Bruce Piazza Founder of Leads Plus

Bruce Piazza
Founder of Leads Plus
Hello, can you tell me what credit cards you take ( we are not set up yet)
Great! Are you the owner of the business?
This is ____________from Merchant Services.
We are a marketing company for Visa / Master Card
The reason for my call …………… we sent you out a post card a couple
of days ago about accepting credit cards at your business
Have you received that yet?
Well this is nature of the call
Today Master Card & Visa is running a Huge Promotion,
We are waiving all the start up fees, which means no out of pocket cost to you plus our promotion
pricing is 1.09%, we have no hidden fees- no start up fees
Is that something you might be interested in?
Well I can have my National Account manager _____________ call you back
and for no obligation show you our program
Is this the best number for to get up at? Do you have a 2nd contact # like a cell?