REACH Report - The Anglican Diocese of Edmonton

Diocese of Edmonton
64 Synod April 24 – 25, 2015
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We acknowledge that the Diocese of Edmonton is on Treaty 6 land
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We acknowledge that the Diocese of Edmonton is on Treaty 6 land
The 63rd Synod adopted Resolution G-9:
1. That the Diocese proceed with a Mission Funding Campaign as recommended in the
Planning Feasibility Study Final Report prepared by M&M International, and
2. That the Synod request the Bishop to appoint a Feasibility Study Initiative Working
Group (FSIWG) as described in that report.
Accordingly, the Administration and Finance Committee assisted the Bishop in forming the
committee requested in the second part of the resolution to undertake the search for a fundraising
consultant to assist in the campaign to raise $5 million over five years for mission. Over the
course of 2013, the FSIWG committee developed a Request for Proposals, identified potential
bidders, and solicited bids from nine consultants. Four bids were received, and two consultants
were interviewed. On the basis of their proposal, interview, and references, the FSIWG
committee recommended to Administration and Finance that CCS be hired as campaign counsel.
Administration and Finance endorsed the recommendation and forwarded it to the Executive
Council for approval. Executive Council agreed with the recommendation to hire CCS, and
approved a campaign expense budget of up to $550,000. Christina Mathis, our embedded
campaign consultant, arrived from San Francisco on 5 January 2014 to begin work on the
The Reach Campaign was structured in three phases. First, a pilot phase including four parishes,
allowed us to test the campaign plan and to make some adjustments. All of these parishes
exceeded their goal. After the pilot phase, the remaining parishes were divided into two groups.
By year end, several parishes had not yet started their campaigns, and so Administration and
Finance extended the consultant contract by two months to allow those parishes to conduct their
At the time of writing, the Reach Campaign has raised $4,513,208, or over 90% of our goal of $5
million. 13 parishes have exceeded their goal, representing additional funds of $401,242. We
received $1,055,336.64 in donations in 2014, and have received $308,230.81 to date in 2015, for
a total of $1,363,567.45. Donations have come in the form of one-time donations, and pledges
payable in annual, quarterly and monthly instalments. Pledges have ranged from $100 to
$100,000. 21 donors have chosen to donate securities. Currently, 267 donors are contributing
$28,205.33 per month through Pre-Authorized Giving. A total of 784 people have made pledges
averaging $5756.64.
Expenses in 2014 were $416,215.29. Expenses to date in 2015 have been $71,036.94, for a total
of $487,252.23 to date. This represents $448,437.50 of fees paid to CCS and $38,814.73 of
expenses, including items such as travel costs, printing, postage and some office help. To date
we are well below the maximum figure of $550,000 for expenses approved by Executive
Council. Going forward, there will be some costs for printing and postage as the remaining
parishes complete their campaigns, and postage costs for receipts over the next five years.
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We acknowledge that the Diocese of Edmonton is on Treaty 6 land
Cheques totaling $216,725 were issued in January to parishes that had completed their
campaigns and to the National Church. An additional $50,101 was distributed to parishes in
April. 14 parishes will receive their first cheques in July.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following people in the Reach Campaign:
The FSIWG Committee: Carol Blair, David Connell, Brian Jolly, Jocelyn King, Peter
Prinsen, The Ven Michael Rolph, The Ven Alan Perry (chair)
The Campaign Steering Committee: Bishop Jane Alexander, The Rev Robyn Barnes,
Dwight Bliss, Diann Bowes, David Connell, The Rev Jon Connell, Brian Jolly, The Ven
Alan Perry
CCS Fundraising: Christina Mathis and Theodore Blackburn
The dedicated members of the parish campaign committees
We are particularly grateful for the generous donations of all who have contributed to the Reach
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We acknowledge that the Diocese of Edmonton is on Treaty 6 land
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We acknowledge that the Diocese of Edmonton is on Treaty 6 land