Regular me<;lting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dobbs Ferry helij. in the Municipal Building on Mond.ay evening, May 1st, 1950. MaYQr .,Talter V. Danahar presiding, all Trustees present i-lith the exception of Messrs. Guyett and Alley. Minutes of .meetings held April 17th and 24th ~Iere approved as read. I Mr. Leslie '\o1illiams, Traffic consultant and engineer of the Automobile Club of Ne~1 York, discussed vii th the Board the ~rious traffic problems in this Village. Mayor Danahar asked Mr. vli11iams to make a report on his suggested remedie~. Discussion .•Ias held on the advisability of purchasing a chassis for the body from the old burned street truck or.the advantage in purchasing an entire nei'l truck. The Board decided that a nevI truck should l?e purcha&ed, complete, and motion .was made by Hr. Belarge, seconded by Mr. Monahan, that the Purchasing Agemt draw up specifications for the truck and that the Clerk insert an advertisement in the Dobbs Ferry Register that prices vlill be received on ~Iay 15th for this truck. Motion. carried, all vo~ing "aye". Mr. Earle H. Shinn, Recreation Director, made a report to the B06rd on his attendance at Conference of Recreation Directors in S.Yracus'e last vleek • . Mr. Monahan reported that he had three bids for'lights on the ramp at.the grade crossing bridge at Ashford Avenue, the Imlest bid, and ~>nly complete bid, being made by General Electric Co •. for $835.48, and,he moved, seconded by Mr. Griffin, that the Board accept bid of General Ele ctri9 Company.for poles on ra.!JIp in aCCQrdanc e with spe cifications ~d recommendatiQns of the \'Testchester Lighting Company at $835.48, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign contt'ac'"!i f0'r same'" all vot~ng "aye". ·1 Mr. Monahan made a rsp ort on progress being , mad.e on lighting at the 'fl'a terfront parking area. \ Mr. Monahan reported that it i-lill cost $68~ 60 to have the proper lights placed on Hudson Terrace off Palisa4e Street and he moved, seconded by Hr. Belarge, that the vlestc..'i-lester Lightin~ Co. 00 au thori zeit to pr~ceed "lith this 'l'lOrk, all .voting "aye '. Mr. Honahan.moved, seconded b:y Mr. ejlAvi, that sand, cement and other supplies be purchased for the Park, all voting "aye ". , Mr: Monahan' reported that t4e Donkey 'Baseball Game, orig inally scheduled for Hay :nst, .Iill be held on June 2n4 ins tead. He also invited the Board to attend the Qpening game at Gould Park on Sunday. Hotion was made by Mr. M~naban, second,ed by Mr. Griffin, tli,at, since the Society of Our. Lady_of .Incoronata of the Pompeii Church had been unable to have their. fireworks display last week-end weather conditions, permission be given them to have the display on Saturday evening, Hay 6th. MQtion carried. , Mr. Monahan reported on talJi; he had had i:1i th Hr. Reeves C?f the Sunoco Gas Station on the condition of the property and ~e moyed, seconded by Mr. dlAvi, that this ,matter be turned 9veJ;' to the Village Attorney. Motion carrieij.. I Motion i'las made by Mr. Monrujan, seconCl-ed by Mr. ,Belarge; that Mr. Henry Kaiser l s contract for :rat extermination at the vlaterfront dump be increased from $15.00 to ,$20.00 per month, all voting "~ye'~. Mayor Danahar turned over summer recreation vTOrkers. tq Mr. Monahan two applications for The TOvm of Greenburgh hav+I)g transmitted to theyillage $305.64 as its share of the proc~eds of sale of property kn01m as Sheet'12 Block 430 - Lots 19 and 62, and ~ mortgage in the amount of ,$1,500. ".rhich is payable by January, 1951, and vlhich i-Jill be apportioned between the Town and Villae:e being still due on this property, motion "as made ' by Mr. 140nahan, seconded by Mr. Belarge, that the Village accept $306.64 at this time and apply it as folloi·TS: - I t?7 1949 1949 1948 1948 1947 1947 1946 1946 1945 Part Tax on Lot Tax on Lot Tax on Lot Tax on Lot Tax on Lot Tax on Lot Tax on Lot Tax on Lot max on Lot payment· on ---------------------- 19 62 19 62 19 62 19 62 19 1945 Tax on Lot 62 $ 11.20 63.00 11.20 63.00 9.60 54.00 9.60 54.00 9.60 20.44 And, further, that the Town having reported that on the sale of Sheet 17 - Block 449 - Lot 31 there being no money to apportion, the follo,·ling be cancelled: Taxes for 1935 through 1949 $ 18.40 Tax Sale charges 4.50 Motion carried, all voting lIaye II. I Motion ·"'as made by l-lr. Monahan, seconded by.Mr. Griffin, that various apportionments, as requested by the Board of Assessors, due to the sale of portions of each of the properties, be made as follows: . Sheet 19- Block 453 - Lots 9 to 15 - Land $ l1~00.~ ~otal $ 9,340. Sheet 19- Block 453 - Lots'15A~16-l7~Land 160.- Total $ 160. Sheet 19-Block 453 - Lots 27-28929 - Land $ Sheet 19-Block 453 - Lots 30-31 - Land 360.- Total $ 240.- Total $ Sheet 22 - Block 475 - Lot 53 Land $ Sheet·22 - Block 475 - Lot 54 Land $ '.' Motion carried, ·all voting lIaye II. 525.- Total $ 525.- Total $ 360. 240. Moti on viaS made by Mr. Monahan, seconded by Mr. Belarge,' J;;ha t the Village of Dobbs Ferry borrow upon its tax note, payable July I, 1950, the sum· of $2~500. to cover expenses authorized tonight and. $4,000. to cover expenses due May 15th, from the Dobbs Ferry Bank, Dobbs Ferry, Ne\') York, against tax revenues levied forthe fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of March,1950 and ending on the 28th day of February,195l, and that such tax note b:e signed by the Hayor and attested by the Village Clerk under the corporate seal of' tre Village, all voting lIaye II. I Motion was made by Mr. Monahan, second.ed by Mr. dlAvi, that Street Department payroll for period from April 16th to 30th in the total amount of $1,524.00 be paid, all voting· lIaye ll • Motion was made by Mr. Monahan, seconded by ~lr. Griff'in, that bills in the· total amount of $1,198.85 be paid, all voting lIaye II. Same vlere as follools: -Nev' York Telephone Co. $ 146.80- #167-620-676 .. West. Lighting Co. 150.79- 410-1030 ~Test. Lighting Co. . 2.25- 416 Charles Bohlinger 10.~0- 910-610 Fred H. Johnson 42.00- 660-915 Town Restaurant 13.00- 612 Id J. English 48.00- ·821 Gen.Electric Supply Co. 24.00- 955 John A. vTaeie",icz 20.10- 615 Faurot, Inc. 16.00- 615 Whiffen Electr.Co. 371.87- 955 B. H. Adle r 6.94- 925 Earl e H. Shinn 44.75- 955 RimballElectrc.Supply Co. ,14.50- 615 George Innes 1.00- 1017 D. F. Motors 5.59- 610 New York Central Railroad Co. 9.99- 915 Goldsmith Brothers 76.80- 165 Dobbs Ferry B~ 28.27- 165 Squire Auto Parts 6.47- 910 West. Oxygen Co. 22;00- 665 Paul Frietig 30.00- Str.Opening Refund Robert J. Schaerges 107.03- 618 I 1)[5. M,otion 1rlaS, made by Mr. Bel,arge, seconded by Mr.· Grif;f:in, that, the Village Attorney be aut.'lorized to secure an ease,ment for ' correction of a,drainage condition at English.'Lane"all voting, lIaye II. . , Motion ,,,as made by Mr. Belarge, seconded by Mr. Monahan, that a telephone be installed at the home of Ill.oad F~rernan l'lilliam French, all voting lIaye li / l1r. Belarge presented an estimate from Charles F. Coffin for 1 $230.00 for spraying 173 Elm trees throughout the Village as ,-lell as trees and shrubs in EdWin Gould Park, and he moved, seconded by Mr. Griffin, that r-ir. Voffin be granted contract for this work, all voting. II aye II. " Mayor Danahar read correspondence from two engineers on the Judson Avenue sewer matter and same was laid over. Motion .las made by Mr. dlAvi, ~econded by Mr. Monahan, that Purchasing Agent Griffin be authorized to purchase approXimately $400. ,vorth of Fire Department supplies ,.fnich are needed at this time, all voting lIaye II. Motion ;'las made by Mr. Monahan, seconded by Mr. dlAvi, that garage supplies costing approXimately $32.00 be purchased by Purchasing Agent Griffin, all voting lIaye II. Motion 1rlaS made by Mr. Monahan, seconded by Mr. dlAvi, that Purchasing Agent Griffin be authorized to order four cans of paint needed to paint the equipment, all voting lIaye II. I Motion vlas made by Mr. Belarge, seconded by Hr. dlAvi, that Purchasing Agent Griffin be authorized to buy posts for street signs throughout the Village, same to cost $280.00, all voting lIaye II. Mr. Griffin reported that he had two bids for work on roofs and gutters on Ogden Engine Building, Park She 1 ter Building and Hunicipalt Building, as follm"s: John Ryan $ 332.00 Elliott Bray 601.00 . and motion 1rlaS made by Hr. Honahan, seconded by Hr. dlAvi, that bid of John Ryan be accppted, all voting naye II. Hr. Griffin reported that he has a pric e of $98.00 for railing fOr steps going into Gould Park and $343.00 for 215 feet of fence at, Goulc'i Park from the Costello Contracting Co. and moti on ,"as made by Mr. Belarge, seconded by Mr. d I Avi, that the Purchas ing Agent be authorized' to order this work 'done at prices quoted, all vot ing lIaye li • Mayor Danahar read Building and Plumbing report for the month of April with $99.00 in fees and same 1rlaS accepted. Mayor Danahar read correspondence 'from the Planning Board on the Beacon Hill development and on change in Zoning on Virginia Avenue and both matters 1rlere laid, over. I, Mayor Danahar read a letter from American Legion Post #1048 asking that the Board consider do~ng something permanent in the .lay of an Honor Roll. Mayor Dana-l1ar reported that the rna tter is no", in the hands of a Committee he appOinted at the last meeting. ! Mayor Danahar read a letter from the Ne,-l York Central Railroad asking permission to erect directional signs for the Railroad Station. Motion "'as made by Mr. Monahan, seconded by 111'. Belarge, that perm1.g sion be granted, all, voting lIay,:e II. / Mayor Danaar read a letter from theCHy of Ne1rl York "'ith regard tp restrictions on the use of ,'ater and the Mayor asked that the Clerk check '-lith the New Rochelle Water Company on this matter. ,/ /71 .' l{otion Has· made by Hr. Honahan, seconded by Mr. Griffin, that' contract se signed by the l.fayor and attested by the Village Clerk in the amount of, $700.00 with the vlestern: ivestchester Humane . Society for periodt froml-iay 1st, 1950 to May 1st, 1951. Motion carried, all voting II aye II. . , . . ", , Meeting was adj~urned. I Clerk I ". .. , . / " . i I , :!. ' ' .' . , :: ., : I }. ,.
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