5. EU folio: A Classroom’s ePortfolio Pilot Project DIRECTIONS Presenters: Sinéad Tuohy and Ben Murray: FROM THE SOUTH Ben Murray (NCCA) and Sinéad Tuohy (JCT) are mentors in the EUFolio project and have extensive experience in using digital tools to support teaching and learning. EUfolio - EU Classroom ePortfolios is a project funded by the European Commission. The aim of the project is to design and test innovative ePortfolio models which will inform and support the implementation of innovative learning environments using ICT across Europe. This workshop looks at the findings of the Irish ePortfolio pilot programme in 26 Irish schools and how ePortfolios can support formative and summative assessment in teaching and learning. 6. Strategic Professional Development in the school improvement process. Leave the M7 at Junction 10 for Naas. At the roundabout take the 4th exit, at next roundabout take first exit & continue forward straight until you approach traffic lights & take a right onto ring road. Go straight through first roundabout & on second roundabout take 3rd exit onto the Kilcullen road. Continue for 0.5 mile the Killashee is located here on the left. Anthony Kilcoyne is the Team Leader for School Leadership in the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) in Ireland. PDST provides continuing professional development and support for teachers and school leaders. His role includes facilitating structured CPD and school based, action research opportunities for aspiring and practising school leaders. He will explore the theme that one of the keys to school improvement is the strategic professional development of staff. “Resilience and support for successful planning” FROM DUBLIN Saturday, 28th February 2015 N7 take Exit 9 for Naas. At first roundabout take 2nd Exit. At second roundabout (Big Ball) take Presenter: Anthony Kilcoyne 9th NATIONAL CONFERENCE first exit. Continue straight, at third roundabout The Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare take 2nd Exit. Continue straight ahead through the town, you will go through 7 sets of traffic lights. After the 7th set of lights continue out this road (Kilcullen Road) for 1.5 miles and Killashee is KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor John West-Burnham located on the left. Online applications available from www.nspi.ie and www.eckildare.ie Tel: 045 530200 PRESENTATION: Practical strategies for the prevention of burn out in teachers WORKSHOPS: Monring and afternoon workshops Web: www.eckildare.ie Email: [email protected] For presentations from previous Online Application Forms available from www.nspi.ie and www.eckildare.ie NSPI conferences, please see www.nspi.ie Temple Printing Co. Ltd., Athlone Closing date for Applications: 30th January 2015 Early application is advised. Key note speaker: Professor John West-Burnham FROM THE OPERATIONAL TO THE STRATEGIC This presentation will focus on the centrality of strategic thinking to any model of effective leadership. In particular the session will explore the dimensions of the strategic planning process as an essential precursor to any model of school improvement planning. The presentation will stress three key elements of the planning process – 1 Planning as an essentially moral process that is concerned with translating principle into practice. 2. Planning as the means of securing a consistent focus on the core purpose of education – the quality of teaching and learning and 3. The importance of planning as a means of securing teacher commitment and engagement through the development of scenarios and stories of a preferred future. John West-Burnham is a writer, teacher and consultant in education leadership with a particular interest in leadership learning and development and learning in schools and communities. He has been a schoolteacher, teacher trainer, education officer and has held posts in five universities. He is Professor of Educational Leadership at St Mary’s University and Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol. John is the author or editor of 26 books including Education for Social Justice and Rethinking Educational Leadership and he has worked in 27 countries. He has been involved in the work of LDS and PDST in Ireland. Second Speaker Presentation: Gerry Farrell PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR THE PREVENTION OF BURN OUT IN TEACHERS. In this provocative workshop the current challenges in the school environment are put in context. Drawing on the principles of analytic psychology there is an attempt to explore the opportunities for the building of resilience. By altering the perspective and seeing the archetypal forces at work in contemporary problems Gerry Farrell hopes to challenge and reassure in equal measure. Following the Hero’s journey in a light-hearted but inspiring style, it is hoped that teachers will be renewed in themselves and their profession. Gerry Farrell was involved in the training of teachers for the delivery of the SPHE programme in second level schools. He has also given numerous in-services in schools throughout Ireland. He worked and researched at the Maudsley hospital London in the areas of forensic psychiatry, addictions, eating disorders as well as general psychiatry. He is the former senior counsellor with the Probation and Welfare services’ treatment centre at Harristown House Castlerea. He was a Unit Manager at Oberstown for teenagers with challenging behaviours. He was a tutor at Trinity College Dublin on the Diploma in Counselling course where he also guest lectured on “Psychiatry and Counselling”. He lectured at the Institute of Technology Sligo on Applied Social Care on the degree in Social Care as well as on the Diploma in Custodial Care for Irish Prison Officers. He was a tutor for NUI Maynooth on the Certificate in Addictions studies. He has always had a keen interest in stress management for staff working in challenging care or educational environments. His workshops have a reputation for being energetic thought provoking, practical and experiential. www.professionalcounselling.ie WORKSHOPS 1. AfL – How it can support a whole-school approach to assessment and planning. Presenter: Anne Jones (NIPT) This session will provide an overview of the NIPT Assessment for Learning Workshop for newly qualified teachers. Particular attention will be placed on the subject specific A-Z which was developed by NIPT associates and how they can be used to support a whole school approach to assessment and planning" 2. It’s All About The Learning Presenter: Audrey Doyle Audrey Doyle is principal of St Joseph's College, Lucan. In recent years she has led a review of assessment practices within the school alongside promoting the development of key skills within teaching, learning and assessment. Audrey has shared this work with many schools and is also Associate Trainer with the JCT team. The workshop outlines the process the school took to introduce AFL, Key Skills and assessment strategies. 3. Forging the Future through Digital Worlds Presenter: Kevin Cahill This workshop will consider contemporary thinking on intersections between digital technology and the world of the school. He will address the theory and practice of digital literacies in second-level school settings as well as introducing and eliciting practice in schools. He will consider the power and the pitfalls of the digital ecosystem. Kevin Cahill is a former post-primary teacher of English and SEN in Mayfield Community School, Cork (1999-2014) who is now a lecturer in Education at University College Cork. His research interests include digital literacies, equality in education and sociocultural approaches to learning and identity. 4. Moving Forward with Numeracy – a Practical Approach Presenter: Jerry McCarthy Abstract: This presentation will identify and describe how school-wide numeracy development can be planned, initiated and sustained in the second level school context. Jerry Mc Carthy has been involved in numeracy and mathematics education for over 40 years. He is an experienced and well-known provider of numeracy CPD to second level schools, on third level college courses, in education centres and at national and international conferences. He co-planned and developed the multiple strands of the JCSP Numeracy Strategy. He is a former Chairperson of the Irish Learning Support Association.
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