.(.' '."b' .: e.i '</ : .t Public Meeting 4:00 to 7:00 PM Wednesday, April L5, 2OL5 Marie Murphy School 2921 lllinois Road Wilmette, lllinois 50091 G ;ji b:t'rr I i'.u-rtll -rr ! iJll-rt rt.=, i'-va:l The intersection of Hibbard Road (lDOTJurisdiction) at lllinois Road (Cook County ) surroundings are comprised of single family homes, the Winnetka Covenant Church and Preschool, the Arlyn Day School, Marie Murphy School, and the Avoca School District #37 Office. The posted speed limit is 30 mph on all four legs except during school hours where the east leg is reduced to 20 mph. 2004 2009 2005 a Letter from Wilmette a Low cost safety measure a Traffic & Crash Analysis a lntersection added to a Traffic signa I warra nted o lnitiate Phase I Study operations of vehicles regional needs list and pedestrians but not funded o o o o LonB vehicle queues Stop sign and stop bars located far from the cross Sight lines obscured by trees and bushes Limited pedestrian crosswalk 27 Reported Crashes (2007-20121 0 0 15 (59%) Angle Crashes 7 (26%l Rear End Crashes * * 0 0 20 Crashes during daylight hours COMPACT MINI row cosr ROUNDABOUT ROUNDABOUT IMPROVEMENTS 0.022 acres (FSA) 0.212 acres (T.E.) 0.034 acres (FSA) 0.093 acres (T.E.) None 159 Feet L44 Feet 144 Feet 281 Feet t$72tK t SIGNAT Comparison Vehicle Queues Construction Cost 6 lnjuries 4 Crashes on Wet Pavement Alternative Right of Way lmpact 6 Crashes w/lnjuries 0.073 acres (T.E.) t S2,700K s640K t ss0K Safety lntermediate Maximum lntermediate Moderate Operations lntermediate Maximum lntermediate Moderate Construction Traffic Detour Detour Detour N/A Driver Familiarity Most Less Least Same as Existing * * * * * * * x * * Land acquisition and easements required from 6 parcels Some reconstruction needed for turning lanes, sidewalks, and drainage improvements Tree/ bush pruning/removal to improve driver visibility lmproved operations; vehicle queue reducedby 40% Largest driver familiarity New crosswalks Pedestrian push button attenuator Utilizes the existing footprint of the intersection when possible Land acquisition required from 5 parcels Some reconstruction needed for roundabout, center island, walks, and drainage improvements * * * * * * * Tree/ bush pruning/removal to improve driver visibility lnstall lighting (required for all roundabouts) lmproved operations; vehicle queues reduced by 49% Allows U-Turns Non-Traversable center or splitter islands Truck Apron provided for larger vehicle over tracking lmproved pedestrian crosswalks x Minimizes proposed footprint *: Tepporary Construction Easements required from 4 parcels Some reconstruction needed for roundabout, sidewalks, and * * * * * * drainage improvements Tree/ bush pruning/removal to improve driver visibility lnstall lighting (required for all roundabouts) lmproved operations; vehicle queues reduced by 49% Traversable center island for larger vehicles Least improvement cost meeting the purpose and need lmproved pedestrian crosswalks d. Maintains the existing intersection confi gu ration ,( No land acquisition required * * lnstall a flashing red light in the center of the intersection Tree/ bush pruning/removal to improve driver visibility rf Stop bar relocation and repainting {. New crosswalks * Long vehicle queues remain I WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? r COMPACT ROUNDABOUT \ -I VS. L] MINI ROUNDABOUT MINI ROUNDABOUT COMPACT ROUNDABOUT ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE 2 NO YES PEDESTRIAN REFUGE TARGE SMALL ISLAND IANDSCAPE YES NO MORE LESS L-A.RGE VEHICLES ON CENTER IS[-A.ND APPROACH SPEED REDUCTION 3 Your comments are valuable and allow all relevant perspectives to be considered before IDOT approves a project. We invite you to provide your input on the project and design concepts at tonight's public meeting. IDOT staff is available to dlscuss the project exhibits and receive your written comments. IDOT will accept public comments for the next 30 days following the meeting, and your input will be included in the public record for the project. This improvement is included in IDOT's FY 2075-2020 Proposed Multi-Modal Transportation lmprovement Program. Our current engineering efforts are targeted to enable a contract letting in the early years of our current multi-year program contingent upon plan readiness, land acquisition, and funding availability through our future annual legislative appropriations. Phase ll Phase I Process o Preferred plan identified r Additional stakeholder outreach r Project Approval I as needed Construction Plans Phase I lll Construstion begins are prepared and ROW acquisition begins JJJJJ_TJJJJ i J)JJ'JJ 'i)j during the Public Meeting or to IDOT no later than May 75,201,5. The correspondence should be sent to the address indicated below. lllinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Programming ATTN: Mr. Carlos Feliciano 201 W. Center Court Schaumburg, I L 60L95-1-096 Questions and comments may also be sent to IDOT at the following email address: [email protected]
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