Regular meeting of the Planning Board of the Village of Dobbs Ferry

Regular meeting of the Planning Board of the Village of Dobbs
Ferry held in the 1-1:unicipal Building on Thursday evening, March 5th,
1959. Chairman Henry C. Klein presiding, Messrs. J. Bruce DtAdamo,
B. Nathan Kessler, Frederick H. Voss, Village Attorney William R.
Alley, Jr. and Clerk LeRoy E. Hopper present.
Minutes of meeting held February 5th were read and approved.
Chairman Klein submitted a proposed draft of an amendment to
revise Section III, Paragraph·19, of the Subdivision Regulations
of the Village of Dobbs Ferry. After conSideration, motion was
made by Mr. DIAdamo, seconded by Mr. Voss, that the Planning Board
recommend to the Board of Trustees, that Section III, Paragraph 19,
of the Subdivision Regulations of the Village of Dobbs Ferry be
amended as foll.lis:
19. Recreation. With the purpose of causing developers of new
Subdivisions to assist the Village in defraying the cost of
improved and inc~eased public recreation facilities needed
to serve the community as increased by homes to be erected
in such Subdivision"the Planning Board may require surih
developers, in lieu of giving land for recreation purposes,
to contribute to the Recreation Fund of the Village, as a
condition of, and at the time of approval of SubdiVision or
section thereof, a sum equal to the total number of proposed
lots multiplied by $100.00, said sum to be used for park,
playground and recreation purposes in such manner as may be
determined by the Village Board of Trustees.
Motion carried, all voting "aye".
Mr. Dante Alberi was present and discussed with the Board
the rezoning and development of the former Arnstein property.
After consideration, motion waa made by Mr. Kessler, seconded by
Mr. D'Adamo, that the Planning Board call a Public Hearing for
Thursday evening, ~~rch 19th, 1959, at eight o'clock P.M., t.
consider rezoning of the former Arnstein property, known on the
Assessment M~p as Sheet 24 ~ Parcel 1, by changing same from
Residence "R62" to Residence IIR"'2i" zone. Motion carried, all
voting "aye ll •
Motion was made by Mr. Kessler, seconded by Mr. D'Adamo,
that the Planning Board call a Public Hearing for Thursday even...
ing March 19th, 1959 at eigh» fifteen o'clock P.M., to considtr
plan of Hillview Acres Estates, for the subdivision of the former
Arnstein property, knolnl on the Assessment Map as Sheet 24 ~
Parcell, and that the Clerk publish and post notice of PubliC
Hearing in accordance with law. Motion carried, all voting Itaye".
Chairman Klein read a letter from Mr. Charles B. Ferris re~
questing that the po~tion of the property of the Zion Episcopal
Church now occupied by the rectory be rezoned to permit that
building to be converted to a two family ho~se. After conSideration,
motion was made by Mr. Voss, seconded by Mr. Kessler, that the
Planning Board recommend to the Board of Trustees, that the Oak
Street frontage of the Zion Espiseopal Church property, for a depth
of 125 feet be rezoned and changed from Residence "R..l" to Resi4ence
Two Family "Til zone. Motion carried, all voting "aye".
- - -
Mr. Frank Petronia spoke to the Board regarding the rezoning
of a portion of the Juhring property. After consideration, motion
was made by Mr. Voss, seconded by Mr. Kessler, that the Planning
Board recommend to the Board of Trustees, that that portion of the
Juhring property ascribed in the attached property description and
shown on the attached, map be rezoned and changed from Residence
"R....I" to Residence "R-2" zone. Motion carried, all voting "aye".
Meeting was adjourned.