CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE CDU Harvard Referencing Style Guide (Updated August 2013) Charles Darwin University Page 1 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 general guidelines .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Secondary citation.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Section 2 Books ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 eBook ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 a book with one author ....................................................................................................................................... 5 a book by two or three authors ........................................................................................................................... 6 a book by four or more authors .......................................................................................................................... 6 a book or work by an association or institution ................................................................................................. 7 an edited book .................................................................................................................................................... 7 a chapter in an edited book ................................................................................................................................ 7 Section 3 Conference papers .................................................................................................................................. 8 individual published paper ................................................................................................................................. 8 unpublished paper .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Section 4 Dictionary ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Section 5 Encyclopaedia ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Section 6 Government publications ........................................................................................................................ 9 produced by a government agency..................................................................................................................... 9 produced by a government agency, with personal author/s acknowledged ..................................................... 10 report known by the name of the chairman or person responsible for the inquiry ........................................... 10 report known by its title rather than by its authors ........................................................................................... 10 Section 7 Images or Artworks .............................................................................................................................. 11 image from a book ........................................................................................................................................... 11 image from a website ....................................................................................................................................... 11 artwork you have viewed personally ............................................................................................................... 12 Section 8 Journal articles ...................................................................................................................................... 12 article from a database ..................................................................................................................................... 12 article from a website ....................................................................................................................................... 12 article from a print journal ............................................................................................................................... 13 Charles Darwin University Page 2 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE Section 9 resources from academic health databases............................................................................................ 13 Section 10 lecture notes/unit readings .................................................................................................................. 14 article from ereserve ........................................................................................................................................ 14 powerpoint slides from learnline module ......................................................................................................... 14 Section 11 Legislation and cases .......................................................................................................................... 14 Acts of parliament ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Bills .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Cases ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 delegated legislation ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Section 12 Multimedia.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Podcasts ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 youtube/streaming video .................................................................................................................................. 15 Television programs ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Video Recording OR DVD .............................................................................................................................. 16 Section 13 Newspaper articles .............................................................................................................................. 16 from a database ................................................................................................................................................ 16 from a website .................................................................................................................................................. 17 print version ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 no author .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Section 14 Personal Communication (including lecture material, emails) ........................................................... 18 Section 15 standards ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Section 16 Statistics from the ABS....................................................................................................................... 18 Section 17 Theses ................................................................................................................................................. 19 print version ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 online version ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Section 18 Websites.............................................................................................................................................. 19 site as a whole .................................................................................................................................................. 19 individual website pages or documents ........................................................................................................... 20 individual webpage-no author .......................................................................................................................... 20 Section 19 Common Abbreviation ....................................................................................................................... 20 Charles Darwin University Page 3 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE Section 1 GENERAL GUIDELINES The Harvard Style is an author-date style. Each reference is indicated in the text by the author and date of the publication, sometimes with added information such as page numbers. There is no definitive guide to Harvard referencing so ensure you are consistently using the examples provided in this guide. Your references should appear at the end of your essay/report with entries listed alphabetically by author (or by title if there is no author). Before you write your list of references/bibliography check with your lecturer/tutor for the bibliographic style they prefer. An ampersand (&) is used to connect authors’ names within brackets, but not when they appear as part of a sentence. When using a direct quote from the text, or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers (where available) in your in text citation When citing in text more than one publication at a time it is recommended that the authors’ names are ordered alphabetically inside the brackets. Use a semicolon (;) to separate the works cited inside the brackets. For four or more authors, et al. (meaning “and others”) may be used in place of additional authors’ names in the text of your essay, but all the names must be written in the reference citation list. When two or more references by the same author in the same year are used, letters should be used in the in text citation and reference list to indicate which publication is being referred to, e.g. (Smith 2010a; Smith 2010b). If a journal article is located using Summon, the database that holds the journal article should be referenced rather than Summon (Summon is a search tool, not a database). If you are using EndNote software to manage your references you will be advised throughout the text of the recommended EndNote ref type. Also ensure you have downloaded and selected the CDUHarvard style from the EndNote LibGuide Here are some basic examples of CDU Harvard author-date style. More detailed examples are included throughout this guide, but where no exact example is provided then these general principles should be followed. Book: author date book title publisher place of publication Gimenez, J 2007, Writing for nursing and midwifery students, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke UK. Journal article: authors date journal article title journal title Robinson, N & Lorenc, A 2011, 'Traditional and complementary approaches to child health', Nursing Standard, vol. 25, no. 38, pp. 39-47, viewed 13 July 2011, via CINAHL. volume issue pages Charles Darwin University date viewed database Page 4 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE Web page: editors date web page title edition publisher Scollo, MM & Winstanley, MH (eds.) 2008, Tobacco in Australia: facts and issues, 3rd edn, Cancer Council Victoria, Melbourne, viewed 13 July 2011, <>. place of publication date viewed web page URL Examples are also provided in this guide for in text citations. You will sometimes have to use your own discretion to correctly include referencing information while also writing clearly. SECONDARY CITATION If you wish to cite from a work quoted in another source, you need to give the details of the source that you found the reference in. e.g. Chu, according to Burgmann (1998, p. 17), found .... or “correct referencing is critical to academic success” (Chu, as cited in Burgmann 1998, p. 17) The reference list would then only refer to Burgmann's publication: Burgmann, P 1998, 'Referencing: a critical issue facing students today', Journal of Academic Writing, vol. 3, no. 27, pp. 18-9, viewed 22 July 2009, via Business Source Premier. Section 2 BOOKS EBOOK IN TEXT CITATION: Van Der Maarel (2012) suggests ... or According to Smith (2007, p. 98), “a soft liver suggests extrahepatic obstruction, a firm liver, cirrhosis, and a very hard or nodular liver, cancer”. REFERENCE LIST: Smith, DS 2007, Field guide to bedside diagnosis, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, viewed 28 July 2010, via EBL eBooks. Van Der Maarel, E 2012, Vegetation Ecology, e-book, viewed 25 February 2013, <>. Note: Use URL instead of eBook collection name as required. EndNote Ref Type; use electronic book A BOOK WITH ONE AUTH OR Charles Darwin University Page 5 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: Mikolaj (2005) examines the phenomena of stress and critical incident stress in the emergency services professions. Environmental and personality stressors are identified as contributing to stress levels in emergency services professionals (Mikolaj 2005). Mikolaj (2005, p. 47) states that; “Simply being exposed to a traumatic event is not enough to trigger PTSD”. According to Mikolaj (2005, p. 47) it takes more than just witnessing an event to develop PTSD. Note: when using a direct quote from the text, or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation as shown above. REFERENCE LIST: Mikolaj, AA 2005, Stress management for the emergency care provider, 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River NJ. EndNote Ref Type; use Book A BOOK BY TWO OR THREE AUTHORS IN TEXT CITATION: White and Perrone (1997) describe the ways in which society responds to crime in the Australian context. There are many ways in which crime is dealt with in society including formal and informal methods (White & Perrone 1997). Note: An ampersand (&) is used to connect authors’ names within brackets, but not when they appear as part of a sentence. REFERENCE LIST: White, R & Perrone, S 1997, Crime and social control: an introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. EndNote Ref Type; use Book A BOOK BY FOUR OR MORE AUTHORS IN TEXT CITATION: The authors make the distinction between backward and advanced economies or between traditional and modern ones (Gillis et al. 1987). Note: et al. (and others) may be used in place of additional authors’ names in the text of your essay, but all the names must be written in the reference citation list. REFERENCE LIST: Charles Darwin University Page 6 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE Gillis, M, Perkins, D, Roemer, M & Snodgrass, D 1987, Economics of development, 2nd edn, WW Norton & Company, New York. EndNote Ref Type; use Book A BOOK OR WORK BY AN ASSOCIATION OR INSTI TUTION IN TEXT CITATION: Chapter 5 discusses the nature of a workable global emissions trading system (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2007). REFERENCE LIST: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2007, Report of the task group on emissions trading, D.P.M.C., Canberra. EndNote Ref Type; use Report AN EDITED BOOK An edited book is a collection of individual sections (chapters) that have been written by several different authors. The editor’s role in this type of book is to collect the chapters together to fit a theme or topic. IN TEXT CITATION: The volume edited by Swingland (2003) includes chapters examining the concept of capturing carbon and conserving biodiversity. REFERENCE LIST: Swingland, IR (ed.) 2003, Capturing carbon and conserving biodiversity: the market approach, Earthscan Publications, London. Markandya, A & Halsnaes, K (eds.) 2002, Climate change and sustainable development: prospects for developing countries, Earthscan Publications, London. EndNote Ref Type; use Edited Book A CHAPTER IN AN EDITED BOOK IN TEXT CITATION: Hannah (2002) examines the significance of education and training in the lives of refugees. "When a country is moving from war to peace, demobilization and reintegration issues should be addressed at the earliest stages of the peace negotiation process" (Colletta, Kostna & Wiederhofer 2004, p. 171). Charles Darwin University Page 7 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Hannah, J 2002, ‘Education, training and adult refugees in the UK and Australia’, in J Field and M Leicester (eds.), Lifelong learning; education across the lifespan, Routledge Falmer, London. Colletta, J, Kostna, M & Wiederhofer, I 2004, 'Disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration; Lessons and liabilities in reconstruction', in R Rotberg (ed.), When states fail: causes and consequences, Princeton University Press, New Jersey. Note: the initials of the editors can precede their surname, as this is not crucial to the order of the item in the reference list. EndNote Ref Type; use Book Section Section 3 CONFERENCE PAPERS Note: For published collections of conference papers use the edited book example. INDIVIDUAL PUBLISHED PAPER IN TEXT CITATION: Coates and Hill (1996) address the cost of natural disasters in terms of lives lost from the early 1800s onwards. REFERENCE LIST: Coates, L & Hill, P 1996, ‘An overview of fatalities from some natural hazards in Australia’, NDR6 Conference on natural disaster reduction, Gold Coast, 29 September to 2 October, viewed 22 July 2008, via Informit . Note: Use URL instead of database name as required. EndNote Ref Type; use Conference Paper UNPUBLISHED PAPER IN TEXT CITATION: “Developing countries are relying increasingly on leapfrog communication technologies to narrow the gap between themselves and developed countries” (Banerjee 2007, p. 1). Note: when using a direct quote from the text you must enclose it with quotation marks “...”. When direct quoting or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation as shown above. REFERENCE LIST: Banerjee, A 2007, ‘Fixed mobile substitution and lessons for broadband’, paper presented to the ACCC 2007 Regulatory Conference, Queensland, 26 to 27 July. EndNote Ref Type; use Conference Paper Charles Darwin University Page 8 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE Section 4 DICTIONARY IN TEXT CITATION: The Macquarie dictionary and thesaurus (1997) defines the term subjudice “as before a judge or court of law; under judicial consideration”. or According to the Oxford dictionary of Islam ‘hijab’ refers to……. REFERENCE LIST: ‘subjudice’ 1997, Macquarie dictionary and thesaurus, viewed 22 February 2013, <>. ‘hijab’ 2003, Oxford dictionary of Islam, Oxford Reference Online, viewed 15 January 2012. Section 5 ENCYCLOPAEDIA IN TEXT CITATION: Rotgers (2005) discusses RP (Relapse Prevention) strategies in recovering addicts. or A number of species of wallabies can be found in the Northern Territory (Encyclopedia of Australian wildlife 1997) REFERENCE LIST: Rotgers, F 2005, ‘Relapse prevention’, in A. Freeman (ed.), Encyclopedia of cognitive behaviour therapy, Springer, New York, pp. 327-331. or Encyclopedia of Australian wildlife 1997, viewed 20 February 2013, <>. EndNote Ref Type; Book Section Section 6 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATI ONS PRODUCED BY A GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN TEXT CITATION: “39% of agencies have reported facing at least one challenge in regards to the employment of people with a disability” (APSC 2006, p. 107). Note: If you choose to use an abbreviation or acronym of the agency name, you will need a see reference in your reference list. Note: when using a direct quote from the text you must enclose it with quotation marks “..”. When direct quoting or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation as shown above. Charles Darwin University Page 9 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: APSC – see Australian Public Service Commission Australian Public Service Commission 2006, State of the service report 2005-06, A.P.S.C., Canberra, viewed 14 July 2010, <>. EndNote Ref Type; use Report PRODUCED BY A GOVERN MENT AGENCY, WITH PE RSONAL AUTHOR/S ACKNOWLEDGED IN TEXT CITATION: This report highlights the public perception towards smoking in the workplace during the years 1985-95 (DHFS 1998). Note: Your citation refers only to the agency as author. If you choose to use an acronym of the agency name, you will need a see reference in your reference list. REFERENCE LIST: DHFS – see Department of Health and Family Services Department of Health and Family Services 1998, Public opinion towards drug policies in Australia 1985-95, prepared by T Makkai & I McAllister, D.H.F.S., Canberra, viewed 14 July 2012, <$ File/opinions.pdf>. Note: The name of the Commonwealth department responsible for health and family services may have changed since 1998, but the citation details should be those on the title page of the source document. REPORT KNOWN BY THE NAME OF THE CHAIRMAN OR PERSON RESPONSIBL E FOR THE INQUIRY IN TEXT CITATION: Not all major recommendations of the Burdekin report (1989) have been implemented by Commonwealth and State governments. Note: Include a see reference in your reference list, in addition to the main entry. REFERENCE LIST: Burdekin report – see Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (1989). Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1989, Our homeless children: report of the national inquiry into homeless children, (Brian Burdekin, chairman), AGPS, Canberra. REPORT KNOWN BY ITS TITLE RATHER THAN BY ITS AUTHORS IN TEXT CITATION: The Little children are sacred (2007) report made several important points…… Charles Darwin University Page 10 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Chief Minister's Department, Rex Wild QC & Patricia Anderson 2007, Report of the Northern Territory board of inquiry in to the protection of Aboriginal children from sexual abuse 2007, "Little children are sacred", Northern Territory Government, Darwin. Little children are sacred report – see Chief Minister's Department, Rex Wild QC & Patricia Anderson (2007). EndNote Ref Type; use Report Section 7 IMAGES OR ARTWORKS IMAGE FROM A BOOK IN TEXT CITATION: The relationship of language to country is clearly represented in the photograph Kalkatungu Country, Queensland (Robb, n.d.) or Donatello’s bronze rendering of David can be viewed on the website of the Bargello Museum (2009). REFERENCE LIST: Robb, J. (n.d.). Kalkatungu Country, Queensland, photograph in D Nathan (Ed.). (1996). Australia’s indigenous languages, Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia, Wayville. EndNote Ref Type; use Brochure or Bargello Museum, David, Florence, Italy, viewed 16 January 2009, <> EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Source/Web Page IMAGE FROM A WEBSITE IN TEXT CITATION: The image of the rash (Scarlet fever rash picture, n.d.)….. or The image depicts the latest design used by Pepsi (Pepsi, 2009). REFERENCE LIST: Scarlet fever rash picture, digital image, (n.d.), viewed 12 January 2013, <>. or Pepsi can designs, 2010, digital image, viewed 19 June 2012, <>. Note: The original source of the image should be referenced rather than the search tool (e.g. Google Images) used to find the image. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Source/Web Page Charles Darwin University Page 11 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE ARTWORK YOU HAVE VIEWED PERSONALLY Note: If you have viewed the original artwork, for consistency, you may choose to model your reference on these examples. IN TEXT CITATION: A comparison of Sacred Grasses (Petyarre 1989) and David (Donatello 1430) shows that … REFERENCE LIST: Donato di Niccolô di Betto Bardi (Donatello), 1430, David, sculpture, Bargello Museum, Florence, Italy. Petyarre, AB 1989, Sacred Grasses, painting, Australian National Gallery. EndNote Ref Type; use Artwork Section 8 JOURNAL ARTICLES Journal articles can be found on the web, in subscription access databases and within a printed and bound issue of a journal. References to articles found via the web and databases include extra details to make locating them easier. ARTICLE FROM A DATABASE Note: If a journal article is located using Summon, the database that holds the journal article should be referenced rather than Summon (Summon is a search tool, not a database). IN TEXT CITATION: The author argues that liberal institutions (freedom of speech or religious worship) will naturally be supported by liberals, and then poses the question; what arguments can be addressed to non-liberals? (Barry 1990). or Fulk et al. (1987) describe the current policies related to media use in organizations. REFERENCE LIST: Barry, B 1990, ‘How not to defend liberal institutions’, British Journal of Political Science, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 114, viewed 30 October 2007, via JSTOR. or Fulk, J, Steinfeld, C, Schmitz, J & Power, J 1987, ‘A social information processing model of media use in organizations’, Communication Research, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 529-552, viewed 30 December 2007, via Sage Journals Online. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Article ARTICLE FROM A WEBSI TE IN TEXT CITATION: The author outlines the difference between the MICE sector in tourism, in that business communication, not leisure is the underlying motivation (Johnson 1999, p. 11). Charles Darwin University Page 12 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE or A discussion on the parallel levels of development in both the evolving information horizon and the human being provides background material (Kari 2006). REFERENCE LIST: Johnson, L 1999, ‘MICE, size of the meeting sector’, Journal of the Bureau of Tourism Research, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 9-18, viewed 30 October 2007, <>. or Kari, J 2006, ‘Evolutionary information seeking: A case study of personal development and Internet searching’, First Monday, vol. 11, no. 1, viewed 15 November 2007, <>. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Article ARTICLE FROM A PRINT JOURNAL For example, bound journals located on Library shelves IN TEXT CITATION: Sansom (2006, p.85) establishes that Herbert’s authorial practice makes him the very semblance of an anthropologist. He likewise is a looter of the Dreamings. Note: When using a direct quote from the text, or paraphrasing a specific section of the text, you must include page numbers in your citation. REFERENCE LIST: Sansom, B 2006, ‘Looter of the dreamings: Xavier Herbert and the taking of Kaijek’s newsong story’, Oceania, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 83-104. Note: Capitalise only the first word of the article title and subtitle. EndNote Ref Type; use Journal Article Section 9 RESOURCES FROM ACADEMIC HEALTH DATABASES Such as systematic reviews from the Cochrane Library, evidence summaries from the Joanna Briggs Institute, or patient education sheets from the Nursing Reference Center. IN TEXT CITATION: The patient’s bedding and clothing should be decontaminated for 72 hours (Joanna Briggs Institute 2009). REFERENCE LIST: Joanna Briggs Institute 2009, ‘Scabies management’, Evidence Based Recommended Practice, viewed 30 October 2010, via Joanna Briggs Institute. Charles Darwin University Page 13 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE Section 10 LECTURE NOTES/UNIT R EADINGS ARTICLE FROM ERESERVE IN TEXT CITATION: Bryce (1998) discusses bereavement, loss and mourning…. REFERENCE LIST: Pitt, Bryce 1998, Coping with loss: loss in late life. British Medical Journal, 316(7142), pp. 1452-1454, viewed 16 January 2012, <>. POWERPOINT SLIDES FROM LEARNLINE MODULE IN TEXT CITATION: Bed-sharing in relation to breastfeeding is considered to be a controversial topic amongst some parents (Johnson 2012) REFERENCE LIST: Johnson, A 2012, Week three: Breastfeeding, PowerPoint slides, retrieved from HEA441, Charles Darwin University Blackboard Online, <>. Section 11 LEGISLATION AND CASE S Note: AGLC is the approved style for those studying Law subjects. Do not use CDU Harvard. ACTS OF PARLIAMENT IN TEXT CITATION: (National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 (Cth) s 3) REFERENCE LIST: National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 (Cth) BILLS IN TEXT CITATION: (Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Bill 2012 (NT) cl 3) REFERENCE LIST: Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Bill 2012 (NT) CASES Charles Darwin University Page 14 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: Include the name of the case and reference details (Mabo and others v Queensland (no.2) (1992) 175 CLR 1) REFERENCE LIST: (Mabo and others v Queensland (no.2) (1992) 175 CLR 1) DELEGATED LEGISLATION IN TEXT CITATION: (Health and Community Services Complaints Regulations 1998 (NT) reg 6) REFERENCE LIST: Health and Community Services Complaints Regulations 1998 (NT) Note: Even if viewed electronically, legislation is generally referenced as if in print (unless only available electronically). Legislation and legal authorities: Legislation is only included in a list of references if it is important to the understanding of the work (preferably in a separate list under the subheading 'Legislation'). The titles of pieces of legislation should be cited exactly. Neither spelling or capitalisation should be altered to suit the referencing style. Articles (a, an or the) should not be omitted. Legal authorities (cases) are only included in a list of references if they are important to the understanding of the work under the subheading 'Legal authorities'. Legislation viewed in an annotated legislation textbook is cited in Legislation format, not Book format, unless referring to the editorial commentary/analysis, rather than the legislative provision. Section 12 MULTIMEDIA PODCASTS IN TEXT CITATION: The great train show (2008) provides fascinating details of some great train journeys. REFERENCE LIST: ABC Local Radio 2008, The great train show, episode 1, podcast, ABC Local Radio Victoria, 4 April 2008, <>. EndNote Ref Type: use Film or Broadcast YOUTUBE/STREAMING VIDEO Charles Darwin University Page 15 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE IN TEXT CITATION: The group set up a YouTube Channel (Monty Python’s Channel 2008) which contains a selection….. or Fukuyama (2006) demonstrates the use of various pieces of equipment for interval training. REFERENCE LIST: Monty Python’s Channel 2008, YouTube, viewed 29 September 2010, <>. or Fukuyama, M 2006), Done in 30 minutes, streaming video, viewed 6 April 2011, <>. TELEVISION PROGRAMS IN TEXT CITATION: The ABC Four corners interview with Lance Armstrong……..(ABC Television, 2013). REFERENCE LIST: Lance and the truth: Four corners 2013, television program, ABC, 4 February, viewed 20 February 2013, <>. Note: A performer or presenter is only given principal credit if they are the focus of the recording. EndNote Ref Type: use Film or Broadcast. Please include episode AND series title in the TITLE field to ensure title of episode and series is included in your reference. VIDEO RECORDING OR D VD IN TEXT CITATION: The filming in The secret life of plants (1995) has set a new benchmark in quality for nature shows. REFERENCE LIST: The secret life of plants 1995, video recording, BBC, UK. EndNote Ref Type: use Film or Broadcast. Please include episode AND series title in the TITLE field to ensure title of episode and series is included in your reference. Section 13 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES FROM A DATABASE IN TEXT CITATION: “Start next week” is an innovative new service for booking and buying training courses online, reports Josh Robertson (2007). Charles Darwin University Page 16 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST: Robertson, J 2007, ‘Online boost for training options’, The Courier Mail, 22 October, viewed 14 December 2007 via Newsbank. Note: A wire service agency, such as AAP or Reuters, for the purposes of referencing should be treated as an author. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article FROM A WEBSITE IN TEXT CITATION: ….four cars had their windows smashed (Adlam 2010) …. or ..some may question police powers to stop and search (AAP 2011) REFERENCE LIST: Adlam, N 2010, 'Crime rampage in blacked out city ', NT News, 29 July, viewed 29 July 2010, <>. or AAP, 2011, “Bikie accused of having Bond-like gun’, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 March, viewed 4 March 2011, <>. Note: A wire service agency, such as AAP or Reuters, for the purposes of referencing should be treated as an author. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article PRINT VERSION IN TEXT CITATION: Delaney and Vara (2007, p. 40) report on the introduction of Google’s “My Stuff” and its implications for home computer needs into the future. REFERENCE LIST: Delaney, K & Vara, V 2007, ‘Google to peddle free parking for your computer files’, The Australian, November 28, p. 40. Note: A wire service agency, such as AAP or Reuters, for the purposes of referencing should be treated as an author. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article NO AUTHOR IN TEXT CITATION: Charles Darwin University Page 17 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE The Royal Life Saving Society – Australia will be working with a number of remote communities (‘Govt splashes cash on remote NT pools’ 2011, p. 33). REFERENCE LIST: ‘Govt splashes cash on remote NT pools’, 2011, The Koori Mail, 9 February, p. 33. Note: A wire service agency, such as AAP or Reuters, for the purposes of referencing should be treated as an author. EndNote Ref Type; use Newspaper Article Section 14 PERSONAL COMMUNICATION (INCLUDING LECTURE M ATERIAL, EMAILS) IN TEXT CITATION: Personal communications include conversations, interviews, lecture material, personal files, telephone conversations, letters and e-mail messages. These materials are unpublished and are not included in reference lists or bibliographies. They are not given formal parenthetical references (…) in the text of an essay or assignment, instead references to this form of material are usually described in the text. In a telephone conversation with the author on October 12, 2005, Dr J. W. Mueller stated that ... or Professor Visser gave his reasons for closing the laboratory in an e-mail message to the author on January 16, 2004. The reasons given were... REFERENCE LIST: Do not provide details in reference list. Section 15 STANDARDS IN TEXT CITATION: Standards associated with children’s clothing……(Standards Australia 2007) REFERENCE LIST: Standards Australia 2007, Size coding scheme for infants’ and childrens’ clothing-underwear and outwear (AS 1182-1997), SAI Global Limited, viewed 5 October 2010, <>. Section 16 STATISTICS FROM THE ABS IN TEXT CITATION: The ABS reported in Migration Australia 2005-06, that people born in the United Kingdom accounted for 23% of all overseas-born persons in Australia's population, followed by New Zealand (10%) and Italy, China and VietNam (4% each). Note: If you use the acronym ABS, include a see reference in your reference list. Charles Darwin University Page 18 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE REFERENCE LIST ABS – see Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Bureau of Statistics 2007, Migration Australia 2005-06, ABS, Canberra, viewed 15 February 2008, <$File/34 120_2006-06.pdf>. Section 17 THESES PRINT VERSION IN TEXT CITATION: Rorrison (2006) examines the central role of the practicum in secondary preservice teacher training. REFERENCE LIST: Rorrison, D 2006, Jumping through spinning hoops; chance or a carefully constructed learning journey? A critical view of learning in the secondary practicum, PhD thesis, Charles Darwin University, Darwin. EndNote Ref Type; use Thesis ONLINE VERSION IN TEXT CITATION: Campbell (2004) discusses diet as a predictor of obesity in children. REFERENCE LIST: Campbell, K 2004, Family food environments as determinants of children's eating: implications for obesity prevention, PhD thesis, Deakin University, Geelong, viewed 21 February 2008, <>. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Thesis Section 18 WEBSITES SITE AS A WHOLE IN TEXT CITATION: According to the Housing the Territory website (Northern Territory Government 2011) submissions close…. REFERENCE LIST: Northern Territory Government 2011, Housing the Territory, Department of Housing, Local Government and Regional Services, viewed 1 December 2011, <>. Note: the author can be a person or an organisation. Charles Darwin University Page 19 20/08/2013 CDU HARVARD STYLE GUIDE EndNote Ref Type; Web Page INDIVIDUAL WEBSITE PAGES OR DOCUMENTS IN TEXT CITATION: Finn (2011) discuss the Australian Conservation Foundation vision for a sustainable economic future for Kakadu. Note: If you use the acronym ACF in your text, your reference list should provide a see reference. REFERENCE LIST: ACF – see Australian Conservation Foundation Finn, C 2011, Kakadu National Park, Australian Conservation Foundation, Canberra, viewed 30 June 2011, <>. EndNote Ref Type; use Electronic Source/Web Page INDIVIDUAL WEBPAGE -NO AUTHOR IN TEXT CITATION: (Behaviour modification 2010). Note: Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. REFERENCE LIST: Behaviour modification 2010, Mental Disorders Council, viewed 12 October 2011, <>. Note: When there is no author for a web page, the title moves to the first position of the reference entry. Section 19 COMMON ABBREVIATION app. art. chap. div. ed. or eds. edn et al. n.d. no. or nos. n.p. Charles Darwin University appendix article chapter division edited by, editor or editors edition and others (Latin et al) no date number or numbers no place Page 20 p. or pp. par. pt. rev. sec. ser. suppl. s.v. trans. vol. page or pages paragraph part revised section series supplement under the word (Latin sub verso) translator or translators volume 20/08/2013
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