Even though our year is not yet over (and so many wonderful events have yet to occur), we are already gearing up for the 2015‐16 school year! EEHSP finances, organizes and staffs numerous events, activities and services throughout the school year that directly benefit our schools and children. Running these programs, however, requires a LOT of help from parents, guardians and community members. It is never too early (or late!) to get involved! New volunteers will be trained, and carefully guided and mentored by veteran volunteers. We will reach out again in the fall, but as we work throughout the summer to make plans for activities occurring in the early Fall, it helps to know NOW what our roster for 2015‐16 will look like. As always, thank you for your continued support as we work to make 2015‐16 its best yet! Please return this form in an envelope labeled “EEHSP Volunteers” by backpack mail to your school’s office by May 1st. You can also scan and email to [email protected]. Thanks! YES, I’D LIKE TO SERVE ON NEXT YEAR’S HSP YOUR NAME: __________________________________________ DATE: ___________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________ BEST PHONE: _____________________________ STUDENT’S NAME (1): ___________________________________ GRADE: __________________________________ STUDENT’S NAME (2): ___________________________________ GRADE: __________________________________ BOARD OPENINGS Pursuant to our bylaws, Board positions have a two‐year maximum term limit. The following Board positions will be vacant and need to be filled. Please indicate if you are interested in learning more about any of the yet‐unfilled positions. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions. Co‐Presidents: OPEN (2 positions) I’m interested in learning more ____________ Vice‐President for Fundraising: OPEN I’m interested in learning more ____________ Asst. Treasurer (learning position): OPEN I’m interested in learning more ____________ Webmaster: OPEN I’m interested in learning more ____________ E‐Blast Coordinator: OPEN I’m interested in learning more ____________ Volunteer Coordinator: OPEN I’m interested in learning more ____________ In addition, please let us know if you are interested in partnering with our current volunteers in the following positions to learn the position and help without assuming full responsibility for it in the future. Recording Secretary: Linda Cortese I’m interested in learning more ____________ Director of Purchasing: Michelle West I’m interested in learning more ____________ Vice President for Grade Levels: Stephanie McNeil I’m interested in learning more ____________ Treasurer(s): Charlotte Igou I’m interested in learning more ____________ The Enfield Erdenheim Home and School Partnership is a local, independent, incorporated, nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. PA Tax ID 75-541356 COMMITTEES More information about our committees can be found at our website: http://eehsp.org/committee‐descriptions. For additional information, feel free to contact us at [email protected], or through our facebook page (www.facebook.com/groups/EEHSP). You can also submit your committee preferences online at http://eehsp.org/committee‐sign‐up. COMMITTEES Artist In Residence (Enfield) Artist In Residence (Erdenheim) Author‐Illustrator (Enfield) Author Illustrator (Erdenheim) Book Fair Box Tops Bulletin Boards Carnival Color Day (Enfield) Dads Directory Family Fun Nights Fall Fun Fest Fundraising Garden Market Day Mini‐Grants Newsletter Philanthropy Playground Publishing Center (Erdenheim) Spirit Wear Sustainability Talent Show Teacher Appreciation Luncheon I am interested in chairing I am interested in volunteering In addition, if you are interested in being a Grade Level Representative (for Kindergarten in particular), let us know by checking the appropriate box below. Grade level representatives help orient and organize head room parents, and run curriculum‐based community events for their specific grade. They participate as part of the extended EEHSP executive board, and are liaisons with the classrooms. I would like to be a Kindergarten Grade Level Representative. I would like to be a First Grade Level Representative. I would like to be a Second Grade Level Representative. I would like to be a Third Grade Level Representative. I would like to be a Fourth Grade Level Representative. I would like to be a Fifth Grade Level Representative. The Enfield Erdenheim Home and School Partnership is a local, independent, incorporated, nonprofit organization recognized by the IRS as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. PA Tax ID 75-541356
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