. GOVT. OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, INSPECTION CELL (H Q) S V LANCER ROAD BUILDING, II FLOOR, LUCKNOW ROAD, ~) TIMARPUR, DELID-54 NO.F.PAlDDElInsp./2015-16/4 ~I Dated2N0312015 The Education Officers I DEO's, (as per the Inspection schedule enclosed), are directed to inspect the Govt.Z Govt Aided Schools of various Districts under the Directorate of Education, along with SuperintendentIDDO and Two HOads of Schools (Not below the rank Vice Principal) of their respective Zones. Focus areas for the month of April 2015 for Central Inspection will be as follows: I or I .1. Infrastructure.basic amenities(A) (B) ~ Maintenance and Improvement of school building with Condition of toilets including girls' toilets and their closing mechanism (chitakani), their status of hygiene and cleanliness and availability of water, mug and dustbin in the toilets. Cleanliness in the school premises. (C) Availability of Drinking Water DJB / Ground Water / RO I Aqua Guard and whether RO/Aqua Guard in working condition. (D) Availability and "'V'dition of Tube Lights, Fans, Window panes, Blackboards, Dustbin and desks in the class rooms, (E) Action Plan drafted Idesigned by tbe DOS for maintenance improvement of scbool building with basic amenities. and 2. Academics(A) Declaration of home exam result and distribution of report cards to students from VI to IX and Xl. (8) Review and Analysis of Home Exam Result of classes VI to IX and XI -Over all, Stream wise, Subject wise and Teachers' wise. (C) Preparation of various Time Tables- (Class wise, Teachers Lab time table, Zero Period, Remedial implementation. -. - etc) and tbeir wise, effective • (D) require more attention..clau wile al1d subject wise as per followiug category by the teachers and Identification of students who record maintained by HoS • <a> Unsuccessful students (b) Passed in Compartment Exam (c) Promoted with graee marks (d) Marks below 40"1. And Action plan of HoS for improvement of result of classes IX, X and XII with special emphasis on class xn. (F) Attendance -Monitoring and timely subm.iuion of students and staff attendance on MIS and attendance of students is properly marked in class attendance register. (G) Teaching Learning Performance Assessment (Minimum 4 classes covering 2 up to Middle level, 1 Sec:level and 1 Sr Sec level) 3. Administration (A) Supervision of Monitor's diary and Teacher's diary by HaS. (B) Maintenance of HaS Supervision diary and recording of daily supervision report by HOS. (C) Statu. of condemnation, weeding out, EOR, Stock Verification, and opening of bank account of students . (D) Proper processing o~Audit Para and their Settlement M . (E) No pendency in respeet of terminal benefits (retired and death eases} • (F) Compliance of any Advisory / Communication issued to HOS in rIo previous inspections. (0) Statusof admission, updation and up gradation of students, (H) Report regarding participation and achievement of students in Sports, Yoga and otber co-curricular activities in the last session 2014·15. (I) Whether third language advance register for class sixth admission seekers maintained by HOS. (1) Verification of work undertaken in VKS, RMSA, SSAI UEEM utilization. and plan scheme -~ -- If the deployed officers/officials are on leave on the day of inspection, another EOIDEO/Addi .DEO Will be deployed for this purpose with prior intimation to this branch by the concerned DDE. The complete Inspection Report should be submitted on the: same day on MIS & the hard copy with supporting documents to be submitted at Inspection Cell HQ, SV Lancer Road School Building IT floor, Lucknow Road, Timarpur Delhi 110054 latest by the n+ day of Inspection. Non compHance will be viewed seriously. This issues with the prior approval of the Competent Authority. Important- J- HoS 'of the school where Inspection has is planned bas to provide immediately the part of the Inspection Proforma to be filled by the HoS to thelnJpec!ing Olli""r fer veriticadon. z- Inspecting Ollicer should submit the enelosure (documentary evidence) of the points marked in BOLD along with bard copy oC Inspection Performa of HOS and Inspection Team duly signed in a me with a note sheet with in two day from the date of Inspection . •~Q,'V'\{ ct\V;:' \l.' "" "lo' Mrs. Madbu Singh DDE I Inspection CeH (HQ) 4" \ No.F.PAlADElInsp./2015-16/ Copy to: • Dated!Ui'0312015 I. PS to Pro Secretary of Education, GNCT of Delhi. 2. PS to Director of Education, GNCT of Delhi. 3. Add!. Director of Education (School Branch), GNCT of Delhi. 4. All RDEIDDElEO through MIS . OS (IT) with the request to upload same on the website ofDte. Of Education. 6. Ollice Copy. ...p. CENTRAL INSPECTION SCHEDULE FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2015 No Date . 104-04-10\5 2 04-04-2015 Zone ID & School Name Mr. Ani! kumar vashistha 1 1104011 Sabhapur-GGSSS Mr. M.L. Arnbhore 2 Name of EO's OEO's 10 & School Name 1105018 Jafrabad, Zeenat Mahal(Urdu 3 04-04-2015 Mr. Surendra Kumar l104417:-SABHAPUR-GOVT. BOYS S.5EC. SCHOOL 4 110S008:-Jafrabad sav Medium)-SKV 1001009 l001208:-Anand Vihar - sav Anand Vihar-SKV 4 06-04-2015 Mrs. Sarita Rai 3 1106018 New Seemapuri-SKV 1106011:-New SeemapuriGBSSS 5 06-04-2015 Mr. J N Aggarwal 5 1002022 Kalyanpuri-SKV lOO2008:-Kalyanpuri-SBV (Mother Teresa) 606-04-2015 707-04-2015 Mr M.L. Kaushik Mrs. Manju Sharma 6 7 Colony, 1003024 Geeta Colony, Block l003009:-Geeta 13-SKV Block 13-GBSSS 1309023 Shalamar Village 1309273:-Shalamar GBSSS village- 1310395:-5hahabad GBSSS Oairy- GGSSS 807-04-2015 Dr. Anand Singh Bisht 8 1310025 -Shahabac GG5SS Oairy- 9 07-04-2015 Dr. Ami Kuamr Saxena 9 1207036·Bu ran-skv 1207009: Burari-SBV 10 08-04-2015 Mr. K.K. Sortc 10. 1412253 1412091 :-Mubarkpu 11 08-04-2015 Mrs. Vidya Devi II Mubarakpur Dabas, No-2,GGSS Dabas, No.l-GBSSS 1208014 <Partap Nagar- SKV 1208232;.Pratap r Nagar- GBSSS 12 08-04-2015 Mr. M P.Yadav S.c. Nirmal 12 1309028:-Rana Partap Bagh- 1309012:-Rana Partap Bagh- 5KV 58V 14 1617005:-Ranhaula-SKV 1617227:-Ranhaula· 13 09 04·2015 Me. 14 09-04-2015 Mrs. Shashi Bala Saini 13 1310041:Khera Khurd·SKV 131001S:-Khera KhurdGBSSS 15 09 04 2015 Mrs. Anima Horo 15 1618017:-Janakpuri No.l,C-Block 161800S:-Janakpuri, No.2-SBV 16 10-04-2015 Mrs. Pratibha Sapra 16 1617004:-Nangloi, Kavita Colony-G(Co-ed}SSS 1617024:-Nangloi, Phase 11GBSSS 17 10-04-2015 Mrs.Usha Rani Saini 18 1413069:-Rohini, Avantika, Sector I-GGSSS 1413019:-Rohini, Avantika, Sector I-GBSSS 18 10-O4-201:l Smt.xamla Nimbhal 17 1412133:-Mubarikpur 1412254:-Mubarkpur Oabas-GGSSS Dabas, No.2-GBSSS 11-04-2015 lindSATURDAY 12-04-2015 SUNDAY -SKV SBV Block C, 19 13-04-2015 Mrs. Sumeeta Bahl 19 1821030:-Dwarka, Sector-I, Pkt-7-SKV 20 13-04-2015 ML Dcvcnder Singh 21 1618063:-Mohan Garden-SKV 1821234:-Dwarka, Sector-I, Pkt-7-GBSSS. 161B072:-Mohan Garden GBSSS NO.1 21 13-04-2015 Mrs. Paramjit Kaur 20 1822Q44:-Najafgarh, NO.l- No.2- AMBEDKAR JAYANTI 14-03-2015 22 15-04-2015 1822009:-Najafgarh, GBSSS GGSSS Smt.Zareen Taj 22 1618278 : HASTSAl- GGSSS 1618281:-Hastsal, Janta Flats sav 23 15-04-20 r 5 24 15-04-2015 25 16-04-2015 Me. R.C. Yadav Me. K.S. Yadav Mrs Sushma Kiran -, " 25 24 Sell" 26 16-042015 Mrs. Orneshwera Singh 26 1720002: Naraina, Ist Shift- 172001Q:-Naraina, sav GBSSS 1923064:-Mandi village- 1923358:-Mandi 2nd Shift- Village- GGSSS GBSSS 1925340 :-Madanpur 1925339:-Madanpur Khadar Extn.llColony GG55 GB5S 1923003:- Jonapur- Baba 1923359:-Jonapur Khadar Extn. J.J.Colony sav Neem Karoli, SKY 27 28 16-04-2015 17-04-2015 Mr. Ashok Kumar Me. Satyavir Singh 27 1613022:-Janakpuri C- 1618006:-Janakpuri, Block,SKV No.2 No:I-GBSSS 28 1925027:- Tekhand - GGSSS 1925356:-Tekhand 29 2127014:-Kamla 2127004:-Kamla Block C, - GBSSS Mawai 29 17-04-2015 30 17-04-2015 Sh.Suresh Chand Meena DEO Sh. v.Sbarma Welfare 31 18-04-2015 Sh.Sushil Kumar OED Science 32 18-04-2015 Sh.R.K.Acharya Market, Market, Zeenat Mahal-SKV No.1 Zeenat Mahal-GBSSS 1207037. 1207019:-5hakti -Shakti Nagar, Nagar, No.1-SKV No.1-GBSSS 1925041:-Kalkaji,ODA 1925016:-Kalkaji,OOA Flats, Phase II-GG5S5 Flats, Phase II-GB5SS DEa. 1309033:-Shalimar 1309007:-Shalimar Parra Block AP-GGSSS Block AP-GBSSS OED 1923045 1923009:-0r. Ambedkar IEDSS Nagar, Sector Nagar, Sector IV, No.2- Bagh, Bagh, char 33 18-04-2015 Sh.Sanjoy Caturvedi :-Or. Ambedkar IV, No.2- GBSS5 GGSSS SUNDAY 19-04-2015 34 20-04 2015 Mr. Ani] kumar 1 vashistba 35 20-04-2015 Mr. M L. Ambhore 2 36 20-04-2015 Me. Surendra 4 1104012: -Bhajanpu ra-G (Co- 1104150 -Bhajanpu ra-G BSSS ed] SSS(RDJK} (RDJK} 1001020:-8hola Nath Nagar, No.2-GGSSS Kumar 1001001:-8hola Nath Nagar- SBV (Babu Ram) 1002024: Trilokpuri, Block 27- 1002177:-Trilokpuri, SKV 27-SBV Block 37 21042015 Mrs. Sarita Rai 3 1106019:-Mandoli-SKV 1106005 :-Mandoli-GBSSS 38 21-04-2015 Mr. J N Aggarwal 5 1003028:- Laxmi Nagar-SKV 1003001:-Laxmi 39 21-042015 Mr M.L. Kaushik 6 40 22-04-2015 Mrs. Manju Sharma 7 41 22-04-2015 Dr Anand Sil1gh Bisht 8 1001023:-8hola Nath Nagar, 100101O:-Bhola Nath Nagar, No.3-GGSSS No.3-GBSSS 1309024: Haider Pur-GGSS 1309272:-Haider 1310043:-Pboth Khurd-SKV (Raja Ram Mohan Roy) Nagar-SBV 1310008:-Pooth GBSSS Pur-GBSS Khurd- 42 22-04-2015 Dr. Anil Kuamr 1208018:-Padam 9 Nagar-SKV Saxena 1208006:-Padam Nagar GBSSS 43 23-04-2015 Mr K K. Sorte 10 44 23-04-2015 Mrs. vidya Devi II 1207111:-Nathu pu ra-GGSSS 1207110:-Nathupura-GB5SS 1514011:- Chand Nagar, No.l- 1514110:-Chand Nagar-SBv 5KV 45 23-04-2015 46 24-04-2015 Mr. M.P.Yadav Mr. s.c. 12 Nirmal 14 1515021:- Rajouri Garden 1515006:-Rajouri Extn.-SKV Extn.-GBSSS 1412022:- Mangolpuri, Block- C, S(Co-ed)Sr. Sec. vtdvatava 47 24-04-2015 Mrs. Shashi Bala Saini 13 Garden 1412090:-Mangolpuri, Block P-SBV 151S028:-Madipur, NO.l- lSlS007:-Madipur, GGSSS 5BV NO.l- 1617Q02:-Nangloi-SBV 48 24-04-2015 Mrs. Anima Horo 15 1617010:- Nangloi-SKV 49 25-04-2015 Mrs. Pratibha Sapra 16 1618064:-Janakpuri, 50 2) 04-2015 Mrs.ljsha Rani Saini 18 1821016:-Sagarpur, 51 25-04-2015 Mrs. Sumeeta Bahl 19 1822047:- Najafgarh. NO.2GGSSS 52 27-04-2015 Mr.. Devender Singh 21 1924024:-Kidwai Nagar, NO.l- 1924006:-Kidwai Nagar, SKV(Rani Durgawati) NO.I-GBSSS 53 27-04-2015 Mrs. Paramj it Kaur 20 1923023:-Dera- GGSSS 1923360:-Dera- GBSSS 54 27-04-2015 Smt.Zarccn 22 1617027:- Punjabi Bast! G((oed)SSS 161702S:-Nangloi, Phase I GBSSS 55 28-04-2015 Sh. Kamla Nimbhal 17 1720014:-Janak Puri, Block D, NO.l-SKV 5BV 2127179:-Lal Kuan. Zeenat Mahal, NO.2-SKV 2127180: Lal Kuan, No.lGGSS 2128023:- New Rohtak RoadGGSSS 1923047:-Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Sector V-GGSSS 2128006:-New Rohtak RoadGBSSS Block A, NO.2-GGSSS 161806S:-Janakpuri, GBSSS NO.l-SKV 1821006:-Sagarpur, GBSSS 1822063:-Najafgarh, GBSSS Block ANO.1- NO.l- SUNDAY 26-04-2015 Taj -, • 1720027:-Janak Puri, Block D 56 28-04-2015 Mr. ItC. Yadav )- 57 28-04-2015 Sushma Kumari Setia 24 58 29-04-20 [5 Mr. KS Yadav "-, 59 29-04-20) 5 Mrs. Omeshwern Singh 26 1923055:-Pushp Vihar, M.B.Road-GGSSS 1923058:-Pushp Vihar, M.B.Road-GBSSS 60 29-04-2015 Mr. Ashok Kumar 27 1618070: -Matial a-SKV 1618001 :-Matiala-SBV 30-04-2015 LAST WORKING 1923011:-Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Sector V-GBSSS DA Y \\Q..,/"pS ~~.'Y DDE(lnspection)
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