PAYMENT GUIDE Thank you for your interest in the EBBS

Thank you for your interest in the EBBS-EBPS Joint Meeting.
Please select all the services you need, remember to confirm it and choose the payment method between:
credit card or wire transfer.
Please note that only Mastercard and Visa credit card are accepted.
If you would like to pay online with your credit card please proceed as showed in the picture (1) below:
Picture 1 Payment method
The transaction will be processed through a secure system system called KEY CLIENT.
Your credit card data will not be provided to the organization of the event.
A new page will be open (picture 2), please fill in the form with all the data.
Picture 2 Credit Card payment frame
Please note you shall need the secure code of your credit card in order to proceed with the payment.
Be sure to have it or please send a request on your credit card web site:
MASTERCARD (picture 3)
VISA (picture 4)
Picture 3 Mastercard Secure Code
Picture 4 Visa Secure Code