Edmonds Sons of Norway Lodge 2-130 April 2015 Volume 4 Meeting Place: Edmonds Masonic Center, 515 Dayton Street, Edmonds, WA 98020 UPCOMING EVENTS AT EDMONDS LODGE (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Board meetings will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church April 1 – Board Meeting 6:30 8 – Lodge Meeting; 4:30 Social Time; 5pm movie and crafts, ‘Tablet Weaving’; 6pm Dinner- Soup Special $5.00 7pm meeting; Program Maggie Fimia with her Genealogy presentation ‘Welcome Home Family History Services’. May 6 – Board Meeting 6:30 13 - Lodge Meeting 4:30 Social Time; 5pm Movie and crafts 6pm Potluck Dinner; 7pm Memorial Service For Upcoming Events, contact Melissa Johnson at 425-672-1272 [email protected] Visit our website at www.EdmondsSonsofNorway.weebly.com President’s message Instead of asking for help at the breakfast, I want to thank ALL that helped at our March breakfast. We served 400 plus. We had lots of help, we had a couple folks jump in and help in the kitchen with batter and making pancakes. The kitchen crew was glad to have the extra help. THANK YOU. See you on May 2 for the next breakfast. At the March meeting, we had the presentation of Cultural and Sports Awards between Bothell Lodge and our lodge. Bothell won the sports award trophy and are taking the trophy to their lodge. We will work on getting it back next year. Edmonds took the Culture award competition and intends to keep it next year. Thanks to Bothell for helping make our evening fun. Waldo and crew put on a great Corn Beef Dinner celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. On April 8th we look forward to Maggie Fimia’s Genealogy presentation “Welcome Home Family History Services’. I look forward to many members being supportive of this presentation. Remember if you have any ideas to share or are willing to cook for one of our meetings, please feel free to volunteer. We will gladly let you give it a try. Fraternally, Jane Bueing, President ---Happy Easter to all!! For lots more information on activities in our area. 1 SAVING – SAVING – SAVING – That’s what we do best at SONS OF NORWAY. Wouldn’t it be nice to insure your family, preserve your estate, or reduce your taxes? We have it all through your Financial Counselor, Jerry Label. Is there a cost for a review? Answer: YES! “A CUP OF COFFEE.” Please call Jerry Label at (425) 640-9830 and get your finances in order. In the coming months we will be gathering information about how you would like to receive the monthly newsletter. We realize that some of you don’t have email and you will continue to receive the newsletter by regular mail. Congratulations to everyone who worked hard on Cultural Skills last year! Harold Anderson, The cost of printing and mailing the newsletter April Mills, Gordon Mills, Vicki Nelson, Yvonne in 2014 was $795.00 and we would like to cut Heindel and myself for a total of 53 awards. April has now achieved her bronze level Master those costs. Through the ‘satisfaction survey’ Award. Yvonne has earned every award some of you have filled out, phone calls and at except one level of the Language/Culture the lodge meetings we will develop the list of Award…and she is working on that. She has more medals than anyone in all of Sons of people who are able to receive the newsletter Norway…US, Canada and Norway! I have the by email. second most. Several of us now are working on the Mentoring awards…and we will keep Thank you in advance for helping our lodge in bugging YOU to work on something! being more efficient and save money! -Roberta Morrow Don’t forget to bring your Box Tops and Labels for Education to the next meeting We are also collecting stamps for Tubfrim so bring those along too! As of March 11th we have collected 209 Box Tops and 218 Labels for Education – great job everyone! And thank you to Eli Krusenstjerna for her donation of Norwegian stamps for Tubfim _______________________________________________________________________________________ When a member needs some cheer contact Norma Furman 425-776-3235 2 Don’t Miss the April Program! Maggie Fimia, owner of Welcome Home Family History Services and a member of the Edmonds Lodge, (www.welcomehomefamilyhistoryservices.com), has over thirty years experience doing family research and helping families tell their stories. She’s done extensive research in the national and local libraries of the U.S., Ireland, France, London and Mormon Library in Salt Lake City. She’s researched and traveled to Italy, Sicily, Norway, Ireland, Cuba and all over the U.S. to find her own ancestors and current cousins. She will be sharing ways we can organize, restore, preserve and share your family history in ways that the younger generations will actually look at and enjoy. Come with some of your family names, dates and birthplaces, because she’s going to get us started right away. Also bring along any family history projects you would like to share. Younger members of the family are welcomed and encouraged to attend . Maggie will be showing us non-‐ computer and computer generated projects. Older family members have the information and archives, but may not have the computer savvy needed to put some of the more sophisticated projects together. For the younger members, it is just the opposite. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Anyone need an optional activity for the reading award? Roberta Morrow has a collection of DVD’s of Ibsen plays that would qualify. Let her know if you’d like to borrow one. Nesbø fans: Roberta has most of the Harry Hole series of crime novels. If you would like to borrow one, let her know. Please remember to return books that have been checked out from our library and also books that you have borrowed from Roberta Morrow. Two missing books from Roberta’s collection are “Devil’s Star” by Jo Nesbo and a copy of “Kings of Norway”. 3 Edmonds Lodge Board Minutes March 4, 2015 The meeting was opened by President Jane Bueing at 7;05. Yvonne Heindel was given her birthday cupcake by Vicki Nelson and we sang to her. The minutes from the February 11th meeting were read and corrected. Vicki Nelson presented a budget for 2015. There was a discussion about the fee for Pancake Breakfasts. It was moved by Waldo Bueing and seconded by Harry Malnes that we change the fee for children to 0-5 free and 6-10 $5.00. The motion passed. The publication of the newsletter was discussed because of the cost for printing, and the price of the bulk mailing permit. We need to find out how many are receiving it by email and how many need to receive a hard copy. We are being charged a fee by Bank of America for not having the required level of money in our account. The discussion before the board was should we take money out of the Minneapolis account to remedy this or not. There were two motions that were defeated with more discussion that funds would come from the Pancake breakfast. Harold Anderson gave his Scholarship report and stated that we haven’t received any applications. Financial Secretary Loren Krusenstjerna reported that we have 2 new members; Jana Kleitsch and Jen Pierson and 2 new Heritage members Ella and Mitchell Steed. We received letters thanking us for our contribution to the YWCA Pathways for Women, and The Nordic Heritage Museum. We also received newsletters from Bothell, Normanna, Greig in Portland, Leif Erickson and Vesterdalen Lodges. Several other newsletters were received by email. Our group of Pancake breakfast workers did it again and produced our brand of goodies for the Horseless Carriage group. We received $200 plus the cost of the food. Maggie Fimia received an email from Professor Laurie Ingrebretson apologizing for her not coming to our February meeting. Maggie will reply to her email. Waldo Bueing gave Corned Beef packages to Yvonne Heindel, Maggie Fimia, Melissa Johnson, Vicki Nelson and April Mills to cook for the meeting on March 11th. The Bothell Lodge will have 14 people coming for the Uff Da award ceremony. Nancy Rasmussen will decorate with her helpers Margret Berghuis, Helen Overton and Rigmor Hansen for this event. The movie will be one on card weaving and selection on Ireland from Maggie Fimia. Roberta Morrow reported that we earned 52 Cultural medals this past year and Harry Malnes said that we earned many sports medals and they will be presented at the meeting on the 11th. Sunshine: Margaret Strandoo passed while living with her daughter in California, a card was sent; Bill Ellis had a heart attack, but is doing well; Helen Overton will be 98 on April 1st; Carol Anderson will have surgery on March 17th. There will be a Zone 2 meeting at the Bothell Lodge on March 28th from 8:30 – 2 or 3. There will also be a Border Fest meeting in Bellingham on March 15th to set up committees for the July 12th event. Vicki Nelson who is chairing the 17th of May luncheon at Leif Erickson Lodge told us about this event. The luncheon before the Parade will cost $30. Individual Tracking Sheets were handed out by Secretary April Mills. These need to be filled out by any individual that devotes time to activities for the Sons of Norway and be given to the Secretary to post on the Sons of Norway email. April Mills, secretary 4 Position/Name & Contact # President Jane Bueing Vice President Norma Sands Treasurer Vicki Nelson Secretary April Mills Fin. Secretary Loren Krusenstjerna Financial Benefits Jerry Label Counselor Waldo Bueing, Social Director Eli Krusenstjerna Co-Social Director Maggie Fimia Marshal Melissa Johnson Marshall Al Berg Cultural Director Roberta Morrow Sports Director Harry Malnes Greeters (alternating) Youth Director/Framtid Trustee Harold Setran Trustee Bob Turcott Trustee Yvonne Heindel Musician Sonja Berg Asst. Musician Philip & Birgit Ages Found. Director Roberta Morrow Librarian Fay Setran Historian Harold Andersen Information Erlene Stevenson Sunshine Norma Furman Newsletter Editor Melissa Johnson Newsletter Distrib Norma Fuhrman Newsletter Distrib Gerald/Helen Graham Publicity Director Gordon Mills Publicity Director Lisa Palmatier Web Master Melissa Johnson Building Liason Gerald Graham Scholarship Chairman Harold Andersen Décor Support Margaret Berghuis Decor Support Helen Overton Decor Support Rigmor Hansen (425) 882-2212 (206) 524-6020 (425) 774-9406 (425) 778-1665 (425) 775-1710 (425) 640-9830 (425) 882-2212 (425) 775-1710 (425) 412-3674 (425) 672-1272 (425) 743-2261 (425) 743-7836 (425) 743-1660 All board mem. Vacant (425) 778-2009 (425) 308 5265 (425) 918-1929 (425) 743-2261 (206) 368-9720 (425) 743-7836 (425) 778-2009 (425) 697-2634 (425) 712-9788 (425) 776-3235 (425) 672-1272 (425) 776-3235 (206) 542-4587 (425) 778-1665 (206) 546-1588 (425) 672-1272 (206) 542-4587 (425) 697-2634 (206) 546-2674 --- ONGOING EVENTS: Folkdance Society – 1st & 3rd Fridays Cedar Valley Grange Hall, Lynnwood Call (206) 784-7470 for more information Daughters of Norway have many ongoing events at www.daughtersofnorway.org/events.html Nordic Heritage Museum – Check out the new exhibitions plus concerts and classes at (206) 789-5707 Scandinavian Language Institute – For info about classes, call Ed Egerdahl at (425) 771-5203; www.sliseattle.com/home Welcome New Members! New Heritage members Ella Steed and Mitchell Steed ___________________________________________ Gratulerer Med Dagen Congratulations to all members who have birthday’s in April! 4/1 4/2 4/5 4/6 4/8 4/9 4/13 4/15 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/22 4/27 4/28 4/30 Austin Bueing Helen Overton James Baird Susan Johnson Walter Lee Lloyd Sand Brian Lee Stephanie Joinette Sylvia Fercher Bernice Kent Marlys Melrose Turid Bouchoukian Sylvia Gonterman Ingrid West Sonja Berg Jill Jacobson Jayden Bueing Janice Smith Philip Ages Jacob Ross Alice Timm Kari Saeverud Seattle’s Swedish Cultural Center has ongoing activities as well, (206) 283-1090 5 Sons of Norway #2-130 P.O. Box 1651 Edmonds, WA 98020-1651 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #1067 Lynnwood, WA 98036 Return Service Requested Sons of Norway is proud to announce the official launch of its brand new website at www.sonsofnorway.com! Immediately you will notice that we have completely redesigned its style to make the site feel more open and inviting. The new site's homepage welcomes visitors with a clean, crisp design, and features content that focuses on our mission while telling the story of our organization in an inviting and engaging way. Don’t forget to include a contribution to www.sonsofnorway.com/foundation When paying your annual dues: $48.50 – Spouse: $41.50 – Youth: $29.00 Call (800) 945-8851 to join, pay dues, change/add email, phone number, or mailing address and to get Sons of Norway questions answered. Edmonds Sons of Norway Web Site: www.EdmondsSonsofNorway.weebly.com This newsletter is published 10 times a year by Edmonds Sons nd of Norway 2-130, which meets the 2 Wednesday of each month except July and August at 515 Dayton in Edmonds, WA. This is a non-profit organization. The newsletter is sent at no additional cost to members. DEADLINE FOR UPCOMING NEWSLETTER EVENTS IS THE 20th EACH MONTH 6
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