Eisenhower Middle & Exceptional Center 7620 Old Big Bend Rd Gibsonton, FL 33534 Phone: 813-671-5121 x 265 Fax: 813-671-5191 Darrell Faber, Principal Ms. Knight, APSA w/Curriculum Mrs. Richman APSA Dr. Peters APSA Jaime Sharitz ESE Specialist Loretta Grande ESE Specialist Student Hours: March 27, 2015 Volume 1, Issue 2 Dear Parents and Guardians, It’s so hard to believe that Spring Break has ended so quickly! It’s now time to begin building and planting our garden. Eisenhower recently received a grant from SEDNET for student incentives, and we have elected to build 4 raised gardening beds to accommodate our students in wheelchairs as well as those who walk. We will also have traditional garden beds as well as strawberry beds in wooden pallets! Construction of the beds will begin this week. One of our paraeducators, Carmine Macedonio (Mr. C), has been hard at work with our students planting seeds in pots so they will be ready to transplant when the time comes. Our hope is to have a vegetable garden that grows and changes every year, allowing our students to experience the realities of where some of our foods come from and how they are grown- not just bought in our stores! We plan to allow all students to sample the different kinds of fruits and vegetables and a variety of preparations- and learn some cooking skills along the way! Monday Early Release 9:00AM—3:12PM Thank you for all the support you give your students! Tuesday—Friday 9:00 AM - 4:14 PM Jaime Sharitz To report your child’s absence Please call 813-671-5121, then press 1 and leave a message. ESE Specialist Thank you. School Board Superintendent of Schools MaryEllen Elia Student Spotlight Acting Superintendent Jeff Eakins Susan L. Valdes, Chair Doretha W. Edgecomb, Vice Chair April Griffin Andrew Lingefelt For being an outstanding student. He is pleasant as a Coffee Shop employee/greeter, has shown great improvement in using PEC'S communication to ask for/access desired items, and is willing to participate in class activities. Sally A. Harris Carol W. Kurdell Olga Benitez For improving her communication skills. Melissa Snively Cindy Stuart Jordan Bostick For modeling good citizenship behaviors. Congratulations to all the students. Visit https://sdhc.edsby.com and register if you haven't already. To register your account, you will need the following information: Student Number Name of Student’s School Last 4 digits of Students Social Security Number Student’s Birthdate Parents/Guardians, Please call the attendance line when your child will be out. When the student returns to school we need a doctors note. Also if the child is attending therapy, we need a doctors note. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Hillsborough County ESE Website http://ese.mysdhc.org Ms. Cruz ESE Classroom News Mrs. Polson’s and Mrs. Trader’s Class The students will begin taking Community Based Instruction trips (CBI) into the local community to such places as movie theaters, stores and restaurants. Our first trip was on February 26th to Sam's Club. These trips are not considered as "field trips". They are designed so that skills learned in the classroom can be practiced in the actual location. Our classes have been studying about the Woodland Indians and the Early Settlers that came to America from Europe. We have also been studying the different types of weather that can occur not only in our state, but across the nation. Black History Month has been discussed in our classes through reading comprehension activities. Other reading comprehension topics for the month have been "Championship Bagger" and "How to Make Maple Syrup". With cold and flu season, please review proper hand washing steps with you child as well as using Kleenex to blow and wipe their noses and coughing into their elbow instead of directly into their hand. We would appreciate contributions of hand sanitizer, Kleenex and antibacterial wipes. ESE Center Classroom News Mr. Rowan’s Class Coffee Bar ESE Garden… Our sunflowers bloomed and we got visitors. Parrots showed up to have a sunflower seed lunch. Dear ESE Parents, Thank you for working with us. Have a great day. April Harley Newsletter Editor: Tammy Garner and Maria Cruz Student Newsletter Editor: April Harley Student Newsletter Editor Dates To Remember April 3 Non Student Day Non Student Day April 17 Report Cards go home Report Cards go home April 20 Progress Reports April 23 Conference Night 5pm—7pm Progress Reports Conference Night 5pm—7pm May 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week May 25 No School Memorial Day June 5 Last Day of School ——————-Teacher Appreciation Week————— No School Memorial Day Look at our classroom door decorations! The Center participated in Black History Door Decorating “His singing.” ~ Mr. Merritt “ He called me Momma Patty and his love” ~ Ms. Patty “ Singing and his smile” “Working math together.” ~ Ms. Kemp “Playing in the ball pit and always being happy and loving.” ~ Ms. Sharitz “SingingthesongBabyBaby” ~ Ms. Patrisha ~Mr.Culmer “Peppermint candy “PlayingintheBallpit.” ~ Caryn ~Mr.Rowan dish last Christmas.” ~ Ms. Polson “He liked to run.” ~ Mr. Jay ~ Mr. Wilson “When he was singing the song Baby Baby Baby and proposed to Ms. Tina.” ~ Mr. Tevin ~ Ms. Trader “Kindhearted and brining cards.” “Always smiling.” ~ Ms. Seely ~ Klarisa “Enjoying the Christmas Party.” ~ Ms. Julie “Good moods, hugs, and kisses” ~ Tiffani “When we were pigging out.” ~ student: Andi “Chinese New Year Luncheon.” ~ Ms. Parsard “Levi was always smiling.” “Wanting to give kisses” ~ Mr. C ~ student: Jasmin Thank you for sharing some our special memories Electronic Newsletter Option If you would like the ESE Newsletter emailed to you, please let us know by filling out the information below and returning it to your teacher. Student Name__________________________________________________ Teacher Name__________________________________________________ Parent Name___________________________________________________ Please check Yes I would like the ESE Newsletter emailed to the address listed below. Email Address____________________________________________________ Upcoming 2015 Sunshine Sunday Dates: Jan 25, Mar 29, May 31, Jul 26, Sep 27, Nov 29 Ques ons? Please contact Kerry Falwell at [email protected] or 813‐443‐3805 h p://glazermuseum.org/events/sunshine‐sunday
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