May (Short Form) - El Capitan District

El Capitan District Newsletter: Roundtable
10212 Stanford Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92840-4828
7:30 P.M. May 14, 2015
Roundtable this month: Following
announcements we will have a
Downhill for Camporee. Make a list
of the Good, Bad, and Ugly.
Cub Scout Breakout will be on the
new books and supporting
documentation released this
Boy Scout Breakout: Resources,
Safety, Outing, Skills, Membership,
Program Features (Camping), Open
Push Cart Derby: Mr. Le Truong
714-655-0925 [email protected]
April 18, 2015 was a great success.
Over 100 youth participated.
Camporee 2015: Creg Reitzel 714776-0426 [email protected]
April 17-19, 2015 at the Firestone
Scout Reservation, was a one of a
kind experience. We had 380 Scouts
participate this year.
Scout-O-Rama: Elsa Torres 714858-3585 [email protected]
May 9, 2015. We are at 139% of
Goal with $22,260 sold. Please turn
in you Camp Card ticket money
Friends of Scouting, we are at 84%
of our Goal. If you work for Boeing,
Toyota Corp., or Wall Mart, they
will donate $10 to FOS for every
hour you report of volunteer with
the BSA.
to 8:00 pm, 2014, St Hedwig Church
3591 Orangewood Ave, Los
Alamitos, CA 92720, and Cost $150,
Early registration (30 days before
camp) save $20, and $5 off if a JTE
Gold Award. To register:
2nd Annual Push Cart Drag Race
and Obstacle Course: June 6, 2015
8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at First
Presbyterian Church, 11832 Euclid
St. Garden Grove. Contact Miguel
Diazleal 714-277-6548 or
[email protected]
Advancement: YTD 14 Eagles, 3 in
Popcorn: Unit Kernel Training on
6/25/15 at OCBSA 7:00 PM, and
8/1/15 at OCBSA 10:00 AM. Kick-Off
8/22/15. Show and Sell orders are
due 9/3/15. More data to follow.
Membership: We are now at 61
Units and 1,070 youth.
Cub Day Camp: Jamie Finnsson 714329-5394, [email protected]
with Orange Frontier: Director
David Barton 714-369-5770
[email protected] July 27
- 31, 2015, Twilight Camp 3:00 pm
Training: Greg Dubois 714-3937381 [email protected]
We are looking to put on Unit
Committee training this summer.
Units will be contacted to schedule
this presentation at your Pack or
Troop Committee meeting.
Woodbadge Fall course
[email protected]
Commissioner Basic Training:
5/16/15 8:30 AM at the Scout Hut
on Truslow Rd. in Fullerton, West of
Harbor Blvd.
Commissioners Dinner: Oct. 15,
2015 location TBD.
El Capitan District Committee:
Chair – George Brietigam III
Vice- Chair – Kris Beard
Vice – Chair – Phat Bui
Commissioner – Pat Ingle
DE Jorge Ruiz De Somocurcio
Activities Chair – Joanna Truong
Adult Awards – Linh Terry
Advancement – Darin McKee
Camping – Vacant
Camporee – Greg Reitzel
Day Camp – Jamie Finnsson
District Dinner - Linh Terry
Eagle Board Chair – Bob Stoltz
Eagle Project Advisor – Marian
Facebook – Debbie Nguyen
FOS LDS Chair – Jeff Trader
Maga Taskozu OA Chapter –
Michael Jensen
Membership – Darlene Wiertzema
Merit Badge Counselors – Robin
Newsletter – Michael Mannix
Popcorn – Pamela Moseid
Roundtable Commissioner –
Jonathan Finnsson
Push Cart Derby – Le Truong
Program – Todd Oishi
Risk Management - Greg Dubois
Scouting for Food – Kathy Fuiava
Scout-O-Rama – Elsa Torres
Training – Greg Dubois
Webmaster – Spencer Cooley
Useful Links:
OCBSA Properties:
Council Office (OCBSA):
1211 E. Dyer Road
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Anaheim Scout Shop:
1501 N Raymond Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
Upcoming Events:
May 14 OA Meeting
May 14 Roundtable
May 30 District Annual Planning
and District Members Training, at
OCBSA, 9:00 AM
June 11 OA Meeting
June 11 Roundtable
June 12-14 OA Ordeal SSRLV
July 9 OA Meeting
July 9 Roundtable
July 13-18 LDS Encampment SSRLV
July 27-31 Cub Day Camp