders for a further three years. Please remember them both in your prayers as they continue to serve the Lord here at EGU. Those who are in need of our prayers: Elizabeth Whomsley is now back home, having spent some time seriously ill in Scunthorpe Hospital and then convalescing with her son in Bedford. We continue to pray for Brian Moore, and also for Audrey, as Brian completes one phase of his treatment and prepares for the next stage; also for Diana & Nigel Gash as Nigel continues treatment. Please remember Margaret Tysall in your prayers - her Dad is very ill in Birmingham and she has travelled on public transport to be with him. Sue Banister has had a further exploratory procedure and has received some help with her eating. We also continue to remember Bernice Jones, Alan Dyson and Beryl Walters. Visits from Old Friends It has been a real joy in recent weeks to welcome folk who formerly attended our Church: On Sunday 1st March Ineke Haaring (formerly at New Tribes) was with us, and shared with us some of the exciting missionary work going on in Papua New Guinea. (see below) Then on 22nd March Pam Wynn (now living in Ireland) was with us. On Sunday 10th May we look forward to the Paetzold family being with us, boys’ health permitting. (see page 17) Please continue to remember those unable to join us regularly for worship: Joe Moore and Paul White. Birthday Greetings for April 1st 4th 6th 10th Ann Flegg Bernice Jones Una Ward Nathaniel Fisher Mark Willoughby 12th John Eedle Elaine Chaufour 15th Lesley Anderson THANKS Freda Draper would like to convey her thanks for the prayers of the fellowship and messages and cards of sympathy following the recent death of her sister. 16th Janice Greenfield 24th Finlay Dilks 28th Ruth Siddle Jessica Greenfield Mary Farr 29th Rita Mills 30th Abigail Eedle Elizabeth Whomsley wishes to thank everyone for their prayers and for their kindness in sending cards and best wishes while she has been ill. She is very grateful for having received lots of support from our Church. from Ineke Haaring It was so good to see you again and to be in your midst just for this short moment. I have heard many of your stories (good and bad news) and much is over my head, but I thank the Lord that He is in control. I will take them along in my prayers and my memories of you. Thank you so much for your prayers for me and the work in Papua New Guinea. Love from Ineke THANKS It was with sadness that we accepted Lori Fear’s decision to step down from the role of Elder at Eastgate Union at our recent AGM. We are grateful to Lori for all she did in that role, both practically and in terms of spiritual encouragement. We are a richer fellowship as a result of Lori’s willingness to serve in obedience to the call of Jesus and we are so grateful. Chris A very big thank you to all who participated on the Christianity Explored Course over the last couple of months. Both courses were a wonderful experience and the journey through Mark’s Gospel and exploration of the Christian faith was challenging and inspiring. Thanks also to Anna Henderson who, as well as leading the Wednesday evening course, also, along with the rest of her family generously hosted the course in their home. Chris Words Don’t Seem Enough I’m sure many of you will agree that our Church Magazine, “Shalom”, has been an essential part of the life of our fellowship. As well as keeping us well informed in regard to Church life, news of the work of Churches Together in Louth and District, the work of the many missionaries we seek to support and the chance to get to know about the stories and interests of many of the folk here, we have also been kept entertained with humour and encouraged with words of wisdom. One former United Reformed Church Synod Moderator described Shalom as one of the best Church Magazines he had come across. It is only right to acknowledge that, whilst many have made contributions to the content of the magazine the real praise needs to go to it’s editor, Heather Grierson, who single handedly has produced something that has been a blessing and encouragement to many and allowed those who have moved away from Louth to stay in touch. Somehow words don’t seem enough to capture our appreciation for how much time and dedication have been applied to the task of producing Shalom, but we are very grateful to Heather, so thank you so much. At the time of writing we have yet to have anyone volunteer to step into the role of editor and so allow Shalom to remain a part of the life of the fellowship. I would simply ask if you feel you could play a part in writing a Church Magazine to approach Heather. Once again, and I believe I speak on behalf of many of us, may I pass on our heartfelt gratitude to Heather for such incredible service in the role of editor, publisher and distributer of Shalom. Chris Ray Holy Week Reflections Inspired by the recent EMBA Minister’s Conference at Swanick where Nigel Wright (the recently retired Principle at Spurgeon’s College) led a series of lectures on the theme of “Preaching Through Easter”, Chris plans to lead a series of reflections as we journey through Holy Week. These sessions will take the form of detailed explorations of the Biblical text and will encourage us to enter into the sights, sounds and emotions of what have become familiar scenes to many of us. The unique aspect of this journey will be the time spent exploring what has become known as “Holy Saturday”. These sessions will run from 7:30pm for approximately an hour on Maundy Thursday (2nd April), Good Friday (3rd April), Holy Saturday (4th April), and will conclude in our Easter Communion Service (5th April). The Old Kitchen New Church Directory By the time you receive this Magazine, our “old kitchen” should be well on the way to being transformed into a much more attractive room. Phyllis & Heather are hoping to publish a new Church Directory in about a month’s time, so we all have access to one another’s addresses and telephone numbers, and in some cases email addresses, as well as some details about our Church. Damp and rot rising from the cellar have made it a matter of urgency that the floor and joists are repaired. So in the last week in March P. Coffey and Son (who built Chris’s new office in the entrance and also installed the double glass doors into the rear of the Sanctuary) have been removing the old units, installing a new floor, joists and base units, also spraying brick work and timbers with preservative and doing some work to lessen the damp problem in the cellar. If you think any of your details need updating, or if you wish to add, or delete, an email address or mobile phone number, please contact one of us as soon as possible. We are also aware that a number of new folk have joined us in recent months. While we have tried our best to keep up with new faces, if you think we may not yet have your details and you would like to be included in the Directory, please contact one of us. Phyllis Bartup & Heather Grierson General Election - Thursday 7th May Although the General Election is still several weeks away, the media seems to be full of stories about it, and we may already be tiring of hearing about it constantly! However, as Christians it is important that we engage with what is going on and especially that we make it a matter of prayer. The Baptist Union, in partnership the Methodist Church, United Reformed Church and The Church of Scotland, have launched a campaign to inform our prayers as the General Election approaches, called “Love Your Neighbour: Think, Pray, Vote”. Each of the four weeks leading up to the election will have a focus for prayer: w/c Sunday 12th April will focus on the theme of Truth w/c Sunday 19th April will focus on the theme of Justice w/c Sunday 26th April will focus on the theme of Peace w/c Sunday 3rd May will focus on the theme of Wellbeing You may wish to follow these themes in your own prayers as you prepare for this year’s election. Look out for information later in the month, as we are hoping to hold a prayer gathering for the Election on the day before (Wednesday 6th May). Chris Ray As with previous General Elections, Churches Together in Louth & District are organising A HUSTINGS EVENT in Louth Methodist Church 7.30pm WEDNESDAY 22ND APRIL to which all are welcome Candidates from all parties standing for the Louth & Horncastle Seat will be welcomed to attend this event, where they will be invited to make a statement in support of their election and respond to questions in open forum. Remembrance Day 2015 At the Churches Together Council Meeting on 5th March it had been agreed that, as part of the 2015 Remembrance Day commemorations at EGU, there would be a display of Conscientious Objectors supplied by the Quakers. However, EGU’s Church Meeting on 25th March agreed that this would not be appropriate as folk remember those killed in wars. Chris Ray will inform the CTLD Chair of this. We did not object to having the Display at another time. WHO’S WHO AT EGU Age (Exact or approximate) 56 Your immediate family Peter (my husband) Your Background I was born in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, but spent my first 18 years in Epping, Essex What brought you to Louth? We came on a short holiday, really liked the town, we were looking to move, so here we are! Wendy Andrews How long have you lived in Louth? 15 months Your job R.G.N. Spare time interests Knitting, reading, needlework, walking our dog Favourite Books Light, easy reading novels (Francine Rivers) Favourite TV/films Crime/police/courtroom dramas When/How did you first come to faith in Christ? Confirmed in a CofE Church when I was 11, baptised in a Baptist Church age 36 years Favourite Bible Passages Psalms 139 & 121, Mary’s prayer (The Magnificat) Favourite Hymns/Worship Songs Guide me O Thou great Jehovah, The wonderful Cross When did you first start to attend EGU? November 2013 How long have you been a member? Since March 2014 Where can we meet you in our fellowship? Sunday mornings, Prayer Meeting, Ladies Bible Study What “jobs” do you do in our Church? Christmas Tree, tea & coffee, welcome team Are you involved in the wider Church beyond EGU in any way? Calvary Chapel, Cyprus NEWS FROM THE AGM Carol Irwin Thank you to everyone who contributed to the recent AGM – to those who sent in Annual Reports, to those who attended the meeting and to those who backed us up in prayer whilst fulfilling other responsibilities or taking a well-deserved break. Seith Grierson and Brian Moore were duly elected to serve as Elders for a further term. Carol Irwin and Audrey Moore were elected to serve as Secretary and Treasurer respectively for another year, roles they both confess to enjoying very much! A few people stepped down from various roles – Lori Fear from the Eldership, John Swaby from the Pastoral Team, Anne McCready from the Youth Team, Heather Grierson as Magazine Editor and Audrey Moore as Community Larder rep. It is with great appreciation that we recognise the role these people have played and we wish them well for the future. We also acknowledge those who have taken on new roles leading up to the AGM. In the Youth Team this includes Jenny Dilks, Emma Palmer, Heidi Wilson, Tess Doughty and Helen Eedle. Simon Harrison has taken on the role of Health & Safety Officer, with David Neal offering assistance. Beryl Walters has kindly offered to help Sue Banister as Community Larder rep. There are still a couple of vacancies remaining – Magazine Editor and Publicity Officer – if anyone would be interested in learning more about these roles please see Carol in the first instance. My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth Psalm 121:2 Churches Together in Louth & District: Information from Council Meeting of 5th March Marion & Leslie Howe Fund: £901 has been donated to Riding for the Disabled to support the introduction of carriage driving. New Treasurer & Secretary needed: Anyone from EGU interested in either role please speak with Heather or Seith Grierson or Sue Banister. Bible Sunday - 25th October 2015: The Salvation Army Divisional Commander and his wife to be approached to see if they are available. Jill Day is to explore putting a display of Bibles and children’s Bible stories in the Library for the week prior to Bible Sunday. It was also suggested that a relevant School Assembly on a Biblical theme could be put on in as many local schools as possible in the week running up to Bible Sunday. Pop-up Christmas Shop: This idea is being worked on by the group who took part in the local Mission Shaped Ministry Course last Autumn, and it is hoped that it can run from Friday 18th – 23rd December. Christian Aid Week: This year is the 70th Anniversary of Christian Aid! The following events have been arranged so far: Sponsored Walk (see page 13 for details), 16th - Coffee Morning at Nichol Hill, to include money count, 17th - Christian Aid United Service at Nichol Hill – All Age Worship, A Soup Lunch will take place at South Elkington the following week. Community Larder: The Larder is under pressure because of increasing demand over the past two years - not just for food, but also for emergency financial help; the donations have not really been keeping up with demand – so donations of food, furnishings, kitchen equipment, and especially finance, are always welcome. Prayer Walk: this is being arranged for 9th June. Holy Week Events: Salvation Army – a meditation each morning from 10am, Monday - Thursday Maundy Thursday Eucharist - All welcome 7.30pm at St. James; Preacher David Newlove; any volunteers to have their feet washed? General Election: David Newlove is arranging a Hustings at Nichol Hill. Remembrance Day 2015: CTLD’s plan is for EGU to house a display of Conscientious Objectors supplied by the Quakers – but there will also be other items on display so that offence – it was suggested that the Land Army could be a theme. (But see page … for EGU Church Meeting’s view on this !) Heather Grierson Louth Community Larder Greg Gilbert has produced a Report for 2014: some of it is reproduced here. A copy of the full Report is pinned to the Church Hall Notice Board. The activities within the Larder have increased during 2014, with increasing numbers of families, not just individuals, needing help. We have been providing, not only food, but also toiletries, curtains, bedding, cutlery and crockery. In addition to providing these items, a great deal of our time is spent providing help and support to individuals who are either referred to the Larder by an outside agency or who walk in through the door. Individuals and families referred to the Larder are often being supported by the agency that have made the referral. However, where someone walks in without a referral, then the staff at the Trinity Centre endeavour where possible to ensure that these people are picked up by an existing agency which can help with their individual problems. Funding & Donations During the Harvest Festival season and at Christmas, sizeable donations of food are received from schools, churches and other organizations. Also towards the end of 2014 the Larder received a number of donations that ensured that the Larder was both well stocked with food and in a reasonable financial position. Additionally in May 2013 the Lincolnshire Community Assistance Scheme (LCAS) began referrals to the Larder: this enabled the Larder to receive reimbursement for the food parcels that had been requested from LCAS which provided a regular funding stream. During the first 6 months of 2014 the Larder saw a dramatic increase in the numbers of food parcels being handed out. Whilst this levelled out towards the end of the year, it placed additional pressures on finances and stocks of food - due to the reduction in actual money being donated, and also with the necessity to place repeated orders with both Morrison’s and Asda’s. Additionally LCAS increased the number of days for a food parcel from 3 days to 5 in March 2014, which also placed additional strain on the system. Future considerations Whilst the Larder is currently relatively well stocked due to the generosity of organizations and individuals at Harvest and Christmas, the likelihood of LCAS operating post March 2015 is unlikely, so the disappearance of this stream of funding will remove an vital part of the Larder funding. It is difficult to predict the pressures that may be placed on the current system in 2015. It can only be stated that if the levels of activity remain the same or increase, the donations, both financial and food, will need to increase considerably in order that current services are maintained. Walking in the Wolds Julia Gibson is once again organizing three Walks to help raise money in Christian Aid Week (which is in May) - you will be able to choose between 3, 15 or 30 miles, according to your level of expertise. In preparation for that, Julia will be holding a “practice walk” on 18th April, starting from Louth Methodist Church at 9am: 15 miles in the Lincolnshire Wolds, taking approximately 6 hours. Please let her have your email address if you intend going on this, in case she needs to cancel at short notice. The Christian Aid Week Walks will take place on Saturday 16th May, starting at 8.30am from Louth Methodist Church. You have a choice of 3 walks: Walk 1: Louth to Tathwell (3 miles) Walk 2: as Walk 1, then on to Tetford & Scamblesby (15 miles) Transport back to Louth for these 2 walks (for a small donation towards petrol) Walk 3: as walks 1 & 2 then on to Donington-on-Bain, Welton-leWold and back to Louth Walk 1 is open to all person s with a reasonable level of fitness. Walks 2 and 3 are for people who have walked similar distances in the past. Julia is hoping participants will gain sponsorship, and walkers will be asked for a minimum donation to Christian Aid of £5 for the 3 mile walk, or £10 for the 15 and 30 mile walks. It is suggested that walkers donate at the Practice Walk too. All walkers will need stout footwear (preferably boots), water and waterproof clothing. In addition, Julia advises that you take with you food (bananas are the thing), whistle, sweater, emergency food, and trousers to be carried if shorts are worn. If you would like to participate in any of the Walks, please contact Derek Gibson (07917305270) or Julia Gibson (01507 354626, Wed-Fri 8am-4pm). This year our friends at St. James are celebrating the 500th Anniversary of St. James Spire The spire, which can be seen from miles around, is 295 feet high, and the tallest mediaeval parish Church spire in England. A programme of events has been planned to take place during the year. You can find out more by visiting Vatican Humour ☺ After getting all the Pope’s luggage loaded into the limo, the driver notices the Pope is still standing on the kerb. “Excuse me, Your Holiness,” says the driver, “Would you please take your seat so we can leave?” “Well, to tell you the truth,” says the Pope, “They never let me drive at the Vatican when I was a Cardinal, and I’d really like to drive today.” “I’m sorry, your Holiness, but I cannot let you do that; I’d lose my job! What if something should happen?” protests the driver, wishing he’d never gone to work that morning. “Who’s going to tell?” says the Pope with a smile. Reluctantly, the driver gets into the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The drive quickly regrets his decision when, after leaving the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo to 205kph. “Please slow down, your Holiness!” pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the floor until they hear sirens. “Oh, dear God, I’m going to lose my licence… and my job!” moans the driver. The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorcycle, and gets on the radio. “I need to talk to the Chief,” he says to the dispatcher. The Chief gets on the radio, and the cop tells him he has stopped a limo doing 205kph. “So bust him,” says the Chief. “I don’t think I want to do that, he’s really important,” says the cop. “All the more reason!” exclaims the Chief. “No, I mean really important,” says the cop with a bit of persistence. The Chief then asked, “Who do you have in there - the Mayor?” Cop: “Bigger” Chief: “A senator?” Cop: “Bigger” Chief: “The Prime Minister?” Cop: “Bigger” “Well,” says the Chief, “Who is it?” Cop: “I think it’s God!” The Chief is even more puzzled and curious. “What makes you think it’s God?” Cop: “His chauffeur is the Pope!” from Andrea & Mark Hotchkin - our BMS Link Missionaries in Chad from their blog posted on 8th March 2015 Mission Update It was early on a Saturday morning in February at half past seven and the peaceful silence of my lay in was disturbed by a low throbbing hum that increased and made the whole house vibrate as it passed overhead. It’s not the lawn mowers that wake you up round here but the helicopters. Later after breakfast a couple of jets roared low in the sky as they returned to the airbase. This happens several times a day, they have presumably the same destination as the helicopters and are a reminder of a major news story that is not very far away. I won't speak of that now, you can look it up for yourselves. As the sound of the planes died away, I entered the emergency room to see a boy, a silent echo from the same events. I thought I knew the story already from a nurse who had come to the house earlier on. The boy had been brought in by his father, he hadn’t spoken, or indeed done anything, for four days, but apparently he was still eating and drinking what was put in front of him and going to the toilet; but nothing else, just laying down. He had been carried to the hospital. His pulse, temperature and blood pressure were all normal. So he had been waiting to see me for an hour or so, triage category important enough to see the doctor but not urgent, as I said to the nurse whilst cooking the eggs for our family breakfast. The boy was laid immobile on the bed, eyes open starring into space, about 7 years old. I said hello and asked his name. No reply. So I sat him up and gave him a quick physical check. He looked normal to me, and now he was looking at me, watching me carefully, but he wouldn’t talk. I asked a few questions of his father, Had there been any bad news or shocks at home? “No.” Had he been fighting or arguing with anyone? “No.” Had he problems at school? “I am his school master and there are no problems.” Where are his father and mother? “His family lives up by Lake Chad but they have sent him to my religious school.” I remembered - how could I forget? - that a village on Lake Chad had been attacked a few days before: could this the cause of the behaviour? “No, he is sick.” The response of the powerless and weak is often silence round here. How to give them a voice? I agreed that he was sick and suggested that the master step outside so that I could try to find out the cause. In the quiet I spoke to the boy again and this time asked him if he was worried about his parents. Perhaps it was the surprise being addressed by a white man, or perhaps just that someone understood? Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks and he said yes. He told me his name, Moussa, that his mother had died a couple of years ago, he hadn’t seen his father for 18 months since he came to school. His father is a fisherman on Lake Chad and he agreed he was worried for his safety. I prayed for him, his father and for peace. The nurse was surprised to see the change and suggested that the master would now beat him for wasting time. Not an ideal solution, and hopefully simply the prejudiced view of a Christian nurse of a Muslim family, but who knows? Anyway the master, who seemed to really care for Moussa, (why else had he come to the hospital?), was invited back. I explained to him that Moussa had a bad shock with the news from his home area that made him unable to speak. The best solution would be to get Moussa to talk to his father on the phone. “That won’t be difficult,” he said, “I have his number, he is my brother.” As often happens, the phones wouldn’t connect, so he said he would try again later and they went home. Moussa walked out by himself. I hope it all went well. You can read more from Mark & Andrea on Their daughters Ruth & Rebecca have also posted a new blog: Http:// from Liz & Ragnar Niclasen in the Philippines: ….Earlier this week we woke up to literally shaking in our beds - in fact the bed was shaking and soon we realized it was the whole house - another earthquake! The epicentre was just 13 km. from Baguio, but since the magnitude was only 4.1, thankfully there wasn't much damage done in the city. We were able to do another exciting recording project in February. The organization 'Faith Comes by Hearing' only records the New Testament, so we were thankful we were able to find someone who was willing to record Psalms and Proverbs. 3 of the main readers were willing to come back and read a few chapters each. They were able to make a 'recording studio' in our home, putting up blankets etc. on the walls to absorb some of the noise. (Our neighbourhood is quiet at night, but during the day there is plenty of construction going on as well as lots of dogs barking.) We are trusting that the NT and Psalms and Proverbs will be ready for downloading on the same day. We always enjoy visiting the tribal churches and this month we had the joy of sharing in one in Sagpat - my first time to this friendly village. What a blessing to meet the believers in these remote villages and see their love for the Lord. They sing from the bottom of their hearts, pray so sincerely and are super attentive to the message. They are a great example to us, and we always come away encouraged and excited about returning. From Marko & Annelie Schubert in Germany Due to Marko’s health problems, Marko & Annelie Schubert are now planning to remain at their home Church in Germany for the next two to three years, and Marko will train staff members and young men who will become Elders in the future. This month they are moving to a bigger flat in the village where their Church is located. They write: “We are still enthusiastic to work with NTM and to help bring the gospel to the end of the earth. Therefore our second job is making the chronological teaching material known in churches and taking care for candidates…. ...Last month we started a language course for asylum seekers who want to learn German– and we use the same method we learned in Mission Simulation for language learning. It is great fun…. About 10 Syrian men are eager to learn German… After 3 lessons they told us that one of their friends is a Christian who is looking for a church - and if we would give him a lift to church every week. We are glad to do this. The funny thing is: the Syrian Christian speaks only Arabic - and therefore 2 of his Muslim friends who speak good English come with him every week to church - and so we translate all that was said in English and they translate it in Arabic for their friend. How cool is that? These two Muslims are very interested in the Christian faith. They are like a sponge - and enjoy everything they hear in Church. With these three men and another man we started to read a book, “All that the Prophets have spoken”... They read it in Arabic and we in English - and after each section they ask us about what they didn’t understand. Please pray that these men (and the others from the language course) will find Christ. Many people in our church are very interested in that work and so we will start a new language course for a second group of men. We are only there for the start and then the young people will run this course. We have the deep impression that God has provided this work for us and we really enjoy it. It is so great to see how God provided everything we need for this work - and we realise how good this kind of work is for all of our church members. So many people are praying that these refugees will find Christ. It is so exciting what God is going to do….” Jesse & Bobbie are pleased to report that over the winter months they have managed to translate 19 Bible lessons - so almost half way! By the time you read these notes they will be on their way back to the States for the next four or five months for a well-deserved break. More News from the Paetzold family! Christiaan was already in trouble with his knee, necessitating a return from Mozambique to South Africa where up-to-date medical treatment is more readily available. But then he was diagnosed with scabies! Belinda writes: “We need to disinfect all of us, including my poor sister whom we are staying with, plus clean all bedding, mattresses and carpets, etc! I went out and bought a bunch of stuff today as well – new towels, bedding and blankets!! We should be fine after tonight’s treatment – please pray for us!! We also heard today that Christiaan and Stefan (so far) also have bilharzia! This time in SA is not quite how we envisioned it. We will redo the blood tests on Christiaan in 10 days’ time and then he will have the knee op if all is fine. Alfred and Bernard also have the little scabies pe(s)ts but we will all undergo the treatment just in case Stefan and I also have them. It is really quite a hectic time for us – going from doctor to pharmacy to doctor to pharmacy!! In the meantime we are also applying for our UK visas – please pray that it will go fast and we will be able to quickly apply for the Shengen visa next. Psalm 50:15 “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour Me." Lots of love! Alfred and Belinda and the boys – bugs and all!” From the Editor Heather Grierson Well this is my final Magazine - and I intend to go out with a flourish by making it the biggest Magazine ever - 20 pages - which should give you some bedtime(?) reading for a few days! But what about the future? How will EGU communicate with folk who are not always there on a Sunday to see a Notice Sheet? How will we keep in touch with “fringe” people? So far no one has come forward to take over. Hopefully God is giving someone a prod… could it be you? A future Magzine could be just be simple newsletter - it doesn’t have to be in the same format as I have used. Maybe a team of people could take over and share the load? And the good news is, all a new Editor would have to do is write the Magazine: I will continue to photocopy, and Suzy Davey is keen to get started on collation and distribution. Please talk to me if you are interested, or would like to know more. Monksthorpe Chapel Soup Lunches Now owned jointly by the Baptists and the National Trust, this small historic Baptist Chapel in the heart of rural Lincolnshire not too far from Gunby Hall is well worth a visit! We would like to thank all who have helped us with the Soup Lunches over the past 6 months. It has been much appreciated, as without your help these Lunches would not have taken place. There will again be regular Services held there during 2015, on Saturdays at 3pm: 18th April Rev Frances Godden, (Balderton, Newark) - Communion Service 16th May Rev Jeff Higgins, (Grimsby) 20th June Rev Colin Bowden (Burgh-le-Marsh) 18th July 15th August 19th September - Harvest Rev Graeme Stockdale (Chesterfield) 10th October 12th December Carol Service at 2pm Rev Colin Bowden New EMBA Appointments The EMBA are delighted to announce the appointment of Ellen & Steve Price as Regional Ministers. Ellen will join the EMBA Team on a full-time basis, while Steve will be part-time non-stipendiary. On Saturday 18th April we are trying a PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH to see if this would work on a monthly basis during the summer. If it proves successful we will be looking for teams to continue these Lunches from May – September so that, hopefully, each team will only do two Saturdays during this time. Any of the current Soup Lunch groups wishing to continue through the summer, or anyone else interested in joining a team, please speak to Pat Robinson asap. Hospitalities Outreach Help Needed! Suzy Davey and her family have recently moved into a house in Louth which needs a lot of work doing on it in order to make it a comfortable home to live in. If you are skilled in any of the following areas, or if you could recommend a good contractor, please talk to Suzy or contact her on 01507 654722 Plumbing, gardening/landscaping, electricians, roofers, etc…. Calendar for April Thu 2nd 7.30pm Fri Sat Sun 3rd 4th 5th Sun 12th Thu 16th Sat 18th 7.30pm 7.30pm 10.30am 10.30am 2.00pm 10.00am 12 noon 3.00pm Sun 19th 10.30am Wed 27th Sat 25th 7.30pm Sun 26th 10.30am Maundy Thursday Eucharist of the Last Supper at St. James’ Church Maundy Thursday Reflection at EGU Good Friday Reflection at EGU Holy Saturday Reflection at EGU Easter Day: Easter Worship with Communion - Rev. Chris Ray Worship led by Carol Irwin Hospitalities Outreach Meeting Jumble Sale in aid of Church Camp Ploughman’s Lunch at EGU Communion Service at Monksthorpe Chapel led by Rev. Frances Godden (Newark) Baptismal Service for Chris Timson led by Rev. Chris Ray Hustings Event at Louth Methodist Church EMBA AGM & Association Day at Melton Mowbray - with Anthony Billington from the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity Communion Service led by Rev. Chris Ray Minister’s Diary 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 20th Maundy Thursday Reflection Good Friday Reflection Easter Saturday Reflection - 15th Holiday Meeting with Rev. Langley Mackrell-Hay Wednesdays: Men’s Bible Study Jumble Sale in aid of the Church Camp in August: This has now been re-arranged for SATURDAY 18TH APRIL. If you have any items you can donate please see John or Helen Eedle. Maundy Thursday Folk from all the Churches in Louth are invited to share in The Eucharist of the Last Supper 7.30pm at St. James’ Church Celebrant Rev. Nick Brown Preacher Rev. David Newlove “150 Years” A few copies of our Church’s History are still available at the back of the Church, price only £1. Please help yourself, and hand your £1 to Heather or Seith Grierson, or leave in the pot on the table. Minister Secretary Treasurer Magazine Editor Rev. Chris Ray 10 Elm Drive Mrs. Carol Irwin 24 Oak Close Mrs. Audrey Moore North Elkington Mrs. Heather Grierson 52 Chestnut Drive Email: [email protected] Worship Group Caroline Isherwood Youth Team Carolyn Ray Tue. Bible Study Pat Robinson Thu, Bible Study Annie Farrow Smith Thu. Hsgroup Carol Irwin Room Lettings Carol Irwin Craft Circle Dorothy Ingham Brownies/Rainbows Pam Elliott 602692 604007 606706 605066 343349 602692 610464 609932 604007 604007 600907 601151 CHURCH ACTIVITIES Sunday 10.15am Open Prayer Meeting in the Lounge 10.30am Morning Worship; + Children’s & Young People’s Groups Communion 3rd Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thu Fri Sat 2.00pm Craft Circle - in the Sanctuary 10.30am Tuesday Drop In - at the Church 7.00pm Ladies’ Bible Study - 23 Eresbie Road 7.30pm Elders’ Meeting (1st Tuesday) 10 - 12 noon Coffee Morning in the Church Lounge “Sunbeams” (Mums & Toddlers) in the Church Hall 7.30pm Men’s Bible Study - Church Lounge 7.30pm Church Meeting (4th Wednesday alternate months) 10.30am Bible Study - in the Church Lounge 2.00pm Flower Arranging Class in the Church Hall (fortnightly) 4.30pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 9-10am Rainbows Brownies Worship Group Rehearsal in the Church Prayer Meeting in the Sanctuary OUR MISSION STATEMENT God calls us to be a Worshipping, Caring, Growing Family, committed to following and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
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